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Kobuk Farshore

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Everything posted by Kobuk Farshore

  1. LOL, Val! Unfortunately that does look quite a lot like my land right now. :smileyembarrassed: Several weeks of set-building combined with several weeks of shopping isn't a good combination for me. And lets not even discuss the state of my inventory.
  2. As far as I know, not unless it's some sort of RLV-enabled capture thing, or unless you've left the keys to your collar for anyone to take. Usually in order to be "owned" the submissive has to add the person to their collar by name. Maybe someone better-versed in collars has information otherwise though.
  3. valerie Inshan wrote: Kobuk Farshore wrote: So I've never had early entry to any SL event before, but I was let into the December Arcade Gacha Event last night after winning the first event's photography contest. When I arrived, the Arcade owners and some designers and bloggers all surrounded me, piled roses on me and made me wear a tiara LOL. Almost all of the store owners participating had left blogger gifts at the foot of each gacha machine, some containing one item, others a couple, and some kind creators just gave away everything in their machine for people to review. Since I'm not a blogger I felt a bit cheat-y getting all this stuff for free; sort of like that dream you have where the big apocalypse has just happened and instead of feeling guilty you're running around looting. Anyway, my land currently looks like I'm holding some sort of combined yard-&-bake sale while I unpack everything, haha. Even my skin, hair and mesh eyes were in the machines. There's much, much more than what's in this photo; I just happen to adore cake and deer. :} Val & Sara: I put the laundry sign in for you! Ko, this has to be one of my favorite picture of yours. I just ADORE your mess! And thanks for the laundry sign, it makes feel a bit at home there. It's not mess! I know exactly where everything is; give or take 16,384m² haha. I think I'm good at the acquisition part of shopping but too easily dazzled/distracted to be as proficient as you at the decorating. ETA: Oh, and I can't wait for your pre-Christmas breakfast party! You should probably hide your dalmatian away for it though or you risk losing another of your puppies to Sara's charms? laugh.
  4. GailBlakeley wrote: What does a girl do with a new pair of sunglasses? Cosplay. Hope my Molly Millions got fairly close (no way perfect). GailBlakeley wrote: Begins a life of unrelenting, unrepentant cake-and-pastry thievery for her sweetest, most-perfect gf. :heart: Alas! I've led you astray; from innocent, bewildered, wholesome n00b to hardened criminal in such a short time! I feel strangely proud. Thiefing has never looked so gorgeous.
  5. valerie Inshan wrote: Lol Ko, you did make me feel French more than ever today! THANK YOU!!!! :heart: :heart: Aww, my pleasure, Val, I thought of you when I saw them, and I'm impressed you haven't devoured them just yet.
  6. GailBlakeley wrote: Oh, how did this backfire. I wanted to share them and keep you out of this, and you ruined my plans. *pokes the pinkest, sweetest, most-perfect macaron into your mouth, and looks at you with doe-eyes*
  7. GailBlakeley wrote: Thank you Kelli *plans to get Valerie's macarons!!! Heyyyyy. You can't date a baker and then covet another woman's macarons. :heart:
  8. NealCrz wrote: Thanks if we all ever have time can take like 8 people out on the big yacht not shown in this shot. haha. I do have a rl ocean going boat so feels home. Wow, can I sign up for that? I might puke over the side a bit but I'd be grinning. The only things I've ever sailed in SL is my old katamaran.
  9. Who owns your land and what does the covenant say? There aren't many rules where I rent, but we have mountains separating each of our properties so there's no issue of eyesores. As far as I know, reporting you to LL would be pointless if you're on private land, but your neighbour could complain to your landlord and you could be asked to level your terrain. Generally it's polite not to have crazy terrain going right up to your neighbour's border though.
  10. I'm a hermit and a vicious friends-list-cleaner lol. I have a handful of people I absolutely adore and see all the time, and then six pages of friends I love-but-don't-see-so-often. I generally spend more time talking to prims than people though. I like my alone-time to build and photograph.
  11. GailBlakeley wrote: Babe, looks like you're taking an early lead for winning the next contest! No fair! (Oh but that's the kind of stuff that most cute ones get away with). Awww. Extra gf points for flattery. When you're done making that Mac build of Niran's Viewer we'll be on equal footing, and you'll leave me in the dust for taking beautiful photos.
  12. Saraya Starr wrote: Your place looks great all decorated for Christmas Val :heart: Took a few pics Of course Bo needed some loving..he felt neglected earlier..lol.. And this one..it would make for a good Christmas card , if I ever sent them out..lol :smileyvery-happy: And a beautiful tree Omg, that tree is HUGE!! Either that or Val shrank her ponies... You look all festive with the green snowy sweater and red hair, Sara. :heart:
  13. So I've never had early entry to any SL event before, but I was let into the December Arcade Gacha Event last night after winning the first event's photography contest. When I arrived, the Arcade owners and some designers and bloggers all surrounded me, piled roses on me and made me wear a tiara LOL. Almost all of the store owners participating had left blogger gifts at the foot of each gacha machine, some containing one item, others a couple, and some kind creators just gave away everything in their machine for people to review. Since I'm not a blogger I felt a bit cheat-y getting all this stuff for free; sort of like that dream you have where the big apocalypse has just happened and instead of feeling guilty you're running around looting. Anyway, my land currently looks like I'm holding some sort of combined yard-&-bake sale while I unpack everything, haha. Even my skin, hair and mesh eyes were in the machines. There's much, much more than what's in this photo; I just happen to adore cake and deer. :} Val & Sara: I put the laundry sign in for you!
