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Jerilynn Lemon

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Everything posted by Jerilynn Lemon

  1. A quick search at MP brought me to the shop in question. Frankly, I wouldn't spend 5,500L$ on hair, but thats a personal choice, Searching now for this "Henieczek" you mentioned took me to a profile page that states "This name is unavailable". Either she bailed on SL, has been banned (maybe LL did do something) or as you wrote, created an alt and is operating under that persona. As for getting any Lindens back, I suggest you lick your wounds and move on.
  2. Syo Emerald wrote: You don't even have to delete your old account to start with a new one. Just create a new one and log in with it. Syo is right. Down the road, you may find a use for your original avatar and come back to it. It'll be waiting for you.
  3. ReptonSkillz wrote: I'm talking about a small group, some of whom have 300-500+ alts, all fairly 'integrated' in SL - including peacekeeper groups, store owners, club owners, prominent developers, creators and 'public' figures. This isn't, repeat, isn't some kids messing around and being naughty. This is a serious group which makes substantial money off the back of selling stolen items.
  4. Have you tried this url? https://support.oculus.com/hc/en-us/articles/202741283-Get-Started- Seems pretty much to the point.
  5. Rhonda Huntress wrote: My adivce: come up with how much you are willing to spend. Get an off the shelf HP that costs 80% of that. Get an nvidia graphics card that has the last 2 digits 60 or higher that costs 15-20% of your budget. If you have any left over, add more RAM. Thanks Rhonda. I was thinking of a decent desktop and how to go about buying one to use here. I'll take your advice.
  6. Cort Callahan wrote: You can imagine how can be uncomfortable have almost 12 years and log in "SL2" and have 1 day. I wouldn't be offended in the slightest really. When I first joined SL, I was (as is everyone I'm sure) so behind the learning curve. But in time, I was able to understand what SL is about. These days, I have a clue to how to do things and where to find the assistance if needed. With Sansar, I would think the basis of SL is still there (editing especially). Let the age show me as one day old. So what. I won't be uncomfortable at all. If there are drastic changes within Sansar that are far from SL (SL ONE or SL1 to some), so be it. I learned here, I can learn there. But as some here say, worry of it WHEN it's released.
  7. I upgraded to the latest Firestorm viewer and have come to find that my group titles radio button is gone. How does one find their group titles now in FS? Thank you Amethyst
  8. Google is a wonderful, useful tool. I hope it isn't a fad. https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/Merchant-outbox-now-gives-me-an-ERROR-503/td-p/2954618
  9. Theresa Tennyson wrote: PregnantMotelgroundskeeper wrote: I want to contact the proper person(s) to have this sim cease and desist all operations. Im not sure the dmca filing is the right way as this is a trademark violation more than a copied item. As stated i OWN the trademarks now and the .coms and asked for a directory here to contact to file suit against the owner the land owner and LL if need be for compliance. It's also interesting that you said you own the trademarks "now." If the SL region was in existence before you registered your trademarks you're going to have trouble enforcing anything. IF!...the region can show they were in existance prior to your filing for TM protection, yes, you are pretty much out of luck. Should you be serious in this claim, it's advisable to hire or consult a TM attorney for guidence. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Unless this sim's name is representing a business similar to yours, it is not violating your trademark. That's why there is an Apple company and an Apple records. That caused a minor stink. I'm happy they "could work it out" :smileytongue: .
  10. Perrie Juran wrote: And now they are bringing Dr. Phil in to the act also. https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Featured-News/Second-Life-to-Be-Featured-on-Dr-Phil/ba-p/2947485 All we need now is Ben Casey and Dr. Kildare. Casey and Kildare?...pfft. We can chat when she shows up.
  11. Where does one find a way to report a tech problem to Linden Labs? I'm not talking griefing or avi annoyance, but a tech problem involving SIM-2-SIM llEmail() communication. It's stated in a NC with a sim monitor... "It is highly reccommended to report this problem to Linden Labs so they can have a look at the problematic SIM.". OK, where do I find and file such a report? BTW, for what it's worth, I'm using a Firestorm viewer EDIT: My bad. I should have been a bit more clearer in my request. It involves using a Multi-Sim Radar HUD, the ability to monitor different sims from one spot, sold by Thomas Conover. It tends to report "High Latency" when attempting to connect with a sim, unless I TP to that sim and then it clears up. The NC suggests that one contact LL and inform them of possible SIM-2-SIM llEmail() communication problems and they can probably clear the mess from their end (that's what I get from the NC). For an added benefit, it comes now to my attention that Thomas Conover no longer sells this MSR HUD, in fact, it appears he went out of business. I don't think his closing has any bearing on the products performance. I hope this edit make my request a bit more understandable. Now, about where to file a tech report with LL?
  12. Madelaine McMasters wrote: Alwin Alcott wrote: sighs...i'm hungry and want soup now... ... hands you a can, a can opener, and a spoon. Just in time for some Andy Griffith. Tonights episode, Opie shoots a bird with his slingshot, but feels bad later.. "Retched" I Love Lucy? *happy dance!* I'm not the only one! woo hoo!
