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Everything posted by Aethelwine

  1. I love this track by John Coltrane's Wife Alice Coltrane. I keep coming back to it and always as fresh as ever.
  2. Pink Floyd St Tropez had me thinking of Kevin Ayers from around the same period. This tune always fun :
  3. I recall watching a TV programme about a revolution in Jazz caused by 3 seminal works in one year, 1959. One was Dave Brubeck's Time Out, that Take Five is taken from. Take Five amazing tune. The album itself contains lots of influences from Eurasia and Turkey, it sold incredibly well for a modern Jazz record. Another of the three was the Shape of Things to Come by Ornette Coleman. To be honest he progresses into a freeform style that loses me later on, but this album is exquisite and the first track here made it as a much copied standard. And finally Kind of Blue - Miles Davis: A stunning perfect album
  4. I think I might have missed a few pages browsing this on my phone, so I might have missed a reference to it. But there is the Cult of Ruth Eternal in Secondlife. It is not exactly secret, but the wiki has an outdated address for the Temple to Philip Linden, so does require searching or special knowledge to find.
  5. Last post for this evening... some prog rock with Gong
  6. Update - Wendi Linden dropped by and waved a magic wand over it and made the terraforming update and gave me her bear !!!
  7. Hi Diamond, this picture of bounding boxes shows a double blue line where the problem occurs. It seems to be anomalous but not sure what it means, except it appears to be a terrain feature. I have tried on someones suggestion to rebake my parcel, but that has had no effect. Maybe if you rebake on your side it will help? .
  8. You mean like this one? http://shergoodaviation.com/radar.php It is worth taking a quick look at it... Amber warnings are 20 sec orbs and no problem. Red ones are the 0 second orbs. I see none in Nautilus or Satori, I see three in Sansara. Therefore not a big problem? Perhaps, but also not a big problem for Linden Lab to enforce a restriction on them when they cover the entire height of the parcel.
  9. A) It doesn't do Orbs. B) It is slow. It is great for finding rezz zones if you are happy to wait a minute for it to scan the region and report back. But not much use for banlines as you are likely to be in them before they have appeared on the hud. C) It only does the region you are in so the next region is always a step into the dark. Finally, using the minimap with property lines showing (in Catznip or firestorm) gives similar information including banlines, in similar fashion. Sailors already use it and for reasons above still hit banlines.
  10. Not necessarily and unlikely, for their neighbours.
  11. Stopping fliers from travelling overhead with a sudden ejection orb, is going to attract attention. It is counter productive.
  12. It is a relative rarity. Where once people might carefully fly their planes weaving above protected routes for fear of ejection, people flying are now more likely to chance their luck. Bellisseria has very few airports (2?). The connections currently made to Satori and Sansara primarily appear to be intended for air traffic. Boats can just make the technical connection and people might feel some sense of satisfaction having technically got there even if only very few regions are open to them, but an air traveller with luck can fly all the way from Gaeta V to the South of Jeogeot, or to Heterocera. Bellisseria and the way it has been made encourages people to fly long distances, because they can. I don't really think the solution requires that much of a change. The TOS section that covers griefing talks about reasonable access to the intended use of the platform (or something like that). It covers being able to dress in privacy in your home. A zero second orb that covers a private space, clearly marked as such - is totally reasonable. But I don't think that same section needs changing to interpret it as also a prohibition covering 0 second orbs that cover an entire parcel to its height limit. What it might require is governance needing a bit more discretion to interpret situations and use their judgment and sufficient resource to do that. That might be a big ask, Governance already does something like that in Bellisseria, expanding that might be too much resource for an inconvenience. But I would say it is not a minor inconvenience, whilst I don't much fly myself I value that it is an option. I would also like them to apply some similar discretion and enforcement at ground level where waterways have banlines on them. Again anyone sailing is unlikely to encounter them in most places because it is a rarity but go up to the Linden Village by water from the Sea of fables or make your way along the rivers from Sea of Fables to Bay of Space Pigs, there is normally one or two places where you will come across somewhere that you will get caught out if not careful or lucky with region crossings. For a long time despite all the effort put in across Gaeta with Marinas one parcel on one corner with oppressive security spoilt the Linden investment in waterways and all the private investment of the landowners for the whole continent by cutting the waterways into two. The situations are rare, which is an argument for why Governance could get involved and could with use of discretion make a big difference.
  13. I am not really familiar with how to use the word API correctly, so this may sound a little odd to someone more of a scripter. But as I understand it the API or function that is used in orbs is the same API that is used when ejecting someone that is griefing you. They could be in your bedroom flaunting their sexual bits, or they could be rezzing replicating prims, showering you with particle followers or any manner of nastiness that people sometimes get up to. I doubt you would consider 15 seconds short enough time for dealing with someone like that, in that situation you want them gone with a right click and a ban or an eject, now not in 15 seconds time. I imagine to build in some way to tell the difference between some happless adventurer in their sopwith camel, or their airship passing overhead and someone griefing next to you in to the API itself would be difficult if possible at all. Therefore I don't think what you are suggesting can be a solution to the problem.
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