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Everything posted by 161488303349

  1. the SOPA bill original draft proposed that DOJ and copyright holders could apply to the court for an injunction that was debated the draft bill was then amended so that- - a copyright holder before seeking injunctive relief, must formally complain to a site that it was storing the copyright holders stuff without their permission - that the site could refute allegations made in the complaint - on refutation and non-acceptance, the copyright holder could then, and only then, apply for injunctive relief thats better than being able to go straight to court without the site even knowing that was happening + the payments companies made representation that if they had to act then they would prefer not to act until injunctive relief was given thats a sensible thing to do. so the committee took that on board and looked at how they might redraft the parts of the bill that deal with that + some hosting companies and others made representations that provisions of the draft bill might catch some usa sites so the committee accept and made changes, as the intent of the bill was to address foreign only sites + the interwebz backbone companies and other organisations then made representations on two main grounds- 1) that they were not sites and not hosts. they were carriers. that they were being treated differently to phone companies 2) that even were this addressed then some of the requirements of the bill would in their view impact on their ability to function as carriers from a technical pov and could impact on their ability to function at all as viable entities, either as companies or as oversight organisations the committee accepted these representations and agreed to look at this also + the sponsor of the bill then asked the usa president what he thought. the president issued a statement saying exactly what he thought should be in any bill. so did heaps of other people all throughout the whole time thats how debates of bills go. when they are debated then they change. like what was happening here. most acts hardly ever end up looking anything like the first draft bc of this process. the usa legislature been doing it this way forever the legislature decided to pause until after the november elections and turned their attention to other matters. the legislative debate will start again next year sometime + is ridiculous to compare this process, which was actually happening in a real world legislative debate, to some imaginary thing that somehow ends up killing every child in the world to save teh children bc in your opinion these bills sux. i dont even know why you tried to make this comparison. not just once but twice. was quite dramatic tho. so cool story bro + ps. i dont google on the interwebz for stuff like this. i follow the committee hearings
  2. yes thats true. records were seized in the raid. some of them have been presented at his extradition hearing. they dont look good for him. one of the users uploaded something like 19,000 movies over a period of years. based on the numbers of downloads, megaupload paid the user about $3-4000 or something. am just going off memory. is court news tho that report the exact details
  3. you're missing the point is two laws. DMCA and the existing criminal code. there is no inbetween. slap on the wrist or the bighammer people arent debating this. where is the debate to overhaul the existing code? thats what bills are for. you debate them and you change them and you keep debating and keep making changes until you get good law or you just campaign to get bills chucked out. thats actually way easier to do than try to make good law so anyways whats your solution? i know what your objections are now. or are you happy to leave things as they are?
  4. ps whats the alternative to the current situation? do what iTunes do. make the host responsible for the stuff on their sites
  5. i dont think any of these bills says that anyone can walk into someone elses place and shut them down. only a judge can make that order. ppl can petition the court to do that tho. same way you can petition the court to get back any other kind of stuff that you own, held by someone else illegally. you have to satisfy the court that it is your property before the judge will issue any order of any kind. if you cant do that then you wont get the order + yes i understand that people point to DMCA and say thats it. but thats not it example. kim dotcomm of megaupload is not being extradited to face DMCA violations. he is being extradited to face charges of racketeering. criminal conspiracy, wire fraud and all kinds of other heavy stuff. he also charged with violations of the existing copyright codes, which have nothing to do with DMCA. he is facing serious bigtime jail. and because of those charges all his money and assets been frozen, his site shut down. he hasnt even been convicted of anything yet. hes in another country even. but thats the current law and that imo is the real and actual problem with the existing criminal code and the proceedings written into them so what happens if mr dotcomm does get convicted of those kinds of charges? what happens to google/youtube executives, lindens even, and heaps more content hosting companies? are they going to face the same kind of charges? if mr dotcomm gets convicted of heavy duty crime then why not them also? what are they doing differently? observing DMCA and plead safe harbour? mr dotcomm is going to try that for sure. if that defence fails then what happens? all his records have been taken and will be used in evidence against him. he doesn't have any hope of beating this. the records he kept of his activities are going to hang him. the usa law enforcement authorities are already pulling these out in the extradition hearing this is a serious problem and i dont get that people dont see it. i know is popular at the moment to chant freedom against bills like sopa/ipip whatever and rage against the evil empires and government whatever. but whats the current alternative to new law? its not DMCA. its the existing criminal code and its overkill imo. but thats what you have now today and its being applied now today. if people in usa are cool with that then ok thats their choice other countries have had a look at it from this perspective as well as all the others. some have designed new laws just bc their existing criminal code was overkill and recognised how serious that was
