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Codewarrior Congrejo

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Everything posted by Codewarrior Congrejo

  1. Now, since I don't have anyone to give me this kind of advices, I have to ask is it possible to get more tips like this from you? you sure can ! =) feel free to poke me when you want an input on something And I noticed I forgot to add the inner eye corners don't know how you call those spots in english maybe u mean the 'tearducts'. Which, yes after a second look, you kinda forgot to implement. LOL here is still big amount of people who walk around all lightened i know right? i still keep feeling buffled when i see on a nighttime scene that one generic female standing in the corner of a sim throwing light across half of the region ground.
  2. And i don't mind the input at all , so no worries either. =) (hencing i changed the text in my former post to make it a bit more clear - and to avoid misunderstandings so that newcomers don't think .. omg object scale is bad bad bad! ) And yes object mode versus editmode is a subject that buffles a lot people. And i bet they appreciate your tutorial and explanation on it. : )
  3. Heya, thanks for your input on that matter. For houses and static meshes etc I wouldn't mind fiddling with its object-location/translation/rotation. But for rigged meshes and work with armatures (which was the subject of the question here) I rather keep that workflow of not altering the object's L,R,T. The general scale of the skeleton is important in order to work correctly or even upload in SL. Rotation of the skeleton and its mesh (which needs for SL to be facing towards X - opposed to blender's x facing right) in Object mode can be done as long as they are rotated as such in their local position. (Exception on scale: wanting to make a tiny avatar and change the whole scale of the whole skeleton and mesh) But switching back and forth in changing the object scale and orientation and then again the mesh's scale in editmode can lead to very bothersome outcomes in terms of rigging and skinning. Especially when those parts already have been parented and weights assigned. It might be just me but for workflow on these things I prefer to stick with this method in order to have them work out perfectly with the skeleton and rigged avatar mesh: - create a new (lets say box or polygon etc) move it to the origin / center (which is also where the center of the skeleton has to be) in object mode. Make sure its scale is the same as the skeleton, and bring rotation and location all to zero. - and from here on switching into editmode and shape / shrink / rotate etc the mesh to fit into the right position and sizing, and begin the subdividing and building of the mesh. This way I am ensuring that the general translations and scales will always work well with the whole rigg. (sure you can still apply rotation etc with CTRL+A or move the origin point later again to the center. But it keeps it easier when you keep the workflow clean and not have to rethink that later on for all the parts, plus reduces the appearance of common issues) Cheers, Code
  4. When creating / Editing riggs and mesh : In general you can downscale a whole armature with the mesh's being rigged to it. (this way you can i.e.. Create tiny avatars). However: In order for a creator to make accessories for some tiny avatars they would either need the Armature/Skeleton or the exact scale values of it to size down their rigged meshes to fit it. To make things really work together. But here we run already into several Problems: - Altered Bonepositions would require reworking the skinning / weighting. Also the all over shape of the custom avatar's mesh plays a role here. (extreme example try to make a rigged hair that was being made for a human shaped head to fit a furry mesh's head. With prims or sculpties you could just move parts around. But here we would have to move Polygons and vertices, maybe need to redo the UV and texture mapping, add additional faces, retouch the weighting to fit to it and not interfere with its very different shape and behavior) - The mesh creator would need to decide on for 'what' tiny avatar he exactly would like to create cloth or accessories. And most of them can't be bothered to make scaled or adjusted versions of their rigged meshes for every possibly sold custom avatar mesh existing in SL. So most likely (if even) just create stuff for very common used ones, or decide to go with a few differently scaled versions. Conclusion:: in most cases you have to rely on accessories that are being made for that exact mesh avatar. Secondly, when you purchase a full perm mesh that presumably you can't reupload, are you stuck with the rigging for it permanently? Yes you are stuck with it unless you can buy the working source files with a license to use / edit them for builds and commercial usage. (The file would need to be either the original 3D Software file like for blender, Maya or 3DS Max etc. Or an open export format like DAE, which is also used for the upload into SL) I wish there was a way to work with creators to offer riggings for the new mini/micro/little/small avs on accessories! You are always free to contact them and ask for their interest in making smaller versions or cooperative works with creators of custom avatar meshes. Some may be up for it =)
  5. Check the Links Karen gave you. In addition i am not sure if those are still being build into Thinkpads but the former 'Quadro' series they included had issues with SL. The following cards have not been tested with Second Life, and compatibility is not certain: NVIDIA cards that report as Quadro In that case you may need to tweak your driver settings to possibly get a working result. Or look for alternative drivers.
