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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. If your item isn't boxed, you can change permissions within the Viewer Managed Marketplace (Avatar - Marketplace Listings in the viewer) . You will of course need to go to each listing and change the permissions on the webpage listing to reflect your changes. I have made changes this way (like adding items to the package) and it has worked well and quickly. If you are using BOXED items (which kinda went out of style awhile ago ) then that will not work.
  2. There would need to be an "applier" for the classic skin to work with a mesh body. Also, even if you have an applier AND the legacy skin to use with a "classic" non mesh head, there is still a line at the neck under many lighting conditions. I am guessing it is because the texture acts differently on a legacy body and a mesh body, reflecting the light in a different manner. So the best bet is to be all mesh and get an applier for the mesh body and head that you choose.
  3. About five years ago there were some classes but haven't seen any since then. Since UWA (the leader in events for machinima) is pretty much out of the picture film wise, there is less going on -- or at least it seems so. I have a notecard left over from the Machinima Open Studio Project (or should have if the database fairy hasn't deleted FOR me), so that might be of help. Poke me inworld if you want that. Other then that. Just keep practicing. Most of us learned by trial and error and got better over time .
  4. Typically this happens with "mesh dense" hairs. So you might want to check your avatar complexity (in Firestorm under Avatar - Avatar Health). It may just be that the hair is way too dense. That happens with shoes sometimes also. Best to note that complexity cost with the DEMOS before buying.
  5. Just some additional thoughts. If this is a pendant sized for jewelry there is no reason it should be 3 land impact. You can JOIN (or link or whatever your 3D program says) the parts of the model together as one object. There can be up to eight materials defined for one object. Better yet would be to add the pendant to the necklace and upload as one larger piece. Tiny items uploaded have a tendency to break down VERY quickly LOD wise. You might want to add an invisible prim for extra geometry to solve that issue. You will need to test the Avatar Complexity Number along the way to see how you are doing. I have thrown out all my older jewelry with high numbers. There is no reason for them now. BE VERY SURE to test your upload on various LOD settings. You really don't need to see jewelry from across the sim of course but it would be nice to see it when chatting with someone. Also in regards to using JUST colors and specular and normal maps, I suggest making textures for the metal. You can do that in Cycles Render in Blender (also in other 3D programs and not all that easy to learn at least in Blender) OR you can make an ambient map and add your metal texture to that in graphics software. It is really important to remember that not everyone uses ALM so some folks will not see the shine and built in texture that you might add with normal and specular maps (these also add upload texture costs which is one reason I learned how to use Cycles Render ). Also, down the road (or maybe even now) you can work on getting all your material faces put onto one texture. You can do this within your 3D program or you can do it in your graphics software. So MULTIPLE textures (crystal, metal, chain metal if different) all in one 512 texture -- that would work very well for your small object. You crystal is very pretty by the way. Just do a LOT of personal testing and see what works the best for you. It is all about balance and your "perfect" setting will likely be different than those of other designers. There have been OH SO MANY long conversations about this. The beta grid is your friend.
  6. Note that if that is a TMP top it will only fit The Mesh Project mesh bodies. Assumably you don't have one or you would know what TMP meant. just sayin.
  7. OK. I am pretty sure you can use NPCs in Second Life (so like bots without real people behind the avatars). I haven't done that in SL but I did use them for a crowd scene in a bar in the OpenSim film. Scene you want starts right before 2 minutes in. This was almost two years ago and in Opensim so production values were great for there and then but not so much here and now - LOL. But you can see it worked well. Each avatar besides the leading lady was on a NPC poseball. So you might want to check into that. This was on an old computer and nothing was running on my machine except the video capture and one sesssion of Firestorm.
  8. Once you resize something inworld it stays that way. If you make something full perm and sell it then you "normally" have an End User Liscense that the person buying is supposed to follow (no guarantees). You do NOT get money from resales withing Second Life. Once you sell something it is gone. And just in case what you are uploading was NOT MADE BY YOU --- that would be against the Linden Lab Terms of Service, so no downloading free stuff from sites and uploading here. https://www.lindenlab.com/tos
  9. Don't use Maya but: You can set the scale (as well as SEE what the size of the object will be) a in one of the upload tabs, Upload Options. To set an attachment place of an UNRIGGED item you Wear or Add to an avatar, change rotation and size if needed, detach and REATTACH again to make sure it is sticking in the right spot. You of course need to choose an attachment point when you attach (like head or pelvis). I am not sure as I have never tried to upload the texture ON the mesh. It may have worked once, but from posts here I think it does not work now. So uploading mesh and THEN texture (or the other way around) is the typical method for lots of people. Good luck.
