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Why aren't teen accounts rezzed in a separate place anymore?


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I'm not talking about the merging of the grids, I'm talking about the old welcome center where teens used to be sent when they left Orientation Island. It's called Nix, Lewis, etc.. I still don't understand why they merged the two, there are creepy men everywhere you turn, and I can't understand why they would rez teens and adults at the same place. You know, the one with the talking parrot and the pond, and the thing where you fly up. Even though the teen grid was full of immature kids who were mostly irritating and obnoxious, I miss it. Turns out the main grid is even worse for teens, what with all the avatars coming into General regions with prim penises. It's gross, and I think it was the most horrible decision Linden Labs has made, even more horrible than Viewer 2! It's mostly the creepy old men, though. They're creepy.

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Creepy old men do tend to be creepy, yes. As Venus said, AR the offenders immediately, as soon as you see that behavior. Nothing sexual should EVER be happening in G-rated area, definitely including wearing exposed prim genitals, so AR, AR, AR every time you see something like that.

Keep in mind, though, that some of the "creepy old men" you see are just like you - new, and not exactly sure what they're donig. The first thing a lot of guys on SL do is go and grab a freenis and put it on, then wander around hitting on people. A lot of them probably never even notice the region maturity rating. So feel free to AR, but also you may want to send them a private message, especially if you see that they haven't been in SL for very long, and let them know they're in a general area and they need to get dressed and put their freenis away!

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Considering a teenager's definition of "old" (i.e. 28+), the grid is full of old men. Even though a lot of us oldtimers look like young women in SL, which probably increases the creep factor for you. So if old men creep you out, SL might not be the right place for you.

PS: If SL had a special welcome area for teens, you'd see even creepier old men hanging out there. The really creepy kind.

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This was NOT  a newbie. He was decked out in clothing that was definitely not free, even the **bleep** for that matter. But, yes, I will AR more often. And, by creepy old men, I mean the CREEPY OLD MEN. Not the old men that don't do creepy things. :P I have nothing against "old" people!!

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Lolalovejoy wrote:

I feel sorry for you hun, AND I thing thats offensive Qwalyphi, she has nothing against the elderly, but something agains
   men rezzing where teens do

Well, right now the elderly have little choice, seeing that people of all ages rez in the same places :) If teens had their own welcome areas, any adult would be there by choice and a lot more likely to belong to a particular group of perverts (nothing against perverts in general).

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The creepy ones are hanging around those welcome areas simply because they think they are anonymous in Second Life, or they would be hanging around the school gates in real life.

As others have said, anyone who acts inappropriately, to you or to other people, especially on G-rated land, always submit an AR. NEVER call them a creep out loud in open chat, never draw attention to yourself, this would just seem to fire a certain type of creep up even more.

I'd also never IM anyone wearing a freenis to advise them they shouldn't be wearing it. Again, I'd simply AR them.  No one should be that stupid/naive/young/old/creepy enough to stay at a welcome area wearing inappropriate attachments; they're only doing it for attention.

And last piece of advice, to you, and to anyone, move on from the "welcome" areas, go enjoy all the other wonderful places Second Life has to offer, and leave the creeps behind.

Have a happy Second Life, baude. It really is as good as you want to make it.

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Marigold Devin wrote:

The creepy ones are hanging around those welcome areas simply because they think they are anonymous in Second Life, or they would be hanging around the school gates in real life.

As others have said, anyone who acts inappropriately, to you or to other people, especially on G-rated land, always submit an AR. NEVER call them a creep out loud in open chat, never draw attention to yourself, this would just seem to fire a certain type of creep up even more.

I'd also never IM anyone wearing a freenis to advise them they shouldn't be wearing it. Again, I'd simply AR them.  No one should be that stupid/naive/young/old/creepy enough to stay at a welcome area wearing inappropriate attachments; they're only doing it for attention.

And last piece of advice, to you, and to anyone, move on from the "welcome" areas, go enjoy all the other wonderful places Second Life has to offer, and leave the creeps behind.

Have a happy Second Life, baude. It really is as good as you want to make it.

I just have to say this... just because a guy's junk is all exposed in SL, doesn't mean he's trying to be a perv.

