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Can someone help me understan Meeroos

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I'm interested in purchasing a meeroo.  Well, I think I got the meero..lol I got a free hud and I bought a nest for a teacup that I wanted.

I know I need a stump and food. Understand that much.

What I'm not clear on, is how I get the meeroo from it's nest to the stump? Will this become possible once I actually have a stump set up? Can I use any hud, any meeroo and any stump? Or do they all have to come from same place?? And does it have to come all in one starter kit. Most starter kits I see are L999. I don't want to pay that much for something I may not enjoy. Would like to aquire all at a much more affordable price so I can try it out first.

Thank you for any help/info you can give!



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A nest must be next to a stump (which can be home to up to eight Meeroos) that you own, in order to be coaxed.

You only need one HUD to use with all Meeroos.

You can buy nests at many different places (auctions, etc.), but food, stumps, etc., can only be purchased from the creators.

More info: http://www.worldofmeeroos.com/index.php?q=node/3565

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My understanding of Meeroos is fifth or maybe even eighth-hand.  They have large eyes.  They are needy.  They like to be held.  They will eat you out of lindens and prims.

It might be best if you visit a meeroos petting zoo or a friend who has 28507 of them to find out if you really want one.  Once they have 'bonded' with you, they never leave you alone.

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Venus Petrov wrote:

My understanding of Meeroos is fifth or maybe even eighth-hand.  They have large eyes.  They are needy.  They like to be held.  They will eat you out of lindens and prims.

It might be best if you visit a meeroos petting zoo or a friend who has 28507 of them to find out if you really want one.  Once they have 'bonded' with you, they never leave you alone.

/me laughs heartily!

I never understood all the breedables idea, myself.  I have heard of some of these meeroos selling for $100,000L!  Can you believe that?  Seriously?  And they cost out the waazoo for food. 

The horses drive me nutso.  I had a neighbor behind my store with a slew of horses and every once in a while, one of them would go flying through my showroom.  I hated that and was really happy when the guy moved to a different sim. 

As far as never leaving you alone...I don't have time for something so needy.  When I'm inworld, I'm building, texturing or working.  :)

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Meeroos are cute little critters. I'd like to buy one that doesn't require food or other maintenance items, doesn't breed (do the responsible thing and have your meeroos fixed, people!), and won't die on me or run away or come down with the scabies, or whatever it is that meeroos do if they don't get fed and petted and tucked in on schedule. Alas, that's not possible. Breedable pets are realistic. So realistic that they eat their owner out of prims and L$.

But how much realism do people want in a virtual world? Do they really want to waste their hard-earned monopoly money on pet food and pills, healing kits and growth potions? I find that hard to imagine. I mean, what's next? Virtual litter boxes and poo scoops? Rabies vaccinations and deworming pastes? Fur shampoo and dental care products? Tick removal pliers and flea collars? Do-it-yourself anal gland expression kits? Insulin shots for diabetic meeroos and ridiculously expensive special diets to help control obesity or kidney stones? Pentobarbital injections for meeroos with terminal cancer? At which point will we see abandoned meeroos left by Linden roadsides by their destitute and enervated owners?

Perhaps the question should rather be how much realism virtual pet owners are able to endure? I remember the horribly realistic experience that I had when both of my cats came down with a giardia infection. I was cleaning up cat diarrhea and vomit for months. I've scrubbed the floors, washed out the carpets, disinfected the litter boxes, steam-cleaned the toys and scratch trees, scooped up stool samples for the vet, forced antibiotics down cat throats, woke up in the middle of the night because one kitten threw up on my feet (they're sooo adorable at that age!), and all the while I was hoping that the cute widdle kitties wouldn't infect me too. And of course I also vividly remember when I had to have my previous cat put down due to liver disease and other health problems.

Is that the kind of realistic experience that people want? Or are they just looking for a cute little furball that scurries around their legs and occasionally mewls "mawma"? In my opinion, the single advantage that SL pets have over real ones is that they are not really, realistically alive. Real animals are literally full of shit. SL pet owners can count themselves lucky that their little polygon darlings are no barfing, farting, scratching, leg-humping poop machines with chronic halitosis that tear down the wallpaper, throw plants off the windowsill, eat shoes, pee on the rug, catch diseases, and cause bad blood with the neighbors by mauling their kids (not that my little angels are doing any of that, except for the halitosis and vomiting part). Virtual pets are just prims and scripts. But apparently, that is not enough for some. At least not for the creators and their wallets.

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YOu can buy somethng or other so that your Meero does not breed or need food, I think. But it is pretty expensive. They are cute but not that cute.


I found a cute little puppy I am thinking of getting -- does not require any food. I already have a job in SL and don't need another.

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Yes, you could always buy one and have it "spayed" (have it undergo a "MeePet Transformation" using the "Honey Dipper" which also causes its appetite to change). Of course, to do so you have to buy the "Honey Dipper" (a one-time use item) and you have to own a "home" (stump, etc.). And if one runs away, you can call it back using the "Whistle of Return," also a one-time use item, that also has to be purchased.

Gawd, I know too much about this crap. Can't wait for those new Amaretto canines...

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Well since no one else is answering with the right info, I'll bite ;)


When you first get a roo you need to make sure you have a home, hud, and food for it. If your roo is in a nest, you can click the nest to see the information about the roo on your hud. This also tells you which food your roo will eat. Make sure you only buy that food, you can't exchange if you make a wrong purchase.(all foods cost the same, they're just for different types of roos, no worries).

