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Kobuk Farshore

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Everything posted by Kobuk Farshore

  1. *hugs Val, and pours her a glass of wine* The people with the biggest hearts get hurt the most. Just never forget you're a wonderful person, and wonderful people usually have the most friends to help them through.
  2. Those are just beautiful, Parhelion. Val: All horses are mirrors And all mirrors show Until showing is broken And broken we grow
  3. Use better... uh, protection next time? :} A nice necklace of garlic is a suggestion.
  4. You may need to use an Undeformer. Sometimes when you smoosh your avi-shape up it doesn't switch back quite right.
  5. Aww, lovely shot, Neal! The light looks so real; did you switch viewers? --||-
  6. Not that I know of, Xiija, but once you've changed your badge it applies the new badge to all previous forum posts, so you can just refresh any page you previously posted on to see how you newest upload looks.
  7. Kobuk Farshore

    cloudy sky

    Hiya Endless. As Charlotte said it could've been anything really -- premade and downloaded or custom by the owner of the sim. The only one that comes immediately to mind of my downloaded windlights would be AnaLu. outdoor night. If you want to make your own night setting, just open your Sky Preset tab and go into Clouds (I use Exodus and Nirans, not sure what it would be in for Firestorm or the Official Viewer etc). make sure the cloud color is something very light, slide the cloud coverage bar down and move the Cloud Scroll X or Cloud Scroll Y slider-bars depending on which way and how fast you want the clouds to move. :}
  8. A friend and I spent a few hours last night at the Arcade buying a ridiculous number of gachas. :} It was the most fun fair I've been to in a while in SL-- people piled with odd things or dressed in mesh hamster avatars yelling out for trades. My skin, glasses, shoulder-skunk, fox-stole, stag necklace, top, flask and stingray-plushie in this photo were some of my wins. I was a bit heartbroken to leave. :\
  9. Pink Fuel has some cute freckle skins I love and Glam Affair has freckle tattoo layers (for face and/or body) that you can buy separate. Personally I wear a couple of freckle layers and beauty marks that a friend of mine makes, since most skin-mods I've tried don't show up much if I'm wearing my dark skins. I can give you her name if you don't find anything you like. Happy shopping! :}
  10. My pleasure, Val-- any excuse for me to eat cake and take photos is pretty epic. :} Hope you had a beatuiful day!
  11. Strawberry Singh's tutorials are a good place to start. She's best-known for her beautiful SL portrait photography, but her tutorials can be applied to any sort of shots. :}
  12. Hey Keristat, have you checked out any SL photography blogs or Flickr or Koinup groups? It wouldn't necessarily be the one-on-one tuition you're looking for, but I learned so much just by finding photographers whose work I adored and asking them how they shoot. Most people are flattered to share their settings and tips with you. :}
  13. valerie Inshan wrote: @ All, my best DJ friend will be playing for my RL brithday on Sunday at 8:00 AM SLT, would love to have you!!!!!!!! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Va%20Pou/77/127/22 Val, this is for you. Happy almost-birthday. :}
  14. Insight Homewood wrote: I say hello in passing nearly every avatar I meet in Second Life. I do so because my first impressions of Second Life where that there were many beautiful places, but the avatars never said anything to me as they walked by. Insight, I have to say that your username suits you well. My first reaction to reading this was a nostalgic sort of, "Yeah! I remember how great it used to be!" in that the first year of my SLife it seemed as if everyone talked to everyone else. Then I realized, actually SL probably hasn't changed-- I just used to be much more friendly-to-everyone and less selective in who I interacted with. You've made me acknowledge my snobbery a little, and feel bad about it. :} Tonya: Stay in SL? I just came back from a 4 month hiatus (RL, argh) and so many sims have closed and people drifted away over the summer. I even managed to rent the same 1/4 homestead I used to live on since it was still empty. I'm starting to fret I'll be the last one here when SL shuts down for good, like the girl in the back of the shoe-store who gets locked in at night when all the staff have gone home. :} SL is still an amazing-crazy place with amazing-crazy people, it just seems there are fewer new folks bringing life inworld and reminding us older (er, more jaded?) kids that SL is beautiful.
  15. Don't jump, Neal! There're so many pairs of good mesh pants to live for. :} I like the composition of this, though I have bad vertigo so it's a bit unsettling lol. I think I need to play around with depth of field more also; it's a box I only check when none of my housemates are even remotely using the internet, otherwise I lag too much for it to be fun.
  16. valerie Inshan wrote: /purrs in contentment and hugs tightly my iMac and Mountain Lion! :smileyhappy: I can't talk right now. I left important files in the hands of my PC and it's probably corrupting them one by one while my back is turned. Huff.
  17. There, there Val... which would you rather have: a gorgeous G5 or a MBP with a nice little Retina screen, which does everything you ever ask of it willingly and joyfully like a small genius child who worships you, or... a PC? Mhm. :} I have both, begrudgingly on the latter. It may allow me to use Niran's but it also has me throwing my arms up a lot and saying, "Grow up and act like a Mac!"
  18. Where's your skin from, Aries? Some stores will have their own enhancements like full-body freckles etc to give a little more detail. Otherwise you may be able to do a Marketplace search and find things on tattoo layers, but it depends on what sort of detail you're looking for-- obviously some things only work on the skins they were created for.
  19. Thanks, Neal. :} Since Kirsten's Viewer went out of development last year I often use Niran's Viewer for photography and machinima; it's a high-end viewer so you do need a pretty good computer to run it well, but the lighting you can achieve with it is beautiful. Exodus Viewer is a close second for me where graphics are concerned, and it runs so fluidly that I use it as my default viewer these days instead of Firestorm. Also, I was using Strawberry Singh's Emerald windlight setting for this photo, tweaked around a lot to get the shadows right. She has a lovely selection of windlights available for download on her blog, as well as links to others. I hope this helps. :}
  20. Heya Isu! Welcome welcome. :} I'd be more than happy to dork around with you if you like-- I've been gone from SL all summer and am in hyper-explore mode. Nothing's where I left it and the new-car-smell is gone, but thankfully there's a lot in SL to love. <3
  21. Sara - I'm glad it made someone else smile. :} Neal - Thank you, you've made my muse wake up a little and suggest we do something more creative tonight than spend another 5k on boots, grin. Val - Really lovely juxtaposition of class and ruralness in this photo. And I can't help but want to be sprawled in a sunbeam in that stable-- the light is magical. Here's one of me furled on the deck at home, watching the last summer dusk gutter out over the sea.
  22. Heh. I've been on hiatus from SL all summer and have absolutely no photos to share-- but my friend Adri doodled us in chibi and sent it to my phone one morning. It made me grin. I missed SL.
  23. NealCrz wrote: We need more boys posting gorgeous photos in this thread. :} Beautiful shot, Neal-- charming and calm, with lovely depth of field.
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