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Everything posted by Mylar

  1. Pamela Galli wrote: While we're at it, let's declare an end to the worldwide recession. Otherwise it could get worse. Ready? All together now repeat after me: The Recession is Over Now! :smileyvery-happy: Mission Accomplished :matte-motes-big-grin:
  2. Darrius Gothly wrote: However, the customer will need to Agree to the EULA, so at least they'll be better informed what they can and cannot do. This I agree with 100%. Not just to inform purchasers of what they can and can not do, but to make it easier for them. When I shop for full perm animations, I usually have to hunt the thing down. It could be in their profile, a sign in their shop, a notecard some where. It would also save time if, like I suggested earlier, there are standard licenses. Just like when you download software and it has a notice that the software is licensed under GPL, BSD, MIT, etc; I've already read those licenses and know what they say, I don't have to read them again to know what I can do with the software.
  3. I hate to be the one to spoil the party here, as much as I like the idea of setting next owner permissions, I can see two problems with it. One, many full perm items have a license that states you must either set the permission to no copy OR no mod. I use full perm animations in my furniture, which I mostly set to no copy/transfer. Will I know ahead of time if the animations I buy are going to be set the other way around automatically? And think about how this would affect the sales of the animators I buy from. If they don't have animations with "next owner perms" set the way I need them, I simply won't buy from them. The other thing is, I've seen some licenses that allow full perm items to be passed to a single alt, as some people use alts to manage their business (one account for building, the other for handling selling and what not). And then there's group businesses, where items are deeded to a group (and must be full perm to do so), so that everyone gets paid when an item sells. Deeding to a group is considered "next owner" as far as permissions are concerned. So, yeah, I get to be the party pooper here, but these are some things that should be considered.
  4. Awesome. Thanx for the heads up Brooke. and Madeliefste, I fully agree with you on that idea. I don't sell full perm items, but have dealt with microstock outside of SL (both as a creator and a customer) and most have a similar set up. Something that many microstock sites have is a list of standard licenses to choose from. This is very convenient for buying licensed work, cause you eventually learn the standard licenses and can just look at the item and which license it uses and know what you can do with it. Perhaps the MP could have a standard set of licenses to choose from. Just a thought to throw out there.
  5. Rowan Villiers wrote: YAY! I wonder how many creators are going to offer updates to the mesh versions of their creations, the same way previous updates have been provided. Just a thought. I've already started offering some of my newer items in both mesh and sculpty. I also have a couple of sculpty items I'm currently working on that will go out just as sculpty when I finish them. Moving forward I plan to do just mesh and phasing out sculpties from my workflow. But currently I have no plans to revisit old projects. I don't think the majority of shoppers are going to be concerned with what something is made of, as long as it looks nice, is affordable, etc.
  6. Jacki Silverfall wrote: I don't care how it's done as long as I don't have to change all the listings. Can you imagine retyping 100's of listings! And I only have 25. /me hate typing new listings..Grrrr Even if this is the case you wouldn't have to retype every listing. Just edit the existing listings and click the "Edit Associated Object" button.
  7. there are a couple out there but they aren't going to give you what the marketplace does. The only one that really could compete with the market place is gone now (metaverse exchange). They spent a year or better developing it and then vanished. The problem with a competing site is the same problem you get with malls inworld; you can't get good traffic without good content, and you can't get the good designers without good traffic. Metaverse exchange was a good site with a lot of good features, but they just couldn't attract any of the really good designers. Shopping there was a bit of a crapshoot, there just wasn't that much selection. Metaverse exchange failed after just over a year, and they had some pretty good financial backing and a team of very talented developers. And they had implemented many of the features I've seen requested from the market place in this forum, and they were working on some new features when they stopped. Just saying...it's been tried before
  8. Sassy Romano wrote: Multiple storefronts Ability to "partner" with a business partner and cross promote each others products under one brand. A very emphatic "Yes!" to both of these items.
