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Everything posted by Mayalily

  1. Strawberry Singh wrote: Do you dress your av the same way? Did you make your av look like you? My av is kind of similar to me, but I think a lot prettier. I do tend to stick with the darkers skins and darker hair like I have in RL. How about you? The Avi I have now looks almost exactly like me when I was 25 and anorexic, although air-brushed, but I was blessed with beautiful skin and rarely even had a zit in my whole life. Eye color is different, but it's me, reliving my past me, and I am not anorexic any longer. So, my avi is me in the past, not the present. And, to the OP, if you look like that in rl, you should go for modeling. It pays quite well. p.s. I have a new machine in which my old photoshop does not work, so I have no pics of my current avi as I need to get a new photoshop program, but money doesn't grow on trees.... As far as dressing my avi, when I am human, it's similiar to about 40% of items I have in my rl wardrobe. The other 60% of my wardrobe is more fantasy or would cost hundreds for just one outfit in rl. lol Whereas, in SL, I can dress to the nines for a few dollars.
  2. Chelsea Malibu wrote: I'm thinking it time to separate the forums out to one being free classifieds and the other being for discussions and information. Anyone else thinking this? I value that everyone needs a place to post information but these boards are really starting to look more and more like just classified where only specific categories can advertise where for the rest of us, it's a spam violation. Just my two cents I think the merchants should JIRA (is that what it's called?) for a SALE EVENTS subforum. I love sales events and wouldn't consider that spam. Also, discussions 'may' have a lull at this time of year as people are out Holiday shopping and/or wrapping and/or packing for traveling, etc.
  3. Linden Lab wrote: Share your favorite songs here. I love the Celtic influenced station I have playing in my SL house. Enya, Loreena McKennit, etc. I find Enya especially inspiring. She is an amazing artist and Enya has always had a creative influence on me. Loreena McKennit also. I think creation comes from more than just our mind. I believe the true creative experience lives in the spirit, in the light within us. ETA: A link. I found this version of Jimi Hendrix's "Little Wing" because of SL. This version is by a group called "The Corrs" and I think this is a beautiful version of "Little Wing".
  4. Peggy Paperdoll wrote: I must have kissed the right Linden years ago........that doesn't happen to me (never has either). That file opening thing happened to me on FS beta I think it was. Well, one of the viewers I currently don't use any more used to do that. Knowl and I posted at the same time, but my one idea that would make SL better would be to have everyone age, address, phone number, etc identified no matter what their age with an appropriate ID such as social security number. This still won't prevent a youngin from stealing Grandma's identity. It could help, but that's only a 'could'. ETA: p.s. Since that's only a 'could' to stop identity theft and especially by the underaged, instead of making everyone go premium with a charge, perhaps an alternative could be a $5.00 dollar start up fee? Charge to start, then they can go free and make their own things, etc.
  5. Knowl Paine wrote: Like most Residents, I have plenty of my own ideas about how to fix Second Life. If you could make 1 change in SL to improve SL; what would you change? I welcome replies from other Residents who wish to share a thought, or idea, or concept, or change to improve SL. (if you have more than one idea, I wrote this for you. It's ok to post them) :smileyhappy: .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Well..., my idea, ok then. Where is that idea? It's around here somewhere.The inner workings of Second Life are very complex, fyi. I would change the currency and create 2 types of L$. One could be withdrawn, the other could not. Both would be valid for Inworld use. This would allow for the option to offer a Stipend to All Residents. The stipend could be very small for basic membership. Starting with nothing is very difficult for any person.:matte-motes-smile: What would you change? Have everyone be age verified no matter what their age. Or create a separate "game" called Teen Life for an example of a name. I think the internet itself needs to change before SL could be "better". Such as having websites rated Adult, Pg or G on the actual website and then for the internet to have Adult, Pg and G rated browsers, with Adult browsers needing age verification also. Also, where an internet business starts, the internet laws should be regulated according to that jursidication. Such as SL, California, thus residents should be bound to California internet law. Tougher laws needed for identify theft also for the underaged or any age or type of identity misuse. Again, the internet itself would have to be better imo for SL to be better.
