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Madeline Blackbart

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Everything posted by Madeline Blackbart

  1. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: as to the images in question... how can you possibly tell on an image that it wasnt taken in SL? The faces are smoother then sl's and if you'd played the Sims 3 a few times you'd recognize right away that's where they got the pics. Unless of course it's a full mesh avie but event hen that means they stole the mesh from sim3
  2. I think the issue there pointing out is that the photos aren't from inworld but from the game the sims 3. Which isn't very honest.
  3. hmm... yeah that's a real pain. It did seem to list what the issue was on my merchant home right when I logged in. I'm thinking what's most likely is you just listed it under the wrong sub catagory. I mean unless you described it wrong or put things that shouldn't have been in the items list. But if you did all that right then it being listed under wrong catagory is the only thing. IMO what I would do is just double check to make sure the description is EXACTLY what is int he box and then relist it under a new catogory. If you describe it here maybe forum members can help you put it under the rigth catagory? wors tthey can do is unlist it again...
  4. Basically if you buy the boobs it comes with a developers kit which includes everything you need to make stuff for them like the scripts for the appliers and so on. I would get Tangos as there the most popular and other boobs support there's from what I've read about this whole thing.
  5. I had the same issue earlier I found that if I went to the merchant page it told me why (turns out I listed it in the wrong catagory). Your merchant page might tell you what's up so maybe check there?
  6. Yeah I had the same thing with 3dsmax when I was in school. Just becareful to keep in mind you cna't make a profit off them in anyway. Also as a former computer animation student I'm just going to tell you that while you may want to make something now it will take a while before you can make something more cfomplex then say a pencil or simple computer keyboard.
  7. I would think if it is mesh or prim you can. However if it is a shirt layer shirt then no. Skirt layer you might be able to not sure aobut that
  8. Alternitively if you want a pheonix LIKE feel then try coolvl or singularity which are both v1 viewers that ARE being updated to render avatars correctly after ssb.
  9. You should be able to right click on your buttons and a menu will pop up choose tool bar buttons and it willl open up a menu of all the buttons you can add to your side bar. Simply pick the one you want and drag it back onto the toolbar. at least it works that way in firestorm pretty sure it's the saem on official viewer to.
  10. I personally am a demon Avi most of the time (switching to furry or a fox av on occasion) I haven't tried violet studios. but I have tried sinful needs products and I have the spade bare tail from them. I personally really love sinful needs spade bare tail. It's not as cusimizable as there furry tail (which I also have) but you can change the texture on it or add custom textures and colors. It also allows you to change the tail wag speed length and thickness of the tail. You can even make it fit a petite! It's really awesome! So I highly recommend it tbh. Personally for horns I really liked the Europa Maelus horns. They come in a vireity of colors as wella s having a blank on you can tint yourself AND it also comes with the texture so you can make your own texture for it as well! Niju and Trapped have some nice horns as well but if you want something with a nice custimizing hud Sensations has a nice pair of horns that comes with a hud to recolor pretty much everything about it! It's very cute and has ribbons and metal rings/horn tip that you can hid or show. Fair warning though the hud does take some figuring out as you have to click the color you want the hide show the item to get it to show the color you want. I also hace horns by {rue} which are very nice looking but no color custimization options there. For hooves which I suspect you already have since you say you like to be a faun I suggest epic as they have hooves of almost every style. They also give some away free if you join there gourp but there is a group fee. Well worth the price IMO though
  11. Welly ou might find one anyway because of how people can be about ripping content in sl. now wiether LL will remove it from your inventory at some point is a nother story all together.
  12. do you have remeber me on this computer checked? 'cause that would cause it to remember your password and name. Especially if it's not happening on other sites. I assume you mean for logging into the site not the viewer that is.
  13. I was under the impression that it wouldn't break TPV per say just make them more unstable as the new code isn't intigrating well. But maybe I read the summeries wrong?
