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I have been in SL over five years.  I can't remember when they did what, but I cannot remember a time when you could really keep people from finding out you were online.  People have been asking for years for the ability to be online without others being able to tell, just like not answering the phone or the door in RL, but LL has not done anything about it.  My conclusion is that, for whatever reason, LL does not want people to really be able to conceal their status.

It might interest you to know that at one time all friends could see your location all the time, and you couldn't turn it off.  

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you can pick your friends..

you can pick your nose..

but you can't pick your friends nose..

unless you are in sl



actually i remember when i came to SL that mapping was on by default..infact i don't remember having the option to turn it off..

i just remember my friends always showing up any time they wanted.. lol

it was ok sometimes..but it did get irritating at times..

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The ability to turn off mapping and show yourself on line or not came after I joined SL in 2006, if I recall correctly on the latter.  Before then , if people were on your friends list they could see if you were on line and map you. 

From the start I always thought of mapping like an invitation to a friend in RL to "come see me".  A polite friend always calls first to be sure its convenient before dropping by unannounced and a real friend isn't offended if you say, sorry its not a good time right now.  Unfortunately not everyone felt that way and would show up anytime, leading to some awkward situations.  I was glad when I finally got the ability to turn that off, although I still allow a couple very close friends who respect privacy to map me for their convenience.


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In a recent thread, a Resident's comment helped to remind me that SL is a social platform.

If I want privacy, and I have a lot of friends, it is my responsibility to communicate with my friends and tell them what I think is appropriate behavior if they see me on the map at home with a guest and they want to visit.

If I want privacy from the entire SL Community, I can offer notice in my profile and set my mode to busy. Residents who are respectable will respect that, those who are unaware are usually apologetic, and then there is that 1% who cannot be reached. You can't win them all.

I like privacy and I try to respect it. My concern is, I've met many great people in SL, and it almost always started with a simple "hello". I think it would be a lose if a profile could be completely hidden.

Displaying information about activity and status should be a choice.




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Knowl Paine wrote:

In a recent thread, a Resident's comment helped to remind me that SL is a social platform.

If I want privacy, and I have a lot of friends, it is my responsibility to communicate with my friends and tell them what I think is appropriate behavior if they see me on the map at home with a guest and they want to visit.

If I want privacy from the entire SL Community, I can offer notice in my profile and set my mode to busy. Residents who are respectable will respect that, those who are unaware are usually apologetic, and then there is that 1% who cannot be reached. You can't win them all.

I like privacy and I try to respect it. My concern is, I've met many great people in SL, and it almost always started with a simple "hello". I think it would be a lose if a profile could be completely hidden.

Displaying information about activity and status should be a choice.




It is a social platform for some.  Not all.  Even then, that changes with a persons mood.  Some days it is strictly a building platform, roleplaying platform or a I just want to be left alone so I can explore by myself platform. 

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It would be great to be able to be hidden when you want to. Even if someone isn't on your friends list, there are scripts and third party viewers that tell them when you log in anyway.

I've had too many people say "Hi!" when I log in to think people don't  use those things.

My main problem is not if someone says hi or wants a few minutes of chit-chat but when they basically start a monologue and/or a dialogue that involves a response from me every few seconds, without checking if I am A. busy B. in other IMs C. in group chat(s) C. about to log off again or D. all of the above.

You might be amazed how many people fail at that simple courtesy.

And busy mode will decline everything automatically, so it is not an option.

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I share the same viewpoints about what SL is, because it is much the same for me as you have described it.

If Linden Lab would agree to host 1 Region on a private web host and you would login to that single region; would that sufficiently replace Your Second Life?

Some of my trouble with the privacy issue is, upon closer inspection, many people (including myself) are fence sitters. When I want to socialize, I want others to chat with me, when I'm feeling anti-social, I want to be left alone. 

