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  1. You owned the ersatz biker club, thanks for the vote of confidence, its started purple then went pink, I own the highrises and that was about the extent of my buildings, the rest of the land was for nude 4-wheeling at midnight. Too bad you missed it..lol Goodluck at your new location, overlooking a beach, wow. I tried to sell out and at 1.50L sqm I would just break even, she said at 1.00L sqm was as high as she would go. So even though I don't want to, I'm keeping the land and putting up wallson my side of course.lol Anyways thanks and good luck, I was told this behavior went out the door long ago, somebody got left behind,,,,,,,lol Desirae. 
  2. I have a large lot of land in the Thayer district that another owner has bought the adjacent land and has erected these huge(10 story in some places)Hot Fluorescent pink blocks along the entire length of my property that are not buildings and in the process has managed to drive all my tenets out of my 2 high rise apartment buildings on my uber large lot, these buildings have a small footprint and it seems they are doing this to drive me off my property or force me to sell since nobody wants there home to look out at a hot pink wall keeping me from further rental capabilities.  Is this a violation of the TOS concerning disturbing your neighbors peace and or enjoyment of their land? I ask for your wisdom and your help. 
  3. I bought into the exchange and was wondering if I had to wait for the rate of the Linden to fall compared to the dollar and is there anyway to reassigned the initial amount to a different exchange rate
  4. I got a premium acct and upgraded from the basic 512 sm to the 1028 sm, the house given is only 512sm where is the additional sq meters? 5 dollars a month I hope to have that footage thanks
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