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Why doesn't LL act against resource hogs?

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Sometime ago i bought 1/4 of a mainland sim for my private home. Recentely, A few weeks someone bought a 4096 parcel of land on the same sim and opened a club on it. Now that club has 40 people in it 24/7 and I cannot even Teleport to my house or invite one or two friends over because this person is hogging all the simi resources as well as causing the sim to lag beyond belief. I cannot understand how LL allows this.

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That stinks.


But I wouldn't necessarily point the blame at the club owner.


No, I would blame Linden.  If a given sim can only handle a certain amount of visitors or Mb's of scripts, then why do they not ration this out, based on the percentage of the sim that a given user owns?  I mean, they already DO have such a system in place for prims, so why not visitors and scripts?


Also, for that matter, if the absolute maximum limit of a sim is say "X" prims, visitors, scripts, or whater, but the system starts to lag at, oh I dunno, just picking a number for an example, say once you get 70% of the way to "X"...then why do they even set the amount of prims or whatver that a sim can hold to "X"?  That's a receipe for lag, duh.  Why not instead set the limit to say 60% of "X", so that lag never becomes an issue?


Well, that would mean having to run the game on a lot more servers than they already do.


So, at least as far as I can see, the ones stuffing as much as they can onto one lillte ol' server is none other than Linden Labs themselves.   Has any one else ever had that notion, or has it been disproven (other than Linden saying "nuh uh!")?

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Sorry to hear of your problem, LL should on the mainland only allow so many av's on a parcel acording to size in my opinion

So if you want to have more av's you have to buy more land, thats fare

I moved to a private sim long ago, the mainland sucks it always has done, i dont even go there if i can help it!



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Wow.  Didn't realize that.  Thought is was 1 sim per server.


So to actually own an entire serverwould cost 800 bucks a month?  Forthat kind of money I could just BUY a server, install The Sims, and let my friends dial a 900 number to acces it!  :womanvery-happy:



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There's a lot LL could, and should, do, but it's going to be a painful process no matter what.

It's not just an issue of land owners (though land could easily have script resource limits in the same way it currently has prim limits), there's also the resources every single avatar takes up.

 A regular, bare avatar with no scripts or attachments eats up sim bandwidth and processing power as the sim has to communicate to every single person in the sim, as well as anyone in neighboring sims close enough to see into that sim, what is going on. That's how we all see when another avatar moves, plays an animation, rezzes an object, etcetera.

 So right from the get go, sims can only support so many people and all sims on a single server are affected when one sim is crowded.

 On top of that, the more polygon heavy an avatar's attachments are, the more difficult it is for your computer to render. Meaning lower framerates for everyone that sees them. This is why a lot of major gathering events require people to remove attachments.

 It gets worse! Every avatar's scripts contribute to lag once the sim's script memory is used up aznd the server has to resort to swapping information off of a hard drive instead of RAM. There are curently no limits to the amount of script memory a single avatar can use. Bad attachment makers shove items like hair and shoes full of re-size/re-colour and re-texture scripts, turning avatars into massive lag bombs.

 Making avatars less laggy would involve prying the poorly scripted attachments people have piled up in their inventories for  years, spending countless linden dollars on them. Something most people would not be very happy about, especially as content creators by and large are STILL not providing low lag alternatives. Which is crazy considering you could take pretty much any given avatar, using 20-50MB script memory, retain all their scripted features (the ones the person actually uses, at any rate), and bring them in under 2MB script memory EASY.


 That's including any RP, combat or multi-tool HUDs they might be constantly using.

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You have my sympathies Clarissa. I had a similar neighbour in 2006, the delightfully named 'Spinach Games'. Thankfully I was just across the sim boundary from them and only suffered/enjoyed secondary lag. However the unfortunate residents and landowners in Spinach were driven out of their homes by Spinach Games' army of bots-in-a-skybox. LL's reaction, predictably, was to do nothing.


You may find that the only option available to you is to move to another location. If so, the chances of being able to sell your land, even to a land baron are vanishingly low. In which case I would suggest that you consider abandoning your land and leaving a collection of scripted deviced behind that suck the script time resources out of the sim. At least that way your sim-hog club owner won't have much of a club experience to offer their patrons.

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Alazarin Mondrian wrote:

In which case I would suggest that you consider abandoning your land and leaving a collection of scripted deviced behind that suck the script time resources out of the sim. At least that way your sim-hog club owner won't have much of a club experience to offer their patrons.

Ooooo... you are evil. clap.gif


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If a club is maxxing the sim 24/7 then:

DANCING BOTS !!! Owner thinks they make the club more attractive if is fake ppl dancing in there. Some clubs have heaps of them. Easiest way to spot dancing bots: They not dancing on the main danceball, they on dance poseballs, so they cant be pushed. If they not on poseballs then if you keep chatting to them and they not say anything back for ages then bump them. If they not complain then BOT !!!

MINING BOTS !!! Owner has put in a money giver like a free to play exploder. Is some ppl play them for real but is mostly bot runners mine them.

CONTEST BOTS !!! Owner puts in a contest board. If owner dont know what they doing then it gets farmed by bot runners.

I not have any problem with bots on private sims, can max it death if they want. But if is on mainland and is stopping other people and friends from coming onto their own land that on same sim then ya. 

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