Just the other day I saw this guy who's stuff was all out on display over his quite, tasteful clothing... I IMed him and asked him if he knew this.  He said he didn't realize it wasn't hidden, thanked me profusely and was extremely embarrassed about the whole thing.

How difficult can it be to send one IM to make sure you're not ARing someone for an innocent mistake or an SL glitch (which happen all the time)?  Do you honestly think my ARing this guy without checking first would have been to anyone's benefit?

I've never had that done to me (of course, I never wear my dangly bits when I don't need them... the script count on them is ridiculous), but if it did, I'd be seriously pissed off.  That's why it disturbs me when people, who could involuntarily find themselves in the same exact situation, take the stance of "shoot first and ask questions later".  No... wait... it's not even "ask questions later"... because, who cares if this random, unfortunate gets blocked because someone decided to play sausage police; and, at the same time, clog up the AR process so that true ARable offenses will be more difficult to deal with on a timely basis.

On the other hand, sending that type of IM can often lead to a response that will let be known the true, deviant intent of the offender... at which point, I say have at it.



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Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

In the interest of equal time - when I see a female looking AV arrive in a welcome area with her lady parts showing I generally IM to see if 'she' is aware.  Something like "Hello _____, I thought I should let you know that in my viewer you are not wearing ______ and your ______ is on display."   Then if she's new and just having trouble dressing there's no need to AR.  If it's the old they see themselves clothed and you see them nakey problem the challenge is convincing them.  So I take a few tasteful photos and offer them as proof.  I like to be a helpful chipmunk.   Nothing to do with the OP topic but on balance I thought I'd throw it in.  Oh, if it's intentional it could be ARed.

This is exactly what I mean.  Male or female, newbie or oldie, transgendered, elf goddess or furry, bisexual skunk... I think these cases should be approached with a healthy skepticism until proven otherwise (well, they don't have to actually be proven... just use your mind and listen to your intuition, instead of automatically jumping the gun).

Feces happens... this should be common knowledge to anyone that's spent a little bit of time in SL.


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Kenbro Utu wrote:

Imnotgoing Sideways wrote:

This creepy little redhead takes offense! DX

Like... Don't lump all creeps together.  Some of us can be funny. =^-^=




I'm not a creep, but I am a weirdo.  What the hell am I doing here.  I don't belong here. 

You're so f*ckin' special.


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I so agree with this. I've sent and recieved more than one, "Um, do you mean to be naked?", IM and the answer was almost always no & thank you for telling me. What you see on your screen can be very different from what someone else sees on theirs. Attachments might not detach or hide when they were meant to and what you're taking for creepy may be just clueless.

In the off chance that they do respond rudely, AR/mute to your heart's content, but really, how emotionally scarred can you get from seeing a prim *Oh for pete's sake! Really, forum? that was a medical term.* winkie/johnthomas/diggerido/?

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Well I'm not teenager, I'm close to 40 but old fashioned.

I can tell you I don't want to be anywhere near those start locations either and it was the reason I left SL days after trying it first in 2007.

I almost never came back.

It is the reason I teleport friends who join SL immediatly to a safe area.

These locations are horrendous and they show exactly the bad side of SL we don't want them to see and what most outsiders think ALL of SL is like.

Annoying loud gestures, (almost or completely) naked people, Voice used by people with bad microphones to shout or argue in a vulgar way, too many people around, terrible lag, people making disgusting suggestions or griefing you, etc, etc, etc.

It is almost like these locations are created especially to scare new people away and I think that is what is happening.

Not just with teens, who sadly are probbaly more used to vulgar language, noise and the bad stuff they see there then I am.

I think that the best way to welcome new people and keep them from running from SL screaming and waving their arms in dispair, is by giving ALL new members an INDIVIDUAL start area.

This may sound impossible but I think that most people at start areas are not new at all but people just hanging out to get  attention or because they enjoy bothering noobs.

Small islands or skyboxes could be created where every new member of SL starts out all on their own, they have space and time to learn to walk, maybe watch a tutorial video, experiment with changing their avatar, etc. before teleporting to a sim of their choice.

To make sure nobody else uses this area only 0 or less then 5 day old avatars are allowed there.

This may not be perfect but at least it won't scare new people off.

If I had not accidently discovered that search button and found the vintage and retro scene here in SL I would never have come back and stayed.

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