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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. Here it is simply If you buy mainland there is NO covenant and you can do whatever you want; commercial or residential. You can own up to a 512 parcel (117 prims) for free if you are a premium member. After that you pay land fees directly to Linden Labs. You must be a premium member to "own" mainland. You can also rent mainland from someone but you usually have very few land rights so this is most often not a great idea. **************** The land you have seen advertised as "residential" or "commercial" is private land (estate owned). You can buy that land for as little as $1 but you are never the landowner. You are actually LEASING the land but you have land rights (these vary on the parcel and who is selling so be sure and check on that). Most times you have control over the land (setting music, terraforming etc.) Often you must leave the parcel in one piece and cannot subdivide or rent to others. ALL THIS INFO should be covered in the covenant You can see the covenant in the About Land tab in the viewer. You can often get a notecard copy of the covenant from a rental box placed on the land for sale. If the land says RESIDENTIAL then you may not have a business on that land. If it says commercial you can often also live there or have a skybox (sometimes over 500 meters - again this should say in the covenant). It is VERY important to read any covenants before buying so that you know the rules and what you can and cannot do with the land. Most landowners will gladly answer you questions. Send a notecard.
  2. Well the only thing that I can say is that it is wise to NEVER click on a link in an email -- one that takes to to your billing history seems a very big gamble. I would contact the billing department with the live chat feature (I am guessing you are premium since you are getting billed) and ask them what is going on. If you need to update your payment info, then do it from opening the webpage in your browser, NOT from the email. That way you know you are actually at Linden Labs. So, ask someone OFFICIAL and be CAREFUL. Sounds like you are careful and that is a good thing. Good luck. Ah, I see that someone knew the info and that is good. I stand by that never clicking on an email URL though *wink*. Cheers.
  3. First of all those of us on this board have NO power. We are not the "YOU" referrenced in your post . My suggestion would be to look up products as close to your items as you can find (bridles for instance) and see what category they are listed in. It seems like you have tried to do that though and with problems. I do admit that the categories are very limited these days. I have put things in places that seem a bit off only because I haven't found any place better for them. I have never to my knowledge though had the items removed from listing. So perhaps it isn't so much where you are putting them but something else about your ad? You might look through your add and make sure there isn't something that could be taken as "adult" when you are not posting in adult (I assume you are not) as that has been a problem in the past. Good luck.
  4. Emerald viewer had that at one time and it was a nice feature. The problem is that many times the destination had CHANGED from the photo. You were going to the same sim but the sim didn't look like that any longer. So one of the issues is that someone has to check through the photos regularly in order for this to be a viable service .
  5. It is definitely true that this could be a cache issue, but before you go there (assuming you are new and it is a daunting idea) you might try a few other things. You can REBAKE your avatar (Ctrl + Alt + R). You can also go somewhere private (your home perhaps or a dressing room in a store) and get naked. What often happens is that the database is having a problem "finding" something you are wearing. Newly made garment seem to cause the problem more often. So if you take off all your clothes and prims and just have your skin, then you can see if that is the issue. You can also change skins. You don't need to delete your favorite skin, just change to another one -- maybe one from the LIBRARY in your inventory. If none of that works, and there are some other things to try that I am sure folks will add to this, then by all means clear your cache. Good luck.
  6. Even within the US sometimes LL doesn't accept a Paypal account. Mine is one of them and it is verified and I have no clue WHY but it has always given an error message. A credit card is of course the next choice or just learning how to make do without spending any real life money. Not as difficult as it sounds really. I am 3.5 years here and haven't spent any RL dollars. Thank you LL for not accepting my Paypal account *wink*.
  7. You can search the classified adds using the viewer's SEARCH window to find jobs that are available. Be aware that some of those jobs are not legit, just scams. So read carefully, TP to the place in question, do as much homework as you can before replying and sending in an application. Many jobs require a certain amount of time in world and previous experience -- just like the real world. There ARE jobs out there; finding the one that will work for you can be tricky. So just keep looking. Unless you are playing the "game" with the intent on never spending any real life dollars (and I understand that) it is often much easier to buy a few lindens here an there .
