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Direct Deliver Q&A meeting ???

Dante Velaystar

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I thought I read there is a meeting comming up on the 2nd or 3rd regarding Direct Delivery...  and I think that it meant perhaps a panel from the Comerce Team would be fielding questions.  I just tried to find this info and couldn't.. 

Please dont fill this thread with complaints about Direct Delivery, I just want to find out about a time date and place if this is going to be happening.  Thanks

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Guessing the time and place will be released like the day before or something, but be sure it'll be posted here and on the inworld merchant group. But from the wording here it seems like there will be a few meetings.

I for one can't wait for it, miss the old days of marketplace office hours and the chaos invloved, break out the popcorn!

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Jarnz Dench wrote:

Guessing the time and place will be released like the day before or something, but be sure it'll be posted here and on the inworld merchant group. But from the wording
 it seems like there will be a few meetings.

I for one can't wait for it, miss the old days of marketplace office hours and the chaos invloved, break out the popcorn!

Mhm... might be a tad attended too;-)

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Here is the planned migration schedule in 2012:

  • April 2 through 13, 2012: Inworld Q&A sessions on using and migrating to Direct Delivery
  • April 18, 2012: All listings priced L$10 and lower must use Direct Delivery
  • May 16, 2012: Magic Boxes no longer allowed for any Marketplace listing
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I don't know what holiday arrangements are in the USA, but that includes the Easter weekend, and from my viewpoint that looks like only eight working days to hold the meetings.

Incidentally, that cut-off date for the freebies could be better publicised. I'm sorted, and the long-dormant accounts are unlikely to notice any warning, but they're not all demo items and ancient trash. (Some of the ancient clothing freebies are quite good.)

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>April 2 through 13, 2012: Inworld Q&A sessions on using and migrating to Direct Delivery

They might as well bot that. If they had anything useful to tell us, they would have told us by now.

In fact, since I'm already writing a CommerceTeamLinden chatbot for IMVU, maybe I should just deploy a few in SL while I'm at it. Don't worry - I'll give a copy to Rodvik, too.

>April 18, 2012: All listings priced L$10 and lower must use Direct Delivery

Which assures that low-end merchants get the most screwed, which should surprise no one. 

When I figure out which Linden is ralph's alt, I will "thank" him for that. 

>May 16, 2012: Magic Boxes no longer allowed for any Marketplace listing

Did I already mention "mandatory downgrade"?

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that I did. 

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Thanks Sassy, that is exactly what I was thinking of..  Time and place?  Oh well..  will be looking for that. 


Any commerce team meeting planners watching this thread?  


Meetings are best implimented with a dedicated time and place. 


This is just a couple of days from now...


Thanks !

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

I'm not sure at this point that CTL relishes the Q&A meetings.  At least not until this MP brewhaha mess is fixed.

As much as this inworld Q&A from the LCT / Brooke would be entertaining - especially in light of the horrible DD deployment strategy (i.e. the really short deadlines for MB migration) and the near zero forum/blog communictions from the LCT during the DD cutover, and the growing list of DD related bugs which LCT's only open communications has been their basic canned response of "We are aware of the xxx bug and working on it - sorry for the inconvenience"....

I think Brooke & company would be very wise if they would avoid the inworld meeting which we all know will be a blast from countless extremely frustrated Merchants (and rightly so) and Brooke basically telling us nothing but the "motherhood and apple-pie" little content information that her team has been providing in the forums.

IF Brooke and company had REAL VALUE information to provide the merchants.... she would be much better serving all of us if her team would post a detailed and openly transparent blog of whats going on and what action plan they are working on.

Her team should then spend a couple hours actually ANSWERING Questions from the merchants in the corresponding fourum.

To date, LCT is not telling us ANYTHING.  No real information on whats gone wrong.  No real information on what they are trying to resolve or the scope of each of these problems.  No valued advice to Merchants on what we should do.  AND no answers to our constant questioning to LL team as to why they refuse to push back the MagicBox deadline to something like the Summer or when DD has been proven to be stable.

Brooke..... you know yourself that the inworld meeting is nothing but a PR campaign to try to prove that you are willing to communicate.  You also know that it will be a waste of everyone's time.

Just start communicating in blogs and use some of your time to answer our questions on the blogs and forums.

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I've invited Dr. Phil for an intervention. The rehab is normally free but in this case they'll have to pay 5% and follow up with community service cleaning up dog walk areas in state parks, rather than legal action.

