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When will Direct Delivery be available?

Dante Velaystar

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When this beta testing just arrive I took a magic box and placed it in Aditi. The strange thing I experienced was that on the Aditi marketplace web was half of my merchandise listed, while I did not stick these items in my magic aditi box.

Next day my magic box came back to my inventory. I had just placed it somewhere where you can rezz in Aditi, and didn't know that there was a special commerce land where you had to place this magic box. After I found out and went there, I placed my magic box again. I cleaned my listings on the aditi marketplace by hand, because synching the box with the marketplace didn't cause the items I did not have in my magic box to dissappear from the listings.

I bought a few things from other merchants in the testing program. That worked fine. I had expected to see a deliver folder in my inventory, but there was none. Items arrive just the same way as in the normal grid, boxed.

About a week later my magic box was send back to my inventory again, when I remember well it came with a message that the box was not used anymore or some like that. And since then I didn't do any new attemptson beta test. 

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So Irene - what does the link we all cant see say?


Thanks Sassy for the thought provoking opinions and speculation.  And I do agree with you for the most part.

If MP for all of 2011 has pretty much shown very little improvements over a 12 month period and if DD is technically not that difficult for a team that supposedly has had it as their #1 Commerce deliverable for at least 8 months (likely more) of 2011, why does the math not work out that LL Commerce's #1 priority is DD?

I will debate your point that DD is technically quite simple.  Because of its integration with the financial system (hence the mess we all had to deal with in August September on transaction reporting sources), and because of changes needed in the viewer that needs to be propogated to the other 3PVs, and because of the MP code changes to UI and functional handling of the DD delivery system, and because of the need to figure out some smooth transition..... its not that simple.

But, it should not take a development team almost a year if it supposedly was their #1 priority according to Brooke.

So either they have run into some or lots of technical glitches / roadblocks or their initial design was flawed and they had to do a couple restarts or Brooke was not that truthful on DD being a priority and they havent spent too much time on DD.

If that is the case, then really, what has Brooke and her team been doing all this past year.  We all know she doesnt send out many COMMERCE UPDATES of LL's plans, up-coming updates, directions, etc.

Maybe they spent more time fire-fighting their past coding mistakes that it took up too much of their go-forward DD development.

All we can do in the forums is speculate as we still have no news of DD from LL or all these Merchants that went into the Open Beta.

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Thanks for the Open Beta update!!  You are the first to report to the forums.


I am suspecting that maybe a lot of Merchant posted that they would actually try DD on the open beta and actually most did not.  Maybe it was an empty open beta for DD testing.

Made,  how many fellow open beta DD merchants did you see in their to buy and sell items with via DD?

Finally, did you say that when you bought something via DD, the item landed right into your OBJECTS folder of your inventory as a boxed item?  That it arrived as a boxed item is not surprisng since 100% of all merchants in MP only have boxed items to sell.  But it went into your OBJECTS folder?

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Toysoldier Thor wrote:

I will debate your point that DD is technically quite simple.  Because of its integration with the financial system (hence the mess we all had to deal with in August September on transaction reporting sources), and because of changes needed in the viewer that needs to be propogated to the other 3PVs, and because of the MP code changes to UI and functional handling of the DD delivery system, and because of the need to figure out some smooth transition..... its not that simple.

But, it should not take a development team almost a year if it supposedly was their #1 priority according to Brooke.

Oh it's ok, no debate needed.  There's difficult and there's simple and shades of grey in between.  In the case of DD, we both agree that the point is that if it were a 100% time commitment at a number 1 priority, it would not take a team a year to accomplish what had to be accomplished.  (Unless that team is one coder who is only part time)



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Toysoldier Thor wrote:

So Irene - what does the link we all cant see say?

As you have seen, a moderator (I assume) has deleted my post answering you with images of the KB article (draft article) about MP DD Migration. Well,I do not understand why, but I accept the decision of the moderator. We must wait patiently :)

BTW, another reason for vote/watch against ranks in this forums.


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Yes I have noticed that too. 

The good news is that I get all forum posts via offline into my email.  So I can post what we have seen so far off of the SL Forums and talk about this more.  LL has no control of websites like my blogs nor for us to openly discuss / speculate the information we are all aware of now.

