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Why don't lindens do something about the idiots that continually crash welcome area's?

scunky1 Stipe

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I have been in Korea 1 today

and the sim has been crashed at least 3 times in 1 hour.

Some one suggested that the person responsible for this

is probably "remote crashing" and does not even have to be on the sim.

is this possible??

also!.. why is it so difficult to report these people i cant find any way of doing this on the SL website.

Do Lindens just bury they're heads in the sand? and ignore sim crashers?

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6 answers to this question

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I get the feeling that certain sims are set up to restart once they've been crashed.  That's how LL deal with it.  Otherwise they would be using all their personnel just to be policing the "welcome" areas, and how ridiculous would that be? 

You can report a griefer, harrasser, sim crasher by clicking on "help" inworld and submitting an abuse report. 

Take a look at the new welcome areas.


Currently being beta tested, they are manned from 8am to 6pm SL time, and for residents who are using the newest Second Life viewer, there is a button on the interface that takes you directly to the Helpers. How cool is that?

Best to leave the older welcome areas to the griefers, losers who cannot seem to move on from these areas, and bots.

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LL make it so abuse reporting anyone is hard to do cause ironic the AR has been abused itself. Getting people banned without any real proof or looking in the matter. So only way to reduce this a bit is to make it difficult to AR someone. Well on this site, doing anything like trouble ticket is hard to do even. 


As for griefers, just IM or leave a NC to sim owner about the problem and make sure you get object's creator name too. With scripts. It's very possible for someone to just rez an object, leave and chaos happens. Anything is possible in SecondLife remember? Doesn't have to only mean good things.


My best advice is just find details of this event happening best you can. Maybe get snapshots, chatlogs or something. But make sure you get the name of that griefer, date and sim he is causing trouble on and what is going on exactly. All info goes to LL. Use whatever contact you get through with them. 

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Filing an Abuse Report is extremely easy.  All you have to do is click Help >> Report Abuse at the top of the screen in your viewer.  You fill in some obvious information, click the Submit button, and that's it.  Remember, though, that the process is similar to filing a police report in RL.  If you want LL to be able to do anything with your Abuse Report, you need to provide accurate, useful information.  Include names and times, and any details that will make it clear exactly what the problem is. Don't guess about motivations and don't include fiery language.  Just the facts.  LL will acknowledge receipt of your report but will not ever tell you of the outcome.  To learn more, read http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Filing-an-abuse-report/ta-p/700065  or watch this cool video >>> http://vimeo.com/4167398

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Do Lindens ignore griefers? No. Unfortunately it is not that simple.

Griefing is the fine art of annoying people and striving to destroy another's experience. A portion of the population has mental issues and find such behavior rewarding. Correcting such anti-social behavior is beyond the scope of what most businesses can deal with. They can only attempt to remove such people and harden the system against them.

Griefing is like chess or war. The loser escalates to the next level. 

The Lab has told people there are things they cannot do, like annoy you. For many griefers this is not acceptable. Their effort to have the ability to annoy you is redoubled. Changing ID's, Internet addresses, hardware ID's, Internet routes to the servers, programming special viewers, mounting denial of service attacks, injecting Trojans/viruses, thinking up gimmicks to exploit flaws in the system, and on and on...

Groups have formed to combat the problem in SL. Vigilantes have formed up. Vigilantes always mess up and create collateral damage. To the vigilantes it is an acceptable cost of getting the bad guy. But, soon anti-vigilante groups form and go to war with the vigilantes. Then other vigilante and anti-vigilante form and fight with the other groups. For some it is serious and righteous effort to make things better. For others it is a way to feed their mental issues and needs.

When one first runs into the problems they almost always under estimate the effort needed to combat these social problems and assume there is a technical answer. There isn't. Build a nuke and they build a bigger nuke. We make ICBM's and they put them in subs. Build missile defenses and the sneak them in on a donkey.

The Lindens are not ignoring the problem. They are constantly working to stop griefers and remove them form SL. It just is way more complex than you may have imagined.

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Unfortunately all the answers below are correct. Even if the Lab bans a user (griefer) the griefer will simply create an alt, come back and start his/her crap all over again.

Put simply the Lab (and all of us by extension) are chasing our tails trying to stop griefers. We are far better off ignoring these idiots, tp away as fast as you can, or better yet try to block them then tp away.

One of the by-products of stupidity is a short attention span. You'll find these griefers don't stay in one place for long, so after a few hours it should be safe to return to the area if there was something you really wanted to check out.

Thankfully the vast majority of SL users (aka addicts) are decent people, who are only trying to enjoy themselves without harming others, so please don't let the idiots win :)

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Linden Labs dont care about abuse and such because their program thrives off it I have unfortunately been hit by litterally hundreds of people that are basically stealing from people.  Unfortunately this is what Linden Labs is doing to all of it as they put it 'Subjects' soon enough our complaints will be irrelivent because LL wont be running anymore.

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