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Madeline Blackbart

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Everything posted by Madeline Blackbart

  1. 3 years is no garuntee of a cake from LL as I would no...unless you're handing out cakes personally.lol
  2. Mischief has a point unless you plan on giving away the game you can't really legally turn a profit on it. you could have ever create your own pokemon like game with original rules and characters.
  3. I've been in sl 3 years and never ONCE have i gotten a LL cake. What is THAT!? I feel your pain. Happy rezday.
  4. I think since your new you should spend some time getting to know how to play. A lot of places have freebies for people under 30 days if you look and there are a lot of freebies available. Also there are things like money trees and camping for new players. maybe even invest like 10 buck in lindens buy some cheap things whatever. After that look for jobs if you still want one.
  5. you could try tinting the thing a diffrent color in gimp. http://www.gimptalk.com/index.php?/topic/48814-whats-the-easiest-way-to-tint-an-image-with-the-gimp/
  6. Technically you broke there rules and silly or not there the sim owner and can do as they please. What kind of place only lets certian people sit in chairs though? unless it's like a bdsm sim and certian gender/slaves can't sit in chairs taht I could see.
  7. sometimes the simple switch the eyebrows/hairbase doesn't work and only a reset to the defualt avie will do it. trust me I've been there.
  8. http://www.sluniverse.com/php/vb/content-creation/73983-alternative-mesh-deformer.html That talks about it. basically it moves with SOME but not all of the sliders.
  9. aside from the fact that the I hate mesh topic has been done TO DEATH there is what is called liquid mesh sold by I believe redgrave? that will adjust with your shape a little bit which may be somewhat to your liking. But honestly can we all give the I hate mesh topic a rest it's old. Yes you don't like it some people do we get it we don't care move on already!
  10. have you tried just confronting them about it? Spying is a little backhanded and sneaky especially when you can just ask.
  11. Harley Hynes wrote: 1 i am 38 in RL and think sesame Street is umm Retarded no point to it . May I say how THAT doesn't not sounds like how a 38 year old would talk. It sounds more like someone underage or 18 at best.
  12. if Auroras not interested I might be. I'm a former computer animation student with a bachelors in applied media arts. I've never animated in world objects but I have used qavimator and have a copy of animarefor making poses in world as well (though I was trained in Lightwave) . I'm more used to single still poses but with a little work I can probably make some good animations as well. Not trying to compete with Aurora. I'm just saying in case she's a no go. lolz
  13. Melody Mifflin wrote: It doesn't happen. Ever. I dunno if that's true. I mean I've had friends that last for years on sl. Some I'm still friends with. Depends on if you get lucky Ig euss.
  14. sorry my fault. I hear hair shopping automatically assume she.lol
  15. Yes but on the other hand they could at least TRY to give support to basic members. Maybe just a little. seeing as how we buy lindens (and therefore pay them) to.
  16. I think she just got them since she meantions them bein freebies.
  17. Yeah I've tried these games personally. Wellt he gold hunt anyway. I've also collected money from money trees when Iw as a noob and so on. Nothing is worth the time it takes to collect that money and fight with others for the resource (IE coins). If time is money then this would be a waste of cash. It's literally more sensible just to buy the lindens every once in a while and just be frugal with them.
  18. I could see that. But older in what way? My avie is like 3 years old and I still get them. Unless you mean older in looks then I could see that.
  19. not that I know of. I can't see how they could 'cause for instance most women's *ahem* is painted on there skin. so how would the thing know if there was one painted on there or not?
  20. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: ETA: if you don't want all of the sexual friendship offers, you might want to ditch the collar and silks. Doesn't really matter what you wear drake as long as it looks like you put effort into your avie or your female in shape. I rarely wear a obvious collar (in fact mine is just a hud now so no collor seen) and I get those advances all the time just because my avie is a girl. Doesn't take much trust me....
  21. I honestly don't know if they'll do anything. I'm thinking probably not since most bigger companies don't do they? I geuss it depends on if they see it as a threat.... Sims 3 has it's own huge modding community so they could be ported mods from one game to another and how would EA prove diffrent? It might be a mess for them to do so.
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