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why so many cheaters ib Linden Realms


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I used to play regularly but the past few weeks it seems no matter which portal I go to there are lots of people flying around, scooping up the green and blue. Second Life to me (and many others) is about meeting people and being friendly but these cheaters are no better than street thugs, robbing, not linden labs but other honest players and suck the joy out of playing. why make it no-fly if LL isnt going to enforce it. anyway, rather than sink to their level I try playing in the wee hours when there aren't as many 'thugs' playing. ok, I'm done venting:)

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Quite probably the reason you percieve so many 'cheaters' in Linden Realms is that after the firsrt few hours, when you've completed every possible quest, there's nothing to do there except swoop around and collect crystals. The Residents that aren't into doing that leave after a day or less, and have no reason to return. The ones willing to spend lots of time scooping up crystals for minimal rewards are far more likely to try to do that as efficiently as they can, by any means that they can.

What amazes me is that anyone at all spends more than a day playing Linden Realms.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think bot scripts that make a user run between two spots of crystals are bader than flyers or campers, they are not do that for fun, just to get lindens without do anything and without thinking on other users that uses LR for fun and to have something to do until friends log on.

Linden can easy solve this by butting stonemonsters in some areas or can LL not get some trusted users to monitor the realms, it had been cool with a "Keeper of the realms"?

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  • 2 weeks later...

i agree with rolfe on this one...i play linden realms quite often.  But isee the same things flying avis(no fly zone), and a few mins ago i saw someone scoop right down and grab green and blue crystals...are there not mods in these rooms? Someone needs to looks into this.  Pronto.

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The issue is that it has the open-ended crystal hunting in the first place. It would have made more sense if Tara offered a once-a-day crystal hunt quest, for those who've done the main quests. Once that quest is done, there'd be no point in gathering more crystals that day. People would still cheat, but not to the point where others can't complete the quests.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ceera Murakami wrote:

Quite probably the reason you percieve so many 'cheaters' in Linden Realms is that after the firsrt few hours, when you've completed every possible quest, there's nothing to do there
swoop around and collect crystals. The Residents that aren't into doing that leave after a day or less, and have no reason to return. The ones willing to spend lots of time scooping up crystals for minimal rewards are far more likely to try to do that as efficiently as they can, by any means that they can.

What amazes me is that anyone at all spends more than a day playing Linden Realms.

I've heard claims of upwards of 100L an hour farming those Linden Realm islands. I don't see that as being feasable by any means I personally consider being fair to others, or not 'cheating' as OP asserts. ( I agree also btw. to me it is cheating). However, if there are no clear rules posted and no one enforcing those rules and no steps taken to limit this behavior - like I don't know, maybe coding in and instant auto eject and 30 minute penalty to people that override flight constraints - then really there is nothing to be AR'd when people do this stuff.

As far as more than a day, with the one quest that always glitches and takes 40 to 300 attempts to turn in before it actually works, anyone with their mind set on finishing the game is pretty much committed to a full week, most of that week spent running through differnt portals in an attempt to find an instance that is working correctly. But I guess that helps keep traffic numbers up.

I was excited when this was released, but I have to say I'm pretty disappointed in what I am hearing to be a lack of maintenance and lack of monitoring of the project. I would guess any hopes for it eveloping into an actual smoothly running adventure game is probably completely out of the question.

but yea, pfft. even if the claims of 100 linden an hour or more are acurate, a person can make a whole lot more by simply finding themself some employment.

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liltrouble75 wrote:

are there not mods in these rooms? Someone needs to looks into this.  Pronto.

usually not i have seen a linden or two in the realms and they didn't seem bothered that people were flying in front of them i seen loads of people do it all the time when i go to the realms i've even done it myself because it can be a real help i wouldn't exactly say it was cheating since even the LL viewer will let you override no fly settings. the green and blue crystals on their own don't hold much value since it would take weeks or months of playing the realms for hours upon hours every day to make what 500 orange crystals would net you. if you can collect loads of orange yellow and red crystals you can 'cheat' cashing out and get paid more money than your crystals are worth

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You can absolutely make 100 linden an hour WITHOUT CHEATING after you know the lay of the land, timing and have a plan. I am very unhappy about the cheaters that fly to find green and blue, that use speed huds that let them swoop across the sim to pick up crystals RIGHT in front of someone else.