  14. Meshes wrote: Pamela Galli wrote: I wasn't selling $10,000L items that would have taken weeks to create! I'm still not. When I did start selling feature rich things that took weeks to make, I certainly had an inworld store by then. You must be from the prims generation. I don't want to talk anything good about people cheating on this marketplace, not at all! But mesh brings in new people. People who can have 10 years of 3D work behind them and made huge collections. For them it's not going to take weeks to make feature rich items. They only time investment is learning how to work with this uploader. When your works sells well at 3D sites, and your price is there 40 usd for example, I don't see any reason to sell it for a cheaper price in SL. SL is more then a marketplace, and SL is fun, but that is no reason to devaluate your work. Being treated here like you are a thief because you know what your work is worth is just ridiculous. I think the defrence between those 3d sites and sl here is that while sl is a game and the buyer is usally buying for playing a game a purchaser in a lot of 3d sites is purchasing the rights to use the item to make a profit more then the 300L a pop most stores in sl charge in some way such as making an animated film perhaps. I also think those films and things have the chance of being bought by big name companies to which are not the same as in world basically guy working from his basment type. You gotta charge for your market.
  15. Griffin Ceawlin wrote: Awwwww. I thought this was going to be a game, where you threw out three last names and you had to name three friends who had them. I thought that to lolz
  16. you should probably change it to good price because good pay makes it sound like you are going to pay some one to take photos for you.
  17. interesting to note but according to this your contest already ended.... in feb 2011?
  18. Hey I have a freebie shape pack on the market with a shorter then avarage sl avie if you want. I dunno it's not one of those invisible pony rider ones anyway (yuck). I'm sure there are more free ones available if you look. I suppose I could make one for you to if you contact me maybe we can work something out? I dunno...just random thought sI geuss
  19. Personally as a buyer if I want something with color options it's nice to have a few presets but allow for a custom color picker. Best of both worlds IMO. But that's just froma shoppers perspective I don't know the techincal aspect of doing something liket hat.
  20. I don't think you'll find a mesh tail with absolutly no seam. After all the tail you pointed to there isn't justa tail but a FULL MESH AVIE. Meaning that if you wore just the tail on it it would probably have a seam.
  21. You don't need a magic box any more. If you right click the item at the bottom of the pop up window is copy to merchnt outbox. No need for land or worrying about if the items are in the box/if the box is there. Once you've sent it from your merchant outbox you can create the listing for MP from your merchant home in the MP webpage. Just make sure you click active to have the item show up in y our store. Other then that not much to it! **and yes some people do still use the old xstreet boxes I jsut think there a pain IMO but do as you wish either way works of course**
  22. You could try all Sculpty prim clothing...you'd have to resize it huge to fit but you know... like something liket his all sculpted outfit might work https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Pack-Unisexe-Jacket-Baggy-Sculpted-66-colors-Biohazard-Effect-Trance/313331 sicne it has a resize script. That's what I've been doing to get outfits for my blue galaxian avie
  23. It's nice. You used the pen tool in photoshop or illustrator? Either way you might want to look into reducing the number of points your using in eash line if you are using the pen tool. Having to many points leads to jaged lines.
  24. as some one who is on open sim I can sayt hat there are some people running servers offering free land. That said you still have to have a good knowledge of how opensim/secodn life works to use open sim as it's a bit....complicated compared to second life. On top of that it's less crowded then second life and therefore harder to make friends in. and even if you do make friends if there from another grid (IE your on osgrid and there on a private grid) you can't jsut im them to hang out like you can in second life. Also Shopping on Open sim is more difficult as there's no standred currency (aka buying any opensim currency is dicey at best) and it's hard to get support from the owner if you're not on there grid. So most of the time you'll have to make things yourself or wear freebies. I'm not saying don't do Opensim because it has it's advantages like free uploads which allows for more creativity and a close net community just that you should be aware of the downsides before commiting yourself to opensim only. To be fair you don't really need a home in SL in fact it's sometimes easier not to have one as you don't have the responsability of paying teir. if you do decided to rent land I'd read up on it as it can be difficult ( so I've heard never rented myself always gone homeless) there are classes at caledon that explain teir and land rental as well as a myriad of other interesting topics.
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