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Dano Seale

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Everything posted by Dano Seale

  1. Reminds me of the old adage - "When the hole you're digging gets too deep....stop digging!" lol.
  2. Read any "reviews" it may have. If no reviews = no sale! Edit: - I only take notice of the ones that say something like "..not the best fit but works for Maitreya/Gianni" depending on alts and similar, but yeah in hindsight, not the best way!
  3. In your in-world "settings", go to "sound and media" find the "allow streaming music" and check mark it. You should hear music after that....anywhere you go that has it, lol. (can get annoying when shopping etc. just turn it off then back on again when you go to a club.)
  4. I saw him say that and thought - "oh you gone done it now boy!" 😆 Pretty sure this is the same guy who was here a couple of weeks ago in another name, Bryce something or other. Same long posts, same spelling mistakes "your" for "you're", "secrete" for "secret" etc. Same, "I've done this, I've done that, I served my Country" blah blah crap! Like everyone needs to bow down and be grateful lol. He got slapped out then, he'll get slapped out again probably. Ignore him! 😉
  5. 22 Countries luckily already HAD a flag when we turned up! 😡* It's also just not true! Here's why: " There’s a little wiggle room to make some arguments with Laycock’s number. For example, he lists the countries based on their current geographic borders and names, and some of the invasions occurred when one or both of those things were different. Some of them even happened before the formation of the British state. “Invasion” is defined pretty broadly, too, and includes raids or intrusions into a territory by British pirates, privateers or armed explorers operating with approval of the Crown. " In other words, in Laycock's view of things you'd have to remove Sweden from that list due to the fact that me being British and living in Sweden for the last 12 years, he'd consider it "invaded"! *
  6. To be fair, a hell of a lot DO get "taken for a ride"! And not in the sexual phrasing of it either!
  7. ...Or "an angry, racist black woman" in your case! Shame you didn't find this yesterday isn't it? 😉
  8. Yes I know, but for a very delicate item like a lightbulb and after they said the 'no packaging' was their fault because covid-19, ffs?
  9. No Cindy, it's not. They're insinuating by that that you're a liar and possible thief! Go leave worse feedback! 😡
  10. They did. A "thank you mistika" might be deserved maybe?
  11. I'm halfway through Spike Lee's new film, someone I said I'd never watch. Doing my bit for the cause! 🙂 In my experience, most people whatever their colour, have no interest at all in ever joining forums, same reason they never read a "user manual" or go through a game "tutorial" unless it's mandatory. I sometimes watch Meela Vanderbilt on YouTube, a black girl RL and SL. She owns a popular (sex) club 'Monarchy' and runs a resort on a full sim....never seen her on here though! Some people just don't have the time, patience, or inclination to sit reading forums. At the end of the day it's a bit of a mystery, same as "Why are there no black Olympic gold medallist swimmers?" or "Why are there no black Formula 1 or Nascar World champions?" (Technically, 6 times F1 world champion Lewis Hamilton (mixed race) can be termed "black" (English btw! ) but I can't think of any other black person in any of those sports, never mind a gold medallist or world champion!).
  12. No, really? 😲 How could we have ever thought otherwise? 😂 Tell me, have you passed the stage of arguing with your parents about what color/model of car you want for your 16th birthday yet? Meh, nobody "hates" her Beth ffs! We may think she's a petulant kid from a middle class background and with a misguided sense of outrage against the white race. We may think she's arrogant, ignorant and blind to anything outside her own little bubble....but "hate"? nah! That word is overused these days, much the same as "hero". People "don't like" a lot though. - I "don't like her", she "doesn't like" me, I don't like cauliflower etc etc. "Don't like" is far removed from "hate", it's just a "personal/subjective" opinion on someone or something!