  6. Peggy Paperdoll wrote: I always have a hard time understanding these, seemingly, constant statements about Second Life being a failure. A failure by who's definition? A failure, to me, means it's gone.....relegated to the trash heap. But SL is still here 8 years later. Sure it might (and, for many, is) a failure if it does not meet your needs. That can be said of many thingsk.....iPhone, for example, it doesn't meet my personal needs but it certainly is not a failure. The problem I see is that SL is too open ended. Philip Rosedale designed it that way on purpose. His "vision" was a platform that allowed almost anything people could dream up (within legal and technical limits, of course). To do such a thing required something that had never been done before....a dynamic 3D virtual world that changes infinitately. A virtual world where almost every object, item, script that make up the world is user created (limited, again, only by the users' imagination and technology available). The hardware required to make such a world is anything but "average" (and the only hardware Linden Lab has control over is the hardware they own.....the rest is hardware that the user owns). So another aspect of this "vision" is that the user needs some technical knowledge to succeed in whatever it is that they want of SL. All that made SL appealing to a pretty small niche group (the average Internet user does not have the knowledge or the hardware necessary to get much at all from SL........that's still true today, in my opinion). That's why many might see SL as a failure......it's a failure because they don't know enough to get the most out of SL and/or they don't have the hardware necessary. But that doesn't make SL a failure. It only narrows the market that LL appeals to. That's also why LL has had such difficulty attracting "sponsorship".........the sponsors may get it but the requirements of the users don't so they are hesitant to invest (not enough return on that investment). And, still, I don't see that as defining SL as a failure.....evidently the niche is enough to sustain LL's efforts (how else could SL still exist?). If your definition of failure is SL not being what you think it should be then, for you, it probably is a failure. If you came to SL wanting to make your first $1,000,000 then it's likely you failed........not SL, but you the user. The platform is designed in such a way that a user can achieve that million dollars but LL is not going to help you beyond providing the platform and tools for you to use. I sometimes get the impression that for SL not to fail in many people's minds SL has to evolve into somthing much simpler. Something anyone can use without any technical knowledge or skill. Something like Facebook........which we all profess to loathe. Facebook is not a failure.......but the niche market is certainly larger than SL's so it's easier to say it's a success over SL. But, really, is it? I don't think so. It's all in what you define as failure. One fo the basic definitions of "failure" is: nonperformance of something due, required, or expected: a failure to do what one has promised; a failure to appear. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/failure I don't think that applies to Second Life. Oh, I also wanted to add I do not think SL is a failure. What I meant by no sponsorship is it causes the virtual land prices to be too high and thus so many close sims. However, a thread just started that tier prices are going down 40% just after I had written the no sponsorship reason in my post. You have an interesting and logical point about sponsorship in that sponsors may only go for a stable 2D platform for all the average pc and laptop users. However, SL has Marketplace, but many residents and merchants feel that MP is unstable also. However, I love MP and I do not work for LL either. lol I just happen to love the time MP saves me. However, resident creators are giving free advertising to many products instead of the products helping them make their tier. Perhaps one day it could work the other way around...? Yet I still don't see SL as a failure, but I'm sure their prices have gone down due to lack of sponsorship. Also, they could have gone for adult entertainment sponsors, but bringing teens into SL would scare those sponsors in the adult entertainment world away. SL is thriving as it is, but obviously prices just feel through the floor for LL NOT the residents, that is. I am also just a resident, too. Just stating my opinion from a business perspective.
  7. Randall Ahren wrote: Check out this question at Quora: What is the main reason for Second Life's failure to meet industry and media expectations made during its 2006-2007 hype era? If you click on the question, it takes you to the answer with most votes. At present, the answer with the most votes is by Gary Wisniewski, the founder of treet.tv. According to him, LL has enough profit to survive and maintain its niche market, "but not enough revenue potential or strong enough management to take the daring moves needed to reinvent themselves and move to the next level" (quoting his VC friend). Hat tip to New World Notes I'd have to venture a guess and say lack of sponsor's (as in advertisment) as the main reason. If LL had sponsor's, the "land" would then become within a rational price range. With internet TV on the horizon, sponsorship seems what is logical to me, but LL doesn't seem to think that way, and it is very tough to make it in this economy or any economy without sponsorship.
