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Deploys for the week of 2012-02-27

Oskar Linden

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This week we get a free day! Don't forget about February 29th. We only get this day once every four years. Fact: I was born on this day and will be turning 9 years old. For those whose birthday is not on Leap Day enjoy your free day. You can thank Pope Gregory XIII for that. I will be taking W, Th, and F off for my birthday. Maestro wil be running the Thursday UserGroup in my absence. Have a good week!
Second Life Server (main channel)
We are promoting the code that was on BlueSteel and LeTigre. This is the simplified voice region crossing code. There was some unnecessary info being passed on region crossings that we removed. This should make region crossings easier.

Second Life RC BlueSteel

Second Life RC LeTigre



Second Life RC Magnum
This is again the Threaded Region Crossing Stage 1 Project. 


We will be monitoring this thread during the next week so please feel free to post issues that you feel have been introduced by the new code. Please file a JIRA for issues you find and post the JIRA link into this thread. It really helps us out. When determining if issues are relevant or not research is key. Tracking down exactly the right situation where an issue is occurring greatly speeds up the development process to get fixes in place.
I appreciate your help. Have a good week!
p.s. If you are interested in helping test SecondLife in beta please join the group "Second Life Beta" in-world. We also have an email list where we communicate upcoming projects and how you can help. (https://lists.secondlife.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/server-beta ) Once a week we meet on ADITI to discuss new features, new bugs, new fixes, and other fun stuff. You are more than welcome. Information is here:https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Server_Beta_User_Group
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As usual no mention of your intentions for the RC servers, but judging by the lead up which saw whatever progress you made over the weekend with inventory and login problems suddenly reverse and crashes again begin to multiply I am hardly optimistic, and frankly am getting tired of payin 600 dollars a year for service I cant depend on for what amounts to a paid beta.  Linden Labs needs to make stability a priority or develop an exit strategy for ending sl because it is doubtful that it can last much longer at the rate it is falling apart.


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Any word on fixing the graphics for transparency, shine, texture, glow and land textures and the map and the clouds on a mac yet? Just wondering when I no longer have to use V1.23 to do textures since I can not do them in V3 with mess going on... http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xn75b8_psychedelicaaah_creation

@ Sialimonus, Second Life RC Le Tigre

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I doubt that's something Oskar has any involvement with. It's all in the viewer. (Oh, have the new rules on Viewer features just made their own Mac Viewer a breach of TOS?)

You can try asking in the Viewer forum, but don't expect any useful answers. That bunch of Lindens don't even bother to announce new Viewer versions. But keep an eye on the Viewer download page, and good luck.


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Lydia Craig wrote:

As usual no mention of your intentions for the RC servers, but judging by the lead up which saw whatever progress you made over the weekend with inventory and login problems suddenly reverse and crashes again begin to multiply I am hardly optimistic, and frankly am getting tired of payin 600 dollars a year for service I cant depend on for what amounts to a paid beta.  Linden Labs needs to make stability a priority or develop an exit strategy for ending sl because it is doubtful that it can last much longer at the rate it is falling apart.


I put TBD (that means To Be Determined) and I filled out the details for Magnum. When I have the details for BlueSteel and LeTigre I'll add them. The code for those RC slots hasn't passed internal QA yet. It would be inappropriate for me to tell you what would go there when it is undecided.


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I got in without signing on again.  Really someone needs to look at this system with a bit more diligence, this shouldn't be possible.

@Wolf and Oskar

1:30pm UK time, so 5:30am PST; no release notes for the RCs and nothing on the GSP.  If I was paranoid I'd say that was suspicious.  From Oz's words last Friday we KNOW that colour tags and Viewer ID will be broken on the RCs today, they were broken on Main Server yesterday, but no other changes?  Really?

Come on Linden Lab stop playing silly wotsits with us, you know it won't get you anywhere.  It just makes me trust you (the Company not you, Oskar) less.

Edit at c.15:50 GMT:  Ahha.  Thankyou Oskar, Release notes are up here at least!  Oops no they aren't...those are last week's.  Que?

Whoops, I forgot:  Hippo Bathday Oskar!:smileyembarrassed:

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Are we to assume that there will be no changes in these restarts and like last weeks main channel restart they will only be to servers that need it?   Really if you can't sure at this late date that the material to be installed is of good quality please err on the side of caution and dont install it until you are sure.   We have suffered enough form untested code that contained hidden surprises and if your programmers cannot verify it before advancing it, then they are not doing their jobs and should be held accountable rather than letting your player community suffer from their lack of diligence.

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  • Lindens

Release notes have been updated for this week's RCs.  Here's the executive summary:

* LeTigre and BlueSteel have a server maintenance project, which only contains bugfixes

* Magnum still has the region crossing project from last week, with an additional fix for a case in which some avatars would get stuck in a region and be unable to TP out.

The release notes links from Oskar's original post have more details about the changes.

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Yes, I am aware of the changes and perhaps my use of the word "broken" was unwise.  I merely meant that due to the expected changes as detailed in the revised TPV policy and mentioned by Oz on Friday, that the colour tags and Viewer ID in Firestorm etc were no longer functional.  I wasn't implying that the techs had got the mallet out again!

My main beef was the lack of Release Notes prior to the start of the RC rolling Restarts.:smileyfrustrated:

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For viewer information follow the Open Development group, Inara Pey, or my blog.

The Viewer Evolution group shut down. So, we hear very little from the Lab about what is being done with viewer PLANNING. However, the code repositories for several project viewers, the developement viewer, and the beta and main viewer are open to the public. I find them hard to read and understand. The repo's are for the coders and they tend to write descriptions in a shorthand for those knwoledgable with current terms... in other words, for some of they may as well be writen in a forgien language.

Inara and I cover viewers and review them. I cover general developements in SL. I get tidbits of information about viewers from various user groups in SL. 

The answer to your question... Invisa-prims still have problems. There is considerable work going on to fix some bugs in the Beta viewer so it can move forward. Rumor is part of that work is rewriting the shaders in the render pipeline. That work will likely have an effect on invisa-prims.

For now the alpha-layer feature is taking over the use of invisa-prims in foot wear. Other uses in building are just stuck with the problem for now. The Lindens are aware of the problem. But, I don't know where it fits in on their list of priorities. So, we have no way to know if the there is a nearby fix or not.

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It is not uncaring stupidity on the Lindens' part. I get the information I blog from their communications with the community. The information is open to anyone. It took me some time to learn how to communicate with the Lindens and to find where the information is. The Lindens do keep a low profile and there is good reason for that.

I am amazed they bother to try communicating at all. Far too many peolpe ignorant of what is actually happening are ready to jump up and make uninformed, defamatory, and abusive statements. I get the impression most are part of the Entitlement Generation that thinks they are owed something. Whatever the case, such peple add to the problem of disfunctional communication and seem to never see their role in the problems.

I often suspect if it were not forced on them by pure business needs the Lindens would limit communcation to press releases by the PR department.

The recent MetaReality Pod Cast Unproductive Communication lambasts both sides of community for poor communications skills and disfunction. While I would say and weight somethings differently I would have a hard time making a good counter point to their stated viewpoints that there are serious problems on both the Lab's side and the users'.


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