Its too bad that Jeremy and Brooke and no other Linden feels comfortable providing this educational information to the general Merchant public so that we all can get a better understanding of what is coming toward us in the coming days? weeks? months?  They dont even assign one of their team 1 or 2 hours a week to post answers to a thread on the MErchant forum that is designed to inform the community.

This is typical LL Customer Relationship management.....  Keep us all in the dark as much as possible until the last minute then ram it into our faces where we notice issues / flaws but its the 11th hour and LL cannot do anything to fix their mistakes.

So... I will ask the question again for those that are in the OPEN BETA... it seems the purchased items on MP will be delivered now right into the OBJECTS folder of our inventory.  I thought there was going to be a special MP PURCHASES folder for items delivered from MP?


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It may be against policy to put out a document on features that don't fully work yet that contain spelling errors.

I think any value from closed beta's has pretty much proven ineffective anyway. Generally what goes well in closed beta, once put out into public beta or production gets a fresh round of insight and often doesn't match the input gained from closed beta.

Had an experience with that. Loved the beta, so did everyone else. The public gave it 2 million thumbs down and they ended up being correct.

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Yes Dart - I saw the spelling mistakes in the draft Wiki from Jeremy but I am totally willing to overlook that in order to get the value of the content that was being shared in this private document.  If it was not ready to be viewed by any public then Jeremy should not even have placed the wiki for visibility by a restricted forum membership. 

And yes... your points on the closed beta are one of a few reasons I have not been at all in favor of the Closed Beta.  So LL gags a highly restricted hand picked group of merchants and trusts that these few can speak on behalf of the general public with no allowed public consult with the rest of the community.

It would have been fine if these Closed Beta users were allowed restricted access to the new code / system and had intimate talks with LL on how DD should work and LL's design flaws.... BUT... there should not be a Gag Order on them.  These Merchants should have actually been encouraged to take what they saw to the Merchant forums to talk about it and seek input and get a feeling from the rest of us.  We could have given them insight and new thoughts of functions / situations / requirements that DD should be tested against.

But nope... LL loves its backroom secrecy... as we see today and in how little is coming out from even the Open Beta and from how little Brooke and her team is spending to publicly communicate and educate the Merchant community on DD.

So now... likely a lot of the work done in the Close Beta is being challenged surprisingly in the Open Beta - IF LL is even proactively asking the open beta testers their thoughts and input.  I suspect LL is not even asking the open beta testers what their thoughts are.

Made... you are the only open beta tester so far to speak about your experience....  Did any LL DD staffer ask you for your opinions or thoughts on your experience? 

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Dartagan Shepherd wrote:

It may be against policy to put out a document on features that don't fully work yet that contain spelling errors.

A followup thought on it being againt policy to put out a document that was not ready for public viewing...  basically the person that violated policy was not Irene - it was Jeremy Linden.  He violated policy.

Forum members are not ranked to higher and more priveledged access to information with their concent.  As such, since LL did not get the member's agreement that he /she would honor the new rights / access granted him/her by unsolicited means promoting this person, this member cannot be held accountable to keep secret the information restricted to that rank.

Jeremy violated TOS and LL is worngly promoting forum members by not asking their permission to be promoted.

Irene did nothing wrong.

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  • Resident
Thank you all for your interest in Direct Delivery! We are in the final round of testing before we open the Direct Delivery Beta (on Aditi, the Beta grid) to all Merchants for testing next week.

As some of you saw, a draft Knowledge Base article was prematurely posted in this forum and has been removed to avoid confusion. We will be publishing a series of updated articles about Direct Delivery Beta when Direct Delivery launches next week.

The Commerce Team
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CommerceTeam Linden wrote:

Thank you all for your interest in Direct Delivery! We are in the final round of testing before we open the Direct Delivery Beta to all Merchants for testing next week.


As some of you saw, a draft Knowledge Base article was prematurely posted in this forum and has been removed to avoid confusion. We will be publishing a series of updated articles about Direct Delivery Beta when Direct Delivery launches next week.