  10. Much better photo . I haven't seen that before though. Have you checked with a friend to make sure it looks that way for everyone --- or just for you? But if the demo was OK, it seems more like the hair is the issue. You could of course write to the creator. Sometimes things (very bad things) can happen in the database AFTER an item is put up for sale. Corrupted files and such. I have never had THIS issue but I have certainly had other very odd things happen to textures some time after an item was made. No other ideas. Sorry. Maybe someone else will know. OH, one other thing you might try would be to see if the demo still looks OK. I could be a viewer issue rather than a hair issue as I mentioned before. That has actually happened to me many times (I blog so open LOTS of items to test and try). Good luck!
  11. Especially good for legacy avatars and this was the traditional way to attach mesh for a long time until mesh bodies moved into mainstream. Unrigged mesh, if mod, can also be resized and adjusted which is very helpful for everyone. Short hair for example is actually better IMHO if non-rigged as it can be resized easily for mesh heads (no alphas possible). Longer hair of course is better rigged to move with the body.
  12. You need a powerful machine to run a lot of avatars or bots. If you don't have that you need to be tricky. Take a long shot with the avatars (as many as you can get) no moving. Then let them animate and take close shots that merge into one another and create the EFFECT of a crowd. OR buy a $2000 computer LOL. There are always choices . Note that you can also take still shots and use your video software to pan etc giving the effect of a video. Since I have NO idea what a "VDO" is, I may be very off the mark here. Have fun. Good luck.
  13. Here is my opinion which sort of bridges the gap between others given. No need to buy. RENT. Look for a nice place with reasonable rent (no more than $2 a prim) and the number of prims you need (so 50 or 100 maybe to start?). It is true that you can easily get lost on the Marketplace unless you are making things other folks are not. So if you are texturing a mesh skirt template say with a plain fabric it will be difficult to sell anything -- that is just how it is. The advantages of having an inworld store are : You look more credible as the folks selling stolen stuff almost never have an inworld prescence. You can form a group and get people to join by giving away gifts. You can join in hunts. You can join in SALES VENUES. You can list your inworld store in search. All these things are optional and different folks will want to do different marketing things. I do agree that it is good to have mesh or sculpt items out for viewing as pictures do not tell the story. If you can find a small spot in a longstanding commerical area that is great. You can also rent land (about a dollar a prim) and make your own sales area. Most of the pluses are still there. You won't get wandering traffic but there isn't near as much of that as there was in years past. Most of all, make your decisions based on what YOU WIILL ENJOY. It is fun to have a little shop to putter around in and decorate and feel "store owner" in. You don't get that on the Marketplace.
  14. Try Right Clicking and OPEN if you have not. This is the "old time" method that works when the others fail. Sometimes the scripts used are tricky and will not give items with certain permissions -- and sometimes SL is just being funky. I use Firestorm but this "should" work with the official viewer also. Good luck.
  15. Well the new 12 Days of Christmas on the Marketplace email comes to mind. It doesn't seem like it has been a year since the last one but maybe it has. Or maybe there was a 12 Days of Summer thing. I buy VERY LITTLE so didn't pay much attention. I think I replied to the wrong post AGAIN (obviously I have an issue with this - not sure why). Anyway -----
  16. I couldn't help but smile at this post and I hope you find someone that wants to play but you do realize that anyone actually after money can make more than that at the Realms and historically WAY more than that in a day "camping" (I know that isn't popular any longer). So just in case folks aren't beating down your door, that might be the reason. Just saying. Not trying to start anything. I did indeed enjoy reading .
  17. OK Uriah gets the prize. BAAAAAD BAAAAD Firestorm. It WAS something simple and not the script . When I tried the same script on another house it was obvious the link number was wrong, on the skybox whatever WAS changing was apparently hidden from view. Link number is actually #9 not #16. I have saved the "get link info" script (my old one didn't work any longer) so have that for the future. Thank you all.
