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Phoenix Viewer

Faustus Flux

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I'm sure there a lot of people who run the Phoenix SL viewer. However, I downloaded it and it locked my machine up tough when I tried to start it. By that I mean no courser control, and no ability to initiate Task Manager. The only choice I had was to push the reset button. Now my Bios takes a lot longer to load. And windows takes an agonizingly long time to load. By THAT I mean at least 4 minutes. :( I have tried to repair windows to no avail. The bios I'm assuming will take a flash to fix. And it looks like a clean install of windows.

If anyone out there is considering the Phoenix SL viewer, I DO NOT recommend it. Please think very carefully before you do.

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It's a shame that this has happened to you.  Have you considered that what happened could have been merely coincidental?  I'm never heard of the installation of a viewer wreaking such havoc on a system.  It could be that your system wasn't all that healthy to begin with and installing another program was all it took to break the camel's back.  I only say this because unless you know for sure that Phoenix was the actual cause, there may be something else you should look at to avoid problems in the future.

Good luck ...Dres

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There is nothing in phoenix that would cause this to happen, certainly not that would effect your bios for sure. If you suspect the phoenix program though my first question would be did you get it directly from their website or somewhere else? If you didn't get it directly from their website god only knows what you may have downloaded. But I doubt it had anything to do with the phoenix viewer.

Thousands upon thousands of people use this viewer, if this were a possible side effect of the program surely we would have heard many complaints by now.

For one thing the bios has nothing to do with the computer as you know it, or with your operating system. It is on a seperate chip on the motherboard. If it is taking an abnormally long amount of time for your computer to post, run its diagnostics and start windows then something is wrong with the hardware. Possibly memory problems, the bois chip itself failing or even the battery on your mother board being bad.

Regardless of how your computer got screwed up, this is where I would start to fix it. If the comptuer will load the operating system start it up and back up any important information you have. Then restart the comptuer and go into the bios and set it to the default parameters. After that re install windows. Don't repair it, format the drive and re install it. Windows get messed up from time and microsoft actually suggests re installing it from time to time.

This will rule out any virus, malicious software or glitched software or drivers. If you do this and it still doesn't work right, again you are looking at hardware problems. Bad hard drive, some bad memory or possibly something going bad on your motherboard itself.

Good luck

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jjccc Coronet wrote:

You must have installed the wrong version if you read there blog it tells you about the other version that dosnt screw up your computer

The differences in versions have to do with whether or not your CPU supports SSE2.  If it doesn't, the viewer will not work correctly but it will not screw up your computer, so, in this case, that wouldn't be an issue.


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jjccc Coronet wrote:

You must have installed the wrong version if you read there blog it tells you about the other version that dosnt screw up your computer

I see the old Emerald team is up to it's usual abilities for QA before posting binaries for human consumption.  And people really need a reason not to trust them.  Makes it obvious PT Barnum was an optimist by saying suckers are only born once a minute...

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I have used the Phoenix viewer for a long time and it is one of the most used viewers on SL

That being said,i seem to remember i had a similar problem when Phoenix first came out,i had used Emerald before that.

When i first downloaded Phoenix,norton did not recognize it as good download and froze my computer,now norton does recognize it and i have no problems with the downloads.

I had forgotten about that,not sure if your antivirus program thinks it.s bad program and is blocking it and in the process locking your machine up.

Back when i complained about it i received many insullts for using norton from the forums



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nikita Jefferson wrote:

Back when i complained about it i received many insullts for using norton from the forums

Well, that's to be expected... many people can't stand Norton and with good reason.

That being said, I would never insult anyone for simply being ignorant of the problems it can and does cause... but that is perhaps a topic for a different discussion on a different forum.

...Dres  (I heard, a while back, that Norton came out with a gamer version that was pretty good, but I've never looked into it since there are so many superior anti-virus programs out there... just saying.)

