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Everything posted by Aethelwine

  1. Maybe to help out I should add some clues, I said before: "Okay so I am out treking when I find a little home created by Milli Mole in the last year or so, beyond that a little pond, and picnic area" It may have occurred to you that time line combined with the style of landscaping suggests Bellisseria... I can add that is right, the location is in Bellisseria. I will also add that it is close to (within a region or two) of what I think are termed "Community hubs"
  2. I very rarely derender anything. I find reducing my draw distance works perfectly fine most of the time and has the added bonus of making my stuff rezz quicker
  3. do you have include group-owned objects selected as well?
  4. You might need to make sure you have the right options set in the build menu in particular select by surrounding
  5. The idea for operation mainland reminds me of the Open Seas Project that Indigo Mertal set up about 12 years ago. I think the group is pretty much dead now, and Indigo left East River Community a couple of years ago so don't think they are around in SL, much if at all. But you might find their resources box of some use, even if just as an idea for marketing, you can find it scattered around many locations. I have one at my Fudo parcel here: you might be able to repurpose the notecards giving advice on land settings, or the letter to give to owners to explain why they should make their land more traffic friendly.
  6. Okay so I am out treking when I find a little home created by Milli Mole in the last year or so, beyond that a little pond, and picnic area But do you know where I am?
  7. You are at Splash Aquatics http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Gooruembalchi/67/221/83 It is a delightfully well laid out and presented shop
  8. I have absolutely no idea why, when or even how I managed to block myself either, it took a very clever There in Spirit support person to work that out from the problems I was having using their system, before I knew.
  9. Zero second orbs across the whole parcel are anti-social on a whole other level of obnoxiousness. But if you are wanting a physical barrier then a fence or wall is the way to do it, not a banline.
  10. I remember spending 20 minutes trying to explain that to a visitor. I even installed their viewer to try and work it out. It was a parcel I had with water access for sailing from. The parcel and hassle from the neighbours banline not worth recouping the 10k I spent on it. It does depend on context in this case it was a small narrow parcel big enough for a modified 512m2 home, but with walls close to the boundaries. The banline just spoilt the parcel. On a recent parcel there is a zombie house next door with banlines but I can deal with that. I put a wall around it and the area on my parcel that is used is far enough away that it isn't so oppressive
  11. The problem with banlines though is that they tend to totally break vehicles where orbs with timers don't. They are also incredibly ugly for the neighbour especially on a small parcel, I remember a narrow 1024 parcel I had where they put up banlines it made the view from my window look like Tokyo with the flashing yellow bars happening and imposing on my place. I politely asked them to turn them off and use an orb instead, but they refused and were rude so I ended up abandoning it. Their banlines made it unpleasant to live there. I would much rather orbs with timers like in the Community partnership estates connected to mainland or bellisseria than orbs. The enjoyment from trampolining on them wears thin very quickly and there are better ways to do that. The best solution really is to ask people do they really need privacy, do they really think that what they are doing that they want to do in private is going to offend the neighbours and if it is wouldn't they be better off just doing it in a skybox anyway? Banlines only work up to 50m or so, so they don't stop anyone flying above you and camming down to watch if they really wanted to, they don't serve a useful purpose. I see a neighbour with banlines up and my immediate assumption is they have something deeply dark and probably against the TOS they want to hide. "If you are going to have sex with your best friends boyfriend or their dog then you only need security on while you are doing it, and wouldn't you be better off doing it in a skybox anyway? The 24/7 banlines make it look like you are doing it all the time"
  12. I haven't had an opportunity to go looking for this yet, I will try on Saturday.
  13. It is not all that far from virtual soho, hotel Chelsea.... Maybe 4 regions {from memory}
  14. It is a Bloomin Mole build from March 2010, at a junction off route 3 on the Atoll
  15. When I first saw it I thought I knew where it was but when I got there... the theatre I was thinking of is a bit more run down than yours... Do you know where this one is?
  16. the Wild West Town! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Oak Grove/77/73/11 I had forgotten how nice that theatre looked.... good location! (and I wouldn't worry about duplicating places - can't expect people to go all through the thread to check and even when they do get duplicated we still forget them )
  17. I presume it is and they look adorable.... The location looks vaguely familiar, but I too need a clue to prompt my memory.
  18. Well done! I was worried it would be too obscure Your turn to post a photo to get us exploring
  19. This is a rather horrific build from Musical Misty Mole, like something from a Grimm fairytale. It seems to date back to October\November 2011. Do you know where it is?
  20. It is at the old Warmouth Info Hub, it won't let me set home there - so no longer active one.. but it is at least preserved along with the glorious Hippo. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Warmouth/28/144/95 Fun location and interesting to read about the history of the Hippos and their significance
  21. I enjoyed the read. Sailstice along with Sail 4 Life has become the sailing event of the year. Alot of that is to do with Pelagia's inclusive vision and ability to overcome personality clashes between some of the people involved. The full scope of the sailing, and motor boats, merfolk and coastguard community, including competing marinas and sailing estates all showcased there for free. I think the Cheung's have their covenant wrong headed in some fundamental ways especially with regard to no auto-return.... but respect where it is due with Cloud 9 and their sponsorship of Sailstice they are due full praise, and Pelagia's inclusive vision the key to that success.
  22. This still seems to be functional and busy place. To take my photo I had to derender the crowd. Anyway this Hippo Sculpture looks distinctive and there is a hand stand pose on it, but do you know where it is?
  23. It took me a while to find it, but eventually I did in Bennafield. Snarky Cakes, The graveyard of unfortunate deaths and the Ramshackle Gallery. What a quirky odd little place. I love it! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bennafield/118/231/54
  24. For art galleries the Riverwalk in Ganymede is worth a visit: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ganymede/98/222/24 and the Vision of Beauty Art Complex in Whinlatter, (whilst there have a look around the East River Community area). http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Whinlatter/155/108/49
  25. This fun ground level pool is a relatively recent addition to a Region that has seen continuous use since the earliest days of SL history. Because the pool is only 4 years old maybe this from 2008 on the same region will help
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