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Ry0ta Exonar

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Everything posted by Ry0ta Exonar

  1. Yeah, lots of so-called complete avatar sets sold on the marketplace contain stolen skins which were sold with full perm before. So people should be careful about that. (Mind you I'm talking about a general issue, not saying the OP is doing that)
  2. Did you buy a mesh avatar by any chance?
  3. Hmm, the following link may be helpful. http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/wearing_entire%20_inventory
  4. First check the following link out:http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Shopping-in-the-Second-Life-Marketplace/ta-p/700189#Section_.2 Marketplace deliveries are currently undergoing a transition between Magic Boxes and a new direct delivery model. As a result, you may receive items differently depending upon which delivery method the merchant is using And if you still can't find the gifts anywhere in your inventory, contact the sellers and ask for redeliveries, and if they don't respond, submit a support case with customer support requesting redelivery. Make sure to include the order number and the exact name of the undelivered item(s). Hope you can get your puchases.
  5. If you are so inclined, please comment on this JIRA: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-7845
  6. The only thing you can do would be contact customer support: https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/
  7. Sounds like a similar issue. Check this thread out. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Abuse-and-Griefing/Why-is-it-every-time-my-avatar-walks-music-plays/qaq-p/1499877
  8. I assume you are talking about those info on build/edit tool. Go to Build menu > Options to see if you checked Select Only My Objects and uncheck it if so.
  9. Add your comment on that review and flag it, then LL will remove it.
  10. I read somewhere on newer viewers the folders which contain nothing don't appear in your inventory by default, so check if they will appear by creating a new item (for instance a new shape) by yourself. There might be an option button or something on Preferences.
  11. Firestorm supports the merchant outbox. The reason you can't use DD yet is because that doesn't support no copy (to the owner) items yet. Anyway check your transaction history to see if that horse bundle was sold.
  12. Deja Letov wrote: What they really mean is "inflating prices on the SL Marketplace,in comparison to in-world or other e-commerce websites could make your customer purchase from your store instead of the Marketplace and that means we wouldn't make money off of you...so don't do it!" Yeah, I've always been thinking this is what that clause means. If anything, it's unethical only to LL. By inflating prices the merchants are running the risk of losing sales opportunity due to the uncompetitive prices comapared to their competitors' prices. If customers still find their products worth of the prices, they would buy them though and that means the customers are happy with paying that price, so it's unethical at all IMHO. So personally I don't care if some sellers are inflating the prices on the marketplace cuz either way I always try to buy from in- world store if available to support merchants.
  13. Quella scritta significa non c'e' nessun disponibilita' di prim piu' sulla land, quindi non puoi rezzare l'oggetto. Comunque se smetti di cercare di rezzarlo, smette di uscire.
  14. Here is a nice tutorial. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Your-Avatar/How-to-create-a-cool-forum-avatar-badge/m-p/707025
  15. I suspect the complete avatar you bought is packed in a box and so when click on it to wear, it's attached to your right hand. To use it you have to unpack it first. See the following link to learn how to do so. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Opening-boxes/ta-p/700185
  16. Yw. Good to hear your issue was sorted out.
  17. I don't think there is a flag button for the whole store. You'd have to flag the items one by one.
  18. If you flag them, they will be removed by review team.
  19. Right now I see 10 items in your store. The URL you pasted in your post is not correct, though.
  20. I have no idea who are so famous that are known all across the grid. lol If you are very active on the web, writing blogs, post comments on others blogs, having accounts on social network sites, Flickr, youtube and what not, you may become very famous among those people who engage in the same activities, but there are many more people who are not interested in those things, so to those people you would remain unknown.
  21. VonGklugelstein Alter wrote: I am curious to see or hear about one single improvement they made in the recent past that actually make SL more fun , more user friendly Let me see....there are those who seem to be enjoying Linden home, display name, voice morphing, avatar physics, multiple system layers, multiple attachments per attachment point, alpha layer, tattoo layer, Linden realms, mesh, web profile...
  22. How many listings do you have? I see 2 items with maturity level General, 68 with General+Moderate. So I suspect most of your items' maturity level was changed to moderate for some reason. Check your keywords and description if they contain Moderate words.
  23. I think that's because originally a copybot was a kind of bots as the name implies which tends to be inactive. I have once been banned for being inactive by the damn security fox while I was in the bathroom. lol
  24. There are a few text client you could use. Check this page out: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory
  25. See the following link: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Premium-membership/ta-p/1054477#Section_.6.2 If you don't want linden home, you can allocate the 512m2 to an equivalent parcel on mainland without having to pay an extra charge.
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