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Alexi Raynier

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Restarts don't always mean new feature fixes, it's more often than not for network updates, storage additions and fixes. Features are normally done in the viewer updates and though many require a restart, it does not mean a restart is for new features.  In fact, restarts are very frequent and used to happen every Tuesday when SL shut down for a good part of the day. 

If you want to know more about the new features, you can read them in the blog or better yet, try out the beta viewer.

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The restarts on tuesday mostly promote the code on one of the release channels to the rest of the grid. They sure are ment to update the servercode and test new serverfeatures. Normally Oskar announces which of the relase channels is promoted to the main grid.

Since all of the release channels are running the same code, it will not be a big surprise. I suppose will be promoted to the main grid.

It would be nice to know which new features are released to the different release channels on wednesady.

Kind regards, Chriss

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If Linden Lab published complete details for every server update which require a restart, would you understand it?  It's rather mundane and unimportant to the user to know the why's for most updates.......it's LL's grid and their software and as long as they know why, we don't need to know why.  LL is pretty good about letting us know in advance of planned maintenance and even give a few details on occassion:


But for every update?  There's really no need plus if you read it you'd be rolling your eyes wondering why LL pays a team of people to publish such technical mumble jumble.  Only a few would understand and then a few of those who do would question LL's intelligence, which leads to false rummors and accusations of incompetence (even stupidity).  A sim restart takes about 5 minutes and, for the planned restarts, you get plenty of warning ahead of time.


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While this situation looks really bad from a "They aren't telling us" point of view, I think it is fair to say that the appearance of Rolling Restarts this week simply means that, restarts, no updated server software.

The fact that there is nothing posted in Release notes and here on the server blog indicates that, plus maybe Oscar is still on leave! (Lucky wotsit).

The thing that irritated me more was the total lack of restarts last week, in fact.  If regular restarts are as damned important as some say, how come we got none last week, when they were still scheduled in the calendar??

What I would wish for and what I'd hoped LL had resolved to do better in 2012 was to be consistent.  It's not a lot to ask.


Edit:  Come on Peggy!  That is too arrogant for words and also just wrong.

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Im guessing your implying to the restarts  being part of the hardware upgrades right ?

The hardware upgrades seem new to why they are doing restarts, when you hear upgrades, expect, somehithing,a result of the action, the word upgrade means to better the current yes ?

So i understand your qestion Alexi.

Possible answer is no you wont see any improvments off hand.

 The ceo allready talked about new things down the road here to aid in content creation,and other things im sure,(pet projects), any gain from these upgrades im sure is a buffer for these new projects.

Every time they add new features  thats  xtra load on the over all system.

I know every one gets tired of hearing this from ones that been here a while but in 4 months ill been here 9 years in sl,and people been doing basicly the same basic things, over all, in sl since it started. yes we have fancy newer features.

But for every new feature there is allways some limit aplyed to  it.

I do love sl and hope in time will be what we all expect sl to be.

What i would be worried about is though, is the comment about how there working on new projects that are not connected to sl.

Seems lindens have from our high costs of land and all the  fee's we pay here and there,is maken a profit ,well done i guess. we all try to do this.

All that profits will create a new product that none in sl will benifit  from. 

#1 Linden labs is a research company.

So back to the main qestions will we see somehting , like more prims ? cheeper land ?any thing that would = out to more, for the money spent in sl ? probally not.

We complain  becuse  they really dont tell us alot.  and becuse they dont we guess there not on our side,maybe they are maybe not.

Sl really doesnt have ay thing to compare its self to. so we are left with ,this is all they can do, and its the best it can be at this time. maybe maybe not. we only know what they tell us.



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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:

If Linden Lab published complete details for every server update which require a restart, would you understand it?  It's rather mundane and unimportant to the user to know the why's for most updates.......it's LL's grid and their software and as long as they know why, we don't need to know why.  LL is pretty good about letting us know in advance of planned maintenance and even give a few details on occassion:

But for every update?  There's really no need plus if you read it you'd be rolling your eyes wondering why LL pays a team of people to publish such technical mumble jumble.  Only a few would understand and then a few of those who do would question LL's intelligence, which leads to false rummors and accusations of incompetence (even stupidity).  A sim restart takes about 5 minutes and, for the planned restarts, you get plenty of warning ahead of time.


While I will agree that a lot of the technical mumbo jumbo would go over my head, I for one would like to know what updates specifically are being applied.

Myself and others are waiting for a specific update that deals with a major problem that we have been having.

Based on expected behavior I think it's been applied but I have been unable to confirm this so far.  Hence, i can only report back in JIRA that I am still having problems rather than yes or no it fixed my problem.  Sadly my problem is still not fixed.

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Peggy, when there is a server deploy, which is what today's restarts were listed as in the Grid Status Report, it's normally accompanied by some brief server release notes, even if they say no more than, in effect, "all this does is implement some minor bug fixes".   And I have to say that Oskar is normally very good at avoiding " technical mumble jumble," as you put it -- even a non-techie like me can usually understand the release notes.

I'm betting that, what with the break, the notes didn't get written in time and will be published in due course.

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If it is the RC code not telling us is understandable, since for the last three weeks that code has created unmitigated chaos, and the RC servers have at times been virtually unplayable.  Last weeks unannounced restars did some good but the problem is not fixed and the crashes and lag continue and if LL insists on foisting this situation on the rest of SL they are deserving only of contempt.  If the servers are an simple and harmless tweak It only takes a moment to say so, and if they are in fact new and questionable code the player population deserves fair warning.  It is for reasons like this and the lag and poor performance that LL had created through this type of folly that stores and businesses are closing in droves and peope have begun to loose whatever trust they had left in LInden Labs.  At this point for the good of SL LL needs to be as transparent and open as possible because player patience is fast wearing out;


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There is still something odd about the reported activity on Restarts.  Today, Wednesday Jan4th is scheduled (see the Calendar) for RC channel restarts, yet there is nothing on the Grid Status Page about them.

Yesterday's Main Server restarts were reported and I assume that they duly happened (My sim is RC LeTigre so I wouldn't know).

Nothing on our sim today.  Nothing on the GSP.  What is going on??

One post here suggests that the Release Notes will likely be published "When someone gets around to it".  Now, I'm sorry, but that is simply not good enough.

Scripters need to know what functions are being affected so that they know if their new scripts are not working for a reason other than bad compiling.

My sim is still on the same server and running the same software as it was three weeks ago.  Surely if there is someone who can update the GSP to tell us of the Main Server work and some unscheduled inventory server issues, they can say whether or not the RC channels are being restarted as scheduled?

I may not understand the fine detail of changes to Server side software, but I can do more than make an educated guess.  Moreover if a problem DOES arise, I can give better information on the JIRA.

It is high time and more that Linden Lab at least showed its users some respect and acted consistently.  That way more of us might be inclined to show LL more respect as an organisation.


Edit:  OK so now I see the calendar says that RC channels are being rolled tomorrow (Thursday)...so we wait and see.

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