  9. Arwen Serpente wrote: 3) Ability to show color variations from one listing (the related items is excellent for this, but only goes so far). This would also allow listings to be much more consolidated and a shopper will be able to see all variations of the same style on one page. Metaverse Exchange had this when they were up and running. It was a great feature that was used for more than just color variations. I saw it used for providing regular/pro versions of items, attaching demos, and a number of other creative uses of it. And it did clear up a lot of clutter in the listings. It also stopped merchants from releasing a "new" item every day just to keep themselves at the top of the new release list.
  10. One thing that isn't discussed much, but I would like to see is better reporting. Trying to track views and sales and trends on the marketplace is near impossible with the current system. And search terms!!! Telling me an item showed up in search X number of times doesn't help if I don't know what those people were searching for. Tracking on my website looks like this, which lets me know exactly where I need to focus my efforts. Tracking, both in SL and on the marketplace, doesn't even come close to being useful like this.
  11. Madeliefste Oh wrote: Thanks for visiting my store, and thanks for the compliment. I do feel we are pioneering. But I think we are already experts, that is to say in our own little corner of the virtual market. Sometimes I think I have a rather good picture of customer behaviour and marketing in SL, and then sometimes I hear people talking or see things happen and I think: I still have no clue about the secrets of a virtual economy. But what is a kind of obstacle, of so you will challenge, for becoming an expert is that things often change in SL. For example you did get a lot of expertise on how to make your merchandise visible in search, and search is changed. You find out how to advertise in the most profitale way for your brand on Xstreet, and LL changes the system to the marketplace. And you must start again by trial and error finding the best method to give your brand visibility. Or you finally have settled your brand on a nice homestead and LL raises the price with an extra ordinary amount. And every time you must be flexible to these changes. It's often a matter of adept or die. Those kind of thing will happen in the future as well. For example the function of in world groups might change with the new network system LL is implementing. People who have invested years in building up a group or groups might find negative effects from this. Then you can have a lot of expertise on 'how to grow my group' but if the system no longer support the current form of groups, you must be flexible to translate your expertise to the new system. Adapt or die. (I don't know enough yet about this new system to predict the influence it will have on SL groups, I was just thinking of an example of something that might happen). Mesh is a change that will influence the market as well. Some will win customers because of mesh, some will loose customers because of mesh. I think it is very important to stay informed about changes and to be flexible enough to use the expertise you already have to do what is best for your enterprise in a changing world. Because some knowlegde you have gained can be worthless tomorrow, but other knowledge you have gained will still be usefull in ten years. This is why I was so surprised that every one so adamantly dismissed the new profile feed out of hand. Personal feelings about facebook aside, it's a multi million dollar market that LL is trying to tap into. and if they manage it, I plan to snag a piece of that pie
  12. Gadget Portal wrote: Mylar wrote: as the company that's hosting the content, if LL receives a DMCA notice they are legally required to take action. Otherwise they can be charged as an accessory to what is essentially a crime. For the most part, LL wants to remain neutral in resident to resident disputes, but in this case they can't. Hosting content on their servers to commit fraud with also makes them an accessory to what is a crime. My guess is it has something to do with DMCA documenting it before going to court, whereas fraud, you'd have to go to court first, and LL thinks not many people will do that over the microtransactions... This I don't know. I'm not a legal expert. But I can almost guarantee that LL has a team of legal experts. And they're going to do the absolute minimum necessary to cover their own assets. The law requires their involvement in one instance, and not in another. So that's what they do. Beyond that I don't have the answer
  13. as the company that's hosting the content, if LL receives a DMCA notice they are legally required to take action. Otherwise they can be charged as an accessory to what is essentially a crime. For the most part, LL wants to remain neutral in resident to resident disputes, but in this case they can't.
  14. I've seen a lot of comments about people having better sales on the marketplace than they have inworld. I know LL is really pushing the marketplace, and I read the financial report and see that the marketplace is growing in sales. Oddly enough, although I haven't run all the numbers, I seem to be doing better inworld than on the marketplace.
