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Codewarrior Congrejo

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Everything posted by Codewarrior Congrejo

  1. I believe Calla Cela, is the creator / author. The software Rokuro is free (as it is on their webpage) : http://kanae.net/secondlife/rokuro.html But Rokuro 'Pro' is not free - so wouldn't be wrong if she payed for it. As far as i remember you buy a serialnumber Box in their SL shops to get a Rokuro Pro license. By the looks of it what you have to do is this: Your friend has to rez the box she/he purchased - and touch it It will give out a username and password Download the Rokuro Pro Software from the given Link (or here: http://kanae.net/secondlife/rokuro_pro.html ) Make sure its not the free version that is being downloaded (this one wont ask for a password it seems, and has limited functionalities) When your friend now opens the Rokuro Pro software he will be asked to put in SL Username and Password. (which has to be filled with exactly the values given by that box. (for the best copy/paste it from chat) In case he/she accidentally saved a wrong username and password your friend may have to look into the Menues of Rokuro and look for some Preferences / Settings and see if he/she can change it there to the correct ones. Cheers! Code
  2. @ Lindal.. okay now u got me laughing too. Lets just look innocent and assume: we corrected each other into the vast nimbus of mislead information. just the same nimbus where all the no copy items go...and sneak out of here before someone notices it ! >.>
  3. There are a lot things that could have gone wrong along the line of workflow and causing this. Unfortunately you did not mention which software you are using to make and export your model. Because there are several version and software specific problems (like with certain versions of blender or Maya etc) so I can only make some pointers to the most common issues: Lets go through some of them: - The verticegroups that contain the skinweights are not complete (there needs to be a group for each main bone with an exact name definition), - have wrong names, - or some of them are empty (do not contain any vertices) watch this tutorial series to find out which groups are necessary and how to prepare your mesh for receiving them when parenting it to the armature: Second Life Rigged Clothing Series: Part 1 -6 - the armature you have been using was missing a / some bones. So not all weights have been transferred when parenting the mesh to it. Or you even have been adding additional bones to it. - you tried to export the textures along with the mesh (I am not 100% sure but I think this feature is still broken) - furthermore: too small faces, vertices with more then 4 bones assigned, duplicated vertices, new shape keys assigned, can also cause problems. - You have applied the armature / which in turn would make the model static and not corresponding to bonemovements. I suggest watching the video tutorials again and check if you did all steps right, in order to find out what could have gone wrong. Cheers! Code
  4. awesome thx for checking. Didn't notice they took that out at some point. (OP updated with link to this version)
  5. You are very welcome =) (and answered your new post again - hopefully in a helpful way once more)
  6. thankies Coby. that mean little period just slipped away there ; ) (edited link in original post)
  7. OK lets go through your questions: Do I apply the armature modifier before I export? For static meshes yes .But rigged pants are meant to be moving. Do I select the armature and the shorts for export? Generally you only need to export the armature as well when you changed bonepositions (i.e.. When you are making a full avatarmesh and moving the bones in position to fit your new avatarmesh) in this case SL can receive the info for repositioning the bones. But if it's untouched you don't need to export it along. (the weightinformation will take care of defining where its attached to) In the Collada Export screen, What boxes do I tick or untick? Helpful is the 'selection only' option to really just export the object/s you have selected. I usually also check the deform bones only, and the export for Secondlife option. Edit: in addition you can use the Presets Gaia mentioned here. These contain the mainly needed settings. How do I make sure the scale is right when I import. (Sometimes its too small or too big) There are several ways to avoid having any weird scales on your object: - to keep it conform to the rig /skeleton and avatarmesh avoid scaling in objectmode. (unless you scale them all together for smaller avatars etc) - Move the object itself to position 0,0,0 and rotation 0,0,0 and do all changes on position and scaling of the mesh only in editmode. (that helps keeping them in a size according to the skeleton and other meshparts) - Set your units in blender to metric to have a better grasp of the size (Properties - Scene - Units: Metric) - And make sure the object scale is 1,1,1 when being metric (when in blenderunits then its 2,2,2) - always use one of the default avatar files that you can download (i.e.. here : http://blog.machinimatrix.