  13. Drayke mate seriously, give up! Ashlyn is so riddled with 'white hatred' , suspicion and inability to see anything outdside US borders, that she just reverts to her old "racist" self and throws out constant Grade school insults! Probably p1ssed she was born too late to join the 'black panther movement', I dunno. What I do know is that, like many of all colours, push the right nerve, hit the right trigger, accidently or purposely and each persons personal "racism" just floods out! Like many Americans, everything is "insular" and anything...as you say "outside their bubble"...they don't know about, don't think about, won't listen about and don't give a flying fk about! She also calls me "racist" and a "bigot", just like she has you, probably many many others too, and gets upset because she thinks we "expect me to go out of my way to show you?" etc. Ok, we're what you call us, we're also too lazy to "research and open our eyes ourselves"....so where does that leave things? "No change...carry on folks!" that's where. She's too bitter and blind to notice that that's exactly what 90% of the whites joining and organizing all these protests in unity with blacks and POC, have done, already opened their eyes and are doing! She's too bitter and blind to notice that the moment someone questions her or her motives her hatred erupts like a volcano and shows everyone her true colours! "That right there is why you or people like you will NEVER EVER learn. Maybe it’s because you’re old AF and stuck in your ways, but there are white people who are middle aged and learned to open their eyes. So, maybe it’s just you." Case in point ^^ In short, she herself has proven herself to be one of the biggest racists and bigots around (after me apparently! lol ) and is the type of person who can easily convince whites to just say "Fk this...leave 'em to it and see how far they get!".....and is part of why NOTHING will ever change where "racism" is concerned! Thread needs a lot more ASMR talk tbh.
  14. Women are cruel! 😢....I'll have you know I'm a very young 48 and have been telling everyone such for the past 10 years ffs!
  15. People usually just carry on an "off topic" convo' wherever it gets started.....until the thread gets locked and THEN they open a dedicated thread! "Congrat's! You just made a 50 yr old hairy arsed trucker running around in a girl avi very happy. Wanna f*** now?" ....Tends to work well! With us men it's mostly to do with this: 😆
  16. One way of looking at it I suppose. It does take me back to a post a made a while back though, when I got slaughtered for mentioning a lack of visible or audible show of unity from the BLM quarter!
  17. Probably the first time anyone's took any notice of it in years! You'd spend a lot more time washing your hair and clothes though because the pigeon's don't have anywhere to sh!t anymore! I've been playing a little "mini game" the past week. I usually only visit the BBC's news page but it shows photo's and video's from both the UK, USA and World. So, I look at all the " BLM" protests all over the place....then try to spot a black face. It's not been an easy game to play! Most seem to be the usual crowd of green and pink haired, face full of metal, students and older ex-students who can't believe they're not 21 anymore, the kind that would protest march about the Sun rising only in the East being "discriminatory" to the West North and South if someone organized it, ya know? When it comes to rioting/looting though, things tend to get swapped around.....it's all very odd!
  18. It's a lot easier in the UK. Born in the UK - "British". Born outside of the UK - "Bloody foreigner!".
  19. If I remember correctly, have a look for "sweet's free nail fix" on the marketplace. I think it includes "socks" that are invisible but cover the toes so they don't show. Or look for similar.
  20. Aren't many US cops ex-military? If those guys are used to dealing in certain ways with the "*****'s, towel heads, sand n*****s" etc, it stands to reason that putting them in similar situations to the ones where they rarely had to worry about any consequences, is just destined for trouble! It seems to me that often, when people leave the military, two things are in abundance - they join the police....or they suffer PTSD! How do those that join the police avoid having PTSD?.....or do they just supress it maybe? Molly's tale/link above is horrific and to someone used to their own cops (UK) who, in a similar situation would have just taken the knife and probably joked with the guy as they put the cuffs on, it's totally incomprehensible! Worse, is just how many "lawmaker's" decided that "yeah, that's fine. Nothing wrong with what you did lads, off ya go!" before a judge (ironic name btw) said "whoa! hold on a minute! This is SO wrong!"...and it takes SEVEN years to get to that point! I'm probably upsetting Beth again because I have no dog in this fight, but it doesn't take a bona fide US citizen/resident to see that something is rotten to the core, from top to bottom, with the US justice system! Is there a "fix"? I can't see one, anymore than I can see one for "racism" or the "gun problem" or any other "problem" you care to throw in. Can you?
  21. I don't see why "shocked" Beth? I mean, they both could have used the same family 'motto' of "profit above all"! In fact, Jefferson is probably the last persons name to be invoked in a discussion about being "woke" to BLM and racism. " Jefferson insisted that a multiracial society with free black people was impossible, but Washington did not think so. Never did Washington suggest that blacks were inferior or that they should be exiled. " A bit of a "bad egg" was old Tommy boy it seems when you scratch the surface! https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/the-dark-side-of-thomas-jefferson-35976004/
  22. Oh, I put that suggestion forward a couple of days ago in the other pointless thread on this subject. It didn't go down well, lol. They just turn it into "so, george resisted arrest and "got what was coming to him then?"..."why should black people have to put up with that?", and such like. Answer is, they shouldn't have to! but unless BOTH sides of the coin adapt and change....nothing ever will.
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