  6. One more thing to maybe think about apart from the gestures in your inventory could be that it is included in scriptform in an object you actively wear / have attached. And would play an animation based on its UUID or the anim file being included in the object whenever you type a certain word in local chat. (just like those emoter HUDs and other stuff) Don't know if you tried that already but if not: You could try to save your current outfit, and then just take everything off at once (take also HUDs off). And see if it still appears to happen. If not then you know it was in an attachment. Now you could start by reattaching everything one-by-one and checking on every new object if it happens when this is being attached in order to find out which of the objects is causing this.
  7. to add to the great answers: In terms of running a service like this. It comes down to the subject of storing data and backups. So when you delete your account it's technically signed in to become 'dead / unused' data clustering the serverspace and the size of backup files. If a platform provider would continiue to store every ever made account with the possibly huge amount of inventory data they would very likely need to buy new servers in order to get more serverspace in a raising interval. (and as usual the majority of the users would not like to have fees and costs raised in order to finance this) Depending on their backup procedures and how they decrease the data being attached to a deleted account over time, it becomes harder to 'just' reconstruct it. And it takes some effort to dig it out of the backups, that's why they charge a small fee for that. Not everything is as 'easy or simple' as it may seem =)
  8. yeah. I understand your frustration. But as Amethyst also said, they possibly don't have interest to sell their items for that kind of usage. Keep in mind even if they make a glass or cup, they maybe just want it to be used as 'decoration' and only allow you to include it in a build where you would link it to a furniture or similar items and only allow to sell it as part of these. It's really up to the creator what he wants his work (in this case his sculptmaps) to be used for and in what way. And thus you are always bound to their license / the tos. Generally you can mostly bargain a deal with a creator when you speak to them and ask for a special license on their maps. (They might of course charge something extra, or just adjust by making a personalized license for you). Quote: I know when I buy a texture in sl, I do not have to worry about these tos on the texture. I have never seen a texture put for sale in sl where the tos say what permissions I must put on the finished product. But that is rapidly becoming standard procedure on sculpt maps. This also does vary: Textures for walls of buildings, or seamless stuff to use on builds differ a lot from Images that are made let's say for Skins. You can barely buy an Avatar-Skin texture as-is, and only bound into a skin with defined permissions. Also when you buy Skin-Texture-Templates they define very clearly on how these have to be altered before being included in any product you sell. And lets be honest - As artist I know myself how 'fast' I can make a set of textures to be used to cover buildings or objects, and how much longer it takes to make a good optimized sculpt, or even a mesh with UV maps etc. Thus the creators of textures that are plain meant to be used to 'cover builds' mostly do not care a lot for what permissions you put on the later object - but the more complex something becomes and maybe includes a lot effort and artwork or knowledge the more restricted their licenses might become. PS: it is of course kind of misleading advertisement when they sell them with not enough information and then hand you their license 'after' you already purchaised. I still think you are bound to accept the terms when 'using' the maps. but here comes the 'but'.. i do however belive they have to refund you and you can delete the items when you don't agree with this belated recieved license. So conclusion here just talk to them, and if you can't find an agreement then you have to look for someone else (and possibly ask for a refund) =)
  9. To expand on what madelaine said: be carefull with images from the web. Personal Rights, Copyrights and Intelectual Property Rights can be difficult. If you grab any image from the web make sure to replace the photograph of the driving license holder with something else (maybe a head-snapshot of your avatar ; ) ) And edit it further to change the name and every ID Nr / adress etc into something fake'ish. Just to be on the safe side you know =)
  10. Copyrights and Intellectual Property Rights is always a wide subject and not everyone seems to understand it. You may not like the answers but maybe they help for a better understanding : ) In General: - Copyrights or intellectual Property Rights are always bound to what license the "creator" or the legal copyrights owner has set for a product. - The fact if it is only image or not doesn't make any difference either. Copyrights and Intellectual Property Rights also apply to images and any kind of real life or virtual artwork. - For what and how you are allowed to use an object is defined by the license the creator has put on it. If you break any part of this he /she is of course free to take action. Another factor to take in here: quote: ".. If an item I build is copy/trans and no mod, no one can get a copy the map. Yes they get a copy of the teacup. But it is scripted. And the scripts in it are no mod, no copy, transfer only. " - the "yes they can get a copy of the cup" is exactly the breaking point here. - In many of these scenarios someone can have this cup take out your script and just place it in his house and have a nice time looking at it. But he actually never paid for using this sculpty. Quote: And it is my build, so if they give it away, they are still giving away what I made, not the map - wrong assumption: you 'are' giving the map away. The map is what is shaping this 3D object. (which is the reason why you bought the map and did not just use a box.) If the user can not take out the map - that is not what the issue is here. He