It'll take roughly 100 pounds of poo for each Jira, 20 pounds for each Jira comment, 1 pound for each lost L$ and so on. The punishment fits the crime.

Night courses in computer science and lemonade stand management will also be made freely available.


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Toysoldier Thor wrote

Brooke..... you know yourself that the inworld meeting is nothing but a PR campaign to try to prove that you are willing to communicate.  You also know that it will be a waste of everyone's time.

Ohhh, I don't know...I'm sure someone could easily script a "Bear Thrower."  Could be a good use of time for entertainment purposes. *grins*

I do agree with your post, however, Toy!

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

Toysoldier Thor wrote

Brooke..... you know yourself that the inworld meeting is nothing but a PR campaign to try to prove that you are willing to communicate.  You also know that it will be a waste of everyone's time.

Ohhh, I don't know...I'm sure someone could easily script a "Bear Thrower."  Could be a good use of time for entertainment purposes. *grins*

I do agree with your post, however, Toy!

Do you mean like my POPCORN PROTEST of 2009 ?   lol

We could have a DD Bear Burning 0f 2012 for this meeting.

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>I think Brooke & company would be very wise if they would avoid the inworld meeting which we all know will be a blast from countless extremely frustrated Merchants

I intend to stay away, myself.

I think I contribute plenty to the conversation elsewhere, and I wouldn't want my presence to be used an some kind of rationale to shorten the meetings or otherwise diminish the opportunity they should provide to other merchants to demand explanations for things.

OTOH, if anyone wants to ask why the boxes have always worked just fine when attached to avatars on Linden land, I would be interested in an answer to that. An answer to that, or even a failure to provide one, would likely be key to making sense of practically all other questions relating to the combined histories of the MB and DD technologies. 

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>To date, LCT is not telling us ANYTHING.  No real information on whats gone wrong.  No real information on what they are trying to resolve or the scope of each of these problems.  No valued advice to Merchants on what we should do.  AND no answers to our constant questioning to LL team as to why they refuse to push back the MagicBox deadline to something like the Summer or when DD has been proven to be stable.

You must realize that I've already provided answers to each of these, none of which LL has denied, despite my persistent re-posting of content.

And I have also asked for clarification from LL as to how the known facts differ in any way from what I have suggested they probably are. 

So far: NOTHING.

I'm OK with people continuing to say that I must be wrong, but I think it's fair to ask them to provide some other theory that is at least as consistent as mine is with the available information.

I also don't see that happening, and - you must all admit - it has been a while, hasn't it?

Moreover, LL has actually done far less to disagree with me than have my fellow merchants, among whom even some of my more pointed critics have begun to change their tune.

With no resistance from LL, how much longer can it be before I have practically all of you on essentially the same page with me?

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How long? I'll say you may not even get the majority of us by the time the sun burns out.

As for the Lindens not rebutting your claims... Like I said else where you've fallen out of the boat. I'm not at all surprised that they are not taking the time away from work to respond.

The idea that someone's inaction is proof is a logical fallacy. All it can prove is they haven't responded to you. That idea is an old debate tactic. People recognize recognize it.

Another reason for not responding is possibly the Wackadoole Factor.

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Toysoldier Thor wrote:

Czari Zenovka wrote:

Toysoldier Thor wrote

Brooke..... you know yourself that the inworld meeting is nothing but a PR campaign to try to prove that you are willing to communicate.  You also know that it will be a waste of everyone's time.

Ohhh, I don't know...I'm sure someone could easily script a "Bear Thrower."  Could be a good use of time for entertainment purposes. *grins*

I do agree with your post, however, Toy!

Do you mean like my POPCORN PROTEST of 2009 ?   lol

We could have a DD Bear Burning 0f 2012 for this meeting.

Ohhhh man!!! I missed the Popcorn Protest...dang!!!!!

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Dante Velaystar wrote:

Please dont fill this thread with complaints about Direct Delivery, I just want to find out about a time date and place if this is going to be happening.  Thanks

Please dont fill this thread with complaints about Direct Delivery - or the commerce team - , I just want to find out about a time date and place if this is going to be happening.  Thanks

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>Please dont fill this thread with complaints about Direct Delivery - or the commerce team - 

(wait for it...)

>I just want to find out about a time date and place if this is going to be happening.

That sounds like a complaint to me.

How dare you demand any such thing from LL!

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