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Do we know who runs this forum now?

Chelsea Malibu

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Other than "Linden Lab" who just posted guidelines here that don't seem 100% applicable to THIS forum, do we know who is now running the Adult Grid and this forum?

It's been very quiet here as noted but moreover, I really think we have a few that need to be added such as Sassy Romano, Hard Rust and I am sure more who have a stake and impact on the adult grid.

My feeling at the onset was that this legitimatized one of SL's primary money makers, the adult grid and that this created a place for us to discuss issues within this world.  However, it feels like we are now back to point A where we are just some sort of group that is better not heard or seen.

I also know that Rod Humble wanted any adult related content or activities out of the SIMS Universe.  Will that be his position here? Do they want to kill the golden goose and move to a new world or will they open their doors and accept adult content as Google has done as a viable and acceptable form of entertainment?

The distance or should I say, the new Arms Length approach I am seeing makes me a bit uncomfortable.  My best SL friend has left the grid which puts an end to my attachment to SexGen though I do not plan to stop making furniture with intimate animations though I wont have the brand power behind SexGen.

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Agreed.  I'm pretty convinced that the Lab now understands that it is in the Adult Content business.  After all the failed fantasies of breaking in to the Enterprise market, and trying to buy their way into Government and Education, LL finally gets real and starts behaving like a business.  Part of that business is purveying to us pixel pornographers. It's good both for them and for us if they've actually got 'round to accepting it, as indeed it seems they have.

(So this was the super secret smut-peddler forum, eh? I'll try to hang out for a respectable interval first before trashing-up the joint.)

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Clearly they opened this up as the first step to shut it down.  There is no maturity rating here which was in fact why Blondin set this up.  We already know Humble wants adult content off the grid.  I guess this is just the start.  Good luck with that LL as we are a huge part of your revenues.

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Qie Niangao wrote:

was the super secret smut-peddler forum, eh? I'll try to hang out for a respectable interval first before trashing-up the joint.)

And no, this was NOT a smut peddling forum.  It was designed by Blondin who invited a wide spread group of known adult content businesses in SL to assist and give feedback to LL for their policies and activities on the adult grid.  Like it or not, adult content is a legal and viable business which makes up for $16 billion in global revenues.

But your point is well take, there would be a significant loss in revenues if adult content was not allowed in SL.

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Sorry, :P  I'm pretty fired up about this.  We finally had a safe and mature place to discuss adult businesses among other adult businesses and now we have to be careful what we say or words we use that may be found "offensive".  It really defeats the entire purpose of having an adult content forum where by it's own nature, can be considered offensive by many.

Has the adult warning been removed when you log into this forum now too? 


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I don't really see what the worry is; off the top of my head, I can't think of anything that was posted in the old private forum (which seemed a bit of a waste of time, as it turned out) or that's been discussed in the Adult Content Users Group -- transcripts of which are posted in the wiki -- that anyone should worry about posting here.

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http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion/Indiana-University/m-p/826787 would violate these standards.

*sighs* You are correct in everything you said.  It had a good start, Blondin left as did his predessor and now this. Another great idea that tanked where i was hopefull that it would turn back around again some day. I guess I should be just numb to this after 5 years.

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I guess if anyone does feel concerned about posting something,  the Linden Lab comment in the other thread, "Note - If there is a need to post content outside of Linden Lab's content guidelines, there are external forums and blogs, " reminds us that there's always SLU or SCmkII on which to carry on parallel discussions.   In the past, after all, people have carried on lively and signficant debates about things like Emerald or Red Zone in multiple fora, saying in other places what certainly couldn't be said here in the Official Forum.


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Couple of things...

As to who runs the forum... that will be the moderators. Who is the Linden manager that is handling Adult Content, that would be Viale Linden. But, I doubt he will be doing much moderating here. I do expect him to occasionally read the section and post here.

In the Adult Content User Group (ACUG) the problem of language and topics in the section came up. It seems a period of training will need to be allowed for as the moderators learn there is an adult section in which adult trip words are to be ignored. We'll see how well that works.