This new game within a game  was supposed to be in part for the new folks and the new folks ARE still there (not just a new date but obviously not knowing what they are doing). A premium friend of mine contacted support to see what the position on the huds and such were from LL since "cheating" is not defined on the official REALMS page, just a note about reporting. The tech support guy said he could find nothing in the TOS that said you couldn't use HUDS. So the point of the game is "now" to see who can buy the best hud?  I think not!  I (as my alt) report cheater fairly often but I doubt it does any good. It is depressing all the cheating.

I enjoy the adventure and picking up lindens in the process. I have some RL friends who have actually come into SL or returned because they find the REALMS fun, something better than solitaire or minesweeper :D.   I can't see why any "adult" would stoop to cheating for what amounts to a tiny bit of money. So I am guessing that a lot of the players are actually kids and possibly below the legal age.

What is also disturbing is how broken the REALMS have become. So many sims not working any longer and it has been that was for months. More rock monsters have been added and most feel they have been tweaked to be smarter. This is OK for the experienced players, but certainly not for new folks that can barely walk. And unless they have been fixed in the last week, the quests no longer work. Two doors (only) give you quests messages to perform, but now (again) when you get to the "Return to Tyrah's workshop" message, you can go no farther. You don't get paid the 3 linden (oh the joy) and you cannot make any of the spheres to go to the cannons. Things aren't getting fixed. Most folks believe it is because the broken areas save LL money.

BTW the spheres don't (or didn't ) really protect you from rock monsters, they are just part of the canon quest and hence part of the game.

OK. Now that I have added my venting to the still active thread (HOHO) I feel better.


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I am not mad that cheaters do get some lindens, what make me angry is that they do this in a way that destroys the fun from other users and the thing with LR is to have fun, I just hope the rock monsters gets better when path finding tools do come to main grid and that rock monsters then can take BOTs that running between two spots of crystalls in LR.

Then is it so that a HUD that controlls an avatar so it does an spesific task is the samething as a BOT, and there is rules for BOTs and BOT use in Second Life, so I think all shall AR cheaters.

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Claireschen Hesten wrote:

i wouldn't exactly say it was cheating since even the LL viewer will let you override no fly settings.


I've only tried LR, I didn't get into it.. but I do remember it being no flying. If you aren't suposed to fly, and you do, I'd exactly call it cheating, no matter how easy it is to get around the rule, or no matter how underenforced said rule might be. Back in school, it was a simple thing to glance over and copy someone else's answers. Was it not cheating because it was simple, and you weren't called on it?

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  • 1 month later...

I have been running the crystals in LR since I joined SL. I now can, and do make about L$100 per day, in an hour or so, to help pay my tier with inworld earnings.. I do use a runner HUD to allow me to go a little faster. In my humble opinion, being fast & efficient is one thing, but using gadgets that instantly transport across a full sim, especially those using noxious smoke, or lightning flashes & sounds to intimidate other players from an area, is over the top. Some of these players also send threatening IMs, or get close to confront & threaten via chat. That's way over the top.

Add to the mix, that entire regions are now empty, and have been for monthes, and we are now squeezed together into the very few remaining areas. At least before, when we were banished from an area by a cheating bully, we had recourse to go lick our wounds in another area. This is no longer possible. Banshee Peak, Sunspire & Sunspire Field, The Slopes of Tyrah's Peak, Dark Moon Bay ... all empty for monthes now.

Most cheaters are not really flying, they are using combat HUDs from Royal & Dleacruz Technologies, and the cheaters are not engaging in healthy competition with them, they are waging war against the other players. They enter an area, threaten & intimidate everyone out of the area, and then dominate that area for hours, sometimes all day.

Like I said, running fast & being efficient is one thing, but fearmongering is quite another. These combat HUDs & dashers should at least be on the LR ban list, and LL should do it's best to restore the empty areas.

I wouldn't even be running the crystals if the things I have been making, but it seems the economy in SL is very stagnant. It's not that my products aren't of good enough quality, it's just that the SL economy seems to be reflec ting the RL economy. That leaves some of us no choice but to try to make inworld earnings if we want to continue playing SL.

There are children & people who are on fixed incomes that depend on LR to earn some Lindies. The cheaters are depriving them of this.

Things I will be considering as my 3 premium accounts come up for renewal.....