  8. Pussycat Catnap wrote: Mayalily wrote: Are they going to create a new viewer for this as logically, I'd suspect so. A viewer with two spaces on the bottom to add in a last name? I ask because I am on a early version of V3 that has the IM's at the bottom. If this add a last name viewer has IM's on the top right (which I cannot see without craning and hurting my neck), I won't be able to get a last name then. And also, FS said it was DONE, so is FS going to add a space to add a last name or wha? There's no reason IMs need to be in one corner or another. V3 lets you drag em all around - because again, nothing really requires something like to be in a certain spot other than what would be bad design. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Oh, thank you for letting me know that! That is vital information I didn't know about. I was thinking that they may have stuck the IM's at the top now because internet TV is here. I may have internet TV some time next year. I also know of one sim now that I often go to that just announced last week they are on internet TV. See, I was thinking with internet TV, we get to stand up sometimes and watch and move, and having IM's at the top of the screen would be easier to read. I'm so glad to know we can move the IM's around, and that is probably for people who will be going from internet TV, to laptop, to pc, etc. Good suitability factor to be able to move IM's around with internet TV soon to become all the rage.
  9. Orca Flotta wrote: Hey hey peeps, sorry for my bad knowledge of the english language but I guess I've done well enough not to be so completely misunderstood. I didn't blame the game in itself, it might be fun. I didn't blame LL for making and showcasing it. As they say themself it's just supposed to show the possibilities of the new building tools. But you can't honestly refuse to see how diametrical opposed it is to the lab's original policy to just provide the servers,and the code. As someone suggested, yes, I'd prefer they let us loose in a "grey world" (which in fact isn't grey at all, but green and blue). So we've gotta use our own imagination to build this world. And to answer another question, yes, I don't mind doing my thing just for myself and my niche. Join in or leave it be ... meh. I dodn't get the point of that "my world, my imagination" argument. So it's now terribly egoistical to take LL by their initial slogan? If there hadn't been any ppl who did exactly that we'd all still be running around naked with the old mesh hair and bad noob skins, we'd had no houses, no vehicles, no dance clubs, no RP, no pretty sims, no nothing. And what was "whinny" in my post? I noticed a logical error in the OP and pointed it out is all I did. The best was the last one: what makes you think I should get into any seasonal spirit? I'm not a christian but try my best to stay in my usual silly spirit all year long. It's hard to get any wintery feelings at all when you're living in the southern hemisphere. Sorry but it's best beach weather here. So this all falls under my general criticism of SL turning from a world of makers to a consumers market, from a niche market for virtual world geeks into a facebookish mainstream application. And LL proactively (and understandable from a business pov) is a driving force in the dumbing down and neglecting of it's very own and very original product. Linden Homes and V2 are just examples of how they try to lower the hurdles for new customers by making the life of all the older residents more miserable. You don't have to be a Christian to count your blessings and/or visit a homeless shelter, as they exist year 'round. I think Jenny was simply making an analogy. However, you are entitled to your opinion and you are entitled to express your opinion. I would love some sims that are supported by LL that invole some strategies and a reward system, and I've been thinking this all along. LR seems at least a start in that direction.
  10. LiveReport wrote: In a statement made on Second Life Profile Feeds (a.k.a. SLums) Rodvik Linden announced that last names will most likely being coming back early next year. Quote: “Last names under active discussion. We are trying to figure out how to do it in a way which would be excellent rather than just okay.” This is one reporter that hopes the option of having the last name “Report” is one of the excellent features. The Report Post: https://my.secondlife.com/rodvik.linden/posts/4ee6a8320d42770001000e53 SLums Feedback on Post: https://my.secondlife.com/livereport/posts/4ee6d10d0d42770001002359 Are they going to create a new viewer for this as logically, I'd suspect so. A viewer with two spaces on the bottom to add in a last name? I ask because I am on a early version of V3 that has the IM's at the bottom. If this add a last name viewer has IM's on the top right (which I cannot see without craning and hurting my neck), I won't be able to get a last name then. And also, FS said it was DONE, so is FS going to add a space to add a last name or wha?
