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Marcus Hancroft

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Everything posted by Marcus Hancroft

  1. Here's the solution to getting everything exactly as the example. 1) Rez the sample item 2) Rez a cube and use the 1st sculpt map in it 3) Go into edit mode on the sample and check edit linked parts. Click on the part that corresponds to the prim you just made and click "Copy" on the size and position & rotation numbers (you'll need a 3rd party viewer for this) 4) Click on your prim you just made and click "Paste" on the size number. (all 3 size numbers will be pasted). Your prim will now be the same exact size as the sample. Click "Paste" on the rotation numbers so your prim is rotated exactly and then Click "paste" on the position numbers and your prim will jump to over the original part of the sample. 5) Repeat this procedure for all parts of the item 6) Once you finish making each piece, edit and then move the original out of the way. Now you have a perfect replica but all prims are in your name. 7) Texture each piece 8) Link all parts 9) You're done!
  2. Rolig Loon wrote: Yes, I read the same posts. Thing is, people post when they have problems. When they don't have any, they don't post. So there's a sampling bias in the forums. That's why I can't tell whether most people are trouble free, like me, or whether I'm leading a charmed life. Since I've never been particularly charmed in other parts of my life, I suspect that the first possibility is the correct one, though. I migrated over on the day that Direct Delivery rolled out, Miss Rolig. Aside from having terrible trouble deleting the old Magic Box items (I think that prob still exists), migrating went just fine. I, too, have had no miss deliveries, never NOT gotten paid, don't have any cross-linked listings, and my Merchant Outbox operates flawlessly. So I think you are absolutely correct. Where someone is having a problem...here's a post for you! When everything is going smoothly and perfectly...everybody shuts up.
  3. Spica Inventor wrote: I suspected you of being an L.L. Agent as well. A higher quality Agent perhaps. hehe ;-) ME?? Good god, no.
  4. Yes, indeed it is, Miss Sassy! Watched & Voted! Heheh...I love how you worded that one.
  5. /me wants a "Like" button for Miss Sassy's "Like Button" Jira
  6. Howdy, Flea! I agree. This isn't acceptable at ALL and I think we really need fixes NOW as well. I haven't had any of the problems (sales or otherwise) that so many seem to have with the Marketplace of late and I sure don't WANT start! Although, I did have one sale two days ago that delivered, I got paid for it, I got the sale e-mail, it shows on the "Orders" report, but it does NOT show on my Marketplace "Transactions" report. My only thought is that it was put in the Shopping Cart long before the day the sale actually completed. I haven't investigated that yet. Finally...it's really sad that you have to put a disclaimer in your post stating that you are not now, nor have you ever been an employee of Linden Lab, and I'm sorry you feel you have to do so. I completely understand though. I saw the accusations from others about you in previous threads. I stopped posting nearly as much as I was because I got tired of all the doom & gloom, the accusations and the unkind posts I was seeing and getting as well. I still read through the forums daily though to keep up on what's going on in case I need to take action on anything.
  7. /me busts out laughing O.M.G. Dart! Hahahaha! Perfect interpretation! I love it!
