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Well, I'm having a good first day in SL...


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Dresden Ceriano wrote:

Mayalily wrote:

The entire General Discussion forum is grounded in ridiculous discourse.  

It sure is, but
mired in a muck of meanness, libel, lies, jealousy, hate speech, defaming
.  You name it.  This forum's got it. 

@ Dillon, Thanks a bunch Dillon for being such a jerk!   NOT!

If the dunce cap fits Dillon, please do wear it.  I'd love to see those pics. 

ETA:  And, at Dillon, what part of a person writing they are exhausted like they have never been before don't you understand?  You don't kick people when they are down, Dillon.  But, that is exactly how you made me feel, Dillon.  Perhaps read a whole thread before spouting idiocy. 

You should have seen the old forum.  Honestly, this forum is rather calm compared to most others.

I have to say I'm surprised you're behaving in such a way, May.  Sure, you've had your moments, but I've never seen you lash out at anyone in this fashion and if I hadn't seen it for myself, I don't think I'd have believed it.  What concerns me most, is that I honestly don't think you'd be doing this if you weren't genuinely distressed by this situation.

I hope you think of my as a friend, because I know I think of you as one and, from one friend to another, I'm telling you, you need to let it go.  It'll do you no good to worry so much about something you have no control over and getting into arguments with people here isn't going to help. 

Step back, take a breath, get some rest and come back when you're feeling better.  Things are just not as bad as they seem at the moment.  I'm begging you, just take care of yourself and give yourself some time to get over this.  Then, when you come back, refreshed, you'll, hopefully, be able to gain some perspective and be able to enjoy your time here once again.

Ask yourself if continuing this fight is worth it.  My hope is that no will be your answer to yourself and you can move on to bigger and better things... I know you have it in you. 

PM me if you need to talk ...Dres


A lot of posters say this forum is calm compared to the last one.  Well, I haven't seen that pov.  It's 50/50 here with the threads.  Some go okay, but most has some kind of meanness in it for no reason whatsoever.  It's either mean or critical of others, and I'm not the first one on this forum to say the things I said about this forum and the behavior of some of the posters here.

I don't see why you'd be so shocked since other's have started quite a few threads about this forum and the negatives about it.

I don't know if I can network here without some kind of nonsense occurring with the rude posts.

All I can say Dres is I'm thinking about returning, or trying to find a way around using this forum.

If I decide to come back, is there another forum I can go to for advice, such as if I download FS once it's out of beta?  Is there going to be a FS forum is what I'm asking?   It's either that or if I go premium, can I use the phone to ask for technical support for all I'll need as far as technical support and bypass this forum altogether? 

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@Maya:  Firestorm has an excellent inworld support group:  Phoenix/Firestorm Viewer Support that anyone using either viewer should join.  There is always someone there to help answer questions.  As far as I am aware, there is no PH/FS forum here.  However, you could ask PH/FS related questions in the Answers  forum.  Just be sure to identify the viewer and version you are using.

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Yes I know, but the current FS beta is very buggy and most spyware if not all wants to not only vault it but does vault it, as well as the FS beta is just not ready yet, imo.

V3 is pretty good, but still needs some tweaking.  So what is the inworld group again for V3 users? 

I find FS has the best color for graphics as on V3 in my SL home I could no longer get sunrise, sunset or midnight settings.  When I tried those settings on V3 the sunset, sunrise and midnight only looks like about 50% when set to sunrise, sunset or midnight.  However, a few days later I had tried the sunset, sunrise and midnight settings on other sims and it seemed to work on those sims.

Next, the destination guide is still a little buggy in V3 but much better.  However, on V3, the destination guide will not let me take out a keyword and add in another word, and I did send that feedback about the destination guide as there was a place in the guide asking for feedback.

As far as both of these betas, I'd probably chose V3 right now until FS comes out of beta and is done.  The colors are so much more vibrant on FS, and that's what I like about FS the best.  The incredible vibrancy of the colors is just beautiful, but my spyware just keeps wanting to vault the FS beta every day, so I want to wait on FS right now until some of these bugs are worked out. 

What's the group for V2/3 again? 


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Mayalily wrote:

A lot of posters say this forum is calm compared to the last one.  Well, I haven't seen that pov.  It's 50/50 here with the threads.  Some go okay, but most has some kind of meanness in it for no reason whatsoever.  It's either mean or critical of others, and I'm not the first one on this forum to say the things I said about this forum and the behavior of some of the posters here.


Yes, there have been rude posts all right...take, for just one example, the thread Keli started about playing in SL.

Oh wait...the mean, critical, and rude posts in that thread were written by you, weren't they? Never mind...

