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Carl Thibodeaux

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Network Outage

Posted by Status Desk on February 16th, 2012 at 01:41 pm PST

[POSTED 1:41PM PST, 16 February 2012] We are experiencing an outage which may have caused some Residents to be logged out of Second Life.  Some regions will also be unavailable. Secondlife.com, the Marketplace and our support services for tickets and live chat are also unavailable.  We are working on the outage and will update this blog as more information is available.


[UPDATED 2:15PM PST, 16 February 2012] The purchase of Land and $L may not be available during this outage. We are working on a resolution and will update this blog as more information is available.

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Typical Freaking Linden Labs.  and of all the time to have this crap happen i have to leave in about an hour and i wanted to have some time on before i had to go.  I dont know what Linden Labs employees do all day long but it sure as heck  is not improving second life.  Lag, crashes, log in problems, things taking forever to load, things not rezzing,  teleports not working half of the time

Nothing ever seems to get fixed and intead of addressing this and promising that something will be done we are just supposed to sit here and  say oooh its ok.  If you ask me and i dont care if i get banned for saying this every single last employee of Linden Labs ought to be fired and replaced with people who can actually do their jobs I wish Second Life woud be bought out by another company who coudl actually make some real improvements even if it ment removing the "adult" content i woudnt mind so bad if we could have an actual second life that actually WORKS like its supposed to

considering the fact that some people actually put hundreds, if not thousands of dollers into second life youd think wed get better service then this


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Good grief, what an over-reaction!

Even Sony TVs, Otis elevators, Porsche cars break down from time to time. Would you have all their employees fired for incompetence too?

As frustrating as this may seem to be, these things happen, and there are certainly bigger things to get our knickers in a knot over.

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Ditto Marigold.  All technology breaks and just in case no one noticed, it's a freaking game.  If you can't log in for a few minutes, go get some sun, get going on that pile of dishes you've been building up for days or read a book.  The world doesn't end, lives are not lost and fortunes not at risk if a game goes offline for a bit.

I remember when outages where near daily and for most of the day on Tuesdays.  Somehow we lived through it.

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Chelsea Malibu wrote:

Ditto Marigold.  All technology breaks and just in case no one noticed, it's a freaking game.  If you cant log in for a few minutes, go get some sun, get going on that pile of dishes you've been building up for days or read a book.  The world doesnt end, live's are not lost and fortunes not at risk if a game goes offline for a bit.

LOL...I have always had a sneaking suspicion whenever this happens, the ones up in arms most are the people who have bf/gf/partners waiting for them :smileytongue:  I remember back when I started and was in that position, it just killed me not to be able to get back in quickly :heart:...love, what can you say? :smileywink:

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Chelsea Malibu wrote:

that pile of dishes 


OMG, good you mentioned that....

what a pity that I have been at RL work during that outage, so that pile is still there...

SheenaFire wrote:

Typical Freaking Linden Labs.  and of all the time to have this crap happen i have to leave in about an hour and i wanted to have some time on before i had to go.  I dont know what Linden Labs employees do all day long but it sure as heck  is not improving second life.  Lag, crashes, log in problems, things taking forever to load, things not rezzing,  teleports not working half of the time

Nothing ever seems to get fixed and intead of addressing this and promising that something will be done we are just supposed to sit here and  say oooh its ok.  If you ask me and i dont care if i get banned for saying this every single last employee of Linden Labs ought to be fired and replaced with people who can actually do their jobs I wish Second Life woud be bought out by another company who coudl actually make some real improvements even if it ment removing the "adult" content i woudnt mind so bad if we could have an actual second life that actually WORKS like its supposed to

considering the fact that some people actually put hundreds, if not thousands of dollers into second life youd think wed get better service then this


can't agree. 

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There has been a lot of venting here.  I was "locked out" of SL last night like a lot of others, and I too found it unpleasant and irritating.  However to blame Linden Lab for the recent outages in the way that most folk do is utterly pointless, indeed it is probably counter-productive.

We must, at all times bear something in mind.  Secondlife was never conceived as a virtual world or 3D Facebook; it was conceived by someone whose ethos has pervaded the company he set up to develop Secondlife.  Philip Rosedale didn't consider the emotion that many folk invest in their Secondllives (me included).  It is no secret that Phil doesn't particularly like most of the customers/users/residents of SL and doesn't care too much about minor failings.  That attitude has prevailed at Linden Lab for nigh on 10 years.  It is unlikely to change if all we do is shout imprecations at them.

What is costing Linden Lab dear is a failure to invest in new hardware over the years, hardware that is now failing all too frequently.

While at long last we are seeing new sim servers being brought online, some of the back room servers, login servers and asset servers for instance have been running for far too long without significant replacement.

There has been a focus on short and medium term profits, with little forward thinking.  The fact that two server clusters failed within 48 hours is not coincidence, it is the result of a focus on innovation, rather than stability.  Now we can all scream blue murder at Linden Lab, but if we take a deep breath and think, it is no surprise.  The sort of folk who bring us the depth and richness of SL are not the sort of folk that are motivated to go around metaphorically clipping hedges and mowing lawns.

That Rodvik posted an apology on the Server Blog last night indicates how seriously this situation is being taken.  I cannot recall Phil or M posting in a forum.

The situation is bad, but it could be worse...it used to be..I can remember only too well.  This situation gave Linden Lab a  "wake up" call.  Let us hope that thay stay awake long enough to give us the stability we crave.

In the meantime, knock it off with the insults, they are stupid and pointless.  There are Linden Lab employees trying to help us, insulting them is not going to motivate them to do more.

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Having been in SL for nearly 6 years now, I have seen my share of the good and the bad, and have come to the conclusion that LL is utterly incapable and uninterested in providing dependable service.  The company ethos may well have a lot to do with this, for there is virtually no accountability within Linden Labs, and design flaws have been present in it from the beginning and exacerbated by LL decisions like releasing the copybot to what amounted to a group of hakers in 2006, and their continued lack of a clear vision which they have tried to supplement by copy whatever the latest net rage is at the moment, ie Facebook.

What LL and Phil Linden seem oblivious to is Second Life has a life and identity of its own and they are steadily sapping its vitality through their mindless and capricious policies and unwillingness to enforce the basic standards stated in the TOS such as no traffic bots, or the right to intellectual property, again look at the copybot.  Basically, what economy and society that still exists in SL exists despite the Lindens and they through their policies are fast destroying it. 

Already older players have left SL in droves, and these were the ones who built the businesses that made the economy work.  Now we are finding that a huge majorit of the newer players that replace them are leaving within three months, probably because LL has not updated the hardware requirment to reflect the reality present by SL viewer which eats enourmous CPU and Ramm resources and which is too demanding for the specs they are saying will run here.  Given that fact it is a wonder most last three months and the fact is many leave much quicker.  

Overall then this is not the picture of a responsibly run business but one in total disarray and wandering aimlessly toward disaster.  Given this situation it is no wonder that over the last two weeks markeplace and land sales have been broken periodically.  From that you can make your own conclusions as to the health of SL.

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I can login but not access my sim.  I agree that SL has been amazingly stable in recent years, but there have been hiccups of late.  It would be nice to have a listing of impacted sims, but I'm not going to rail at the Lindens quite yet.  They've created an amazing world, and we need to cut them a modest amount of slack.

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