  11. jennylongview Innovia wrote: Relax.. that sounded a little whinny.. Take it for what it is this holiday season. count your blessing and work at a homeless shelter and see what they complain about..\ thank you Right on, Jenny. As far as LR, I think it's a bit of genius, and I wish they had that when I joined! People need to be involved in the creativity SL has to offer, or they will bore of it very quickly as SL lacks any strategies. LL needs to create more environments with strategies. What they should do is create "the poor" realms and let people have a strategy to work towards 'something' and with a strategy. LR seems to fit that criteria, somewhat, but I've been saying this all along for LL to create some sims themselves and give us some strategies, not just slapping on clothes and a dance animation as anyone can do that. SL needs some sims with strategies and a place to meet some goals.
  12. Sassy Romano wrote: Mayalily wrote: However, I have had so little failure, I find these threads to try to point out how awful and dreadful Marketplace as utter exaggeration, and I was running a computer under spec for at least six months! And, still got hundreds and hundreds of items from MP just fine. If some people are experiencing a little trouble now, I'd say it's most likely on their end as it's Christmas shopping season and there is a lot of internet traffic. It's that time of year when broadband gets very congested no matter what, and every thing is slow to respond for me right now on the net. Mayality, let me just explain something. When Marketplace delivers, it sends a message to an inworld prim, the merchants "Magic Box". That box then uses an LSL script function called llGiveInventory to send the object from object to avatar. There is no response to indicate that this is received and since it's an object to avatar transaction, if the recipient is not in world and they have IM's capped or busy mode set, there will be an immediate loss with no information given to the Magic Box that this failed. Also, when this transaction happens, IT DOESN'T COME TO YOUR HOME PC! It's an entry in a database at LL that is a reference in your inventory that you have access to the object. Your local inventory is just a cached view of what the LL database knows you to have so broadband speed, time of year being Christmas and the performance of your PC have nothing to do with the success of MP influencing a change to a database table at LL. Further, as a customer, you have a polarised view of transactions. As long as they work for you, then all is good and frankly it's good that you've had that experience. A merchant has a different view, they get to see ALL of the transactions through their process and can then see which fail and which do not. Only this morning, I had yet another IM from a cusotmer with a failed delivery and when it says in the MP orders page "DELIVERY FAILED" that's pretty clear, no argument at all. Next, try buying from MP between the hours of 5.30am to 12.30pm on any day of your choice. There's a systematic delay due to "something" that is clearly on a scheduled task basis within LL. Every single day during those hours, MP delays are between 1 to 2 hours and here's the problem with that, above llGiveInventory?... If the customer gets bored waiting and has to log out. If their IM's cap, that delivery is lost even though MP has "sent". No confirmation of delivery remember. So do please take a moment to appreciate that merchants have a different view of the operation and faults of the marketplace. That's why the favorites section is there. Just log into viewer, clear your IM's, check out and log back in. People have to use their brain to save time and money; you can store in your favorites of which I have tons, and then can go back and chose those items when I get the money. Marketplace is pure genius that way, but people need to yes use their noodle and use logic, such as clear IM's. I haven't experienced problems early in the morning until two weeks ago and SLT is my time as I live in California. For the past two days I have had no early morning delivery problems. It seemed resolved to me two days ago. SL is flooded with designer's; it's called over-saturation. With every one seller who leaves, there are 50 more waiting in the wings to take your place, so ask for a HAVING A SALE SECTION as a subforum. The over-saturation here is similiar to eBay when eBay got over-flooded with sellers. You either succeed or you don't, but I do resent someone insinuating that it is our responsibility to care about people's pixel tiers when real life people need food and clothing. If you are on the internet and on SL, I assume you are doing far, far better than those people. I also remember at Christmas time us seller's couldn't even log into eBay as the site would constantly go down because the website was flooded and seller's couldn't even log into eBay. I supose it's true that SL wouldn't be as flooded as eBay or Amazon at Christmas-time, but still SL is not working that well in the viewer and sound keeps cutting out for everyone on SL; we assume it's due to a lot of internet traffic this time, which is quite logical. Problems with sound on every sim for two weeks, same amount of time as MP problems (which could be completely unrelated). But, still there are very easy ways to make MP checkout work as stuff can be stored in your favorites, and then when the time is right, checkout, and voila! Done, that was easy. If they are changing from magic boxes, I just hope it doesn't take them that long to fix as it did for them to create a viewer, which as months! (Understatement) You are dealing with an over-saturated market, so network to try to increase sales by asking for a subforum where you can run your sales events.
