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Everything posted by Aethelwine

  1. I have given up on them fixing the bug they introduced when they went to the cloud that breaks a lot of vehicles where after a region crossing the vehicle stops because it thinks you aren't there. There are avsit script fixes for mod vehicles using avsit, but it has still left a lot of vehicles I would like to use like my Looneta and Nacra unusable.
  2. Whilst it is debatable whether what has happened with Horizons was an aesthetic success, I think the fact that occupancy rates or at least tier paid for the land must be pretty close to 100% shows it was a business success. In some regards I suppose Horizons is like a revisioned adult Bay City. Bellisseria has learnt from both in some regards, but perhaps there are other models that could be tried that learn from that. Or perhaps just expand the projects where success has made buying into it prohibitively expensive because of demand.
  3. I once offered land to a neighbour and they bought it from me at a cheap price. I have spent weeks with land for sale reducing cost hoping some one will buy it without success.. now unless it is a parcel I spent a lot on I would just abandon it. When you have found somewhere you really want, and have to factor in temporarily going up a tier level with what you might get from a purchase whatever you might make on it will be at cost of a gamble and ongoing hassle of worrying about it. Life is too short in most cases for that sort of thing just be rid abandon and move on
  4. My best gift is a bear I have on display at one of my bars. It was given me by a friend that passed away with cancer not so long ago. Each time I see it, it reminds me of them and the joy they shared with everyone they knew.
  5. Maybe best way to entertain friends with benefits without anyone know it is you is to create an alt for that purpose. That leaves your main account totally innocent and chaste.
  6. Kajagoogoo always sounded like an unpleasant zipper accident to me
  7. @Garnet Psaltery Reminds me of Fallout sound track I thought this was part of the playlist but apparently not still cool tune
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