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Perhaps you could enlighten me as to what problems i am having with Norton that don't exist,as you just called me ignorant,oh sorry you said you would never insult anyone,my mistake

That phoenix problem is the only problem i have had with norton and all it was trying to do was protect my computer for what it did 'nt recognize at the time as Phoenix was new and not enough people had downloaded it for it to know it was safe

But as for being insulted on the foums for using norton is riduculous,its a choice and no ones business.

I am a vegetarian by choice and what anyone else does is their business and i do not insult people for their choices and so on and so on.

If someone has a problem all is needed is a suggestion not insults,but then again that says a lot about the people doing the insulting and i m glad i m not like that

Here we go again,all i did was give the OP a suggestion and i get called ignorant

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First off, I did not call you ignorant, but I must say... everyone is ignorant to something... no one knows everything.  So, as you see, I readily admit that I am ignorant of things as well... but I do have some knowledge about what is being discussed.

There are many, many reasons for people to not like Norton anti-virus... if you have no knowledge of them, then you are indeed ignorant to that information... that does not mean you are stupid by any means... maybe just uninformed.

I only stated what I did because I've heard many, many negative things about Norton Anti-virus and those very things I have experienced myself.  If you haven't try another, better anti-virus software then you wouldn't know... therefore, you'd be ignorant to the difference.

As I said, I would not have insulted you for not knowing these things... and that was never my intent here... I'm truly sorry you took it that way.  I was honestly only offering you a reason why you got a reaction like that.

I never meant to put you down... honestly ...Dres

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My guess is you're having hardware issues that didn't come out until stress was put on the machine. I built a PC recently and one of the RAM modules was faulty. You know how I found it? I fired up SL, cranked up my draw distance, and as soon as the PC tried to use that module, I was bluescreened.


SL is a great stress test for a PC.

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Vladi Hazelnut wrote:

For one thing the bios has nothing to do with the computer as you know it, or with your operating system. It is on a seperate chip on the motherboard. If it is taking an abnormally long amount of time for your computer to post, run its diagnostics and start windows then something is wrong with the hardware. Possibly memory problems, the bois chip itself failing or even the battery on your mother board being bad.




      This entire paragraph assumes that I know nothing about computers. I have been building my own machines for 15 years. And anyone that would say that the bios has nothing to do with a computer has NO knowledge of computers. And has certainly no place commenting on them. I guess some people excel at demonstrating their ignorance. And no where did I state that the bios had anything to do with the operating system.
      It also assumes I did no checks on my machine to determine if it was possibly unsound. And for your education, there ARE trojans that can infect your bios. Without there being a mechanical problem. This again is simply insulting.

       My system ran fine until I tried to download the Phoenix viewer (from their own website)<--- rolls eyes. It locked my machine up so that I could not move the pointer, enter task manager or do anything aside from hit the system reset. After that point, my machine ran as described in my original post.

       It is true that I will never really know if it was the viewer, or something piggybacked on it when I downloaded. But since I had to flash my bios and do a clean install of windows to finally get rid of it. I thought that a word of warning was appropriate.

      I understand, and if the entire post was read and actually understood, already stated that a lot of people do use this viewer.

      Although it is still my opinion that if the creators of this viewer were worried about what else was downloading with their viewer, we shouldn't have to worry about WHERE we download it from.

496 posts, 2 kudos.......enough said.

Thank you all for your time and consideration.

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  • 4 weeks later...

since you know a lot about the bios, you should know that is hard for a program to change the bios, phoenix is open source meaning that if malicious code were put there, it would have been known immediatly.

your problem seems to be with over heating. the computer froze trying to prevent damage, and was almost succesful, a part of your hardware recieved damage from heat, have you ever tried to overclock it?

the chip of your videocard, your processor, the clusters of your hardrive, any part of it could have been burned, try taking off everything, just leaving it with the neccesary to run and put back the pieces one by one, and you will find the faulty one.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Canoro Philipp wrote:

since you know a lot about the bios, you should know that is hard for a program to change the bios, phoenix is open source meaning that if malicious code were put there, it would have been known immediatly.

your problem seems to be with over heating. the computer froze trying to prevent damage, and was almost succesful, a part of your hardware recieved damage from heat, have you ever tried to overclock it?

the chip of your videocard, your processor, the clusters of your hardrive, any part of it could have been burned, try taking off everything, just leaving it with the neccesary to run and put back the pieces one by one, and you will find the faulty one.