  15. when you purchase full perm items, what you're actually purchasing is a limited use license. This really isn't anything new, just look at sites like shutterstock, turbosquid, renderosity, dreamstime, etc etc etc. Those sites have licenses for the products they sell, and you're bound by those licenses whether you read them or not. Some have multiple licenses that a creator can choose from, some have mulitple licenses you can purchase at different prices. For example, if I'm using an image in a website, I would need a single use license, but if I'm building a wordpress theme I intend to sell, I need a multi use license (usually more expensive). As to the question. If I sell you an item, and it turns out that item doesn't work or isn't what I advertised, you can only take legal action against me. LL can not be held accountable for my underhanded behavior. If I buy a full perm item from you and violate the terms of the license, in that case LL can be dragged into any legal action you might take. I'm not entirely sure of the "wheres" and "whyfors" behind this, but that's the gist of why LL gets involved with DMCA disputes between residents.
  16. Amore Melodie wrote: Yes packing my products for the first time, and yes they are textures/photos. I have a logo, but I was trying to find some sort of box/crate that looked slightly open. I'm not entirely sure how to build one. So looking up sculpt maps. But yuh, I forgot about the simple open feature. I just assumed to use a script, since you just click on the box and it unpacks. But I see that the packaging doesn't really matter? As long as you have a good product.(?) When you edit the box, halfway down the edit window on the General tab is the "Click to: " option with a drop down box next to it. Select "Open" from the drop down box. That will give you a "click to open" box without scripts. cheers
  17. I use virwox (https://www.virwox.com/) and am quite happy with them. The money is usually in my paypal account within an hour.
  18. Yes, it was annoying to have the feature yanked without warning. Yes, there could have been some fore warning (all I ever heard was that mesh was on 30% of the grid and being rolled out). I really didn't understand what being on a RC server means, it's just what I happen to be on. That said, it's only a couple weeks till LL plans to roll it out to the whole grid. I can wait that long. I have a todo list as long as my arm, so it's not like I'm going to be sitting around all that time. So I just yanked out all my mesh items and went back to sculpties for the time being.
  19. Deej Kasshiki wrote: What Ansariel said! :matte-motes-grin: Turns out that intentional impersonation wasn't the big deal we thought it would be. Instead we have annoying stuff like this, or my pet peeve, trying to make out a string of funky unicode characters and deciding what to call the avatar underneath it. When I see that I just call them "hieroglyphs". Then there's the people who think they're being cute by having their display name upside down (yeah, I'm looking at you, Oskar LInden :matte-motes-tongue: )
  20. Someone I met recently wanted to show me something she had built on her private land. She IM'd me and told me that she added me to the access list and then logged off. I had to wait till she came back on to tell her that she had used my display name, and had given a complete stranger access to her private lot.
  21. Haveit, you only have three items on your market place page, and your inworld store (which is very nicely done BTW), looks more like a show piece than a store. I was rather confused on what was for sale and what was for show. At this point it would not be worth while for you to pay for an enhanced listing. As others have pointed out, the purpose of an enhanced listing is not to sell that particular item, but to make people aware that you're in business. Those who click on a featured item rarely buy the item listed, but check you out to see what else you have. They're looking because they like your style more than the particular item. If they visit your shop, either on the market place or inworld, and find out you have nothing, they'll go elsewhere. So don't worry about enhanced listings right now, just focus on building. What you have is great, you just need more of it.
  22. Thank you Darrius. I never know from one forum to the next if you use HTML, BBcode, or some other esoteric system to get links and pics into a signature.
  23. Although I plan to do up a little banner eventually, and even work on changing my badge, it's really a low priority. I don't expect to get any real traffic from the forums. I enjoy the discussions, and you're all wonderful people, but when you get right down to it, you're all my competitors (or peers depending on how you look at it:matte-motes-bashful-cute-2:). So I really don't see the forums as a good place to focus on drumming up business.
  24. Leeza Catteneo wrote: I just test uploaded a simple item made of 6 sculpties which is 960 PE as mesh I think thats funny. Does mesh really challenge the servers or so that much harder than sculpty vertices do? What is a reasonable PE for accessoires anyways? It would depend on the item and modeling skillz and the way you achive your goal. But what would be like an average and a maximum PE which would be acceptable for the SL community? Any ideas? =D Leeza so you uploaded the actual sculpties as meshes? Sculpties use a lot of unnecessary faces. I have a 6 prim sculpty item that I was able to get to 3 PE with mesh (and it looks better than the sculpty one).
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