  6. if by special interests we mean copyright and ip then we on the same page. they should be afforded the same protection under the law as any other property i realise that lots of ppl see a difference between b&m stores and digital stores somehow. i dont. if you can get busted for allowing your b&m premises to house stolen goods and actively promote that and reward ppl for doing so, then i dont see why you shouldnt get busted in the same way and have your digital premises shutdown i cant see how anyones right to visit a online hotshop overrides the right of property owners in these circumstances
  7. ps just add here i think iTunes is great. same SL. linden not yet on the same path as apple but they getting there. i think if anything is a dinosaur on the interwebz its the upload-someone elses-stuff-and-get-paid-for-it model
  8. while ppl continue to thief other ppls stuff then will always be laws. is a societal thing. if ppl didnt thief stuff and do damage to others then dont need any laws and dont need any government either of any kind. maybe one day ppl will stop thiefing stuff that doesnt belong to them and stop hurting each other. hope so anyways
  9. true. bc itunes doesnt allow ripped content on their site at all. they police their own servers. unlike say megaupload
  10. yes. thats my point tho. not just anyone can list their stuff on iTunes. its a record store and a broadcaster combined. iTunes in a position even more powerful than oldskool recording company + radio/tv station combination
  11. can make a mistake i think to make an assumption that if record companies just went away then will all be peaches and cream. record companies are channels, thats all really. channels for recording artists to reach a wider audience than on their own have always had the opportunity to self-produce even in olden days. people did all the time. made their own tapes, published their own books, made movies, etc. just had to distribute it and get shelf space in the bookshop and record stores. airplay on radio and screenings in movie theatres and on tv. is quite hard to do that sure interwebz makes it way easier to distribute ur stuff. is cheaper as well. but in a massive virtual universe of a zillion digital images and sounds, is quite hard to get attention. can put on youtube or even ur own blog is true. if look at it careful though can see is same old same old. people with talent getting spotted on youtube or whatever and they take the deal that will get them on iTunes and a zillion customer audience on fb, twitter, etc. all managed for them by someone else. usual a management company of some kind, with or without a recording or movie studio depending on the type of artist signed the dinosaurs just change their spots really i think
  12. i think you have to go back a bit further than 1948 to see what the problem was. the jewish leadership actual rejected the british division plan, so did the arab leadership. the jewish leadership then proposed an alternative plan that included the removal of arabs from some of the proposed areas to go into the new Israel. the arabs rejected that as well. it all turned to custard after that at the time the jewish leadership hand was also strengthen bc of the support of the USA. the USA threaten to veto any UN plan that did not include an independent Israel, by jews for jews. that support hasnt changed. the UN gave up and walked away. so did the British the war happened bc of the unilateral declaration of independence by the jewish leadership. was a land grab dressed up as freedom and eminent domain. gods promise if you like. thats what wars are only ever about tho. land and resources and the power that comes from that
  13. iheartmyself wrote: I do not think we live in a free society. I think that once we give people a right to certain standards - standards in healthcare, food, living situation, etc., people do not have a right to free speech. For example, people working in factories have little time to learn how to effectively voice their opinions or discuss social issues or ethics if they work full time jobs doing manual labor that makes them so tired they can barely do more than go home and sleep and eat. on this point i would actual argue the opposite. in a society that does provide minimum standards of care then free speech is even more important i also take issue with the idea that manual workers have little time. am from generations of blue collar working class family. politics has always been central to us and is debated quite hard sometimes. we have long tradition of unionism, suffragette and minority rights activsim. i also personal recognise the role of business in our community and its benefits. that a topic of hot debate as well in the family, and at trades hall for me personal. am a traitor sometimes and am going to hell for speaking heresy in the chapel (: can point to many people in the working class as being apathetic or to tired to get involved as you put it. same can be said about much of the middle income families as well, and lets not talk about the indolent rich either (: every bill, including these kinds, needs to be debated strongly i think. why are they necessary? what is the point of them? if they suxs then what are the alternatives? are there any alternatives that would suxs less? is doing nothing at all the best option? if so then why so? stuff like that
