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Marketplace Release Notes: September 15, 2011

Brooke Linden

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I noticed a lot of these 'user exceptions' so I contacted one of the clients, and this is what she said:

"It wasn't an issue with your service. I was having issues buying anything from the marketplace, and I had incorrect amounts of lindens showing up on on their server, and SL."


So it's a MP issue that seems to be yet another by product of the 'improvements' being made atm....

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I will say that although Sassy's post to explain to a fellow member what ANS is was wayyyy over technical (i.e. she likely lost the person asking and most others after her first line) as a response, I know her enough to know Sassy is extremely technically smart. 

It did appear to many that she was show-boating, but I dont think she was trying to be.  She is very passionate about this technology and knows it so well that I think she naturally assumes most others do.  I think you passion to talk about the details of ANS clouded the what question she was answering and who the audience was who was asking.

I might have poked a bit hard at you Sassy - sorry about that.  But I wouldnt poke at you if I didnt like ya! :)   (like you enjoy poking at my long winded postings).

:) Toy

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it's growing on the Marketplace "Manage Inventory" page....just keeps growing and growing. I am not doing any kind of edits, I am not adding anything, not deleting anything. I am not touching the Magic boxes and I'm not doing anything to the listings on the MP...it's growing on its own.

This is the JIRA for it: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-4125



Edited to add: I wonder if this has anything to do with the MP acting slowly?

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:matte-motes-sick:USER EXCEPTION from LINDEN BORKED UPDATE ON MARKETPLACE= LOSS SALES =CANCEL SIM TIER PAYMENT this issue needs to be fixed NOT next week but today it is a show stopper and has been since you all did this update..... again are these programmers educated? again why are you breaking things that were already working! gaaaaaaaah xanax please

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Looking at the JIRA's for August and September, it reads like a list of things for which a Linden who is also a merchant would have means, motive and opportunity.

Why fix these "problems" when these "problems" are each  doing exactly what they need to do?

Incompetence, alone, seems like a pretty unlikey explanation for why the competetive advantages continue to shift toward merchants whose inside positions as Lindens put them in a better position to cope or even to take advantage of the disorder.

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josh, it really is incompetence. There's no conspiracy, they really are this bad at IT, client communication and the rest and of course I'm sure they'll be going home to start their weekend soon. 


moving back on topic,

the number of listed items on the storefront (274) seems to have changed but I can't tell what's missing.  In my listed items in the store management, I have a number of duplicates (around 23 or approx 10% of what is listed on the storefront so far).  Whether it's growing or not I can't tell yet. there also doesn't seem to be any pattern to what has been duplicated, some are old items some are recent.


They seem to have fixed the website information (if only they'd managed to put the item name back in as well, I would have been well pleased), ANS seems to be working from all accounts so apart from this growth of duplicates that are going to consume the website and grind it to a halt and that little problem of the users linden balance not being correct on the slm site it all seems to be going swimmingly.

for a ship that's severely holed and listing.

you just wait until DD is released properly.  I'm betting this will look trivial in comparison lol.


 edit: and I did a listing today and it is on the website but interestingly it appears on both the listed and the unlisted lists in the inventory management.  usually it will stay on the unlisted when first listed but within a few minutes is moved to the listed.  



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I'd really prefer to think it is just incompetence, and I'm not going to disparage people who merely disagree with me about how to interpret the pertinent data. 

But the conspiracy theory holds as valid from a scientific standpoint, the effects are all the same as those of a conspiracy, and if the right person or people are never going to get $hit-canned over incompetence, even if the whole system turns into cybersludge, they might as well be $hit-canned for engaging in a defacto conspiracy, inasmuch as a meeting of the minds must exist at this point to maintain secrecy about what has gone wrong and why.

Keeping company secrets is not the same thing as standing by company lies.

If I were living in Nevada, I'd already have taken LL to civil court under applicable civil laws related to the gaming industry.

The basis of my argument would be that their intentions are not especially relevant to the pattern of results they have produced, in terms of meaning or not meaning to abuse the trust of customers; they are liable simply for knowing there is a problem and for not doing much about it while saying practically anything they need to say in order to keep people from cashing out and leaving over the specific issues.

The number of "accidental" (implicitly "random") things that have produced a lopsided competitive advantage to company insiders is now so large that Linden dollars are effectively indistinguishable in function from chips, and the SLM is effectively indistinguishable from a corrupt casino.

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