gets the full object, already shaped by the map. - It is technically not your 'build' either. You have been making the script. The object shape was made by the sculpt creator. So its in best case a 'cooperation'. - And in terms of IPR and CR you have already violented the rules by saying it's 'your' build. • An Example: what do you think would happen if you buy a music CD and let's say you put in second CD that contains installation files of some software you made and then tell everyone this all is completely your product ? I have a strong feeling you would have an appointment in front of the court being asked for a lot money by the music label and the artist. - Quote: yes, there may be a ton of copies of my willowbark tea, but that should be my worry, not the sculpt map makers. As I, as a builder, am going to buy maps for my builds, they are not losing anything. - This again depends on what 'license' you got for this object. If you bought it for full permission or just as a sculptpack for personal non commercial use, and so on. - What you pay for a full permission is always more then just the cost for a personal use sculptpack. Hereby the creator can include in the fullperm-price already the assumed costs / incomes for duplicates of this object. But yeah we could go on for a long time like this - Best solution in this case is, as you noticed by yourself already: • Find a creator who is offering you a license you like and which includes and absolute complete commercial usage rights of the map, and buy your sculpts from them. For all the other packs you may have already bought with licenses that do not allow you these actions : I have to say: you have to respect these. And in that case: just don't use them. And just in case you want more info: http://www.wipo.int/freepublications/en/intproperty/909/wipo_pub_909.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copyright http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intellectual_property http://creativecommons.org/
  11. Edit: The "clear unwanted goto website objects" and the "i was pummeled with thousands of objects" kinda through me off path here understanding you want to delete objects. In the case it were dialogboxes you meant i am pointing towards the answers of the others : ) If you have Adminrights or return rights on this land just select one of these objects to find the creators name (if you didn't do that already) Choose World > Place Profile > About Land. Alternatively, right-click on the ground and choose About Land. Switch to the Objects Tab, and have it show you 'Objects of Others'. (you maybe need to click that little refresh icon above the list - sometimes it won't show the whole list) Choose the name of this user and return all his /her objects. If you are not the land or parcelowner speak to the owner / or any other responsible person to have those items returned. To send an abuse report about the offending objects was already a good step.
  12. It looks great so far. Just a few things you could maybe advance / retouch: (might depend on personal preferences but you asked so you will get an answer : ) ) The nasal cavities: Your image continues using them as they were on the screenshot. As a very harsh and sharp line. in reality the shadows on that spot go rather soft from a dark into the fleshtone where more of the inside is to see. Example 1 Example 2 It totally falls out of the image and pokes (at least my artistic eye) because it has those rather comic style sharp rimshadows, but then the cavities are all lit and bright. The cavity between upper lip and nose: has gotten a tad too much into red (maybe too much screen / colordodge values) It almost looks like she could have smeared a bit of that lipgloss up there =) Would take that a bit down in the tone. The Lips: I personally think the border of the lipgloss is a bit too sharp and noticeable. It should have that slight blurring out to the skin Example Because I rather dislike looks like this: Example (not the same color but I guess you get the idea) But its apparently stronger to see on the lower lip. I would soften that a bit. To make it look less like she had a too harsh lipliner and was overdrawing at the borders. Okay those were my 2 cents on it =). Keep up the good work, Cheers! Code
  13. In addition to the other good answers: if you have skype - and none of the former solutions helped: go into your Skype Menu : Tools - Options - Audio settings - and see if the microphone Balance is down on zero. If so: pull it up to a good value, save & exit again. Skype has that very poor behaviour to continously drill the mic volume down - known issue on W7. (even with volume automatic adjustment being not active) and unfortunately sets it across your system settings for the microphone. Very bothersome for a lot of the skype users. (http://superuser.com/questions/450055/volume-randomly-turning-itself-down-on-windows-7-64-bit, and here another fix: http://www.bartbusschots.ie/blog/?p=609 )
  14. There is one that sticks a bit out of the regular functionality other mobile versions have but its only for Android by now. http://www.lumiyaviewer.com/) - Its the only one i came across so far having 3D world view and even rendering mesh. (of course in a very limited way but still ..) For iPad is the best you can get so far pocketmetaverse asValerie already answered. So maybe give it a try. But yeah to follow up on Rolig's statement.. for the 'fullblown flavor' of SL stay at your computer =)
  15. haha, no problem =) I was already afraid we would have scared you away with our rather technical debate at the end. Cheers! Code