  13. Dresden Ceriano wrote: Mayalily wrote: Dresden Ceriano wrote: Mayalily, sweety... you can't expect to criticize someone else's behavior and not expect them to turn around and criticize yours right back. In other words, don't dish it out unless you can take it. ...Dres You are the name caller Dres. I cannot help you see that, you need to see and realize that on your own. Try taking the mote out of your eye so you can see. It's not my responsibility to care. ...Dres Figures. They say a leopard cannot change it's spots. A name caller you are, so a name caller you will remain. I should have expected such from you as you are a two-faced very strange person.
  14. Dresden Ceriano wrote: Mayalily, sweety... you can't expect to criticize someone else's behavior and not expect them to turn around and criticize yours right back. In other words, don't dish it out unless you can take it. ...Dres You are the name caller Dres. I cannot help you see that, you need to see and realize that on your own. Try taking the mote out of your eye so you can see.
  15. Pamela Galli wrote: Mayalily wrote: All in all I've ordered over 10,000 items from Marketplace... Wow. I was under the impression that you had been shopping in SL less than a year. In order to buy 10,000 items from the MP in one year, you would have to buy on avg. more than 27 items a day, 7 days a week. I imagine that must have taken quite a lot of your time! A lot of items come in a folder. I said I have over 10,000 items now, not I've made 10,000 purchases. However, I have had so little failure, I find these threads to try to point out how awful and dreadful Marketplace as utter exaggeration, and I was running a computer under spec for at least six months! And, still got hundreds and hundreds of items from MP just fine. If some people are experiencing a little trouble now, I'd say it's most likely on their end as it's Christmas shopping season and there is a lot of internet traffic. It's that time of year when broadband gets very congested no matter what, and every thing is slow to respond for me right now on the net. @ Dres, you see just about every truth as trollish, which I find sad. However, your trolling Dres and especially about Vampires, you cannot see in yourself, which is sad, but it's not my problem either. Take care of your own mote, Dres. Expecting delays and even problems with the viewer will be pare for the course with Christmas internet traffic in your neighborhood. Luckily, I am able to get to Marketplace when most people are still sleeping in my neighborhood. As far as failures, I have none to complain about. If people try to check out at heavy traffic times on the net, they might just run into some problems as it is every year this time of year. It is not a resident's responsibility to care about who is making tier or not. I have my own rl problems and rl people to care about, and people's tier on the net ain't it. If you can't compete in this business, find another job then. ETA: @ Marcus -- I do not believe that Marketplace is hurting sales. What has been going on for about a month or so is people are creating their own clothes. I know at least 50 people currently making their own clothes. People don't have much money right now, but if you leave, there are 50 people I know either getting ready to try to go professional as designers, or are simply making their own amateur clothing as money is very tight so people are making their own stuff. Don't put the blame on those who prefer and have great success with power shopping on Marketplace for you being unable to pay tier. Be aware that many people are making their own clothes now. To suggest I should shop inworld to help people make tier is ludicrous. I will shop as I like period.