Again, as I stated before, (I don’t know why I always assume someone would actually read the entire posting before leaving a comment) it is very insulting for any little educated minion like yourself to assume that I would not have checked my system in its entirety for anything out of the ordinary or “burned” as you stated.

First, I understand it is indeed hard for a program to do anything to the bios. However, it can and does happen.

second, I have overclocked some of my systems, so I understand proper cooling. however, I never needed to overclock this machine. And for your information, I have four (4) video processors on two cards, and I monitor their tempurature.

 If what you are assuming  was at all the case, then why when I flashed my bios with a backup, did it completely fix my issue? With the bios at least. Again, to fix my OS I did a complete clean install. And again, this repaired my OS and it has run very well since then. How does any of this, or any of my earlier posting for that matter,  in any way lead you to believe anything is wrong with or overheating in my system?

And again, it is appearent that some of you just can’t wait to display ignorance about that which you are commenting.

So please, if you have nothing constructive or knowledgable to add, or are simply going to repeat what has already been covered without reading fully and understanding previous postings in the thread, don't comment.

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You are the only one assuming anything.  Here's something constructive for you... before you decide to post something claiming that a viewer is responsible for messing up your computer, have some proof to back it up.  Otherwise, you are the one who is showing your ignorance by not listening to what people, who are much more knowledgeable than you, are telling you.

If I thought for one second that it would do any good at all to tell someone that was so dense the same thing that has been stated already over again, I would.  Obviously, you will choose to believe what you want and cut down anyone that tells you differently... that is your choice.  Deal with it.

Have a nice day ...Dres

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I love how people assume that one normal thing they did (that thousands of other people have done without a problem) is the source of all their trouble, because they only noticed the problem then...

... and then go on to make spurious claims, when, if they had as much expertise as they say, could easily verify whether or not it was fact. all to top it all off, despite evidence to the contrary and more likely general scenarios, rely on voodo fixes without ever addressing the original problem, which will likely occur again.


seriously? where's the pop corn.

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oh please go on about how I don't know anything about what I'm talking about when i simply didn't care to waist my time finding what specific trojan caused my problem. When, as i have explained to you simpletons, my system checked out, by that I mean a full diagnostic more in depth than your simple intellects could hope to comprehend. Assuming I have no knowledge is the last refuge of the uneducated.

Again, if you could actually understand what you claim to have read in this thread, I have stated in this thread, I understand alot of people have downloaded the Phoenix viewer with no issues at all. It was my desire to give a simple heads up that something may be a miss.

And flashing my bios and doing clean OS install is no "voodoo fix" ( you are laughable)


However, I do admire that at least you have a less limited vocabulary then the rest of your kindred.

Sir Bernard Shaw once said " the problem with comunication is, the illusion that it is actually happening"

I leave you now with that to ponder. And leave you all and this thread to enjoy the bliss of your ignorance.

Good day to you.

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I'm sorry but the only relation your chosen screen name seems to bear to the original is overweening ego, and the lack of basic morals.

Logic 101, if your diagnostics were nearly as thorough as you claim, you'd know the source, and on strength of experience at least 3 posters in this thread alone could not only comprehend, but also execute those. I suspect two could even write them. feel free to guess which.

The reality is you haven't addressed your real problem, which is the source of infection, instead relying on a scorched earth bandaid, that does absolutely nothing to protect you from it happening all over again.... sure it cured the immediate symptoms, but it's just as likely to happen all over again. If you don't understand that is just a voodoo fix, then you obviously haven't grasped what the problem was to begin with.

in short, at the very least you need to review your security practices, and I'd recommend finding where they failed, or determining if it was a hardware failure, before you go jumping the gun and making broad and (in your own admission) entirely baseless accusations.

if you like Shaw you'll love this: "A fool's brain digests philosophy into folly, science into superstition, and art into pedantry. Hence University education"

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