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Nudity = Sexual?


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On a different forum, gV (SL'ers), in what at first appeared to be a very innocuous OP: 'What computer desktop image do you use", someone posted (links) to 'cartoon character' images of nude young girls bathing at a beach.  There was nothing *sexual* depicted in these cartoon images. 

After many 'other' replies to the thread, a poster made this statement:

"I, for one, would appreciate you having more tact and respect and keeping this filth to yourself in the future."

This ^^^ post brought on a flurry of responses decrying the 'sexual' depiction of children.

My question to this forum is do you consider nude children sun-bathing 'sexual'?  Is a naked child offensive to you in any circumstance?  Is a naked child filth?


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Storm Clarence wrote:

My question to this forum is do you consider nude children sun-bathing 'sexual'?  Is a naked child offensive to you in any circumstance?  Is a naked child filth?


It's not offensive to me at all and certainly not filth in anyway. Actually a 5 year old kid playing naked on the beach building sand castles is very cute.

BUT, even a small kid's nudity may be sexually exciting for some pervs. The TV and newspapers are daily filled with stories of children being abused, raped and murdered, some of these little victims not older than 3, not to mention pre-teens.

So if I had kids, in any circumstances I would never let them sun-bathe or play naked in a public place. That's not prudishness, that's carefulness and common sense.

As for SL, I never met a kid avatar, naked or dressed, and hopefully will never meet one.

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Storm Clarence wrote:

My question to this forum is do you consider nude children sun-bathing 'sexual'?  Is a naked child offensive to you in any circumstance?  Is a naked child filth?


Naked children are not offensive, though the depiction of them could be depending upon the image and/or the intent behind it. I've seen the cartoon images that were discussed on the other forum, and did not think they were "filth" at all. Surprising, maybe, because I don't see too many naked children (cartoon or otherwise) frolicking on a beach, but certainly not offensive. 

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No, nudity does not equal sexual otherwise we wouldn't go to museums or take kids to museums, but putting a picture of nude young girls on one's desktop photo that they are always looking at is odd and unusual behavoir. 

What do they find interesting about it that they'd put it on their desktop photo?  Did they say? 

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What is the problem anyway? If i read well it was about cartoon characters! Aren't these drawings? And what is young? 4? 16? Compared to my age even 24 is young. It is only sexual in the mind of the viewer IMO. And i also think this, the ones who screams loudest are the least trust worthy. If you yell loud mouthed then you can't be the perv!  So here is my verdict. Naked children are not offensive and is no filth! Naked fat guys with binoculairs are!

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I figured, since it's summer, I'd use a summer theme.  Beach works.  The characters are from Card Captor Sakura, a Clamp manga/anime series I like.  I found their overall demeanor to be very liberated, relaxed, and joyful.  Given the way things have been going for me lately, I need all the joy I can get. (^_^)

The left screen has an onsen drawing.  I have no idea who the characters are, but, the catgirl in the far upper left has one of my favorite expressions.  My (=_=) smiley is based on faces drawn like that. =^-^=

And.... KITTENS!!! xD

I like cute... Ain't found a 12-step for cute addiction yet. (._.)


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I don't think they are offensive in and of them selves.  Different places / cultures do have different attitudes toward child nudity.

Part of the problem is that what pervs used to have to work hard at to find they can now find easily on the inter-tubes.  Hence the call to be be wise about what you post.  Also, sadly, there have been incidents of parents or grandparents being prosecuted over (what they thought were) cute or innocent pictures of their little ones.

I did live in one small town where if you set up a kiddie pool in your back yard, the elderly neighbors would call the police if you let your two year old splash around naked in it.  They found the sight of a naked two year old's pudenda offensive.  The police would come and just tell you to get a swim suit on the kid.  They knew that they were dealing with unreasonable uptight old fogies. 



Emasculation 2.jpg


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Yes thanks for sharing your reason here because my first instinct was it is kind of hard to answer because of 1) We cannot see the picture ourselves, and 2) It could be a naturist, as Immy has said she is.  Not to mention 3) Different cultures/countries. 

