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Six Igaly

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Everything posted by Six Igaly

  1. I was wondering the same thing the other day. I used to go to one some years ago each sunday. Now you asked it too I did some research and it still seems to be alive. This is what one of the initiators has in his picks about it: The moon over Avaria is where [other persons name] and I run the show-and-tell event now. A nice little fun thing: up to 9 people can show something they built themselves, then the audience votes on best builds and the presenters get prizes according to ranking - the prizes given are based on the tips from the audience. Nothing fancy, but tons of fun - so if you are a builder or just want to watch - drop in! Every Sunday 2 PM SL time. And this is the slurl: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Avaria/126/134/701
  2. I just make sure I can afford it. SL is a place (not a game IMO) that offers me a lot. And it is my choice to be there and do my things. That has a price. So I don't go out that much, clothing lasts a bit longer and sometimes I skip a haircut. That way SL is not too expensive for me. And even if there are similar places like SL for free or way cheaper, it just are other places.....
  3. Most part of her back is! Other then that, the only thing I can imagine is how she would make me sneeze.
  4. Perrie Juran wrote: I have mixed feelings about the urinating incident. Crude and rude, absolutely. At its very best poor judgement in humour. Whether or not it can be defined as Griefing, I really don't know. For me (if it is right or not I don't know) griefing is only then when people do things I did not ask for on MY land. And if I am somewhere else and the same things are happening then I just think it is annoying behavior and / or harassment.
  5. You are totally right, somehow this topic went away with me. You see I don't really mind ads on the MP that much. I just started replying because I could not understand what people were talking about, I'd never seen any ad. Then I realized I had this Adblocker active myself. Not for MP, but installed it long ago to get rid of some annoying ads on some of my favorite websites. (The remarks about buying my apps still stands though.) So, I rest my case now. At least I learned things because of this topic, and that is always worth something IMO :smileyhappy:
  6. Agree! And that is why I pay for the services (without LL no SL right). Just as I buy apps for my smartphone, to support the developers and to not have advertisements with it.
  7. I was thinking I was helping Linden Lab to pay the bill by being a premium member.
  8. Now this I do understand! So far I have no indication they reached my computer. I will think things over while preparing dinner now. I do know it is better to be safe then sorry :matte-motes-big-grin:
  9. I was thinking that yes. And for tv commercials, I'll either zap when commercials strike or go to the bathroom or the fridge. That, IMO, is the reason why they make more and more funny commercials, to make people watch them. And it works though, these commercials I do want to see when people are talking about them. Because I like humor, not to spent money in the end.
  10. Ok I am starting to feel lost now. Your first reply to my reply made me feel like I was a bad guy using AdBlocker. If your intention was to educate me you succeeded partially. I think I'll have to re-read all a couple of times before it finally gets to my thick head here. If there are enemies hiding behind my curtain then they sneaked in. What stays is I still don't want advertisements of any kind. If I want something I will find it myself. So for now, in this case, I will not delete anything. Thanks for your time...
  11. Thank you for your patience :smileyhappy: I think however, what I really need to hear, is it or is it not a bad thing to use, for me or for others because of me? I don't want to spoil anything for anyone you see. And if it is a bad thing (and somehow I sense it is in the meanwhile) I will be the first to delete it.
  12. That was not my intention. I try to understand what you are saying here (since my english is not that bad as long it stays on sesame street level). I get it when you mean it still is there even when I don't see it, it is a blocker afteral, not a remover. Now here it gets abacadabra for me, I know all the words on their own but have no clue what you are trying to tell me here; LL has for the longest time tried to prevent the creation of fractioned viewing perspectives between user accounts. Congruence is stressed within their operating procedures, as is internal server security. No-one can guess at their motives, but flying somewhat in the face of ten years of the Tao of Linden must be notable behaviour. No joke.
  13. Mm, well I don't see why this is a smug response to start with. I was really wondering why I did not see this adverts. And it turned out I use that adblock thingy, totally forgotten about that. You have a point there though, that other people decide what I get to see or not get to see. Never thought of it that way. Yet I am not waiting for advertisements of any kind, never ask for them. So what brilliant no noob solution do you have in stead?
  14. /me scratches the back of his almost bold head, what adverts? Did some research in the browser preferences..it is obvious, already using AdBlock, that explains.
  15. I most certainly enjoy the forums too. But not only when I have coffee. I have this tendency to also enjoy them when I am having a beer some beers. Somehow it makes me reply / post (if I do) a bit different then when on caffeine alone.
  16. Read correcly nevervsaid my partner Dont rush take your time
  17. It is not that hard to cam through a wall, one meter or ten. Disable camera constraints will let you cam through them as if they were like 0.010 meter thick.
  18. As a eunuch I never did sex/gender related surveys before. It was a challenge so I did now. I will stay *beep*less though.
  19. **Bleep** **bleepbleep** **BLEEP** ** bleepbleeeep** **Bleep!****Bleep** **bleepbleep** **BLEEP** ** bleepbleeeep** **Bleep!****Bleep** **bleepbleep** **BLEEP** ** bleepbleeeep** **Bleep!** Bleeped now
  20. With ever new change there always will be a lot of complaining. And it will NEVER occur that EVERYONE is satisfied. That will only happen if LL will create 73.000 different types of viewers. (And even then there will be complaining going on!). I'll just go with the flow and make the best out of it. So far, in all this years things improved, for me at least.
  21. Having a life of your own is not excactly the same as having secrets. And to me that is all there is happening. Since if you are this trustful I would think you are all over your partner all the time to make sure you know everything she does. If I were her I would do just the same (= living MY life). And IF i was here and I found out you doing this I would kick your butt, no questions asked. Maybe it helps if you grow up a bit first.
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