  14. NealCrz wrote: Neal Placing a present by the tree. Love my Vintage tree. Supposely on a rezzer that is 1 prim land impact but is 255 prims. Finally finally found a mesh shirt that fits over mesh jeans even when bending over. Has about 50 available textures including button textures. Entende So, so pretty, Neal. I have tree-envy for everyone who's posted photos so far. Also? You're making me panic a bit-- you've already got some Xmas shopping done!
  15. Saraya Starr wrote: Got me a new laundry set:smileyvery-happy: And, cause I am feeling silly I paid what for this house?!! *faints* Oh gosh, haha. Astronomical amounts of clothes + being an SL pet owner = spending your days washing dog-hair off outfits! giggle.
  16. I can imagine the RL job interview now: "So, Miss Smith, we're very impressed with your resume, and it seems all of your references gave glowing reports, but... ah... we searched for your Second Life account by email and it appears you enjoy the role of a furry dominatrix brothel-owner..." :D
  17. :matte-motes-agape: That's... more prims than my house!! *hangs a shoelace and an aluminum-foil star on her twig of a christmas tree, and cries silently to herself*
  18. valerie Inshan wrote: While it's dark and cold here on this early morning, it is amazing how much my view in SL makes me feel better. :smileyhappy: I went to Kismet last evening and of course, I couldn't resist to get this perfect Christmas tree! /wonders what is in the gift boxes but won't open them before the 25th! Only 26 days of willpower to go, Val! No peeking. ;) That has to be one of the prettiest trees I've seen in sl. Is it sculpted?
  19. GailBlakeley wrote: Thank you ! . You're quite to blame for this :heart:. And thanks for the tips, I got shadows, but decided to go without them for these particular pictures (i.o.w. my hopeless attempts of adjusting them as I liked them failed miserably). Awww. When you're a famously-rich scripter-builder-artist (which, given your aptitude for learning these things, should be by about... Monday morning) I hope you rememeber who beat you into trying it who inspired you, love. Twenty percent of your profits and ownership of a nice little SL bakery would make me feel appreciated. Seriously though, I'm just happy you actually like messing with this stuff. Most n00bs are too hypnotized by their own bling to try building or photography or anything so soon.
  20. GailBlakeley wrote: Encouragement fosters recidivism ... Found this nice (Scandinavian?)-style sim at Drobak. Hope 'retouched' photos are ok . I love that you've started taking photos. :heart: Did you manage to get shadows to show up yet?
  21. A blog or Flickr is a good way to promote yourself for modeling if you're just looking to do it for fun, and it's also a good way to meet photographers. If you're really serious about wanting to learn though, I'd suggest saving up to attend a modeling school. They'll help you find good jobs once you've graduted.
  22. So I use Niran's Viewer solely for machinima and photography, and another TPV for everyday SL. If I edit preferences in any viewer but Niran's, those prefs are saved for my next login-- eg. if I have graphics maxed out or UI icons in certain places -- but Niran's reverts to its original settings every dang time I relog. Am I doing something wrong, or is there a certain way to save settings? It wouldn't bother me much if I didn't use Niran's solely for high-end graphics, but as it is, every time I crash or relog I have to spend a few minutes adjusting all my settings and icons, and it gets frustrating. Help? :) --- ETA: @ Val: Thank you. :) I sent Nyll an IM so maybe she'll have a suggestion when she gets inworld. @ Innula: I've tried saving the graphics preset at the top but it doesn't seem to do anything? If I give my settings a name and hit "Save," and then relog, when I come back inworld the drop-down for Graphics Preset is empty, everything is reverted to mid-settings, and hitting the "Load" button does nothing. I'm not quite sure what my issue is. I can create, edit and save windlight settings just fine and they're in the viewer when I relog, but nothing else seems to stick. ETA 2: Fixed! Thank you so incredibly much, Nyll; deleting the user_settings and cache has made all my settings stick. I'll give the Save/Load solution a try as well. Possibly it's time to join SLU; I didn't know Niran posted there. :) ETA 3: Thanks on all accounts, Niran-- between Solution #2 and #3 on your blog, saving and loading presets works perfectly for me and nothing reverts on relog. I deleted everything in graphics_presets also, although my settings weren't reverting after dumping user_settings. Happy. <3 Thanks to everyone for the helpful responses. :)
  23. valerie Inshan wrote: Kobuk Farshore wrote: I'm not sure I believe that you're French anymore though-- isn't a French person owning a Union Jack couch a bit like a Red Sox fan cheering for the Yankees? *dashes off into the snow before you can smack her* Ko, seen from another angle, things are often very different. See these letters on the frame on the left? Nothing could more Parisian than these metro stations names! Fair point, Val. And I also like the subtly-placed cig suggesting that you could set the couch on fire if so compelled.
  24. Hi Dementia. Flickr, Koinup and people's SL fashion blogs are great places to get ideas for where to photograph, as they usually have credits on where shots are taken. Check out the Flickr group Beautiful Sims as just one example.
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