  13. My gawd, where do I start? I wanna be in your group and your group and yeppers, your group too...wait, I'm already in your group...nevermind. Hey you, over there, sign me up, I can get up to 60 (SIXTY!) group tags now (if I go premium)! How many groups does one really need? 42 seems fine now, but 60 seems to be a bit overkill. I have maybe 12 open slots in my current groupings out of 42. But, I'm sure there will be some who will fill up each and every slot and still complain "why are there ONLY 60 groups?". Can one wear all sixty tags at once? Nope.
  14. ObviousAltIsObvious wrote: it is absolutely possible to do well at that game without scripted boosts or other cheat attempts. players who learn the game terrain, and maybe more important learn how to use standard viewer features well, will gain the most advantages. I have to agree. Study the terrain and placement of crystals. Concetrate on those areas. Timing is also a factor (duh). In one of the recent renditions of Realms, I kept in mind the locations of crystal fields. I would come back and start collecting at my own speed. So, some moe comes along and beats me to a higher value crystal? It's not a deal breaker. I found Realms a good way to get some L$ if I took my time. On a good day, I could exchange crystals for 250-400L$. The words of a former US President (via Will Ferrell) sums it well: "strategery" is key.
  15. Madelaine McMasters wrote: Indisputable? Pffft! Two syllables... Cheese-Whiz Cheese-Whiz? Pseudo cheese in a can? Okay, I'll cop, it is mighty tasty on crackers. Personally, I'd run with Cheese Crisp (topped with a great salsa). That's some good eatin'!
  16. I've recently been weaning myself away from Firestorm towards Singularity. Lately, I've noticed two screens after the viewer loads up. As you can see, one is the viewer and the other is the command lines (haven't seen that before). Is there a setting(s) that I can tweak to remove the command lines box from coming up? I kill one, the other dies too. In the meantime, I'm running Singularity with the commands line box in the BG. Anyone? Thank you, Ohjiro. That did the trick.
  17. "The more things change, the more they remain the same" Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr (1908 – 1990) Does the OP have a question or just stating the obvious?
  18. Coventina Dalgleish wrote: Anyone bother to look this individual up and look at his profuse profile, do so I believe all questions will be self apparent. I attempted to look at this upstanding individuals profile (99HarleyRider). Come to find it no longer exists. That leaves me to assume the responses, ie: dog on lawn, spider monkey points (jacked on Mountain Dew too) and some logical references, allowed the OP to find his deity and move on. Which brings me to a question. Why would someone come here, post a rant and not hearing what they wish to hear, delete the account? It seems a long way to go to post a concern with a new SL account and then just poof
  19. Theresa Tennyson wrote: 99HarleyRider wrote: Your "NASCAR 50's" mod is from DMR, Aka: Design Mods Racing and you have stolen it and are trying to sell it. You did not aquire permission to sell this mod!!! REMOVE IMMEDIATELY or further action will be taken!!! Have the COPYRIGHT OWNER follow this procedure: http://secondlife.com/corporate/dmca.php This is a general forum; basically, your post was the equivalent of opening your front door and shouting at someone who was nowhere near you. GET OFF MY LAWN!!!...damn dogs.
  20. Perrie Juran wrote: Sometimes "Friends" can seem like such a vague word. We are forever attaching modifiers to it. Close Friends Best Friends Good Friends Old Friends New Friends Friends with benefits.... Or maybe just "friends". Thank me later after it isn't stuck in your head ♪ So no one told you life was gonna be this way Your job's a joke, you're broke, your love life's D O A ♫ It's like you're always stuck in second gear When it hasn't been your day, your week ♫ Your month or even your year but...
  21. Interesting read, to say the least. My question is, can you name a song in just three notes?
  22. Please accept our condolences on your loss. Losing an SL mate to RL circumstances can still be a sad occation. Do as Syo suggestes, file an AR for harrassment and mute/block the individual who is giving you this unnecessary grief.
  23. This is a perfect example of the Barbara Streisand effect (Google it). Curiousity has gotten the best and I'm wondering who this merchant is. Should I frequent his/her MP/In-world shop now, with an idea that this person doesn't play fair with honest reviews? I'd like to see for myself. PM me the shop's location, please?
  24. Is it required or just recommended to deed land to a group? I've come into some land and am in the process of building on it. Some have said that I should deed the land to my group, though in a search, I've found some land owners did not deed their land. Are there advantages/disadvantages to deeding the land to a group?
  25. I purchased an item from an in-world store and was very happy with it. When I tried to review it at MP, I was told that since I didn't purchase the item there, I couldn't post my comments. To get around that, I sent an NC to the stores owner and explained my satisfaction with the item and the service I recieved and gave her permission to use the NC in her MP site. No idea if it was posted, but I'm sure they appreciated the good word.
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