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Miranda Umino

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Everything posted by Miranda Umino

  1. And have you the apperance of a dragon when you wear off the mesh of your dragon ? I don t see the tries done by firestorm : anyway it fails totally
  2. [redacted] Technics used for non humans may be used for humans too .whatever the reason . Only bits are important . I have tested the mesh : there was no deformer . In addition what is a deformer if it s not a mesh rigged ? Someone who would have built his own avatar without paying the plugin form blender , avastar created by an user could have the same result in getting in worl a value displayed in the forestorm editor different than his "visual height" If height has been defined by Sl , so Firestirm is wrong : when lsl scripts report by llhGetagentsize 1.80 , firestorm diisplays 2.00 But we agree both than visual spects is not equal to the height displayed by the editor . So there is no eason to complain for the OP about tall male avatars
  3. What is a classic avatar ? Since we can import our own mesh and our own havatar rigged , it doesn t make any sense . It s not because the mesh was a shark than the editor in firestorm gives a wrong value , but because of the rigging , bones and skeletons . Someone can import a body mesh with its own rigging and having a wrong value in the editor infirestorm , even if his body mesh is correct and is human Anyway , everybody can see than the value returned by the editor in firestorm is not reliable
  4. And so ? majority of women wear supersize cup size in SL when in RL , the majorty of women wear A or B cup . Even Ruth has a biggest breast than the world average and nearly every women in Sl wear a biggest cup than ruth Yeah USA and Russia are not representative of the rest of the world map countries by cup size . the red is biggen the blue is smaller In addition , there are not a lot of africans or south east asians ( who are less tall ) connecting in second life
  5. [redacted] You don t understand that my original post was not to compare viewers , but to define height So for you , the size of an avatr , is not based on the physical shape , neither the size of skelentons . But in addition you are lying by claiming that Firestorm give the "visual" height . 1) when, you put an alpha on your head , the height of your visual aspect change . But does it change something displayed in Forestorm under the tab shape ? No 2) when you load a customisez mesh , is your method in using a cube closed to the avatar gives the value displayed by Fiorestom ? No . You can take for instance the freebie Shark : https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/King-Shark-Bento-Avatar/22683303 The size returned by the value in shape tab in Forestorm gives 2.20 meters with a slider for height in the shape tab set at 39 ( default given by the creator ) But when you measure with a cube , it gives more than 2.53 meters . So 33 centimetes of difference ? And in taking the same argue than you , but against you , you find this correct ? In fact the value returned by Forestorm doesn t give the height in "vusual aspect" , neither gives some informations about bones , skeletons , physcis of the mesh : it s uncirelated from every possible meaning If you want other avatars where the value displayed by forestorm is wrong , i have got several others to show you
  6. Bad method . In Sl as in RL , men don t wear shoes who do 1 feet in height !!! Women in SL do when it s unrealistc and they don t in RL You don t do couple dances : it s your right : but others have the right too to love them . In addition even single animations can become awful with a change of size . There are animation resellers who have offered different animations depending on the size of the avatar Hover height is a bad method How you can you tell than people unrealistically tall when in fact it s not measurement but proportions who is the rule in a virtual world How for instance you explain than the viewer Firestorm indicates 20 centimeters to the height of avatar compared to the official viewer or to the scripts ? Instance : i have taken Ashton , the free complete avatar male given by LL : the slider height from 0 to 100 gives sizes betwen 1.53 meters and 2.05 meters ( between 5.03 and 6.73 feet ) on the official viewer ? In the firestorm viewer , the slider height from 0 to 100 gives sizes betwen 1.73 meters and 2.25 meters ( between 5.67 and 7.37 feet ) . If women were connecting on the offical viewer and wear of their shoes , they will see with horror they "measure" maybe 1.30 or 1.40 meters
  7. Bad method because you have not taken in consideration the height of the shoes who are far away bigger than shoes in real end heighter than men's shoes You have not taken too in consideration this : the animations are centered by a point who is not the same value between male or females . In using what you call "ideal proportion" ( in fact they arent ideal ) you could get your male partnair floating his shoes above your shoes or reciprocally
  8. You fail again ! 1st article is only a discussion : no study here .. the authors just talk .. It has not been reviewed by pairs , so it has no value 2nd article proves the authors have never asked population of second life : they have only collected data in-world ; the topic is "Online Virtual Environments" and not "second life specifically" ; they talk too about MMORPG , what is not second life or LambdaMOO who has only 200 connected online . It has not been reviewed by pairs , so it has no value 3rd article proves the authors have never asked population of second life : they have asked their students and not the population of second life. Students were forbidden to do 99% of activities in SL , restricted at only the sims authorized by the authors who were forbidden themselves to common users of SL . The sample of participants is so small ( admitted by the authors ) than zero conclusion can be given . It has not been reviewed by pairs , so it has no value ZERO of these articles tell they have asked the communauty in giving them a survey So yes : 100% of people who were telling "we are doing a social research about people using second life" along all these years were only trolls
