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Sick of paying for things & never getting them, protection for purchasers?


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This is my  first post, so be gentle...


I've been on second life a while.  I love marketplace and in-game shopping but I'm really fed up of buying things and them not being delivered - yet when you contact the seller them not being bothered or replying and you never getting the item!


I know marketplace as the feedback as a way to reflect this, but isnt there something more to protect people?



Thanks :)

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if you are buying from the marketplace after you've contacted the seller and received no response before leaving negative feedback send LL a support ticket https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ make sure you choose Marketplace and Failed Marketplace Delivery from the drop down boxes then fill out the form and LL will re-deliver the item
if this is an inworld failure sometimes stores have re-delivery terminals but since it is an inworld transaction LL will treat it as a resident to resident dispute and won't re-deliver/re-fund 

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Hello Monarchy and welcome to SL Forums. If you have problems with delivery failures at Marketplace you can contact the merchant at first, as you already mentioned, but if you don't get a reply or you can't resolve your problem, ticket--> Marketplace category --> Failed Marketplace Delivery, including the order number and the name(s) of the item(s) that failed to be delivered. Also use the Marketplace only for research and after go shopping in world. It is preferable. By the way, last weeks there is a bug with offlines which affects many residents (not all). They get nothing when they are offline. Maybe this problem affects you also. Here is a jira: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-7540? You can vote there, add your comment and follow the suggestion of Maestro Linden:

"After more investigation, I have a guess about why this issue only affects certain avatars. One of my avatars had this issue, and had an empty Block List. As soon as I had the avatar block an object inworld (right click -> Block), I immediately received the queued offline IMs. This fix persisted between different sessions, even after I removed the object from my Block List (making it empty once again).

For those of you affected by this bug, could you try blocking/muting an object or avatar, and see if that fixes your problem? To block an object (or avatar), you can right click on them, then select Manage->Block from the context menu."

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one thing to rememeber is no one is one 24 hours a day and IMs get capped fast.

So if it failed for you and say 20 others people,on top of them getting group notices from groups they are part of  and noobs in world that IM many designers with "hi" it all leads to caps very fast!  

Send a notecard not a IM. Give people 24 hours to reply,they might have just logged out for the day and not be back for 18 to 20 hours.Many designers these days work for a living in RL as the SL markets are so floodd to be able to support your RL lifestye off this is very hard!

Example,my  career eats up 50 hours a week of my life,I have  a lot of SL products as this is my hobby,I  would have never known we would  sell a lot of products  but it happens.But catching me on every time Market place fails is probley a 1 and 20 reality.For the record over market place issue I have removed over 80% of my product as it sells in world just fine.Market place in my opinion is no longer a value the way the adds work now.My partner has most of our maternity products on market place becasue  of the great new profit splitting functions,so its not a bad place for every one (hate to be negitive) just not for me personaly.

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Monarchy wrote:

I know marketplace as the feedback as a way to reflect this, but isnt there something more to protect people?

There is. Shop in SL - at stores. It's not perfect but it's a heck of a lot better (for both deliveries and actually seeing things before you decide whether or not to buy) than shopping on the website.

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If you want to shop on Marketplace I found out this works best:

Do not buy more than 5 items total at a time.

Only buy when you are logged in.

Even then it might not show up until the next day. 

Some sellers are not in Second Life any more or their sale boxes are empty. Unfortunately the Lab won't get involved.

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Monarchy wrote:

I've been on second life a while.  I love marketplace and in-game shopping but I'm really fed up of buying things and them not being delivered - yet when you contact the seller them not being bothered or replying and you never getting the item!



I can assure you that Merchants are also sick of Marketplace failures too however that doesn't excuse lack of response but on that note there are possibly reasons.

Some merchants enable IM's to go to their email when offline.  This generally avoids their IM's being capped at the limit of 25.  Such merchants should be in a position to respond either from their email client or when in world.

Some merchants don't do this and make up for it by putting in their profile "Please send a notecard as my IM's are capped" and for whatever reason they choose not to enable IM's to email or in many cases don't know that it's a rather handy thing to do but each to their own.

If the merchant asks for a notecard, SEND A NOTECARD, if they say something like PLEASE..NEVER..EVER...SEND ME A NOTECARD, SEND ME AN IM.  Send them an IM!

If they indicate no preference, your choice but sending both can't hurt.

So it might be that for failure on their part to enable IM's to email, that they didn't get the message.

There are also merchants who can't be bothered to log in anymore, can't be bothered to take care of business and in some cases are just plain dead.

A simple solution that I have suggested several times is for the
last logged in date
  of the merchant to be shown with the listings so that you can make your own mind up as to whether you'll get support and also to require merchants to actively re-list items periodically to remove stale listings.

Nothing happens but you can have a Facebook "like this" button instead, that nobody asked for.

As for protection, it's the same as in RL, "Caveat Emptor", do your own research, IM the merchant before purchase, see if they respond.  No response, spend it elsewhere.


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Hi Monarchy -

sorry you are having problems!

As Clarissa suggested, try purchasing one at a time.  Most of the failed deliver notices that I get each day as a merchant are from people who loaded the shopping cart.  And sorry about that too!  A full shopping cart should be encouraged!

If you will check the merchant's profile - they generally tell you which method of communication that they prefer to use, IM or notecard or both is ok for some.

Some prefer the IM, because they can respond directely from an email, and your message shows up in their email.

Some prefer a notecard because all of the information is handy in their folder, with your name, and they have an entire record of the items and conversation all on one page, rather than having to hunt for a bunch of emails and messages. 

This morning I had one that had 6 or more failed deliveries in just one shopping cart batch, and she was very sweet to copy and paste those all on a notecard for quick reference, so that I could resend all of the products, and I doubt that rather long list would have fit into one IM.

Thank you for your patience!

eta:  adding a bit about time frames - depending upon what volume a merchant is doing in sales, this could be an all day project for some.  I worked the list this morning, and will go back and work it again here shortly, but it is taking a large amount of time to get it all corrected each day.  Patience is appreciated :)

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