  18. OK. Definitely NOT a link number issue. That I understand and have dealt with many time before. I know you need to change the link number in the script changes when the link number changes due to relinking or adding new pieces to the linkset. I know you need to change the face number. When it doesn't work -- NOTHING happens. There is no change at all that I can see on any surface in the complete build. I have reset the script although I have never needed to do that before on any other build (but a just in case thing). The piece that needs to change has only two materials (it is mesh) and hence only two "faces". I can get the other face to change WHEN there are only two links in the linkset. The script itself (used on various objects with differing number of links and in a much more complex manner) has always worked fine and this version works fine when there are fewer links. It may have more to do with the mesh than with the script. I will do some more testing, putting the script in another house made up of many parts and see if the same "nothing" happens when in a large linkset. Thanks. I would like this to work but not willing to spend for-e-ver on it. I thought perhaps someone knew a simple fact (for example that faces started at 0 which I didn't know for a long while even though the build menu TELLS you that ) that I had no clue about. Guess it wasn't that easy.
  19. First off I am NOT much of a script person. I can tinker and I made this script long ago in a class. I use it all the time and it normally works perfectly. Most of you that know how to script likely know how it works so I am just putting in some screenshots. The issue (which I finally figured out after an hour of testing) is that it works as it should in a linkset of 2 (the wall I am trying to change and the switch with the script in it. It also works fine in a linkset of four prim boxes (part of my testing process). BUT on a larger linkset it will not work. Even if I link the skybox TO the linked backdrop and switch keeping the SAME link numbers (the wall stays as link 2 in that case) it won't work. If I link the other way with the wall becoming link 17 (it has been other numbers along the way but currently 17) it won't work. I typically use this script on linsets of two to five objects in a linkset, but long ago I used in on a house that had quite a few prims (don't remember how many). So I am wondering if there is a LIMIT with the number of pieces in a linkset that this type of script will work on? OR any other ideas what I am doing wrong. Here are some screenshots. Thanks.
  20. I have never had a linden home but it is my guess from posts here that you PICK the type of house that you want (hence folks waiting for a certain popular style house for awhile) and THEN you an change things WITHIN that style. The new Horizon interface let's you pick between homes but it is not a starter home, just a Linden Lab designed home and will cost more than your free 512 .
  21. Huds (head-up display) can change the texture or the tint of a prim for example. There were huds that changed textures before there were mesh. It's just now they are more prevelant. If you are changing texutre on a PRIM, then you need to specify the "face" of the prim you want to change OR you can change the whole prim. Animation huds have been around almost for-e-ver. So different types of hud for different processes. Basicly a hud is just something that attaches to your screen (most often) with scripts that let's you change something.
  22. I guess my question is WHY would you want to support someone that is stealing. IF the person selling on the Marketplace had the rights to sell the avatar (there ARE actually people who let you download things they have made and upload for PERSONAL use -- this is still against the SL TOS but at least not an Intellectual Property Rights issue) -- then they should state that in the description of that item since many folks will know. There are tons of great looking avatars made by people who actually -- well MADE them (whew -- what a concept). I suggest you look a little harder. And yes, I might, if feeling feisty, ban you. Other land owners (especially content creators) might also.
  23. I definitely understand the "pride in my work" comments and the need to keep "work as original". That being said I sell almost everything mod-copy. There may be a few no mod items of mine out there but I can't think of many. There is one issue though that hasn't been mentioned here (or I missed it as I was reading quickly). When someone mods an item (let's say rezzable item) then it MAY no longer look like the original. Someone may see that item and contact the creator WANTING that item (which of course wasn't completely made by the creator. Most of the time folks mod for size and I certainly get that as some of the items I see are made for GIANTS (and I am 2 meters tall). Others however may take the build AS building blocks (already mentioned). I had someone write last year wanted to know where they could buy my two bedroom Bayou Shack. There never has been a "two bedroom Bayou Shack" so I had to assume someone modded it (it was modular). There are issues with mod and there are issues with no-mod. The best we can do is pick and choose what we buy AND buy demos.
  24. This is the wrong forum; it is for people MAKING mesh that have problems and need help or advice. Suggest going to the inworld store and contacting support or the owner. There might also be information about support on the Marketplace page if you purchased it there. Good luck.
  25. Your photo is kind of tiny on my screen but it looks like the hair is too small for your head. If it is resizable hair then you can make the hair larger (use a copy NOT the original in case you mess up). If it is rigged mesh then you would need to make your head shape different (head stretch etc in the appearance menu). Rigged mesh hair often doesn't fit some avatars. Hence ALWAYS TRY A DEMO BEFORE BUYING . Good luck.
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