I never doubted for a minute that you'd be back. :smileywink:

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Sylvia Tamalyn wrote:

Mayalily wrote:

A lot of posters say this forum is calm compared to the last one.  Well, I haven't seen that pov.  It's 50/50 here with the threads.  Some go okay, but most has some kind of meanness in it for no reason whatsoever.  It's either mean or critical of others, and I'm not the first one on this forum to say the things I said about this forum and the behavior of some of the posters here.


Yes, there have been rude posts all right...take, for just one example, the thread Keli started about playing in SL.

Oh wait...the mean, critical, and rude posts in that thread were written by you, weren't they? Never mind...

I never doubted for a minute that you'd be back
. :smileywink:

Oh my Syl, you know how much we love DRAMA on this GD forum.  It is what I live for; what I troll for; why I exist.    

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Sylvia Tamalyn wrote:

Mayalily wrote:

A lot of posters say this forum is calm compared to the last one.  Well, I haven't seen that pov.  It's 50/50 here with the threads.  Some go okay, but most has some kind of meanness in it for no reason whatsoever.  It's either mean or critical of others, and I'm not the first one on this forum to say the things I said about this forum and the behavior of some of the posters here.


Yes, there have been rude posts all right...take, for just one example, the thread Keli started about playing in SL.

Oh wait...the mean, critical, and rude posts in that thread were written by you, weren't they? Never mind...

I never doubted for a minute that you'd be back. :smileywink:

Yes, but I publically apologized to Keli, and I hope she received my apology. 

I'm not back yet; have no viewer in my system. 

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Eloise Baily wrote:

Well Kylie, it is for me too. Point taken.

I wasn't really being clear though. I am also an extension of myself. I'll talk about RL with my friends, I (now) have a RL pic in my profile and I don't do anything I want to hide or be ashamed of, or just have a lil getaway from the humdrum of home life. I'm just me, good or bad.

What I was trying to say (badly as usual) is that it's a good idea to be "en guarde" from people who are playng a seperate life to their RL. It happens and I have no issue with it other than I've seen a long trail of broken hearts because one person was playing a role and the other was playing themselves.

I wish my text reflected my face more

Unfortunately, I have to agree with your clarification :(

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Venus Petrov wrote:

Mayalily wrote:

Yes I know, but the current FS beta is very buggy and most spyware if not all wants to not only vault it but does vault it, as well as the FS beta is just not ready yet, imo.

V3 is pretty good, but still needs some tweaking.  So what is the inworld group again for V3 users? 

If there is an inworld support group for V3, I am unaware of it.  You could search groups and see if you find one.  I have not used an LL viewer in two years.

Yes, both FS beta and V3 are buggy so users must be tolerant of a few things but I have come to like FS beta.

Oh, I see.  Hmmmm, no support for V3 that is known? 

I like FS beta too, but my anti-spyware does not.  I have to keep manually unvaulting. 

Let me think about it what to do here. 

V3 is not that bad, but the vibrancy in color lacks compared to FS.  V3 has a very interesting search guide, and very cool info on start up, such as this place is busy or not.  Some people may like to go when a place is busy, and others may like to go when it's not so busy.  That's a nice feature added into V3.

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Mayalily wrote:

Yes I know, but the current FS beta is very buggy and most spyware if not all wants to not only vault it but does vault it, as well as the FS beta is just not ready yet, imo.

V3 is pretty good, but still needs some tweaking.  So what is the inworld group again for V3 users? 

I find FS has the best color for graphics as on V3 in my SL home I could no longer get sunrise, sunset or midnight settings.  When I tried those settings on V3 the sunset, sunrise and midnight only looks like about 50% when set to sunrise, sunset or midnight.  However, a few days later I had tried the sunset, sunrise and midnight settings on other sims and it seemed to work on those sims.

Next, the destination guide is still a little buggy in V3 but much better.  However, on V3, the destination guide will not let me take out a keyword and add in another word, and I did send that feedback about the destination guide as there was a place in the guide asking for feedback.

As far as both of these betas, I'd probably chose V3 right now until FS comes out of beta and is done.  The colors are so much more vibrant on FS, and that's what I like about FS the best.  The incredible vibrancy of the colors is just beautiful, but my spyware just keeps wanting to vault the FS beta every day, so I want to wait on FS right now until some of these bugs are worked out. 

What's the group for V2/3 again? 


Why not change your antivirus...I run MS essentials and don't have any trouble in this area with running the FS beta.

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Kylie Jaxxon wrote:

Mayalily wrote:

Yes I know, but the current FS beta is very buggy and most spyware if not all wants to not only vault it but does vault it, as well as the FS beta is just not ready yet, imo.

V3 is pretty good, but still needs some tweaking.  So what is the inworld group again for V3 users? 

