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Ry0ta Exonar

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Everything posted by Ry0ta Exonar

  1. Try clearing your viewer cache. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/How-to-improve-Viewer-performance/ta-p/1316923#Section_.2
  2. Have you heard about received item folder? Currently some items on the marketplace are delivered to received item folder, others are delivered to the object folder as before. Anyway check the following page out. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Shopping-in-the-Second-Life-Marketplace/ta-p/700189#Section_.2
  3. Wow, I think you've been so lucky that you've never had that issue before! Try the suggestions in the following link: http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_bake_fail
  4. Maybe no. Check the following page out: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Billing/ta-p/700037#Section_.10.8
  5. First off you have to have land where the footprint of the house fit to, so if you don't have land, you have to buy or rent it. How? See the following links: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Buying-land/ta-p/700043 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Buying-Private-Regions/ta-p/700045 Or you can rent land from other residents. See here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Renting-land-from-other-Residents/ta-p/1420695 As to inside affiliates group, unless you are planning to join their affiliate group and sell their products as an affiliate, you don't have to join it.
  6. Quel problema si chiama 'bake fail'. http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_bake_fail Falle provare suggerimenti seguenti: Cambia il gruppo attivo Se non funziona, Rebake (premere Ctrl-Alt-R) un paio di volte Se non funziona, va in appearance (e prova a modificare qualcosa e salvare la differenza). Esci da appearance. Se non funziona controlla la larghezza di banda, dovrei anche vedere se risettare il modem e/o router risolve il problema.
  7. It's a bug. Here is a JIRA: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-4600 Please feel free to add your comment, vote and watch. Also a few people reported a way around there. Worth a try.
  8. lol Maybe that means she could get pregnant.
  9. Looks like the same issue. Check the following thread out. Try the suggestions. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Your-Avatar/Skin-Texture-Problem/m-p/1407037#M16084
  10. Did you put anything that emits those hearts in your home? If so, just take that in your inventory or delete it if you won't use it anymore. I guess many particle emitters have opt-in button or menu, though. If the hearts are comming from outside, they may be from your neighbor's object. In that case you'd have to ask its owner to stop it.
  11. Since you in your avatar badge look fine and you said the issue suddenly happened, I suspect it 's because of corrupted files or something. I'd try clean install of viewers.[edit] oh I noticed you've already tried clean install. If you have an alt, you might want to check if your alt has the same issue and if not, it might be account specific.
  12. As already mentioned, there is no equivalent to the marketplace in world. I suggest you search the marketplace website for what you are going to buy and check the listings the search brought up. If they have also a store in world, you will find the SLurl of the store on the listing so you can go there and see the item in world.
  13. Vania Chaplin wrote: LOL I came through at least 3 different softwares in LL's forums. Each worse than the former :cattongue: I like this one way better that that JIVE blogorum thingy. That was horrible.
  14. You need to unpack that square to use the clothes. See this page: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Opening-boxes/ta-p/700185
  15. See this page: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Filing-an-abuse-report/ta-p/700065
  16. There is no way to do that at the moment, but you can use Revenue distributions feature to automatically distribute payments among multiple Residents. See the following link for further info: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Managing-your-Marketplace-store/ta-p/700191#Section_.3 Otherwise each of you can create a store with the same brand name to share. Some people are running their store this way. ETA: Or create a new account for your store to share with each of you (password and such) and use a/m revenue distributions feature.
  17. black: They are on-line now. blue: They are on-line now and you can go to where the friend is currently at, or you can search them on the world map.
  18. I suspect that's because the merchant is German and the link the sign gave you is German version. CAUTION! : If you click on the links I put on the forums, you'll end up facing with noodle script. lol As to the tos in Spanish, I have no idea.
  19. Yesterday when I was reading commerce merchant group chat in world, someone was asking people the same question as yours, so maybe some people are having that issue.
  20. I suspect that spanx-looking thing is painted on your skin. Are you using one of the starter skins? ETA: And if that's the case, you need a new skin to get rid of that.
  21. I didn't notice when it changed but on googling both urls, I'd say it was at some point in 2010. Both urls are legitimate though. edit to correct
  22. Some skin stores like Redgrave provide a notecard for Optimised setting in their store and Laq provides one in their website (http://www.laqroki.com/how_to_get_an_even_light_on_your_avatar.html ). I happened to upload one here (http://www.sendspace.com/file/0120ne ) as per a customer's request the other day. And TPVs like Firestom have lots of presets, so you may want to try various settings to find what you like. And if you don't want to use TPVs, you can just get xml files for sky setting from their folder in your computer and use them for the official viewer. You can learn how to install them on the page Charolotte presented.
  23. Well, parcel owners can ban anyone for any reason or for no reason, and that's not against the ToS or CS. So there is not much you can do about it. Actually I've got banned a few times, when I just shrugged and moved on.
  24. Then even if you wear system layer clothes, they don't appear on your avatar cuz they are under your mesh avatar. You need to find mesh or prim clothes to match your mesh avatar shape. Try looking at the store you bought it. Sometimes they are offering also clothes to wear with their mesh avatar.
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