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Looking for a job that pays 5976 lindens or more a month


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What skills do you have that are worth $L5976 a month?  Your best bet is to develop some skill that is actually worth that much on a monthly basis.  If you can build (and I mean well) you could hire your talents out......but on a monthly basis?  That might be difficult due to the competition in SL (there are many very good builders in SL that you will complete with).  Maybe you are a scripter...........same thing.  How about a clothing designer?  Heck, everything I can think of requires a great deal of experience and expertise.........but it could be done if you are skilled enough and determined enough.  To be honest, you could probably do as good if you tried dancing........it requires a lot of imagination and a sense of humor but if you can get a good client base you can do well in tips.


But the only good way to guarantee $L5976 a month is placing a valid payment method on your account and purchasing the lindens once a month.  For some reason, I think you probably don't want to do that..........you want SL to pay for your intertainment.  For that to work you have to put in a lot of effort on your part.........it may be free but it's a lot of work for free.  :)

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You could probably hit that target by escorting, especially if you were willing to do voice and/or cam. Put a sexy rl photo in your profile under the rl tab, spruce up your avatar, get a good profile photo, and write a few lines in your profile concerning your rates and limits, and you're in the slex business.

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My only question is why give up your time up for such small amount? Are you not worth so much more?

Why not aim for something respectable, like 5976 L$ per hour?

You know what they say... aim low and you'll likely hit nothing.

Aim high and you'll probably at least hit something :matte-motes-bashful-cute:

Realistically however, if you are looking for a 'job' it is a much better chance to find a job in the real world & easily support all your Second Life needs this way.

Second Life is more a place to create your own job - if you do choose to be a worker at all in this world? Most people are only in SL to play.

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My interest is purely academic. I've been researching the SL business landscape. While SL escorting may be an offshoot of the oldest known business model, my conclusion is that it is an inferior business model in a virtual world because it doesn't scale. The OP will quickly hit a wall regarding the amount of time available to service clients. 

However, it provides a start and requires little upfront investment in time and skills. Thus, ROI is initially quite high.

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For someone that is only a few days old your goal is unrealistic.  Most employers require you to be 30 days old or more and have a good looking avatar.  Even once you can offer those things, unless you work a lot and get a lot of tips, that's still more than you can consistently earn without some valuable skill that is in demand or making content or offering a service that is popular and people would be willing to pay for. 

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Well I do know how to work a DJ program as I have played Second Life a few years ago. As for making clothes... making textures is not one of my finer points but it is something that I have always wanted to *learn* to do. I do have quite an imagination when it comes to fantasy wear. But I'm not entirely sure if I can make 5976 by simply being a DJ. Then again the last time I worked in SL it was at a newbie club... 

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It's because I'm hoping to get a house in SL and the tier is 5976 a month. I'd rather get a job to pay for it than actually have to put money into the game. Mostly because I don't have a credit card at the moment nor am I willing to apply for one. I'm a shopaholic and if I have a credit card, well let's just say that I'll be shopping all day and night... 

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I've also been in a position where putting money into SL just wasn't an option and it's nothing to be ashamed of.  SPENDING NOTHING, now that's a different thing, that does the economy no good at all.

The amount you're seeking isn't unattainable at all but in a forum of content creators, it's ever likely that you'll be advised to go and "make something" which isn't always what people want to do, I know it was never my plan, oh how that went wrong!

DJ well, get the right venues, you'll easily earn the amount you're looking for and more but the most important thing of all is "Do what makes you happy".

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You would probably need to do several things to earn that income unless you have some good transferable skills. 

Creation and selling would earn that or more over time if you made quality items and invested in creation, marketing, infrastructure etc.  But to begin with you would spend more than you would earn; you could cut that down by selling only on marketplace but that would also reduce potential future income.

You could check the help wanted forums and classifieds for job openings.  Most will want you to have a polished looking avie and understanding of SL, most wont pay well but you could get multiple jobs and/or augment earnings by joining contests that payout linden as prizes.  SL sex pays the most if you are good at it.  You need a super looking avie, excellent RP skills and the willingness; building up your avie, wardrobe and tools would take initial investment. Someone told me about earning a little L by "cone jumping"...I have no idea what that is but a look in search might inform you.

But, unless you want to spend all your SL time working, you would be better off working a few hours in RL and importing that money to SL for buying linden.


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Agreed, if DJing is something you already know a bit about, concentrate on that and as Sassy says you should easily reach your goal, I have seen DJs walk away with more than that in tips from a single performance.

I have to say I am surprised at some of the responses here, I don't think that your goal is unrealistic or unachievable, although it might take a few weeks to build up to.

I would agree though that sometimes the easiest route is just to buy the L$s and adjust RL finances accordingly, but wheres the fun in that!?

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I agree with Sassy that it's by no means unobtainable; it's only L$200 a day, after all, and I used to make considerably more than that in tips in tips in an hour or so, way back when I was a stripper in an SL club, though things may have changed since.   

That comes with a bit of a caveat, though.   There's some start-up costs in the form of a decent skin, hair and clothes, and I don't think you can expect good tips if you just use canned emotes;  one of my main roles was to keep some sort of conversation going, make people feel welcome and draw them into the conversation if that's what they wanted, since live text conversation is one of the things that makes a club, at least in my experience.   So I was as a much a stand-up improv comic as anything else, knowing when to fade into the background when people were chatting amongst themselves.   

But if you can do that sort of thing, and get a job in a good club, you should be able to earn well over L$200 in tips in a session.   

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