  8. The Commerce Team, today posted an update to the Marketplace & Direct Delivery thread above. With almost fifteen and a half thousand views, it's obvious we ALL want updates and want to know what in the heck is going on with resolving all the problems going on on the Marketplace. Below is their update if you haven't already checked that thread today: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 06-07-2012 02:53 PM Below is the updated set of outstanding issues with Direct Delivery and the Marketplace. Direct Delivery The following Direct Delivery issues have been verified, but have not yet been addressed: WEB-4600 (Merchant Outbox failures): We have been working on this issue and will not shut down Magic Boxes until this is addressed. In some cases, logging out and in from the Marketplace and then the viewer may resolve this problem.WEB-4554 (Test delivery permissions incorrect): This is currently under investigation.Limited Quantity Support (Merchant does not have rights to copy the items for sale): This is currently being worked on. Magic Box migration will not be required until this is supported. (Note that Merchants can sell items that have next owner rights set to “No Copy”. Please see the Knowledge Base article on Object permissions for more details on how permissions work.)Overall Marketplace There are also several issues that occurred around the time of the Direct Delivery launch that we are still working to address, but are not issues with Direct Delivery. WEB-4587 (Listings with the wrong images): This is currently under test. WEB-4441 (Orders stuck in “Being Delivered” state): We have been able decrease the number of orders getting stuck and continue to work on preventing all orders from getting stuck.WEB-4567 (Bulk delete fails for some merchants): We will evaluate the priority of this once we have completed the above Direct Delivery fixes and features.WEB-4592 (Orders marked as “Delivery Partially Failed” on success): This is currently under investigation.WEB-4696 (Deleted listings appearing in search results): We continue to investigate this issue.WEB-2974 (Listing enhancement stuck in “Charging, cannot edit right now” state): We are investigating this issue.WEB-4138 (Confirmation emails failing to deliver): We are currently investigating this issue.In addition to the above issues, there have been reports of Direct Delivery purchases silently being delivered and the Merchant not getting paid (the order is marked as “Failed”). We have not been able to confirm this report and would like to investigate further, so please file a support ticket with details if you see this. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ What strikes ME is all the "This is currently under investigation." "We are currently investigating this issue." answers given here. I've never been a fan of "We don't have any new information to give you but here's an update anyway." I would almost prefer they wait until they DO have something to tell us. And then I think, "Well, at least they ARE trying to tell us something even if it is that they are still investigating. It's been a month between updates as it is." and so I guess I won't complain much about that. And finally, didn't those who had the problem of their items being delivered and not paid file tickets about that? I thought I read in one of the other threads that they did.
  9. Howdy, Ab I know it's frustrating to see those magic box delivery notices and not see the money for it, so I know how you feel. Let me tell you what I'VE experienced migrating to direct delivery... I converted on the day that direct delivery rolled out (along with a million other people LOL!). Since then, I have had absolutely NO failed deliveries. I have never missed a payment from my sales. Items that had never sold even once when I was on the magic box have started selling. I do not have any cross-linked listings. I think Flea is correct about the magic boxes silently failing this whole time (sim lag, server lag and or the script being dropped). The point he's trying to make about his script telling him when something is rezzed out is that he's not getting any messages about items that he can't match to an actual sale. So we're not getting any silent fails with direct delivery like we did with the magic box system. No...all the problems going on are NOT the direct delivery system itself. It's the marketplace and the data tables it uses to match listings with photos, etc. It's the marketplace and the search engine it uses. If you are having so many problems with the magic boxes, why would you not want to migrate over to try to eliminate those magic box problems? Believe me when I say that I am NOT a Linden Lab apologist and everything, but I think everybody will be much better off once the magic boxes go away. You could try changing just a couple or three of your listings to direct delivery now just to see and get used to the process of migrating and then sit back and watch how things go. In the end though...magic boxes are being deactivated. On the 1st of June. Linden Lab has decided to retire the boxes. It's best to start the conversion process a little ahead of time or you are going to be scrambling to try to get everything done on May 31! And when you try to hurry, you'll miss something, forget something or do something wrong and get all upset all over again.
  10. Maybe just call the main Linden Lab number and ask the operator to transfer you to the proper department? 1 (415) 243-9000 I do know that the Lab really has no desire to speak personally with their residents so you may hit a roadblock with the main number too. I checked the link you gave and there is indeed no e-mail address listed anywhere.
  11. I have definitely seen a hard downturn in sales last week. The week of 4/29 to 5/5 was good, but beginning on 5/6, something big changed. And I think it's more than the marketplace. I was trying to do some work on my inworld store (still working on getting it set up) and I couldn't rez ANYTHING. I kept getting the "Can't rez object...owner doesn't allow it" error. Of course, I'M the parcel owner, I have rezzing turned on for everybody (with a 5 minute return), plenty of prims, and I always have my store group active. So I don't know why the system wouldn't let me rez anything. I could create new prims and they would rez just fine...but the rest...not so much.
  12. Pamela Galli wrote: Exactly. And most people do not have to be told this. The fact that "kampu" does, tells me that all is not well with him, if you know what I mean. And I have no problem with that except I get tired of every single thread being taken over by his pointless points. Me too, Miss Pamela. Meee too.
  13. Howdy, Miss Daisy Were you in edit mode on that listing when it happened or something? I migrated long ago and had none delete itself so I'm trying to think HOW it could have happened and WHEN. What were you doing at the time it happened? Maybe with that information I can answer your question better.