  16. Simerion wrote: Mayalily, I have to say that your post is possibly the rudest that I have seen on these boards up until now. Really? Because it doesn't happen to you it doesn't exist? Breathtaking... The marketplace has problems. Congratulations on your 9,998 long streak of successful deliveries. Perhaps next time we are both inworld I can stand next to you and have some of your luck rub off. Maybe you could IM the many, many other whiners, tale tellers and fabulists who also believe the marketplace has problems and perhaps you could bestow your luck on all of us. Sorry if my post is not ok, but your attitude is absolutely not ok. Um-hum, and almost all the people I know inworld are happily shopping on Marketplace, along with the OP never returning. Sounds like the person received their stuff. I have been shopping on Marketplace from the beginning and will continue to do so, and will continue to care about the people in real life who are sick and the people who need food. I gave you merchants a good business suggestion and it is too ASK FOR A SALE SUBFORUM. You don't lay guilt trips on people if your business is failing. People on Marketplace got it going on if you ask me, and just about everyone I know is doing fine with MP. If you don't like the truth about someone trying to lay guilt trips on the forum residents and who doesn't know HOW to run a business and compete in the business world as not our problem, then I can't help you people. Either ask for a sale subforum or get with the Marketplace program. If you are having failure after failure, I'd say something is wrong on your end and you'd better check your machine. I had tons on deliveries with two failures while running a computer under spec for at least six months, so you'd better check you machine or shop inworld. However, someone's tier is not MY problem and never will be. End of that discussion, as it never will be MY problem. Go start a business elsewhere if you can't make it here. Don't whine to me. I have real life problems and people who need help.
  17. Marcus Hancroft wrote: Mayalily wrote: Naw, not for me, sorry. It's not my responsibility to help pay some creator's rent or tier. I have a real life full of many interest, sl being just one of them. I love Marketplace and will continue to use it for at least 80% of my purchases as it is a huge time saver for me. It is very easy to see most of the items creator's have for sale on the MP, you just hit VISIT THE STORE and the other items the creator is selling are right there. Why would I want to go teleporting all over the place if say I like 10 different items from 10 different creators. Why should I spend all that time getting each slurl, telporting around, waiting for all those items to rez. I enjoy a very full real life, and I enjoy MP as one of my favorite and time saving passtimes. Again, it is not my responsibility to help a creator pay their tier. ETA: If you want people to shop inworld, then give them a good reason, such as buy 3 items, get the 4th for free. You're going to have to make it worth my while to give up MY FREE TIME. Why on Earth should I give up my free time and my real life for a creator I don't even know? Make it worth my while, and I will go to your inworld shop. Time is precious, and it is my own responsibility to create my life's happiness. It is NOT my responsibility to help along a creator's happiness. Real life stores are offering all kinds of sales right now and I am power shopper for deals in real life anyhow, so make it worth my while to give up my free time to shop inworld, such as the free offer I suggested above. Otherwise, the responsibility of other's people's happiness and paying their rent is NOT any part of my responsibility, and I somewhat resent the suggestion of such. To which my answer would be NO and I will accept no such "guilt trip". lol Wow. You're the first person I've ever met who is so vehemently opposed to going to an inworld store that you would get so upset at even the suggestion of it! I certainly didn't mean to piss you off so much at the mere suggestion that you might visit a store rather than only use the Marketplace. I read in your post then that you are fully a proponent of ALL inworld stores closing down, malls should be non-existent and any commerce in Second Life should ONLY be conducted on the website. Well, I guess that's your right. Consider this: no matter WHERE you go in Second Life, you have to teleport to it and wait for things to rez. I don't understand why a store would be any different than any other sim or parcel and why you are not willing to "teleport to, wait for things to rez" just because it IS a store. Paying tier is a necessity if you own or rent any sort of land in Second Life. If you go to clubs and tip the venue, tip the DJ or the singer or the hostess, you are "helping them pay their tiers." I guess it is just the lowly Merchants who don't deserve your patronage simply because they ARE merchants. Wow. /me shakes his head The only reason I suggested you visit a store instead of using the Marketplace exclusively was because the OP complained that: "Marketplace takes my money and doesn't deliver but maybe 10% of what I buy." Buying inworld will eliminate this problem. But...you go right ahead and continue using the Marketplace and having these issues. That's your choice. There are NO failures and the waiting is now a non "issue". I said it was slow, lagging about an hour for about two weeks; however, I can make myself very useful in an hour's time. An hour for which I can put myself to good use and use my time wisely. I do not have to worry about anyone's tier on the internet I do not know. I have a real life with real important issues. I frankly do not care about anyone's "tier" payment. That is your responsibility and your business; not mine. About the best thing you can do is ask LL for a sale area of the forum so people can post when and where they are having a sale.