  14. take a photo of the pink/purple boxes and put on her side of the prim wall. share the love and all that put some nice trees on your side (:
  15. Irridium, Rhodium, Palladium and Platinum are for casual hire. they linden owned. quite a few of the fairs are held there. they next to Boardman Welcome Area instructions: "To reserve, submit a ticket under Land & Region -> Region Rental" dont know what is the minimum period
  16. on the map is 3 sims: Combat (sandbox) - Red Combat (sandbox) Rausch Combat (sandbox) - Blue on red and blue sims is a spawning point (parcel safezone) for each team, that are no push and no damage. the rest of the 3 sims is full damage and push allowed + no one hardly ever goes to rausch anymore. has mostly to do with the push and full damage being on, so is open to driveby full damage shooters and heavy push scripts. if you can work round them on ur arena then you will do ok. all the best (: + ps. Sandbox - Weapons testing. can find on map on that name. lots of weps makers go there to meet up and test/show off their new stuff
  17. fyi. rodvik linden post this on other blog.... "Hey Hamlet. Just by way of clarification this team is working on product 3. I first started to talking to them December (although I have known them personally for longer). When we chatted about IF/Adventure a few months ago it was in relation to product 2, which is also still in production, not this product Hopefully things will become less opaque in the near future but yes this team is working on a separate product (one of several we have in development). Sorry for the cloak & dagger stuff, shouldnt last to much longer."
  18. that would be fair i think. as long as it was time-based somehow. not want to disadvantage new ppl uploading stuff for the first time. would probably have to be a long time. like no sales of this product in last 12 months or even longer maybe
  19. it have something to with the recent changes to the code in the viewer pipeline. changes that have to do with taking out all references to deprecated openGL functions not available now in some the newer gfx card drivers. modding the pipleline code to work in other ways to achieve same things. is quite a big job seems like
  20. yes thats pretty much how it goes. all over really. both on interwebz and in reals. just find ur own comfort level is best i think. if that means ignore ppl then is ok to do. same not taking every person seriously. is all good to do that as well i think
  21. i pretty much agree with this i think that since inception sl has always been about the tools. easy enough for most ppl to learn the basics. then the linden emphasis on tools start to lag behind what ppl wanted to do i think skins was the first big example. when ppl like chip midnight and them others at the time worked out the avatar template allowing ppl to use more advanced tools outside of sl to make skins then linden not recognise the importance enough to put resources into modding the avatar editor to be able to craft textures at least for avatars to start with and then as a general texture editor for other things i think linden did understand the importance but just not enough to put resources into it same thing happened with animations and then sculpts. no animation editor or sculpt editor. same again now with mesh. much of the resources put towards tools, since forever really, has been poured into programming functions. realms tools being latest example of this. is cool all this stuff. just think that building and crafting tools been a bit neglected by comparison + i think is ok that linden looking for a way into light devices. is a growth market this so linden would be silly to not have any presence in it. some of the story line story board stuff is quite good and linden will learn things in doing this. maybe some will carry over to sl i think the main thing is will linden make tools for this and will they allow us to make and put stuff for sale on existing marketplace or make another one. Qie in other post ask question why linden not merge marketplace search with inworld search. i wonder about that a lot as well. maybe this acquistion and direction is why not other things is that if we are able to make and sell stuff on this thingy then; will it be denominated in L$? will our existing SL accounts be automatic in system or will we have to make new and separate accounts for it? i hope so for both
  22. i get premium bc i wanted to own my place. i tried linden homes for about a week but was a bit constricting for me. so now just have a tiny mainland and am happy with that i get the $72 annual subscription bc by then i had decided thats what i wanted. was the land more than anything that made me decide that way the stipend helps with my spending i found, bc i know i am going to get on bene day. am less impulsive when i buy now bc of the stipend. like now if i see something and i not have enough l$ to buy then i go oh well! i will wait till next week and get then. before i just used to click the button and buy l$ straightaway. i still buy L$ sometimes but only when is major purchases that i think about a lot more now that i used to before
  23. yes lol fb always had a strange interpretation of the word delete. be interesting to see if they still have it if they go down this path
  24. seems like your screams have been heard. the jira about online status that been sitting there forever has been upgraded. a linden moved. will have to wait and see how it works out. is still a good sign tho
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