But since the picture was not posted, it could lead to thinking why can't it be posted?  So, was a tough question to answer because of no photo, and that leds to thinking if photo is not allowed then it must be bad.  So was a bit of an odd thread because there wasn't much to go on here to really make an informed decision without an actual photo to go by. 

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Links to other forums is a no-no but the OP mentioned which one it is and one could have googled and easily found it.  Anyway, Immy has spoken and I take her word and motivation as she states.

I have photos my parents took of my sis and I sharing a bath when we were 1 and 3 years old.  Just laughing and splashing.  Odd how some might take acception to that simple scene.  Odd...and somewhat perverted.

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Oh I see, I had no idea gV was a forum?  I thought that was one of Storm's codes like sic or other abbreviations he uses. 

Anyhow, similar story but different.  My sister used to take off her clothes and go running down the street buck naked.  It upset me a lot for some reason when I was about 5 years old.  Don't ask me why?  It just did.  I didn't want my little sister running around naked on the sidewalk.  We always caught her and she had to put something on.  I don't even remember if she was talking at that time, but she loved to try to run down the street naked all the time.  She finally grew out of that though.  We were all kind of pleased about that.  And yes, America is very different than Europe.  In Europe, whole families can skinny dip in lakes, etc. 

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Mayalily wrote:

 In Europe, whole families can skinny dip in lakes, etc. 

Sometimes, and just sometimes, even *half* European families can skinny dip in lakes.  I was also informed, through wiki, that both half and whole families will be split into quarter and half families respectively, if 'they' skinny dip in any one of the ubiquitous 'fountains' found on the European continent.  Go figure.  

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I went and spent a few minutes looking at the thread Storm referenced here and we are talking about a whole separate category in that thread, Lolicon type images:

Lolicon (ロリコン?), also romanised as lolikon or rorikon,[1] is a Japanese portmanteau of the phrase "Lolita complex". In Japan, the term describes an attraction to underage girls (whether prepubescent, pubescent, or post-pubescent)[2][3] or an individual with such an attraction.[4][5] It is also commonly used when referring to lolicon manga or lolicon anime, a genre of manga and anime wherein childlike female characters are often depicted in an erotic manner, in an art style reminiscent of the shōjo manga (girls' comics) style. Outside Japan, "lolicon" is in less common usage and usually refers to the genre.


While in and of itself, a picture of a nude child may not be sexual (you take a snap shot of your child naked on the beach), Lolicon enters into a whole different category, especially when you begin to add breasts to prepubescent bodies.  The poster in that thread maintained that she(?) considered the pictures "cute" and not sexual.  While some Manga images of naked prepubescent children could be considered cute, much of it is produced with sexual overtones in mind.  And in some countries it is illegal to possess (and possibly even to view) these images.

The sexualizing of children is a huge problem.  While chidren may be curious about their own bodies or the bodies of their peers (how many of us 'played doctor' when we were little?), the projection of adult sexual thoughts and abilities on children is at its most harmless state sheer fantasy and at its worse abusive when an adult tries to carry those fantasies out. While I will agree that many people are overly prudish about child nudity and that it conveys the wrong message to children, (that there is something wrong about their bodies, or as they get older, that sex is wrong), when we move into the category of Lolicon we are on a slippery slope.

I have my own personal moral standards that I live by.  I do not consider it my right to impose those standards upon any one else.  We are all consenting adults here and what you and I choose to do is our individual choice.  But children are not capable of making that choice.  That is why sexual activities with children simply put is defined as rape.  No matter how much you may fantasize that the child was willing and wanting, it simply is not so. 

I guess, at its best, Lolicon gets people out of the problem of having to use real children to engage in their fantasies.  And if someone wants to go there in their mind, well, it is their privilege.  But I still think it is a slippery slope.  It is sure not  a place I want to go in my mind.



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There were two sets of photos posted.  I saw the originals.  When another forumite confronted Immy about her post, Immy began to break her **** by posting to lolicon links.  The way I understand the personalities is that there has always been bad blood between the two.  However, my OP does not have anything to do with the lolicon links - I want to understand why so many 'jumped' on her for her, imo, rather benign post.

Is a nude child sunbathing considered 'sexual'?  Imo, it is not.   


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