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Syo Emerald

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Everything posted by Syo Emerald

  1. As I read the first 2-3 pages of this thread I thought: What in the world let someone worry about it? I live in a little house on a small, but nice piece of land. I can close my windows or colour them dark, if I want. No one who is living near my house will look inside by mistake. And I don't know why anyone should be interested in looking inside (except to see my lovly decorated rooms :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:). Most of the time I'm not at home and even in the times I'm there, you won't see any special or exciting. I hang around, enjoying my place or change my outfit. Only 0,1% of my time there could you see me using some "cuddle and more" poseballs, I guess. Every stalker would just die because of boredom. :matte-motes-whistle: So thats why I don't think that there a many people trying to look permanently inside the houses of strangers. And if you have a real stalker....it isn't a house-only-problem and has nothing to do with the generel privacy of a house. Ok.....and know, where is the problem again?
  2. He said he is online around 5pm SL time.....thats 2am in Europe In the middle of the week not the best time to find easily friends.
  3. "Beibringen" wirst du deinem Avatar nichts können, aber wenn du in einem Club tanzen möchtest, dann halte Ausschau nach sogenannten Danceballs, die sich meistens an der Decke befinden. Klicke einen davon an und dir wird eine Anfrage gestellt, ob du deinen Avatar animiert haben möchtest. Beantworte sie mit ja und dein Avatar beginnt zu tanzen. Ebenso verbreitet sind anklickbare Tanzflächen, die genau so funktionieren wie die Bälle. Manchmal kannst du sogar zwischen einem ganzen Menü an Tänzen wählen. Eine andere, aber teilweise sehr kostspielige Alternative sind sogenannte Huds, die einem selbst und anderen ermöglichen überall und zu jeder Zeit zu tanzen. Diese jetzt aber komplett zu erklären sprengt den Platz dann aber hier Solltest du einmal in einem Club nichts entdecken können um zu tanzen, frag am besten im chat oder schreibe einen Angestellten des Clubs an, ob er dir erklären kann wie du dort tanzen kannst. Übrigens finde ich Antworten made by google translator wenig verständlich.
  4. You should definitly write the SL time, when you are around. Since there are people from all over the world in SL you can find someone to hang out with at every time, no matter if its night at your place
  5. Thanks for putting this great list together for us. I just visited the first place an your list yet. Really an emotional place. You can get a free titel there with a name of one who lost life at that day to remind the world on him or her.
  6. Yes IYC is always very full. It needs sometimes more than 20 minutes before I can see everyone there.
  7. Wasn't watersoul something about escorts? :smileyindifferent: A place where I sometimes go is the Ark. Its not everytime full of people, but if yes its easy to find someone to talk to.
  8. Manche Leute sind eben mit Dummheit gestraft und merken es nicht einmal Mach dir nichts aus solchen Leuten, die meiner Meinung nach die eigentlichen Rassisten sind. Es gibt viele andere schöne Sims, die du besuchen kannst und sollte dich die Person weiterhin beschimpfen, dann ist muten wohl das effektivste. Haben deine dunkelhäutigen Freunde, die du erwähntest, mal versucht der Person zu erklären, dass sie die einzige ist, die sich gerade aufregt und es eigentlich kein Problem gibt?
  9. AnthroXtacy as best catmakers? Definitly no. If I look at my cat at home, he hasn't a head like a balloon. There are many better cats out there in my opinion.
  10. Thinks more a problem when you have male avatar than having a female. A female avatar is easier to be seen as an adult and many men like a female avatar that is smaller than their own avatar....it more a thing about being called cute instead of too short.
  11. I would solve the problem by using fantasynames. There are some nice namegenerators for them And they sound more creative and interesting to me.
  12. Its simple, but maybe a beard would help, besides trying to dress in adultlooking clothes and the right bodyproportions.
  13. You are everything, but not funny, Wildcat. :smileyindifferent:
  14. Now, I found it (was a little diffcult, cause I'm also using my native language viewer version). I was able to remove the texture from the prim and to set it full transperent. Hope that will look normal for everybody Thank you all for the help, I'm now also member of the avatar modding group with was mentioned here.
  15. I always clicked the leg in the past 3 hours and I also know where to find edit...but out of your description I can't see how to exactly just select the invisi prim. Like I said, I always have the whole leg and see no option to just get the prim selected.
