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Be very careful when unpacking boxes with large amounts of items in them!!

Ceka Cianci

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just a tip from me to whoever it may help =)

I just thought i should say something about this since it came back to me after unpacking a few hair  fat packs  that had tons of items in them..

Always check to make sure you have gotten all your items from the boxes you get from the market and places that give you boxes to unpack..

the asset server will stop unpacking after a certain amount of time and you may still have items that did not get unpacked..

make sure you check the opened box inventory to the folder inventory in your....inventory hehehe

it may end up saving some merchants and yourselves some headaches thinking that all the items were not given..that or whatever other scenarios that could come from it..let alone you want  to have your items anyways hehehe

just posting this because i had a few the last couple of days and was reminded..so i figured for those that do not know..like a lot of new users may not..that  you should check your boxes first thing while unpacking..

have a great holiday and many more in the future =)

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i wish i did..

it's really a pain if there are a lot..

when it does happen i have to look at the open object window and then line up the folder and make sure everything is in order by name..

that will line up objects in the inventory folder ..then just start from the top and work my way down..because it will grab them out of order and place them in your inventory..

so i start at the top then find an item that did not make it..then scroll with my eyes down my list in my inventory and then grab everything in between those two items that did make it..

then in the open object window i will highlight the top item and then go down to the one that did make it and then press shift and click  the lower item..then i can drag them all over at one time to the folder in the inventory..it will put them in order..so it's easy to keep things straight

then repeat on the next gap of items that did not make it into the inventory..


maybe this is a better example..

say i have in the object i am unpacking..fruit






then look in my inventory and there is only



just grab the ones in between and drag them over to the folder and repeat until you have everything from the object being unpacked..

highlight orange then go down to grapefruit and shift and click and it will highlight everything in between and you can grab them all at one time..


i hope i did not make it too confusing..i can stray a bit sometimes..hehehe

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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

I get the error about items coming in too fast all the time, but then the items still end up in my inventory.

You're now seeing them not make it to inventory?

That's not good to hear...



ya..this used to happen to me a long time ago also..i just got used to looking to make sure everything made the trip..

mainly a weekend like this with it being kind of bad in sl it was prim for it..i hadn't seen it in awhile though..so i figured i better say something  hehehe

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I had noticed it Ceka several times, so i knew to be careful. Usually when i unpack a box with many items, i miss some items the first time. When i unpack it 2nd time everything is ok. I understood it for first time when i purchased an outfit and while i thought that i wore all parts, i noticed that i had 1 cuff, 1 footwarmer etc. Thanks for posting it here. Happy holidays for you too!

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This happens to customers of mine sometimes. I tell them to look in the box for the rest of the items but never once has anyone found anything there. ( Of course I don't know if they are really looking in the box or just telling me they are.)  I have also had ppl log out and back in and the stuff shows up in their inventories -- but most of the time, they say it does not. I finally started packing boxes inside of boxes so no one box has so much stuff, and that has helped some.


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I am not sure this is related, maybe this is a waste of time posting BUT....inventory inside of objects is definatly NOT loading as fast (or attempting to load as fast) these days. I know this due to a script issue that is throwing and error about the script not being there. It doesn't load as fast. To top it all, I thought it would not be a big deal and would be cleared up or that it was because my PC or net connection ping times where related...stupid me, I released the update. 

I get no complaints, but it reflects badly on my product if there is a script error. I did find out what it was, and it was related to the way they handle inventory inside of objects. They are slowely loading them, to create a more uniform experience I guess. Plus, they needed to fix chat and all the other stuff, so I assume this was part of that triage (I think I read it was in that same update they had fixed chat) and I agree, chat is important. I just wish they would find a way to not throw errors or, as you have mentioned, still get peoples object inventory where it is supposed to be. The script warns, but thankfully it is only the update check script and not a big deal.


This is a little bit more troublesome. Should we just treat boxes as the only place to get stuff? Should LL simply put a search and "loading item 10 of 100..." to the top of object inventory or the open object and unpack window thingy? Maybe they have and I am a little clueless lol, I sort of am a old age pensioner in SL...I have been around more than 2 years lol.

They changed a lot the past 2 years, so...yeah, I feel old. I don't race around with others much, drive slower and don't use indicators...so, don't drive with those on all the time lol. BUT, yeah...I sort of cluelessly click stuff and have adapted quick enough to the GUI changes...recent one has a horrible issue with the "Block" button being way to inviting to click as a "Back" button or as the ignore button...I don't know why I do this...must be something about the word "back" I figure, because I usually do this when wanting to go back BUT also hit it when I thought it was the ignore button...maybe it resembles the Group OK and cancel buttons? Either way, I feel like an old aged pensioner clicking on stuff and cursing at it, but slowely being more perplexed...but, I seem to spend little to no extra time with learning the very latest changes! I like some of it, but that darned Block button...I swear, these young people don't understand we have been clicking buttons before they every rezz'd a prim, I tell ya...hhmpgh...I am off to go sit on a hemroid pillow and write a letter to these people...they really do have a nerve to make these changes!

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no they were fatpacks so far..

this was just basically to remind people about it when i noticed it happening the other day..

it really hasn't happened to me in while even on fatpacks until this past weekend..so it kind of jarred a memory about it..i figured it would be something good especially for newer users to look out for..

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