The only way two have both states of mind is to have a flexible policy. I think that the benefit of the ability to initiate contact with another individual is well balanced by the fact that the person being contacted is not obliged to welcome or be welcoming towards my request for contact.


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You can learn a lot about a person in SL without ever saying a word. Within a few minutes you discovered that the person who was speaking to you was either, unaware, inconsiderate or just plain selfish by not recognizing that they have imposed their presence upon yours and for that, people of the past would have begged for a pardon prior to imposing themselves upon another.


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I think when SL was created this just wasn't thought about this much or foreseen - that anyone would want to be left in peace during their in world time, some of the time. The world was much smaller then.

And it's still being billed as a social platform, so it would seem, it still doesn't occur to some that not everyone is an extrovert. 

I like people as much as the next person, but one on one, they tend to wear me out.

ETA: Knowl, yes. And I'm sure we've all done it at some point, or another (I speak for myself, at least) without knowing or thinking.

Old fashioned manners seem to be old fashioned. I go by the adage that whoever starts an interaction must finish it. So I wait for the person who's been talking for hours at me, to say they have to go - The irony is that they usually do very abruptly, which can mean A. they are done and see no need to be nice about going or B. they thought I was the one keeping them there - despite the fact my responses are mostly polite and brief.

It's not a huge deal compared to most other headlines but, it does lead to stress and avoiding what I have to do in world, at times. People say "get an alt" in these topics, but, there are things I have to do in this av due to the way SL is set up, and the way ownership works, etc. etc. Plus I like being this av or I wouldn't have it.  :)

A little courtesy goes a long way though...In general, by the time someone makes it onto my friends list, they know me and my quirks, which is kind of the point...and if they are still around they really might be 'a friend' vs. someone who talks to me for a day and then wants to know each moment I log in. I even put something about this in my profile but no one reads it. Lol

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Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

Hellos Knowl, Seven & Melita.

I know there are all kinds of views on what privacy is needed or should be used and so on.

LL offers certain controls, settings or preferences that purport to provide privacy.  In some cases they fail out of the gate.

What I'm trying to get at though is how did we get where we are.  Were these privacy settings never intended to work?  Did things fall apart overtime due to some lack of attention?  Did greed overrule privacy?  What happened?

/me runs off to look up the word 'purport'




I think it is simply a cultural issue within the community.  Many people have the mindset that others log in for the sole purpose of entertaining them, and should be available to them at any moment they desire.

I can't answer if the privacy settings were ever intended to work.  I just know they never have.  Except for mapping.  Blocking that does work.

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People demanded it.

I didn't want it.

As others may have mentioned, most of the "hide" features have been added.

As horrible as it is to say, I figured that the Lab complied because drama is dramatic, it's exciting.

Think of how much less fun, many things would be without a little friction.

"Where's my aluminum foil hat"?

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Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

PudgyPaddy wrote:

Ok, I am going out on a limb with this, but I will say the egg.  

Hey PudgyPaddy.  Thanks for staying on-topic.

..... hey, wait a minute.  
Which one is the egg?

Hi Qwalyphi, because you are the hippest hipmunk I know I toss you the "eggcorn" and let you decide.   

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PudgyPaddy wrote:

I know this was not the question, but if you want absolute privacy then create an alt.  

did i say anything about wanting privacy at all??

or did i describe how sl was back when i first got here?

seriously..i'm no drama queen that needs to hide..if someone shows up and  i'm not in the mood to be around someone..i'll tell them straight out..it's not a good time..

i don't butter the biscuit for anyone..and i sure as hell don't have to hide..someone wants to stalk me ..they better be able to keep up LOL

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PudgyPaddy wrote:

Ceka Cianci wrote:

PudgyPaddy wrote:

I know this was not the question, but if you want absolute privacy then create an alt.  

did i say anything about wanting privacy at all??


I was replying to thread not you Ceka.  

oh lol

well that explains a lot then lol

sorry i am wired when i first get home from work..i type like crazy lol

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