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Patch Linden

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Everything posted by Patch Linden

  1. In theme with posting updates about Linden Homes progress, we have a systems update for you: We’ve fixed the issue of Residents with the surname “.resident” not being able to be added to the whitelist and controls, as well as the control panel’s difficulties in retaining the owner whitelist settings when changing homes. This will improve your ease of management for who can access your property. Additionally, we have implemented the ability for parcel owners to reset their house controller scripts (the mailbox or life ring for rezzing a different house) should a Resident encounter an issue generating the house selection menu. If you do not receive a house selection menu when you click your House Controller, simply click on and hold the Controller for at least two seconds to reset the scripts. This should correct for most issues of this nature. If the problem persists after attempting this, please contact support. The updated models of the Linden Homes control panels and house controllers have been installed into Traditional Homes and Houseboats across the Bellisseria continent.
  2. We have released our initial version of the Linden Homes Security System, more details can be found here:
  3. 26 April 2019, Linden Homes Security System release:
  4. It’s time to add a bit of Linden-approved security to your new homes! In the interest of creating a more welcoming community experience while still allowing for personal security, we’ve released the official Linden Homes Security System to your Content Creation Packs in all new Linden Homes. It is accessible through your House Controller in front of your property. This new system will enable you to keep your property private while not infringing on navigation of the Bellisseria continent at large. Your new Linden Homes Security System can be wall-mounted upon placement. When activated, it will scan your parcel as much as 400m above and below the control unit for unauthorized visitors. If any unwanted guests are found, they will be provided with a warning to vacate the area, followed by an ejection if they do not leave within the specified amount of time (minimum of 15 seconds). You can adjust your systems range and warning time greater than 15 seconds; you can also customize your system to ignore members of your group or specific people you have added to its whitelist. We’ve chosen a minimum of 15 seconds and a maximum height of 400m to allow for those just passing through (either on the ground or in the air close to your home) to not be immediately booted off-course (while those who linger will get removed). Ejecting rather than send-to-home also allows first-time offenders to get the hint and continue on their travels. For proper use, you must place the Linden Homes Security System either in your Linden Home or in your skybox at or above 2000m high. The system will not function between 100m and 2000m above sea level, to allow for clear airspace and to prevent low-hanging skyboxes. Instructions for operating your Linden Homes Security System can be found in the notecard provided with the unit, and a shortened version of the instructions can be found by clicking on the unit’s System Help (?) button. Privacy and fostering an open, welcoming community can’t always exist simultaneously, but we believe this new security system will allow for the best of both worlds. In addition to this system, you can use your home’s Control Panel to control who may enter your home and use its redecorate functions. You may also use the Options tab in World >> About Land to determine who is allowed to rez objects on your parcel and whether people outside the parcel can see and hear what you are doing. The use of ban lines overall is disabled, but you can still ban individuals from your parcel by utilizing your parcel ban list. We feel as a compromise, at the present you may only use other security systems that conform to the same Linden Homes Security System standards (warning time no shorter than 15 seconds, no greater detection range than 400m in height; must only work within the boundaries of your parcel, and eject instead of teleport-to-home). If we incur too many issues with non-conforming security systems, we will update the policy to prohibit the use of all non-Linden provided security systems in the new Linden Homes regions. We also have some additional features planned for the security system to provide the best home experience for you in the future, so stay tuned for more information on what’s to come with our next version.
  5. Gah! You found the original pickle! 🤣 Everyone knows.... the entire continent looks like a dragon eating a pickle... right?
  6. Uh oh.... Operation squishy pickle has been found!
  7. Any cartographers among us? Remember, Magellan is missing! We can't rely on him to map and discover things for us right now. I would be supportive of perhaps someone putting together a listing, with some nice descriptive text, maybe some thumbnail images in a post and I can pin it here in the forums for everyone.