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Okay, I just ran through the entire Linden Realms.

First of all ... The HUD is still not counting crystals collected, and the cash in pads are not recognizing them either = no payout. (There's 3 days of hard work, and about L$600 that I will not be getting).

All areas I mentioned above as being empty are now there, and the "Field of Oranges" at LR162 is now the only empty area.

This may show that someone from LL actually is reading this thread, and did something about it.

I like it fine, except for the wasted time & effort of no payout.

My Suggestion = Keep it just the way it is. The "Field of Oranges" should be empty, and we should have to roam around. Too many bad things happen at LR162 because it is so flat, and has so many orange crystals there.

Linden Realms has vast areas that have virtually no crystals at all, and LR162 attracts the worst kind of behavior. The crystals should be more evenly distributed around the realms. This may result in more enjoyment, and far less bad experiences.

It seems the use of the combat AOs & HUDs are still going to be an ongoing problem. It will most likely remain so until LL actually takes the time & effort to form an official policy for LR itself, instead of just allowing the general TOS to apply.

Right now, there are no specific rules for LR. That means, No Rezzing, No Pushing, No Flying, and the general TOS rules against griefing & harassment are in effect.

I have my own policies that I use as guidelines...

0- Reporting is a waste of time!

1- I always match the prowess of the other players in the area. If someone is using a runner HUD, I will match their speed. (Runner HUDs are actually over-rated. They can send you spinning into space & are next to impossible to control if you hit a bump. You can get stuck in a tree or rock, and have to TP away to correct it. They are useless in hilly areas.)

2- I NEVER take advantage of new people!!! If I see someone in the area that is obviously new, and running with that jerky default movement, I check their Profile. If they are new, I just leave the area to them. that goes for older players too, that just choose to play normally.)

3- Even though I do have a few gimmicks up my sleeve, I only use them to defend myself, in order to stand up to a bully; and do that only after I have been repeatedly attacked, or threatened. Most of them are just small people using big gimmicks. Their actual talent is sorely lacking in most cases, which is why they resort to cheating.

4- "The best way to win a fight is not to be there!" = Most of the time, I either just leave, or check the area first, and not enter an area where I know those players are trouble in the first place. There are two sides to this coin. There are the bullies, but there are also some very mean-spirited people who acheive the same results by being report crazy. These self appointed moderators dominate an area just as efficiently as the bullies by threatening to report anyone who is performing better than they are. I went and stood on a rock once, before collecting any crystals, and a lady came right up to me and told me she was going to report me if I made any moves there. she said she had already reported over 10 cheaters that day. I avoid her like the plague now. If I see she is in an area, I run in the opposite direction.


At the rate this is going, I would not be surprised if LL just decided to shut down LR. I really take exception to those who call it fun. Let's call it what it really is = very hard work for very little payout. The new premium wilderness is beautiful, but I have found no desire to visit after ther first tour, because it has no finacial incentives.


Linden Realms serves the purpose of allowing us to make inworld money to spend, and that helps to drive the SL economy. In my experience, outside of the unlikely chance of forming a business which will cost more than it earns; LR is the best way to finance the beginning stages of becoming a stable SL resident.


Please keep LR162 Empty! It's a good way to cut down on the cheating.

Thank You


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  • 1 month later...

MystoryTimedancer wrote:

Most cheaters are not really flying, they are using combat HUDs from Royal & Dleacruz Technologies, and the cheaters are not engaging in healthy competition with them, they are waging war against the other players. They enter an area, threaten & intimidate everyone out of the area, and then dominate that area for hours, sometimes all day.

the 'cheaters' in Linden Realms are getting worse and it's not just av's that have been in SL a while that are doing it i've seen 0 day old noob i presume alts are doing it too it's bad enough there are people using speed enchancement tools to give them an unfair advantage but there are now people using tools giving them self an even unfairer advantage that warp them round the lucrative sims hoovering up all the cyrstals at lightning speed. these tools annoy me no end quite often as soon as i get with in a gnats whisker of a crystal someone using one of the tools appears out of no where and grabs it from under my nose and this is happening all day every day while these 'cheaters' are sweeping up thousands of crystals people like myself who run around as intended are lucky to get anything i sometimes wonder if it's worth reporting the 'cheats' then things might be fairer in linden realms if they got banned

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