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Jerilynn Lemon

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Everything posted by Jerilynn Lemon

  1. Responding to a seven and a half year old post. That could be a record.
  2. I have a friend who friended every person he had contact with from the sims he had worked. Probably talking a few hundred by now.
  3. That's it. Berlin 1929. I recall trying to visit it a while ago but was told it was not found, so I assumed it closed up shop. If it still exists (das goot), I'll have to do a search for a new LM. I deleted the old one.
  4. For what it is worth, I'd drop in and check it out. Antenna TV has old Tonight Show reruns and the late Doctor is often a featured guest. His ability to articulate and explain his reasoning and thought process blows me away. I never read his book "Contact" but have watched the movie countless times. It alone makes me think of what is the line between faith and scientific belief. Keep in mind, I am not a religious person by any stretch ("I swear..."), but do have my own personal thoughts. An earlier mention comparing a Carl Sagen museum to the International Spaceflight museum is fair. I've dropped into it a number of times just looking around and wondering if it is/was underwritten by the folks at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena (I think it is). Someone did a presentation of "Titanic" and there was Berlin 1920's(?), both cool sites to drop in and experience but since closed. SL could always use some intellectual places to visit.
  5. For the most part, all of your questions have been asked and answered (Yes...yes...what was the offense?...yes). As for "how long it took", I would venture to ask what level of severity are we talking about? Is it a full blown griefing attack or maybe a dispute between residents (LL will wisely stay out of those)? You are asking for a "one size fits all" answer to a question with a number of variables. Bottom line is LL will ban for serious violations to ToS. Now, will it be on your timeline, that depends on the completeness of the AR, for one. Should they divulge the end result with the complainant? That would require someone to sit at a desk and answer EVERY AR submitted (which covers from really trivial to some that could potentially involve local law enforcement action), which BTW is cost effective in hours and labor. If you are getting griefed in some manner, stop responding to what the griefer is doing. Find another hangout if need be. FILE a COMPLETE AR. Allow me to reiterate "LL will ban ToS offenders". Then just move on.
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