  16. Hello, hope to find help here from someone who maybe as this avatar too. I brought yesterday one of these avatars (a nice looking zebra with rainbowstripes and black fur), but I feel a little betrayed and helpless now. Its not an old avatar but it only uses Invisible prims in its legs and hooves. I searched for a solution and finally got some alpha layers that may can do the job instead of the prims. But now....another big problem rise I can't select the invisible prims no matter where I try to click them. I have always the whole leg. Do anyone an idea how to catch this damn prims? It dosen't look like I'm gonna get help form the avatar maker.....send him an IM, but dosen't get any answer. Should I try a notecard or is it hopeless to get some help from the people who make the avatar? (to all who don't know why I don't want invisible prims, since I updated to viewer 2.8 I can't use them anymore)
  17. Are you serious Cat? Not all of us are great at modding, especially if the avatar is not made for throwing the invisible prims away. And buying something more modern?! I hust want to kick you at the moment....I brought an avatar which was made last year. Isn't that modern enough for you? And if I had known that there is no alpha layer I wouldn't have brought it.....but now its to late...and I'm sitting here, trying to find an alpha layer and to catch those damn prims. And yes, I'm angry.
  18. Und wenn das alles nichts hilft...... Ich hatte mal einen kleinen roten Begleiterdrachen versehentlich auf einer fremden Sim zurückgelassen und konnte ihn aber dort nicht mehr an seinem letzten Standort ausfindig machen. Das arme kleine Ding hat dann ständig um Abholung gebeten, obwohl ich ihn nicht finden konnte. Letztendlich hat mir dann der Simbesitzer geholfen. Er hat meinen Drachen zurücksenden können. Also wenn alle Stricke reißen....irgendwem wird die Sandbox ja gehören, vielleicht kann er helfen? (da ja die Autoreturnfunktion nicht richtig zu arbeiten scheint)
  19. Grendel's was a good tip. Now I am a flying toaster! But I will keep my eyes open....maybe the perfect jello avatar is just behind the next corner
  20. Oh that sounds good. Never build anything before...but it sounds kina easy....hope I can make it look like the one in the video. And the voice....well I think it sounds fun But getting fruits and bubbles inside could be complicated.
  21. I have some different avatars and normaly I can find what I want easy. But now, I fand somekind of avatar that is hart to search for alone and with no informations where to go. I want something that isn't female or male. Best thing is if it is not alive. It shouldn't look ugly, it can be cute but not sexy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9ED64ymtZs At 3:11 is an avatar that would be perfect...if some giant mountain of jello really exists :O Hope someone can help with that search!
  22. Many have that problem (if maybe all have it) at the moment. But try again and again every couple of minutes. I tried to log in just minutes ago and it finally worked for me.
  23. I had that problem with my own house and solved it with the one who gave it to me. I replaced the old doors with new doors and after that I could open them.
  24. Hope they fix it soon. I do a search for a funny avatar I saw....need the marketplace! :< I can't even search for things. But good to hear I'm not the only one.
  25. Frage dich zunächst was du eigentlich möchtest. Heißt im Klartext: 1. Möchtest du echtes Geld gegen Lindendollar tauschen? 2. Möchtest du in Second Life einen Job annehmen? (Dazu sollte dir deine Aufgabe im Job vorrangig Spaß machen, da die Einnahmen einen nicht zum Superreichen machen werden) :smileywink: 3. Wenn du 2.) mit ja beantwortest, überlege dir was du gerne arbeiten möchtest und suche nach entsprechenden Jobangeboten. Hilfreich ist einmal das Forum, Anfragen direkt ingame oder der Beitritt einer Jobagenturengruppe. 4. Natürlich gibt es auch die Leute, die sich mit dem Bauen von Sachen was dazuverdienen. Dazu brauchst du aber in den meisten Fällen ordentlich Know How und ein Startkapital, um anfallende Entwicklungs- und Vertriebskosten zu decken. Und zu deinen verschwundenen Inventarsachen: Fang früh an dir eigene Ordner zu basteln. Am besten nach Themen sortiert, z.B. Abendkleider, Haare, Hosen. In diesen Ordnern kannst du dann noch Unterordner reinsetzen, für Haare würden sich die entsprechenden Farben eignen. Die momentan verschwundenen Sachen könnten sich, versteckt in Boxen, auch im Ordner "Objekte" tummeln. Hast du da schon mal reingesehen?
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