  14. How to even begin, K... Your hatred of the person about whom your last post referenced is apparent. I've read through ALL your posts of late as well and I'm fully aware of your theories about what's caused all the marketplace problems and who is responsible for them. The big problem I see here is that, since none of us are Linden Lab employees and work specifically in the commerce team, we can't really know what's the cause and who's to blame. I'm quite positive that nobody in Management at Linden Lab is going to come into these forums and state: "We just wanted to let you know that Soandso Linden has been the cause of ALL the problems and bad decision making in the commerce team." Hells bells, it could be ANYBODY, or several anybody's, or the entire TEAM! The fact is, we don't know for positive and we never will. So to continue to rant about a single person on the commerce team is silly. Demanding her/their immediate dismissal without all the facts is REALLY silly in MY book. I understand the human nature to want to blame someone. But without every single fact presented to us, we could be blaming the wrong person and flaming them here might be construed as libel. You have to be very careful about such things. Make sure you have the correct person that did that, made this decision, damaged the other thing. In the end, since we aren't privvy to all the correct information about everything, all your theories are just that...theories and conjecture. Neither one can be proven. Take care of what's going on inside your own "four walls" and let Linden Lab deal with their own employee problems. Nothing any of us say or do will make one whit of difference in how the company runs internally and that's as it should be.
  15. Spica Inventor wrote: The last three days I had average sales pretty much. I had a spike the 1st of May but I attribute that to peeps getting their paychecks. ;-) Slow sales on the 5th 6th and 7th of this month. Interestingly, my sales have started up again today. I don't know...it's just strange I guess. All of a sudden, sales stop, a few days go by and then they start up again. Thanks for posting, Spica!
  16. Well thank you, Peter! I'm assuming, by looking at the script, that I need to manually input my email address (removing the *'s also). Correct? Anything else I need to manually enter?
  17. Darrius Gothly wrote: Kampu Oyen wrote: [..snip..] Am I wrong? Josh? You know who Rube Goldberg is .. doncha? While your "predictions" may at times seem to hit the nail on the head, the path and motives you attribute to the process is very Rube Goldberg. I tend to think it's less "twisted nefarious plot" and more "someone has their head up their ... ". If they truly wanted to increase in-world sales, the most effective means to that end would be to offer "Coop Deals" that tied Premium Membership to land ownership to "Linden Stores" ... much the same as they've offered Linden Homes. They would then put out "Marketing Packages" with Premium Shop Owners contributing a few products on loss-leader sales in exchange for ad placement in the advertising/promotion packets they send out to every one that is active on SL. Convincing someone to move their sales in-world by destroying the offline sales site is not only an imprecise means of motivation, anyone with even a glimmer of sense would realize that it's a damned-foolish way to go. As a method of encouraging action, it's tantamount to covering the glazed donuts with dead bugs and cat poop .. just to entice people to buy more jelly filled donuts; it's bound to backfire and make everyone turn away from BOTH glazed and jelly filled ... and even the bear claws too. You have "success" with your predictions in much the same way that Nostradamus has accurately predicted things like WWII and Hitler and 9/11 .. it only works if you read it backwards while chanting Hindu Love Poems and inhaling copious quantities of incense. This ^^!! Darrius!! I'm so glad to see you posting in the forums again, my friend!
