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Everything posted by Aethelwine

  1. Yes she originally posted it on a Strong Conspiracy and Moderate Pseudoscience website that also promotes Russian propaganda. Ref That is I suppose better than a site rated as "a Tin Foil Hat Conspiracy and Strong Pseudoscience website based on the promotion of unproven information such as the dangers of Vaccines and 9-11 as a false flag operation". Ref She seems to have a lot of articles on Globalresearch and doesn't seem bothered they are reposting them, whether she profits from them being there or not she could have them removed if she wanted. Whichever way you look at it her credibility is somewhere around zero.
  2. They have been there and reserved for a long time. I presume from 2008 when it was being made. I wouldn't raise any hopes they are an indication of any new plans
  3. They can but also likely to try teleport outside the house only to end up back inside because of the teleport routing. But my point alongside trying to add some humour to lighten the discussion is to point out there is a rule similar to the one about toast landing butter side down, that when in a rush you will invariably do everything wrong and ineffectually.
  4. Another reason for triggering someone's orb is when you are using the map to teleport. Sometimes the home owner has the landing point set inside their home, so you have the added fun of trying to get out their house before getting ejected. But of course since they are security minded they have locked their door. You scramble to bring up the map... Alt shift m? Ctrl shift m? In the panic you hit the combination for a funny gesture you activated a month ago and are now mooning them in mouselook before getting ejected and the home owner cursing and blocking you as a griefer before you get a chance to try and explain.
  5. Somewhere for the Bellisserians now.... but where am I?
  6. Ohh Lol there he is:
  7. A bit surprised no one else got it.... it is here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Zermatt/237/99/81 I always like the Snow man band, but I can't find the Scandalous Pimp
  8. It seems to come from an article from a contributor to Global Research.Ca This is what Wikipedia says about the site: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michel_Chossudovsky#Centre_for_Research_on_Globalization When looking for facts, checking the reputation of your sources is often a good idea.
  9. From Yorkshire you should pronounce it Hen..der...sons... re...lish A proper table sauce from the right side of the Pennines..
  10. The only time I have had problems was on a private region I ran. I had to set up an orb and restrict access. The persistent griefer didn't like that I allowed furries. Never on mainland have I had any need to do anything other than r-click someone to ban them.
  11. But if you are organising orgies, then surely the more the merrier!
  12. No, but they aren't homes. All I personally need for a home is a skybox with a posestand for rezzing into, that is all I feel I need for myself. Everything else has value to me whether I visit them or not.
  13. I have parcels at Snug Harbor, one at Fudo, one up near the Linden Village, and one on Zindra set up as public sailing\party locations. I have another parcel in Bressimo I bought to open up a sailing route across the North of Nautilus that functioned for that purpose for a couple of years but the route has been blocked again... so it is no longer really functional... but still a handy rezz area. I have a Bellisseria Houseboat set up as a cafe with around 160 prims rezzing for boats, it gets used as a cruise destination and for parties every few months. I have a tier investment in the East River Community. I contribute to my Motorcycle club too which goes towards keeping their two regions open and public. I have an art gallery on a private region. And a couple of Alts that have Bellisseria parcels they have set up as homes, although rarely use them, more to give me some flexibility and opportunity to see what the new house designs there are like. Ohh and have a parcel near a road on the atoll, I got as a handy location to take a drive around the roads. And I nearly forgot I have a parcel on the region Rainbow Sails Yacht club owns down in Sailors Cove South to keep the region in group ownership.
  14. I know, but it is still an irritation having to change the setting yourself and to talk visitors through it each time you visit. The repetition and negative responses from guests soon builds up to the point where it is better to just move out.
  15. They are enough to spoil the investment in a mainland parcel. A few years ago I found a nice 512 parcel by a waterway. A few weeks after setting up my boathouse the neighbour turned their banlines on. They illuminated my home like an apartment in Tokyo. I tried building a wall to obscure them, tried instructing visitors on how to turn them off. I tried talking to the new owners. But none really worked so I ended up cutting my losses and abandoning it.
  16. To be fair I don't think the direct intention is to see Asian community attacked. He is more interested in scapegoating an "other" to provide a simple cause and distract from the last years mismanagement. It is sufficiently bad that he isn't worried about the inevitable consequences, without overstating.
  17. The idea it might have come from a lab was discredited a long time ago https://www.newscientist.com/definition/coronavirus-come-lab/ Has there been any evidence of inserted gene sequences since September last year?
  18. Indeed there are wise crackers and negative comments on his channel, but nothing substantive I can see. It is a contrast to her comments section, that is full of people praising her. Do you not find the fact her Youtube video comments are all favourable something a trifle concerning? Dr Wilson posted his video in reply to her video... and yet where is it? where is her response? Why is she censoring the comments on her channel and not engaging in a debate there? And honestly the second video you posted says nothing additional to the first one, except to point out she has been fact checked by some of the worlds leading experts... which is the article here: https://factcheck.afp.com/new-zealand-doctor-makes-misleading-claims-about-countrys-pcr-testing-regime-widely-shared-youtube As my video reports Dr Bailey denies the link between HIV and AIDS, something proven not both in the lab but in the real world by all the people living normal lives because of the treatments for HIV. She is a dangerous crank. The answer to the topic of the thread really needs to address why people have such an appetite for and give people like her so much attention
  19. Anyone can be mistaken, and sometimes to present an argument someone will select evidence to fit... but it is another thing entirely to be caught misleading, especially on advice that is so high risk.
  20. Here is a response to one of her other misleading videos...
  21. When I read the title I was thinking you meant games like Chess (1500 years old), pretty fun to play in world. Even older is this Roman Game, simple rules but deceptively complex. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Cs-Free-Roman-Mill-Game/15154202
  22. That seems a bit like asking for a conversation about why the living room is so full and then telling people they can't talk about the elephant.
  23. Your point about Aerosols has the exact opposite implication, to what you suggest. If transmission was purely by droplets and surfaces, the outside congregations would be safer than if you think primary transmission is by aerosol. You know events like the Rose Garden Party for the nomination to the Supreme Court of Amy Coney Barrett that resulted in at least 48 Whitehouse members of staff and associates being infected, it Illustrates the consequences fairly dramatically ! The answer to your Question "Why Did It Take So Long to Accept the Facts About Covid?" is more directly answered in reference to a culture of misinformation that came directly from your ex-President and from Right Wing News outlets. And not only historically but continue to be peddled. Consider this report from Media Matters that finds "Fox has undermined coronavirus science in at least 325 segments since January 25. During those segments, Fox pushed at least 547 arguments undermining public health measures, confidence in health officials, vaccine efforts, or coronavirus facts and data" https://www.mediamatters.org/fox-news/fox-has-undermined-coronavirus-science-least-325-segments-january-25
  24. So I am now at a still functional destination from 2006... A NCI outpost in the background (of the third photo) and rezz zone for boats. But where am I?
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