I find FS has the best color for graphics as on V3 in my SL home I could no longer get sunrise, sunset or midnight settings.  When I tried those settings on V3 the sunset, sunrise and midnight only looks like about 50% when set to sunrise, sunset or midnight.  However, a few days later I had tried the sunset, sunrise and midnight settings on other sims and it seemed to work on those sims.

Next, the destination guide is still a little buggy in V3 but much better.  However, on V3, the destination guide will not let me take out a keyword and add in another word, and I did send that feedback about the destination guide as there was a place in the guide asking for feedback.

As far as both of these betas, I'd probably chose V3 right now until FS comes out of beta and is done.  The colors are so much more vibrant on FS, and that's what I like about FS the best.  The incredible vibrancy of the colors is just beautiful, but my spyware just keeps wanting to vault the FS beta every day, so I want to wait on FS right now until some of these bugs are worked out. 

What's the group for V2/3 again? 


Why not change your antivirus...I run MS essentials and don't have any trouble in this area with running the FS beta.

Thanks, I'll look into it.  Wish we had a viewer with everything we like.  I must say I do like the V3 info on viewer start-up which states what interesting and new places to look at are busy or not so busy.  However, in V3 destination guide once I type a word in the search, I can't remove the word and type in another in the search box (?)  I did give them feedback about that and hopefully it will be fixed next time around. 

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In case the person asking for help is still around after the two major derails ....


I have often tried viewers V2 and V3 and anything after ver 2.5 crashes on me on teleport.  I go back to Phoenix and the teleport problem is gone.  No fussing with my DNS or firewall or whatever, just switched to the Phoenix viewer.  Also hear lots of good things about Firestorm, and there are plenty of other third party viewers to try.


".... and my character immediately starts shouting something about punishment and God ..."


If I read this correctly, if it is indeed YOUR character shouting this, then I think you have worn or attached something to yourself that is doing the shouting.  If this is the case then look in the worn section of your inventory and start dettaching and removing items till the shouting stops.  I could be wrong, and if so one of the older players will surely correct me on this, but that is my gut feeling.

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Anaiya Arnold wrote:

Mayalily wrote:


If the dunce cap fits Dillon, please do wear it.  I'd love to see those pics. 




Sorry, but an Anaiya in a dunce cap is the best I can do for you on short notice...

Just for the hell of it...:matte-motes-sunglasses-1:



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if you are still on the forums then you haven't actually left...

as for other forums, feel free to try out SLU and SC2

LL does not provide any useful tech support via phone for SL Premium members, but there is live chat.

FS is just as buggy as VaniLLa 2/3, but has excellent inworld chat support and voice classes, however if you want stability I reccomend Dolphin, Imprudence, or Cool VL... although none of those has a large support network, you generally won't need it.

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Venus Petrov wrote:

Kylie Jaxxon wrote:

Why not change your antivirus...I run MS essentials and don't have any trouble in this area with running the FS beta.


Excellent advice!  I uninstalled Norton and installed MSE and suddenly the SLplugin.exe works! 

yikes...Norton is so....90's :smileytongue:

Glad it worked for you.

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Kylie Jaxxon wrote:

Anaiya Arnold wrote:

Mayalily wrote:


If the dunce cap fits Dillon, please do wear it.  I'd love to see those pics. 




Sorry, but an Anaiya in a dunce cap is the best I can do for you on short notice...

Just for the hell of it...:matte-motes-sunglasses-1:



And all I can add really is ...

d is for dunce.jpg

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Stella Carver wrote:

@Maya, I just wanted to say that I wasn't proud of way our conversation degenerated. I call truce and wish you the best here, in RL and SL.

Yes, np, Stella.  These things happen sometimes, and I'm sorry for my part.

@ Everyone and their great info on different viewers, reporting in the JIRA, and a different spyware, I will check out all asap.  I'm just still so exhausted and today feel like don't even have energy to type, and don't know when this exhaustion will clear up.  I hope soon so I don't lose my SL house.  I will most likely redo my house a little tomorrow and pay my rent, but just too exhausted to do much right now.  Will do asap. 


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Mayalily wrote:

Stella Carver wrote:

@Maya, I just wanted to say that I wasn't proud of way our conversation degenerated. I call truce and wish you the best here, in RL and SL.

Yes, np, Stella.  These things happen sometimes, and I'm sorry for my part.

I will most likely redo my house a little tomorrow and pay my rent, but just too exhausted to do much right now.  Will do asap. 


Yay.  I am glad you are staying.  I have so much fun with you in this forum.  The idea is to enjoy; laugh at yourself, laugh at LL/SL, and laugh at me.  I hope you do. 


ETA: Most people in SL and on this forum want nothing more than to help their fellow residents - even when we are laughing while doing so.    

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