  8. When I looked a couple of weeks ago when I had a major inventory loss (2500 items) there were almost NO categories that could be submitted for tickets. That seems to have changed greatly of late. And honestly, LL stays out of most of that. Many retailers work hard with customer support. Some do not. If the item you purchased was TRANSFER, then they may have the policy of not replacing. This stops people from getting multiple copies of items unfairly. We always take a chance when purchasing. Most of the time, things work. Sometimes they don't. I wish there was a more upbeat answer, but these problems have been around a very long time. If you have contacted both the owner and the support staff with no answer, then I am guessing they are not big on customer support. Just make a note never to do business with them and tell your friends of the experience should they be interested.
  9. Chic Aeon

    about land

    it is also important to note that if you give up your Linden home and "trade" for a mainland plot, you get a 512 lot for free (same as your Linden home - you just can't have both). BUT you only get 117 prims on that piece of land and you have to deduct the prims your house takes up from that number. Hence you have less "decorating" prims available to you. You do have FREEDOM however. You could also KEEP your Linden home and buy land (actually leasing) from an estate owner rather than Linden labs. The cost is about the same buy you have more choices. Typically you would be purchasing at least a 512 double prim lot. (a 512 size but double the prim allowance.) You can also rent land on the mainland or from estate owners. Check around, as there are good deals out there. Good luck on your move.
  10. Any chance you have some sort of "poofer" attachment on? Look in your WORN tab for prims (little box shapes) and take off anything that might be the culprit. Hair and shoes and such should be fine, just questionable things. Typically you can't see these objects as they are transparent.
  11. My streaming music has been working fine until today. I have it turned on in Edit > Preferences. I have my sound turned up. I went to two different places with music and all was VERY QUIET. I have tried the toggling on and off trick. Something just isn't working. Any help appreciated. I don't use it often but would like to hear music when I want to. I am in Imprudence and haven't made any changes at all since I heard music last week. Thanks. OK. Happily this is fixed although I am not sure what was wrong. Logged out of Imprudence. Logged into Kirstens where I couldn't even figure out how to turn the music on :D (don't use often) and then logged back into Imprudence and all was fine again. So who knows, but thanks all.
  12. Just some extra info here. If you received a hug, you consented in some way. Usually it is a drop down box that says "allow (object or person name here) to animate your avatar? And you said "yes". That is most always a bad plan. Sometime along the way if you stay in SL you will get an invitation to let a vampire bite you. If you really want to play vampire the rest of your SL life, then that is great, but if not, best to say no. If they hassle you, you can MUTE them (right click for the pie menu in third parties - I assume that is in the context menu in viewer 2s). So beware that some folks pick on new people. There are plenty of NICE folks around too though.
  13. I just wanted to add that if it IS a maturity rating issue (you would get a message stating that if it is) then you do not have to be age verified to get into every adult land. I am not age verified but I do have payment info on file. Land owners (according to my sim owning friend on the adult content) can have the option of letting in folks that have payment info on file instead of being age verified. There are plenty of people who ARE older that just don't believe in the process. So this is a sim owner's choice.
  14. Also, at least in the marketplace search "parts" of words can put you in the adult category. So the word "asset" or something similar for example could (and did ) do that. So look for hidden words inside of words that taken out of context could get you into adult land. Agree it is dumb, but then again search has NEVER worked well . Good luck.
  15. As I understand it, only Phoenix derenders permanently, Imprudence for example goes back to seeing things when you leave and reenter the sim. So depending on your viewer, that could be an issue. Sadly I can say that I have seen rezzed items disappear while I was looking at them and never return. It happens. You can send in a ticket with the name of the object missing (premium account and I think you have to chat now before you can put in that kind of ticket). There is also a possibility that the object in question could be under DMCA investigation. Things disappear for that reason sometimes. If that is it, you will in theory get it back eventually. Evetually is usually not quick. Good luck.
  16. You can also search by the CREATOR of the object. Since you know who made your hair demos, you should be able to search after changing the SORT criteria to CREATOR. This will give you a list of everything made by that person and in theory the hair you purchased. It will not work if the maker of the item isn't listed in the properites tab. This happens sometimes when they use scripts that they didn't make. Most of my hair however comes with the creators name so give that a try.
  17. This sometimes happens with clothing layers (pants layer). It has at times in the past happened with ALL pants layers and for everyone. Happily that is no longer the case. If you shorts are mod you may be able to fix the issue by going into the appearance menu and clicking on the pants. MAKE A COPY FIRST. Check the sliders and see if making the pant tighter will fix the issue. If your shorts also came on the underwear layer, those should work without a problem. It is most likely an issue with the shorts being "baggy" and the sliders. Good luck.