  16. Most being said already and yet still maybe one or two things to add: Topology is the general flow of the models structure. Its Edges, Vertices and Faces. (to drop some keywords as : edgeflow, edgeloops, and so on). It has rather less to do with the count of any of these. Topology is important for several certain reasons: - correct behavior when animated (topology should be seen as anatomically) - simulating and shaping natural and artificial forms correctly - a clean structure to model from (subdividing, bending, extending, further shaping etc) To add: a good topology also allows us to decimate models in a better controllable way. (not always when using decimator algorithms because they just go by their mathematical base and also mostly break the model back into tris - which we don't want while we are still in the modeling process - but especially when you start 'optimizing' your model and breaking it down and do what so many call 'handstitching' by merging vertices along certain loops, have several rows of loops connect with a less dense area etc) @ Porscha (and everyone else interested) here is a good example of what an actual Face-Topology should look like. http://wiki.polycount.com/FaceTopology And Apart from the Topology part you can clearly see where your model has too many faces (hence the backpart of the head and the sides. Watch the examples on the link to see how they reduce and handstitch things together to spare every needed face and still keeping a completely perfect topology) By the looks of it your Face was rather sculpted from a Sphere or Dynamesh in ZBr. as I assume. Then actually having a constructed topology. (my apologies when I am wrong - just trying to help: )) (and maybe in the first picture being broken down by the Decimator plugin? And on Image 2 overworked with Q-Remesher / or Dynamesh?) Tools like QMesher can help you to get the all over topology more clean by evening things out but they do not really provide the control a manual retopology on a model would do. Some offer that you can draw some kind of edgeflow on it, but even that has very limited uses and mostly requires 'cleaning up'. Topology - just as many other parts of modeling and / or 3D in general can almost be an own artform. =) There are several ways to actually construct a model as in creating its topology: - Cube-Modeling, (or starting with another geometric arranged assortment of quads) - Polygon- Extruding - Or Sculpting with programs like Zbrush and then manually (with internal or external software) retopologizing. Whereby you would control where u have certain loops of faces go along in order to reach : - a good topology - and as many as needed (depends on the engine its going to be used in) and as less as anyhow possible to achieve a certain outcome. After all this gobbledygook about topology to also add an answer to your question from my view: quote: Is topology important in SL as in other game engines when creating an avatar? - yes and no. - yes: because it will enable you to avoid wrong shaped areas (like for example the forehead on your model is rather like a beveled cube and doesn't provide you with the necessary flow of making certain shape indents etc) - yes: because it will enable you to animate / rigg and skin a mesh in a good working way - yes: because it allows you to get back and forth along all steps coming your way (UV unwrapping, subdivision, displacement, mirroring and many more) - no (for the face, hand and feet): since we can not animate a face yet (there are no corresponding bones in the SL avatar skeleton) you basically would not need it there - but yet we come here back to the above reasons for yes : )
  17. To expand this suggestion: For the people who don't own one of these or simply don't want to use a pad for creating environmental parts and just love the raw power of their computers and 3D software: Here a few good Plugins for Blender, regarding Tree generation: - http://blenderthings.blogspot.dk/2013/02/a-new-tree-add-on.html - http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?214857-Sapling-A-Tree-Generator-Add-On-for-Blender-(OSX-Fix-10-Aug-2011) and some for the Maya people: - http://xfrog.com/ - http://www.3dtutorialzone.com/tutorial?id=93 - http://www.bionatics.com/ - http://www.e-onsoftware.com/products/vue/vue_11_xstream/ The latter is also for the 3DS Max users. Some of them are free, some of them are not. But they all do a great job =)
  18. Heya Max. ok 2 things : - yes you have to do that IP Tutorial again for the Betagrid (Aditi) - yes that link leads to a blank page. (i reported that on the JIRA bugtracker, and was apparently not the only one) Solution: open this link here do the Tutorial again and your good to go (that is the link the viewer actually 'should' open) : • https://secondlife.aditi.lindenlab.com/my/account/ip/tutorial.php?
  19. As the others stated a bit more info would be helpful, but here some general things why it possibly could not work: - Make sure to set your firewall rules and antivirus rules to the newly downloaded viewer .exe (new versions or updates appear often to be blocked again) More info on that and other possible solutions: • http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Using-Second-Life-with-a-firewall/ta-p/1304539 • http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Login-failure/ta-p/700109 • http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Graphics-cards/ta-p/700073
  20. sometimes it's the simple things: - make sure your Capslock is not on (keyboard) Apart from that did you any changes on your profile and saved it ? can you login to your profile / account on the secondlife.com homepage? It's not 100 % clear if you have been logging in on the website or in the viewer only.
  21. eyy... now i hit enter and everyone just did the same already!! lol. But for the sake of it and the work on it, here comes mine too =) Here is the link to the full size image: http://img42.imageshack.us/img42/9238/frameuvs.png
  22. @ coby: thanks for poking that in. (edited OP)
  23. When the skirt is rigged it has so called skin-weights which define where the vertices are placed on your Avatar's skeleton and how they will behave when being in movement / animation. When you link something to it it will kind of 'float' due to them not being in the 'same mesh', and 'not having conform skinweights' assigned. While the rigged skirt moves along with your avatar added items will stick in their position. To move along 'nicely' with this certain meshskirt it should have been something that was made together with and it to be part of it. A rigged mesh doesnt need to be assigned to a certain attachment spot. The skinweights that the creator assigned to this mesh will define where it positions on your body's armature (skeleton). Cheers! Code
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