  18. Sy Beck wrote: Mayalily wrote: ETA: If you want people to shop inworld, then give them a good reason, such as buy 3 items, get the 4th for free. You're going to have to make it worth my while to give up MY FREE TIME. Why on Earth should I give up my free time and my real life for a creator I don't even know? If you went to their shops inworld then you would see their freebie packages, which they can't put on MP meaning you could buy no items and get lots of things for free. Now your suggestion is catered for and it's better deal than you suggested are you going to go shopping inworld now? I get tons of free or 1 linden items on Marketplace, along with a lot of promo offers -- 99 lindens for pants, a coat, a pair of boots, plus jewelry, or 99 lindends for two dresses, plus shoes and jewelry. Power shoppers know how to shop, and I will except no such responsibility for attempted guilt trips placed on those who prefer to shop on Marketplace. Not to mention, there is no wait any longer as it's fixed and it was fixed yesterday. I have people in my family who are sick and people in my neighborhood who are hungry. That is what I care about and have my focus shifted too, not helping someone pay their tier I don't even know for crying out loud. A lot of these threads are fake as I've been shopping on Marketplace since I got here and I've had about NONE I'd call failure. They all delivered my stuff, and that was two times since March of this year. I will focus on whom I need to help and that is my family and people in my real life who need help and FOOD for crying out loud. All in all I've ordered over 10,000 items from Marketplace... um, I have all my sluff... so that was two failure and they redelivered my sluff. So, where is the problem with Marketplace? It doesn't exist, as I said, I've bought thousands of items on MP and I have them all.
  19. Marcus Hancroft wrote: Mayalily wrote: An hour is a little frustrating, but to me it's worth the wait as I'd have to teleport to all those different places anyways and it would probably take the same amount of time. I cannot say this often enough: The BEST way to prevent these failed deliveries (or extremely slow deliveries) is to use the Marketplace as a search tool ONLY. Find what you need or want on the MP but to go the merchants inworld store to purchase (if they have an inworld store). There will be no delay in getting the products and it is also fun to see all the different stores! You might just find something else you like! That's part of the fun of shopping within SecondLife! You never know what you'll see or find! You see...inworld shopping is dying a slow, miserable death because of the Marketplace and stores and malls are having to close down all the time because the merchants/owners cannot afford to continue paying tiers on sims or parcels that have no traffic (and no sales). It's a horrible shame. And we need to change our attitudes about where we purchase. Granted, there are some things you can only buy on the Marketplace now because so many inworld stores have had to close. But when you find "See Item Inworld" in the listing...do just that! Go see it inworld! Naw, not for me, sorry. It's not my responsibility to help pay some creator's rent or tier. I have a real life full of many interest, sl being just one of them. I love Marketplace and will continue to use it for at least 80% of my purchases as it is a huge time saver for me. It is very easy to see most of the items creator's have for sale on the MP, you just hit VISIT THE STORE and the other items the creator is selling are right there. Why would I want to go teleporting all over the place if say I like 10 different items from 10 different creators. Why should I spend all that time getting each slurl, telporting around, waiting for all those items to rez. I enjoy a very full real life, and I enjoy MP as one of my favorite and time saving passtimes. Again, it is not my responsibility to help a creator pay their tier. ETA: If you want people to shop inworld, then give them a good reason, such as buy 3 items, get the 4th for free. You're going to have to make it worth my while to give up MY FREE TIME. Why on Earth should I give up my free time and my real life for a creator I don't even know? Make it worth my while, and I will go to your inworld shop. Time is precious, and it is my own responsibility to create my life's happiness. It is NOT my responsibility to help along a creator's happiness. Real life stores are offering all kinds of sales right now and I am power shopper for deals in real life anyhow, so make it worth my while to give up my free time to shop inworld, such as the free offer I suggested above. Otherwise, the responsibility of other's people's happiness and paying their rent is NOT any part of my responsibility, and I somewhat resent the suggestion of such. To which my answer would be NO and I will accept no such "guilt trip". lol
  20. Irene Muni wrote: Note: There are several interrelated causes that slow down delivery. We are hard at work on creating a faster and more reliable Marketplace system that will soon make Magic Boxes obsolete. Oh, is this ^^ what is slowing Marketplace deliveries? I've noticed over the last two weeks or so that Marketplace is so slow to deliver and takes about an hour from the time of checkout until items are delivered to me in my SL home. I have to keep logging in and checking order history at least five times before the items arrive and it takes at least an hour, whereas items used to be delivered instantly upon next log in. An hour is a little frustrating, but to me it's worth the wait as I'd have to teleport to all those different places anyways and it would probably take the same amount of time.