Now you've got your roo (nest or live, doesn't matter), your roo home, your hud and your food. Wear your hud. Then rez your roo home(they come in three styles currently, a tree stump, a stack of rock and a statue). Now rez your roo food, near your roo home. Your setup is ready for your roo. If your roo is in a nest, rez your roo nest near your roo home and click the nest. You'll see a few options. You want to click "coax", this causes the counter to begin and in 120 seconds you'll have a baby roo-just wait. If your roo is already live and out of a nest, just rez him or her by the home and wait. When your new little baby is first put out by it's home(either via being coaxed, or simply rezzed by you) you will note that it's text may turn a cyan color. This is a-ok. This is just an indicator telling you that the roo has not attached itself to a home yet. Give it a moment or two and you will see the roo hop happily to it's new home. The home will then show the roo's name(or number if you have not yet named your roo) in hovertext above it. That hovertext won't stay there, no worries.

Now you can name your roo, through the hud. Click your roo, click the status tab and you'll see a few options. One of them is name(local chat will tell you what to do from there). There is also the pet option. Roos can be pet once an hour(by anyone with a hud). They earn 10 regard points once an hour(or each time they're petted if it's been more than an hour since the last time). I suggest playing around with the buttons on your hud to familiarize yourself with them. Just don't play with the release button. Thankfully there is a failsafe, that requires you to type RELEASE into chat. But the release button does exactly what it sounds like-sends the roo back to the wild.

Your roo home has settings, all of the roo's settings that is, contained within it. You can set the range, the activity level, the volume of their noises, etc.. Play with those buttons too and get to know them. I suggest you read the manual thoroughly, if you don't have one you can send me an IM in world and I'll send you one. Or just join the 'The wonderful World Of Meeroos" group in world and ask there. Someone will send you one. It's long, but worth the read.

Mee-pet transformation is $999L. A home is $250L. In essence you *could get a pet meeroo that requires no food for a price pretty comparible to many other non breeding animals on the grid. They  do offer free honey for the meepets to eat, but you don't necessarily *need* it. (a meepet will not run away, will not get sick, etc...only roos that have not been turned into pets can run away from starvation).

Umm, not sure what else to add, any questions feel free to find me in-world(if I'm afk sorry, it happens, drop me a nc and I'll answer as soon as I can). No, I don't work for them, lol, just happen to participate and quite enjoy them.

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Naiki Muliaina wrote:

To them who n wot is calling Meeroos a scam or leeches of money... Your just bitter someones made a good business for themselves  right? :matte-motes-wink-tongue:



Surely, you jest.  No, I do not begrudge any SL creator who has done well for themselves.  What I do not like is when someone with (name the type of pet) moves in next door with a gazillion of them and increases the lag in the sim. 

Long term, most of these pets will end up back in inventory or deleted and the seller will still have their L$.  Good for them.

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Venus Petrov wrote:

Naiki Muliaina wrote:

To them who n wot is calling Meeroos a scam or leeches of money... Your just bitter someones made a good business for themselves  right? :matte-motes-wink-tongue:



Surely, you jest.  No, I do not begrudge any SL creator who has done well for themselves.  What I do not like is when someone with (name the type of pet) moves in next door with a gazillion of them and increases the lag in the sim. 

Long term, most of these pets will end up back in inventory or deleted and the seller will still have their L$.  Good for them.

Oh I cant stand breedables. I had the horses flood in next to me one time, hate them to bits :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2:


But calling Meeroos a scam or leeches? Hows that? ^^

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Naiki Muliaina wrote:

Venus Petrov wrote:

Naiki Muliaina wrote:

To them who n wot is calling Meeroos a scam or leeches of money... Your just bitter someones made a good business for themselves  right? :matte-motes-wink-tongue:



Surely, you jest.  No, I do not begrudge any SL creator who has done well for themselves.  What I do not like is when someone with (name the type of pet) moves in next door with a gazillion of them and increases the lag in the sim. 

Long term, most of these pets will end up back in inventory or deleted and the seller will still have their L$.  Good for them.

Oh I cant stand breedables. I had the horses flood in next to me one time, hate them to bits :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2:


But calling Meeroos a scam or leeches? Hows that? ^^

I never used those words so I will let someone else explain.....

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I think "leeches" really only refers to the beasts' insatiable appetite for L$s.  That's simply true: they demand to be fed, and food costs L$s.

"Scam" doesn't seem apt.  There is another aspect to the breedable phenomenon, however, that's not very nice, even if there's nothing dishonest about it, and that's the "craze" aspect... the Beanie Baby / tulip mania side of it... which drives enthusiasts to spend vast sums on "rare" specimens, generally in the belief that the mania will expand and the increased demand will push prices even higher.  This kind of speculation, a.k.a. "the Greater Fool theory", is certainly not limited to SL.  (Heck, that's why I still own AAPL shares in RL.)

Of course, demand for every preceding generation of breedable has eventually been supplanted by some successor, causing valuations to tank.  Meeroos will surely do the same, eventually, but while waiting for "eventually" to happen, some folks will find those Greater Fools.

I would reiterate that, IMHO, this doesn't qualify as a "scam", even though the creators must surely be manipulating supplies in order to engineer "rarity."  A scam in SL is more like Ginko (for those with long memories), and even that paled in comparison to the stuff that happens regularly -- and just this week especially -- in Eve Online. 

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Thats a good reply Qie, still not sure about the leech thing myself though as from what I understand you can turn off the feeding thing for a fee. Theres not really any hidden costs and past initial payment that would make one a cost free pet. So you can opt in or out of paying a ongoing sub to keep them at the cost of continuing to breed them?


Its the same to me as calling LL a leech because they demand a fee for premium membership. You can opt in or out, if you opt in you get a better experience but pay an ongoing cost (if you desire land),  if you opt out you can still play, you just cant have land of your own.


*shrugs* :)



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