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  1. the pole is named "hub" i got that script to build a solar system (Works great btw!) But now I need something way simpler. you are right it's more complex than what I need for this!
  2. I've only been in second life a few times, so I'm really lost on where to put what. Unfortunately I'm completely new and this is part of a project I need to get done next week. I hate to ask this but does anyone have a script or a link for one that I can copy and paste and apply minor tweaking to get it to work? The script I have was given to me by someone and I have a feeling its too complicated for what I need... I got it to build a solar system. I will definately spend the time figuring out how to build my own down the line, but for now I'm hoping someone has a good script I can copy and paste for this... I guess I need a "SL scripting for dummies" LOL
  3. This is what I currently have... mind you, I'm *really* new to scripting so i'm kinda lucky it worked in general LOL vector root; float ellipse_x; float ellipse_y; float angle = 0; string axis_name = "Hub"; default { on_rez( integer Parameter ) { llResetScript(); } state_entry() { root = llGetPos(); // default axis is around myself (sensor will update) ellipse_x = 1 ; // r_max these will control the size and shape of the elipse ellipse_y = .5; // r_min llSetTimerEvent( 0.2 ); // or more depending how smooth and fast it's to be // non moving target llSensor( axis_name, NULL_KEY, PASSIVE | ACTIVE, 20.0, PI ); // 20m range // moving target // llSensorRepeat(axis_name, "", 20.0, ACTIVE | PASSIVE, PI, 2.0); // 20m range } timer() { angle += 5.0 * DEG_TO_RAD; if( angle >= TWO_PI ) angle -= TWO_PI; float x = ellipse_x * llCos(angle); float y = ellipse_y * llSin(angle); llSetPrimitiveParams( [ PRIM_POSITION, root + <x, y, 0>, PRIM_ROTATION, llEuler2Rot( <0.0, 0.0, angle> ) ] ); } sensor(integer num_detected) { root = llDetectedPos(0); } no_sensor() { llWhisper(0, axis_name + " not found."); llSensorRemove(); } }
  4. I guess to be clearer. I want it to rotate in a circle around a pole on the X axis...
  5. I'm trying to build a riding space ship. I don't want it to be a vehicle you have control over driving, all I need it to do is rotate flat around the hub object. basically I was trying to build a transparent pole in the center of the room and have the shuttle/space ship i made circle around it. I'm very very new to scripting, is there a simple script I can toss in there that will do what I need. The one I have makes the whole thing rotate/orbit/spin so you wind up upside down and backwards etc... Help! :)
  6. I'm in need of something for a project in SL and I'm having trouble finding a type of script I want. I saw it once a long time ago when I checked out SL for the first time. it just made some swirling star like white dots spin around the room. I'm basically looking for something to couple with my walls that have a scrolling script w/a star image/texture in it to give a "space" feel. Any simple script I could use out there? doesn't need to be elaborate, the simpler the better :) Thank you! Saedreyn
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