  21. LoveAngeL Lyre wrote: Hello Phil. You do that with the Picks button. If you don't see the button, right click on a toolbar --> Toolbar buttons --> the customize toolbars window opens --> find the button and drag it out on a toolbar. After, clicking it you can add, edit or delete picks. Oh well, I was able to do something with the profile picks. I just right clicked the toolbar and the edit or add seemed to work as options to do so appeared once the profile WAS open to picks and the toolbar was right clicked. I couldn't repeat the exact steps though as I was just clicking away at stuff.
  22. Kylie Jaxxon wrote: This came up over in Answers...maybe it will help http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Everything-Else/how-to-delete-a-pick/qaq-p/1261935 I have an older V3 and have the same problem. Click on what toolbar? as answered in the answers section? (It just says right click "on a tool bar"... what toolbar though?)
  23. Ellyn Elan wrote: I sitll don't know where, what sub-sub-sub forum to post in. The events places look like promos for specific places. So I give up and will ask here: Does anyone know of a DJ or club that routinely plays Manchester (as in England) rock in SL? There are some clubs that play a variety of alternative. Try typing in Alternative Music Club in the destination guide and see what you come up with. I think Manchester Rock, never heard the phrase, might be part of what is know as "indie"... I'm not sure exactly, but there might be some "indie" type clubs, though alternative might be your better bet, as well as just requesting the songs you love, or become a Dj and download all those songs and invite us ETA: Just checked the Destination Guide for you. There is a club called Indie Rock open 24/7, but you need to join the group. I didn't see any teleport, so you have to click on the word MORE and then the group joiner will appear. Then just join for free. Check it out, sounds like it has some sub-genres in there you may like. Just a suggestion to try.
  24. MargieG wrote: Hello - me again, the death and grief researcher. Interested in who of you out there would want a SL funeral in the sad event that you died anytime soon? (apologies if this sounds abrupt or callous). If you did want a funeral, would you want RL family and friends to be invited? Would you want a religion based service/location or something more secular? thanks, MargieG No, I wouldn't. That seems pointless to me. My family and loved ones will mourn me, not my avatar. Life is for the living. I'd prefer my family grieve in private, then continue living and enjoying life. A SL funeral for me would do nothing for them. There is a LL Memorial sim where we can send a candle out to sea for a loved one or friend who has passed away, and that is sufficient for me.
  25. Hi, Is anyone currently using TurboDj.com? I have seen this in SL and it seems mostly FOR SL. It looks interesting, as you can request songs from anywhere, even your home, from what I understand. If you do use TurboDj.com, what exactly does it do? Is it quicker to get songs qued, or what exactly does it do? You can look up the website at turbodj.com. I'll post the link here for now, but will take the link out if it is considered "spam". I'm just interested as a music lover in finding out if I can get requests for songs a lot quicker and what exactly is turbodj all about. Thanks for replies. http://www.turbodj.com/#jocks.php p.s. You can pick up a FREE turbodj thing many places, so I don't think it's spam since it's free. I'm just wondering how it works. Or, if you are a Dj, you might like to check this out. However, I just tried a download and my anti-virus fought this tooth and nail and wanted it NOT downloaded on my computer. I let my anti-spyware win for now. I'm going to pick up one of those turbodj things and see if I can then download. I love the idea this presents of faster requests for songs; sounds intriguing to me.
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