  8. Folks, please keep it civil. I really don't want to have to lock this discussion down.
  9. Read the covenant in your about land details. ☺️
  10. No, I am addressing your post of which seemingly speaks to overall deployment and supply, along with our simulator capacity, at least that I what I believed you were speaking to. So please do not confuse that with my updates of the fact that more homes, specifically of the houseboat type (first) are coming very soon and the fact that none of what you are speculating as to why we didn't put out more in our first round of deployment has anything to do with simulator capacity or my inability to predict demand.
  11. This is pretty far from the truth unfortunately. I have more than enough "server space", that's not an issue at all in this. Predicting demand, also not an issue, I knew these were going to be very popular. The issue is, creating a multi-thousand, unique layout of homes is going to take time. Lots of time. Alternatively I could take what we have now and stamp it out a few dozen times. That's not very appealing to me, and I think you'd agree.
  12. Yes, I've been saying it all over the place, we have a batch coming in short order, and sorry we ran out so fast!
  13. Well that was fast! In less than 48 hours, our new Traditional Homes and Houseboats on the new Bellisseria continent have been claimed. We're really pleased and overwhelmed at the positive response to the new models and at the rapid speed with which they were acquired. Welcome to the neighborhood: we’re glad to have you here! For those of you who weren’t able to get in, don’t worry: you’re not out of luck. More Houseboats will be coming in the very near future, followed by additional Traditional homes and newer themes that we hope you’re also going to love. The LDPW and Moles are hard at work crafting the themes and the rest of the continent for your enjoyment, so get ready for new styles and new neighbors over the course of the year. Stay tuned to this post: we’ll be updating the status of home availability and other pertinent information as we go forward, so you’ll be able to jump in and get your new home. Current Inventory Status (15 May 2019 @ 10:27am SLT ) Traditional Homes: Out of Stock Houseboats: Out of Stock
  14. Merged, because we do not need multiple threads on the same topic. That said, there are many, many other reasons to have a premium account. A houseboat, or any Linden Home (old or new) for that matter are just one feature besides weekly stipends, Live Chat customer support, increased group limits, increased offline IM limits, premium gifts, exclusive region access rights, etc. https://secondlife.com/premium/
  15. What's that supposed to mean? Perhaps message me so you can enlighten me.
  16. Working on it! Keep in mind folks, we're just getting started with what we have to reveal! 😉 We have lots of things in the works, and we wish we could have just plowed it all out at once. The attention we're giving to detail and being as meticulous as we are attempting to be across all of the various pieces of the project, means these things are having to roll out in phases.
  17. We do have more houseboats coming soon! You can always take a Traditional home today, they are still available, and then switch later as more houseboat supply becomes available.
  18. Show off your new Linden Homes pictures!
  19. It's a Linden Homes forum to post all your Linden Homes things to!
  20. I politely disagree. I do not think giving everyone an "easy button" to set your cruise control and point your vessel of choice in a direction to not navigate your way around is best... and because you used way to many "s-words" in your post. 😉 There will be plenty of navigable space in the REGIONS that will wrap around and follow the contour of the continent on it's way south, at least a region wide in most places of protected land that will never be owned by anyone but Linden.
  21. I don't particularly care about how may regions it will take to do this, I'd rather go for realism than a region tunnel any day. I am more apt to follow the coastline and put in whatever is needed to navigate through and around the area in red.
  22. Yes, the second screen shot is that actual region in SSP (hence the different house colors), but same street, region, etc. The demo region is a copy of the original SSP197. Even though my draw distance is only 128m, you still have the impacts of the attached regions that surround the demo region. Draw distance doesn't just hard stop everything out of your view. The simulator REGION you are standing in is still working to process the neighboring content, avatars, etc. to some level, and that is still going to impact you standing there in various ways. We did also test how the demo region was performing with our viewers when the demo region was nothing but a blank green slab of empty terrain prior to copying SSP197 to the expo. We had the similar FPS reductions on our viewers, and there was nothing in our region to render.
  23. Ok, here is the demo region at the expo: Here is the same region as best I could line up camera angle, etc. As you can see from my everyday operating settings, there is quite a difference in performance I can measurably see.
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