  9. You see ? You begin to troll , because you are unable to give argues You have quoted "googl" scholars" , but google scholars don t gobe always some academic researches . For instance , the book "second life for dummies" is returned by google scholar . But , everybody know these kind of books are not academic but some commercial books for easy-reading . In addition , a search engine doens t show if there were surveys in these articles . A "citation" , is just a citation who doesn t prove some research
  10. And you don t know how to use google : for instance you qyote this article who has "second life " in the title .. but it talks about battery : Sustainable Chemistry | Free Full-Text | A Review on Battery Market Trends, Second-Life Reuse, and Recycling (mdpi.com) LOOOOLLL So you give some articles out the topic Using an expression ( like "second life" ) in a search engine as google , doesn t prove in all your results than it talks about the game of this forum An another instance : you have given this link : 3D virtual learning in counselor education: Using Second Life in counselor skill development - Learning & Technology Library (LearnTechLib) In telling the topuc was mainly second life . No : the main topic is "3D virtual learning in counselor education" . Universities have used too other products than second life in counselor education , for instance minecraft Anyway , this article doesn t try to do a socilogic study of people using second life . One time again , you fail
  11. waaaoooo .. what s depth of study . LOLL .. But you forget the rest of the artcicle and finally you understand second life not the main topic of the article So . No . There is ZERO academic artcicles specific to second life In addition , an article is not an academic study
  12. really ? where do you find "second life" written in your own journal ( the one you have chosen to try to prove your allegations )? 7371-Article Text-31974-1-10-20201125.pdf The search engine gives no result
  13. There are ZERO academics researchs specifics to SL . . Your "journal of virtual worlds" talk about World of warcraft and VR , so it proves that their topics were the games but not SL specifically . In addition these "journals" are not academic You have met nobody other than trolls . In addition , you spread a rumor . "you have met someone who have said me that ... " And you use the same syle as the OP who was telling "i have met someone who" : It s not a testify , it s a rumor
  14. You have been naive to believe a troll , because you assume one can can t lie or can t cleverly lie Make working a bit your brain : there are more 30 000 + games in twitch ; and every games are not on twitch : do you think really that researchers have time to concentrate their efforts to give paper on each of these 30 000 games ? No .
  15. Never it has happened . 100% of people who were telling "we are doing a social research" about second life along all these years were only trolls Note Suraciel ( the OP of this thread ) was online since one year ( with his/her actual avatar , if (s)he has no alts ) Do you think really a searcher will be online while 18 months and starts his study only after 18 months ?
  16. There is never links between viewer and scripts . The scripts are server side . So if the viewer crashes , it s an another issue
  17. Hello . Is there a specific category for "animated meshes" in the marketplace ? Searching by keywords is pressty useless and redirects me often to "animal meshes" who , of course , are not animated
  18. It s because you have changed to a sim flagged "no-script " - Usually , the listener is recreated in the destination sim after a teleport - llGetOwner() never gives null . In addition , in doing this hypothesis , your line llListen(-224, "", llGetOwner(), ""); will become llListen(-224, "", NULL_KEY, ""); and so this listener will listen everybody ( so the owner too )
  19. And in september 2020 , one month before the election , it was hacked in some specific places as Georgia
  20. It was one year ago . But even 10 days before the election , it was not solved :
  21. The "pro" answer was only if you embedding the video in a new page .. But it doesn t explain why the video doesn t work in the internal browser with direct vimeo URL
  22. It s wrong : lldetectedtype returns all objects containing a script with the mask-bit SCRIPTED set to TRUE Notice this script can contain anything ( no listener , no loops etc ..) In addition , even if the script is flagged as not-running , lldetectedtype will return with the mask SCRIPTED My opinion , is that you use llSensor to detect some objects , and you guess that the parameter used by llSensor/llSensorRepeat should be the same . In fact it s wrong For instance , you have an object non-physical who contains the basic defult script ( "hello avatar " script ) You have a second object who use llSensor to detect the first object a) you use llSensorRepeat("", NULL_KEY, SCRIPTED, SCAN_RANGE, PI, SCAN_INTERVAL); // SCRIPTED = 8 => no_sensor event will be triggered b) you use llSensorRepeat("", NULL_KEY, PASSIVE, SCAN_RANGE, PI, SCAN_INTERVAL) ; // ACTIVE = 4 => sensor event will be triggered . If you print the value from llDetectedType , it will return12 = 4 + 8 = PASSIVE | SCRIPTED Even if your object , contains script flagged not-running , llDetectedType will return with the mask SCRIPTED . An object who contains scripts who don t run , will have a value from llDetectecdtpe with the bit SCRIPTED of the the bitmask set to true In the wiki , http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Lldetectedtype "Objects that has any script, which is doing anything in simulator just now" is a false sentence . In fact , this sentence is correct to use with llSensor , but not with llDetectedType . llSensor with the value 8 ( SCRIPTED ) as parameter don t return all objects who contain some scripts but only some objects who contain some specific scripts ( running , and active ). llDetectedtype value doesn t change . If you prefer , llDetectedtype returns as OUTPUT the bit SCRIPTED at TRUE for any object who contains some scripts in their content ( even nont -running , even not active ) , while llsensor with the bit SCRIPTED as INPUT don t filter all the objects scripted but nly a subset from this It s probably because , this sentence is inside "wiki template" array , , and it has caused confusion between the two pages llSensor and llDetectedtype , when the array / table has merged . It s a bit ugly to use the same terminology and causes mess and confusion Try to detect with a collision , and not by a sensor , if you are not sure
  23. Ok . It s a bit curious to limit at half the hard memory available . Why this ?
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