I understand the forum section was pretty much dead. Opening up will likely get more people involved. But opening it to the whole world may not be such a good idea. The press could have a field day with it.


My question is: How is it we know Rod wants adult content off the grid?

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Nalates Urriah wrote:

My question is: 
How is it we know Rod wants adult content off the grid?

I'm going by his past record of being the one who removed any adult content or activities from the Sims Online.  I am also going by past interviews where he clearly wants this to go back to it's original design to be game building platform.

I know this was the original intention but the performance and the tools did not allow it to become a viable game engine.  (Bad physics engine, inability to make game elements such as NPC's, lag, etc.).  It's my believe it became a virtual worlds over a game due in large part from the inadequacy of gaming features.  Humble has made it very clear his direction is in creating a game platform and I'm not sure how sexual role play fits into that notion.

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Chelsea Malibu wrote:

Brilliant Idea to move this as it now has ZERO relevance.  This was not a general "People Forum" question but one specific to the Adult Content forum.

I agree... at first I had no idea what you were talking about in your OP.

I'd love to know who thought it would be a good idea to open up the Adult forum at a time when there is no one around to run the forum as a whole.  This should have been brought up at a CTUG so that we would have known what was coming and could have helped with the integration.  Lexie, or someone able to act in her stead, should be here to address any concerns about this.

Moreover, the mods shouldn't be moving content from the Adult sections into the regular sections, period...but especially when those threads are specific to the forum where they were posted, as is the case with this one and the other one that was moved here from there.  

What a mess ...Dres

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Tristizia Demonista wrote:

I can't remember him ever saying anything like it. In fact he even spoke at some time, that a lot of people use SL exactly for this kind of "more private" purposes, without adding something like that this will vanish or so.

While I may have missed something, and would welcome assistance if I have, I've just searched on Google for all the combinations of keywords that seem to me likely to lead to an interview with Rodvik saying he wants SL to be a "game building platform" and, without exception, this thread is the only hit I get.    He's said he'd like to make it easier for people to set up RPGs within SL, certainly, but that's not the same thing at all.    The logic seems to be that a lot of people want to create and play RPGs in SL -- which obviously they do -- so let's make it easier for them.   By the same token, lots of people (sometimes the same people) want to do stuff involving adult content, and it looks to me like LL's trying to make it easier for us, too.

I've been in SL for 4 years and odd, and, for the first time in a long while, I have the feeling that LL's abandoned trying to get us to do what it thinks we ought to want to do or, as was the case for a bit, trying to get us to stop doing things we wanted to do but which might put off the potential customers LL hoped to attract, and is actually trying to work with the various constituencies in SL to help us do all the different things we want to do, with a view to attracting new residents with similar tastes -- whether that's first-person shooters with evil zombie NPCs or wierd and wonderful sex stuff (possibly involving evil NPCs, to the distress of the escort business.. who knows?) or whatever.   

I'm not particularly familiar with the Sims Online, but I don't see why his removing adult content or activities from there, if that's what he did, should be taken as an indication of anything other than a decision that they didn't fit into that particular game's marketing strategy for the particular demographic at which it was aiming. I don't see that it's reasonable to infer anything about his personal tastes from that particular decision.

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there is one mention of SL being good for "building games" in the impromptu interview talking about designing games. but that's the only one I'm aware of, and the commentary was mostly about past experience as a game designer, not saying that was the core value of SL.

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Although the


question in the thread title is


relevant to the whole of the


forums, it is


apparent that the


thread has been moved here from another




forum. If that hasnow been


opened up please post a


link to it, so everyone can see how


boring it is.




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I have a


answer to the


thread question. It seems to be


Viale Linden, who has taken over the


Adult User meetings and uses the


community@lindenlab.com email address which suggests that he has accepted the


poison chalice from Lexie after it was forced into her grasp following


Amanda's peremptory departure.




Isn't LinkedIn useful!



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While Viale has certainly taken over responsibility for chairing the Adult Content Group and uses, as do several other Lindens, of course, the community@lindenlab.com email address, I don't think -- from what he's been saying, at least -- that he's responsible actually for running and moderating the Adult Content Forum, though it seems to have been his idea to create it.

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