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  1. Well it may just be a problem with my own computer, but...i really need to register another credit card for my account, because i need to pay rent on my land,, and fast. the page i actually go to register the card, does not have a button to continue, on my screen. i tried many things to resolve it, like using different browsers(firefox, google chrome, and even internet explorer). I want to know if anyone can help me, or point me in the direction of someone that can help me.
  2. I have a problem with the second life beta grid. The inventory i have on there automatically sets to wear. So basically i lag out before i can get to remove it. I was able to get to outfit, and choose to replace and add a new uniform i had saved, but the inventory quickly added as well, and i crashed soon after. The problem was secluded to the second life beta grid. I found this out when i logged back into the normal grid Second life grid, and my inventory was fine. I wanted to know if there is a way to easily resolve this problem before i had to uninstal or delete and cache, but im really open to any ideas anyone may have.
  3. ERROR: llrender/llvertexbuffer.cpp(1876):VertexBuffer<class LLColor4U,6>::get:VertexBufferStrider could not find valid vertex data. that is said when i log n, after a few seconds, just before my avatar can render.
  4. ERROR: llrender/llvertexbuffer.cpp(1876):VertexBuffer<class LLColor4U,6>::get:VertexBufferStrider could not find valid vertex data. is what i get and the error says to go find the support group but i dont know when the last time ive seen something called "suppoirt group".
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