  18. For format you need jpg or tga files. As someone mentioned the aspect ratios (height to width) vary within viewers. This means that there is no perfect aspect because some people will see it differently than you do. Viewer 2 style software uses 1:1 square ratio so 256 x 256 would be best as it will load quickly. If you want to split the difference between the two viewers so that it looks pretty good in both *wink* then you could make the with a bit larger - say 290. Your choice. I suggest, if you have graphics software that you resize your photo down to the 256 ish size and then sharpen as the upload process will always blur the photo some.
  19. I agree that making sure the box is synced is important. If something odd happened in the sim then they may have been synced for awhile (hence the ability to make the listings) and then come unsynced. This could also happen if you moved the box. I have also had times when the items were listed as "not there" when they of course were. So now and then (not often thank goodness) the boxes simply get confused. If resyncing (there is a tab in the marketplace interface for this) doesn't work, then try taking you box up and putting it down in a couple of minutes and THEN resyncing. Good luck.
  20. While you cannot transfer (pay) money to your alt unless you are inworld, you CAN sell lindens from the dashboard. This assuming you have set up a Paypal account (or are willing to). Then you would have the money out of the account you can't get into (I didn't read your original post but this seems to be the problem) and your new avatar could then buy lindens with your actual cash. This all assumes you have a legal avatar and a way to use Paypal or whatever the Lindens use for outside the US accounts. Hope this is a little bit helpful. There are VERY few ticket choices now for non-Premium accounts. If you cannot write a ticket on the account that has the issue because you are not premium (and you have a lot invested in that avatar) it might be work paying for a month in order to write a ticket. Only you can decide that of course. Best of luck.
  21. Log into your account. On the left hand side you will see a long list of options. Cancel Account is toward the bottom. This will permanently delte your avatar and INVENTORY . To get rid of the viewer simply uninstall it.
  22. As a Marketplace seller I can tell you that I often see "not available for delivery" messages attached to items people have purchased. When the item cannot be delivered (you not being in world) the Marketplace apparently holds the order until it can be. At least I can tell you that I didn't get any money as the seller until the item was delivered. So as someone suggested go to the Marketplace and check your status. Also, next time be IN WORLD when you order and if you do the math you will see it is much (MUCH) cheaper to buy lindens and purchase with them. The Markeplace charges a hefty user fee for doing a "cash" purchase. It is likely that all this can be worked out. There is just a lot to learn when you are new. Good luck.
  23. You can also add pubic hair as a clothing or tattoo layer. At one time Tuli had free pubic hair out, but I am not sure if she still does. I imagine there are other skin shops that offer that add on, so checking around is the key. Good luck.
  24. Items do disappear in world, I have had it happen but not as often or as mysteriously as you depict so I agree you may have given some power to a "friend" that you really don't want them to have. Normally the "edit my objects" ability is given to a content creator temporarily to fix something or to and alt or RL friend or SL partner, not just anyone Regarding the inventory loss. There are plenty of steps to try and get your inventory back. Some have been mentioned. One is to install a brand new viewer (I personally only use TPVs but that is your choice). If you have gone through all the steps to get your items back because of a cache issue and they are still gone, you need to know that they CAN disappear for good. About two weeks ago I lost my whole House and Garden folder (2,500 items) as well as a back up folder and my belts (who knows?). The backup folder reappeared a few days later and items trickled into odd spots over the next week. My House and Gardens goods never returned and I don't expect them to. This is the second time this has happened to me, the other being long ago. A friend of mine lost her whole half sim store back up and others have lost 10,000 poses (that is a lot of poses) so it can happen. If you are a premium member you may be able to turn in a ticket by going to live chat. However this has not helped in the past. I have no idea how things disappear in the database, but they do. I wrote a post on some tips and things to look out for when you actually DO lose things (as opposed to their seemingly disappearace with a cache issue). You can find it here if you are interested. chicatphilsplace.blogspot.com/2011/05/possessions.html
  25. Chic Aeon


    Since you said you searched the whole store, I am guessing you bought it in world. You can go to your transaction history in your account area and find the transaction. Copy that info including the transaction date, number etc. into a notecard and explain the problem to the seller. Be aware that there are MANY content creators that log in once a week or so. So you may not receive and instant reply. If the seller decides to resend you the item (usually if it is a no transfer item then they have no problem doing that). They will. It is totally at their discretion . You may NOT get your item. That is just part of life in the virtual world,. Many content creators DO want to help however. Good luck.
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