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/avatar-workbench-265.blend ) and edit your clothing item to fit this avatar. (or use an avatar export when you want to make it for a certain shaped avatarmesh) you anyways need the armature and an avatarmesh to 'test' your clothing item and check in posemode if it behaves correctly etc. - when keeping this workflow your mesh should always have the exact right size. As for the SL Mesh Import... The mesh shorts are not attaching to my body correctly. I click Add and it goes to my wrist or upper body and it obviously does not move along my bones. - Did you just copy the weights from the default avatar to your shorts without any further editing? (just copying alone isn't enough - it will always need some extra work on the weights to make it work correctly. Test as much as you can in posemode to ensure all vertices are moving correctly when the armature is being posed. - Did you move any of the bones ? Then you might have to export the armature along with the shorts (but in case of some pants I can't see why you would want change any of the bone positions. - did you make sure to select the include skinweights in the meshupload? (it needs this to be enabled in order to get the boneweights in along with the model - you can find it in the last tab of the upload window) - does the mesh contain all needed weight/vertice groups (corresponding to the main bones)? (see the first tutorial series below to find out which weight/vertice groups are needed, and where problems could appear) For a general 'how to' maybe have a look at these tutorial series here again (because it's too much to type the whole workflow and things that have to be taken care of or can go wrong : )) Second Life Rigged Clothing Series: Part 1 -6 and Gaia's Tutorial Series http://www.youtube.com/user/gaiaclary/videos?view=0 Some of them are for their product avastar but they teach you also general knowledge of what you need to know. Hope this helped you, Cheers! Code
  8. Good to know. I'd assume there have been many users who have changed passwords in the hope that would fix their issue not being able to login to Aditi instead of checking for infos first. Thanks for posting it Monty.
  9. Hilfreich waere ein link zu Deinem Original Post gewesen um mehr info zu bekommen und zu sehen was fuer Loesungen und Antworten du bereits bekommen hast. (Es sei denn das 'OP" in der Ueberschrift sollte eigentlich ein 'IP' sein ; ) ) Die exakte Fehlermeldung waere auch wichtig. Um zu unterscheiden ob es rein ein 'pls check your internet connection' problem ist, oder ein 'you can't access from this computer'. Letzteres wie auch immer wuerde auf einen IP Bann durch Linden Lab zurueckschliessen. In diesem Fall musst du dich mit dem Support in Verbindung setzen: https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ Sollte es eher der erste Fall sein, checke Deine Firewall und Antivirus Software und setze ggf neue Regeln zur Erlaubnis der executeables des Viewers. (Manchmal kann nach einem Update die Firewall das ganze als neue Software ansehen und erstmal wieder verbieten) Cheers, Code
  10. If the item was no copy and hereby unique (can only be given away completely) and he declined it or the autodecline (when busy or when it timed out) got it, then it will most likely (new Edit: there are several answers now i'd they say the most mentioned one is winning here:) 'will be gone' - means neither of you recieves it. But i will just point towards the other answers in addition ^.^ Cheers, Code.
  11. @ Karen: i believe its to separate them into needed, necessary, and potentially wanted updates. Since tere are so many sub updates and categories and softwareupdates and we mostly only need the half of it anyways. This way we can limit the amount of downloads / updates being pulled whenever updated. Very usefull actually instead of clustering your bandwidth with stuff you didnt even want =)
  12. Hello, there are several possible factors that could cause this: - the updated Viewer requires a later Version of the c++ Runtime Libary (try to update the runtime libary) - The runtime libary has an issue with the application ( viewer) here are some hotfixes offered by microsoft: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/884538 - or it could be a similar problem to a former issue that the firestorm viewer also had. They suggested to uninstall the viewer (in your case whatever viewer you are using) , then remove all left over files manually from the former installation directory, get the full latest viewer version (not the update version) and install it fresh. - If none of the above solutions helped please create a support ticket: https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/
  13. Wie Ansariel schon so treffend beantwortet hat, ist dies eine Angelegenheit fuer den Billing Service. Unabhaengig davon (nur fuer den fall das Du es noch nocht versucht hast) kann durchaus ein Relog (einmal aus und wieder einloggen) hilfreich sein. Manchmal haengt das Update der LindenDollar Werte im Viewer. Und mal einen kurzen Blick in die Transaktionsuebersicht in deinem Account auf http://www.secondlife.com werfen um zu sehen ob es dort registriert wurde / ggf noch in process ist. (Linden Exchange > Manage > Transaktion history oder auch Account History) Viel Glueck, Code.