  18. Flea Yatsenko wrote: No, this has gone on for far longer than the introduction of Direct Delivery. The only thing is that people are finally starting to realize it now. One of the motivations behind Direct Delivery was to avoid this from happening. Magic Boxes depend on llEmail to communicate. This means that when it communicates with anything, it stops the script for 20 seconds. If any events are given to the script in that time, they get thrown on an event queue. When the queue fills up, events just disappear. I realized it in Semptember, and I've been playing with magic boxes between then and the release of DD. The month before DD came out, I finally figured out how to manipulate and re set magic boxes so that they could run at full potential, and I made nearly twice as much in that month as I normally did. DD then came out the next month and I made the almost same amount as I did the month before that (granted the Grid and MP had issues, so it's to be expected it was lower). I still made far more than I ever did with Magic Boxes, and I changed very little about my store since september. Even with the troubles SL has had these last few weeks, I'm still set for record sales this month on DD. I advise anyone who still uses magic boxes to make the switch as fast as possible. Magic Boxes aren't as good as DD. The difference between a Magic Box and DD is that DD tells you when a sale fails and Magic Box just gives your product away for free and doesn't say anything to you. Because DD actually tells you your transaction had issues and MBs don't. People saw all these errors in DD and thought DD was failing more than Magic Boxes, when DD was just reporting errors Magic Boxes didn't even tell you about and they were failing at the same rate. I completely agree, Flea. For some reason, and I've been checking every single day, my sales have completely stopped now. I've had not one in the past 3 days (at end of business today, it will be 4 days). The first six days of this month were great for me so I have no explination for the sudden sales halt. None are reported as "expired" or "failed"...there's just nothing. I'm wondering now if I'm not having the same issues that others are having in this thread. Sales are being made and delivered, but no record of them is being sent to me and no funds are being transferred. If so, I'm gonna be one upset individual! Like Toy (and others), I'm thinking the best thing is to put an on-rez script into all my products (starting with my best sellers) so I will know if this is happening. I hope it's not. But I want to know if it is!
  19. Howdy, Miss Annie! Here's something you can do to start this promotion while you are workin on gettin the scripts written and the new vendors designed and built... Go ahead and post your first discount code on your website. Run it for like a week or something. With the code, give the people who visit your website the instructions to create a notecard inworld. Have them include on the notecard; the transaction information, and promo code, and then transfer the notecard to YOU. You then compare the transaction information they give with YOUR transaction information to make sure they match (and that the promo code matches) and at that point you refund them the percentage amount. I know, I know...it's a lot more work for you to receive notecards, compare information, and refund, but it would at least get your promotion idea off the ground and running while you are workin on getting your vendors set up. You could still change your promo codes as often as you wish, just make sure the transaction date is within that code's date range. Just a thought! Nice promo idea though! I hope you get your scriptor soon and get everything up and running like you want!
  20. I have had no problems with uploading through the merchant outbox. You have to use either Firestorm or the V3. Log out of marketplace completely. Resign back in. Log out of SL. Log back in again. Try to open your outbox. Let it initialize. Once it completes, see if you can put anything into it. If not, log out of both SL and your merchant account on the website and try again. I only had to do that once on the day that direct delivery rolled out, and haven't had any problems since.
  21. I went to your deviantart site, Toy and I gotta say...AMAZING! I love ALL of them! I wish I were so good at photography as to be able to take such fantastic photos. Mine tend to have my finger in them, a camera strap ghost, or are so blurry one can't tell what it started life AS. LOL! @Zanara; It is mean spirited, hateful and downright wrong of you to accuse Toy of "googling" all his works with absolutely NO shred of evidence to back up the accusation. I strongly suggest you delete that post or edit out that comment unless you can present us with irrefutable proof that Toy's work is the result of "googling" the images and not his own artistic ability.
  22. Toysoldier Thor wrote: Pamela Galli wrote: Oh it was already game over when Darrius and Dartagan hugged. Its amazing how adversaries fall on the same side when what was always a common enemy shows its true colors for all to see. Some of us saw LL for what they really were much earlier than others PS.... Regarding my last post... Although one of my true weaknesses is spelling and grammar (as you can all agree with) - I do know how to spell ROADMAP. Sadly the SL Forums Dictionary doesn't and I clicked through its advise too quickly. Its recommendation for the incorrectly spelled roadmap is roadman. /me busts out laughing Howdy, Toy Dude! Good to see you round about! With all that's goin on in the marketplace with cross-linked listings and etcetra, it doesn't surprise me that the spell checker here in the forums can't spell. Makes me wonder what's gonna happen next? LOL! /me smiles and tips his hat Toy's way
  23. Mornin, Morgaine! Are you talking about uploading folders to the marketplace through the merchant outbox? Your question isn't very clear to me.
  24. Mornin, J. Ya know what...I don't subscribe to the conspiracy theory that somebody at Linden Lab has deliberately sabotaged the marketplace system. I think Wade has it right and it's purely bad database creation and maintenance. I see, in my minds eye, little children pounding away at the keyboards in the commerce team office and laughing and giggling all the while. Okay, maybe they aren't "children" up there, but, they certainly are amateurs. Personally, I think the magic boxes were silently failing long before the roll out of direct delivery. Flea created a thread about that and I think that's correct also.
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