The Commerce Team

Thanks Commerce Team for being forced to tell us your plans.  What worries me now is that once again the team's message adds more confusion than clarity.

So LL says... "We are in the final round of testing before we open the Direct Delivery Beta to all Merchants for testing next week." which says that the Open Beta did not go active in December. But as Made has already made clear, she was in the open beta and actually used the new DD a few times. So why is Brooke's team saying that the BETA is open for testing next week???

LL then say... "We will be publishing a series of updated articles about Direct Delivery Beta when Direct Delivery launches next week." So is the Open Beta of DD on Adidi opening up (when it supposedly already was) or is Brooke saying that next week DD rolls out on the Production Grid / MP and they are just calling it "BETA" to scare us less?


This better be the complete open release and pubication and education of DD on the test Adidi grid and not the main production grid.

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Go, Commerce Team. We either make it in 2012 or we die and all those nutcases with the signs about the end of the world were right, right? Finally an excuse to loosely quote from the film 2012!

Might want to consider cross linking more into the Marketplace release notes on the wiki?

And tell them to get you guys some more help, you've got an important department. If the board gives you flak tell them Dart said I'll crowd-fund them $15 coffee and flower dollars to come rake my lawn to make up for it!

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Dartagan Shepherd wrote:

Go, Commerce Team. We either make it in 2012 or we die and all those nutcases with the signs about the end of the world were right, right? Finally an excuse to loosely quote from the film 2012!

Might want to consider cross linking more into the Marketplace release notes on the wiki?

And tell them to get you guys some more help, you've got an important department. If the board gives you flak tell them Dart said I'll crowd-fund them $15 coffee and flower dollars to come rake my lawn to make up for it!

LOL..... yes.... I will donate $10k L to fund MP functions and services - as long as WE GET TO CHOOSE the work that gets dedicated priority to be delivered.  Ohh. and we would want regular updates on this paid resource's progress and they have to actually listen to our requirements.  This would not be a resource that works on LL interenal pet projects that LL Management thinks is important.  This would be to get MP functions finally delivered that Merchants actually want and have asked for forever.

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Toysoldier Thor wrote:

Made,  how many fellow open beta DD merchants did you see in their to buy and sell items with via DD?

I didn't count them. But the Aditi marketplace is public, there are about 250 items on now, check for yourself: marketplace.aditi.lindenlab.com/

Finally, did you say that when you bought something via DD, the item landed right into your OBJECTS folder of your inventory as a boxed item?  That it arrived as a boxed item is not surprisng since 100% of all merchants in MP only have boxed items to sell.  But it went into your OBJECTS folder?

At the time I did try it (early November) the objects came to my object folder. There was no DD folder available.




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No, no. I mean I want one of the board members personally to rake my lawn for $15 in crowd funding!

Better yet, change the world, give up other income and come pay your bills by being an SL merchant! Heck, I'm upping it 50 bucks, however many $L that comes out to be. I don't even care what products they make as long as it doesn't violate Marketplace listing guidelines. Just to see what business models that involve creating as much churn as possible with token currency is like from this end of things.

But seriously, I think they could really use more resources and manpower.

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CommerceTeam Linden wrote:

Thank you all for your interest in Direct Delivery! We are in the final round of testing before we open the Direct Delivery Beta (on Aditi, the Beta grid) to all Merchants for testing next week.


As some of you saw, a draft Knowledge Base article was prematurely posted in this forum and has been removed to avoid confusion. We will be publishing a series of updated articles about Direct Delivery Beta when Direct Delivery launches next week.


The Commerce Team

When the open beta finally DOES open up for all merchants, will they all have to download and install a separate direct delivery enabled viewer to test this thing out, Brooke?  That's what I'm hearing has to be done when I logged into aditi this morning to try to see the system.  Also, does the open beta testers have to sign a "keep your mouth shut about it!" clause before they can test it?  Questions, questions...need answers, answers....

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Toysoldier Thor wrote:

I have not heard a peep from any of the excited merchants of DD that went in there to test DD.  Why? 
such a hot topic and yet not one merchant in the open beta has anything good or bad to say??  Fishy

It's called a "non-disclosure agreement" ... most software testing requires the testers to agree to keep all the test details private.


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