  14. It is a matter of a 'sudden' impact of the physics engine. And becomes stronger when the objects overlap. What happens is this: - The objects have been linked - means they are hold in their place / can't move - now you make them physical, and have them overlap at their borders - When you now unlink them, the sudden kicking in physics and their rigid body dynamics will force them to 'move away' from another. (the unlinking happens to all these objects at the same time and all of them try to get away from each other at the same time = a lot of collision effects going on) - This force is of course stronger when the objects are overlapping and will move them with a bigger push in order to get away from the other objects nearby. As soon as an object is physical it has 'collision'. This means: just as in real life where u can not walk through a wall they are trying to "avoid" being intermingled. But in an artificial physic environment it can happen that objects are overlapping, in this case their physical shape (rigid body) pushes them away from other physical objects in order to prevent this. - So regarding this, to strengthen the effect you have to create an unnatural situation (the overlapping) and then release a sudden force onto them ( the unlinking - activating all objects free movement capabilities at once) - Also the more complicated the physical shape (collision geometry = an extra mesh with the basic form to be collided with or physically interact) of an object is the wilder their behavior can be when being exposed to sudden physical forces. They way how they will behave is completely dependent on the routines in the physics engine. (which values for certain forces will be applied, how objects behave when being overlapping or colliding etc. ) But this kind of behavior is a generally generic way to handle objects that collide or overlap. Some parts of of the physics in SL can be accessed with LSL scripts. (mostly used for vehicles, bullets for guns, etc) You can i.e.. get the velocity of an object with llGetVel or even apply a physical push towards a certain direction with a certain force with llApplyImpulse. (just to name 2 examples) An explanation about what physics engines do: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physics_engineAnd some more helpfull insights in how physics work in SL: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Physics_engine http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Phantom_Objects http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Physics_Optimization I hope this made it better understandable for you. Cheers, Code
  15. oiii ! then you shall have some.. i am sending this virtual version of a cake on behalf of Linden Lab who didnt send you (nor me -.-) a cake ! *hugs and belated happy rezday for all the missed years " !!!
  16. awww.. you are very much welcome ! We can't learn if noone would be willing to share their knowledge =)
  17. yeah, so far 'crosses fingers* it all seems to work fine. Also for others who had big problems with the inventory, before they took it offline to fix the issues,those troubles seem to be gone now.
  18. With the Firestorm / Phoenix Viewer it is very simple to get your current avatar mesh out of secondlife. (Edit: ) get this Phoenix viewer version: Phoenix Viewer Windows Make sure you can see the “Advanced” menu at the top of your screen.(firestorm has it on by default) Select “Character” and then “Meshes and Morphs…” Under the ”Meshes and Morphs…” menu select ”lowerBodyMesh” Then select “lowerBodyMesh” again and then “Current Mesh”. Select “Save OBJ”. Repeat this process for your upperBodyMesh and your headMesh. Now return to Maya and start a new scene, and import the 3 bodyparts. They should be placed in the right orientation and location to another in the scene. To get a working Armature (the Bone set / Rigging set) importer for Maya you can use Wiz's Maya Plugins http://wiz-bg.blogspot.dk/p/slav-maya.html (but the free version is limited to the default avatar) . Here is how it's being used : Wiz Daxter's plugin is making use of the archetype.xml file - which will answer this question too I hope. Or you use the pre-made Armature with a default Avatar Mesh which can be downloaded here: https://jira.secondlife.com/secure/attachment/59951/Default+Male+%26+Female+Rigged+Avatars.zip (it should include several file formats / inclusive Maya readable ones) or from here: http://msstyle.host56.com/secondlife/_Default_Meshes/ It is in general not necessary to export the armature from your certain own avatar with all its morphs going on. To do rigged parts you should start with a clean default armature. So grabbing the file provided above is the easiest way. (and even wiz daxters can't - yet - export weights so this is something you need to copy for now from the default mesh coming with this file. (copy boneweights to your newly ex/and imported Avatar objs) and bind them to the default armature. Since you couldn't find one - I dug you up a short youtube tutorial for SL mesh rigging in Maya: And one for weightpainting in Maya: But keep one thing in mind when you download your own avatar model and you are not using the default avatar mesh. When you would upload this back into SL then the existing weight / proprtions on the main bones will double their effect (since the mesh already had them applied when exported) so make sure to negate the bones values about this amount or try to balance it out insides of SL by lowering all shape values that correspond to these about the needed values. Be also aware that a rigged mesh itself can not be influenced by all bones that are controlling the morphs (like breastsize, bellysize, foot-morphs, thighs etc) it can only be stretched and shaped by the main bones. (means the mesh can shrink and grow with you but you can not make it respond to the shapesliders for morphs) The Machinimatrix Blog has a good entry explaining these matters: http://blog.machinimatrix.org/avastar/the-second-life-skeleton/ I still think the best way is to work with the default avatar mesh and depending on what you want to do. (clothes or full avatars etc ), to go on from there. When you make clothing you probably want to make it fit not only for you anyways, and have to keep all in middlevalues. (have a look around on the web for the common problems with mesh clothes and why these mostly require to change your morphs on the shape to get the clothes to fit correctly) You said you are new to it, forgive me when I am interpreting this wrong, but I assume in this case you are generally new to the subject of modeling and rigging. And rigging and weights etc is already a bit more advanced. There is a lot to know. Here is a general Workflow for meshexports from Maya to SL: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Mesh/Exporting_a_mesh_from_Maya And if I was right, then you probably should grab some general modeling Maya tutorials first before jumping into this matter =) Have fun creating, Cheers! Code
  19. Sometimes after viewer updates firewalls (or updates of the firewall itself) detect the SL executables as new unknown program. Maybe check your firewall and set a rule again with pointing at your latest SL Viewer's .exe. (and just in case check your antivirus too) To check how good / bad your bandwidth is go you can use online testers like this one: http://www.speedtest.net/ And as Valerie already said, in case you are using Wifi, try to connect via cable to your router. (the amount of data being transferred via wifi is enough for regular websites etc but in case of intense memory loads like in SL and other platforms / games it can be very hindering and slowing things down or even fail completely)
  20. - does the delivery line in your shop's transactionlist contain the L$ value? - if so check on the main SL website go to your account and there to transaction history - if it appears there with the correct value then you have recieved it (don't forget it's being lowered by 5% which is the fee for being sold on the marketplace) So maybe doublecheck if it was there but u didnt recognize it because the recieved amount was lower. - if it does not appear there and is only listed in the marketplace transactionlist then you most likely should file a support ticket: https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ Choose Marketplace from the "What type of problem" dropdown list.
  21. I didn't try it with the new CHUI but here's some things you can try: since the ASCII formats is apparent in SL and being used in scripts this way too you could try the newline or carriage return commands: \n \r type these along with your text i.e. :textline1 \n textline2 \n textline3 - and see if that works. In general when you copy & paste text included linebreak commands are copied too and then applied when being pasted. So best try is to add them yourself to the text and see if the Beta / CHUI will accept that.
  22. You could try to remove the "HTTP Textures" option in Preferences. If that doesn't help for more information and solutions look here: http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_bake_fail http://jira.phoenixviewer.com/browse/FIRE-2265
  23. You have to enable it this way : Preferences > Firestorm > General = Allow Scripted Viewer Controls (RLVa)If you need more info, have a look here : http://kittin-ninetails.blogspot.dk/2011/07/how-to-turn-on-rlv-in-firestorm.html?zx=ac536d52792e54c7 Hope this helped. Cheers! Code
  24. In general there should not be any problems as long a both viewers use the VIVOX voice service of SL. I assume that eventually the slvoice.exe that has been started with singularity if maybe blocked by a firewall (in that case he needs to set a new rule to allow it) many firewalls differenciate the initial program that started such a process / executeable. Means: even if it was allowed in the firewall to start the slvoice.exe being executed from firestorm, it could still be blocked when singularity wants to execute a subprocess. for more reasons and solutions look here: Firestorm's info on voice problems: http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/voice Singularity's info on voice problems: https://code.google.com/p/singularity-viewer/issues/detail?id=286 Good luck. Code
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