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Complain for some newcomers

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I think, when someone joins SL community the main reason it is to explore an entertainment platform.

To try through he's/her avatar, other personalities to reach or to pass boundaries and try things that he/she hasn't the ability or the courage doing those in RL.

But as I experienced almost from my day 1, always there are people ready to offer help and to give an advice in every question a newcomer can have.  I saw that happen almost daily and from people I didn’t  expected that, even some “big names”, very famous, real VIP’s and successive in their business.

So am I, I'm giving back to the community that I received when I entered in our Wonder World, a piece of kindness and help.

I've seen furies, angels, demons, black nights, pirates, robots and any other kind of avatar and any kind of profile in World and never mixed the outfit or the choices with the person behind those, because I realize that is just a way for everyone to escape from the reality and many times a misery reality that RL can be.

So my advice for every newbie who comes here, asking help and then stands there looking avatars, pictures, profiles and choose from whom it’s most appropriate to get help and to give a “thanks” and to whom doesn't, with only indication a picture and he's/her RL standards and criteria, THAT'S A BIG MISTAKE and I'm sorry to say YOU AREN'T READY FOR SECOND LIFE.

This community, in the biggest majority, it’s fun, kind and ready to offer help in every opportunity, and proves for that are many  except  forums, fight against cancer, help for Jamaica or Japan and so on.

So if you asked for help, accept it and don't be selective or….. don't ask at all.

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Yes, it's clear.  New residents are...well new residents.  It is not always easy for newer folk to acclimate so easily.  I wore plastic prim hair for many weeks - I knew how to ask for help, but I still had trepidations.  I agree, there are many older residents (and some new) that enjoy helping out.  I do.  I just don't get so upset when I see newbies in action.  Probably I am a little jealous - I wish I was a newbie again. 

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What I think that you are saying is that newcomers asking for help should not try to pick and choose from whom they will get help.  Is this correct?

And, are you speaking about help inworld, on the forum, or both?

I guess I have not experienced this on the forum and inworld it is only those who want help that ask for it (or welcome it).

If someone does not want help from someone, it is their choice, right?

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Dogboat Taurog wrote:

you may also get no thanks for helping, thats SL i suppose, some people think you are part of a machine.

also some people dont want to be helped.

That is true, several times if I offer help, it is assumed that I am an NPC. Of course I help when I can, and then tell them to have a nice day. I think this only serves to further the assumption that I am a machine.

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Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

Smoothie is saying that everyone one in SL can be helpful. People shouldn't hesitate to ask for help based on their ideas from real life.  Because people in SL are living their dreams and in a world of imagination.  So don't choose who to ask for advice by looking at their AV or profile & using your RL standards.

(Just because a SL chipmunk might have a brain the size of a single small acorn doesn't mean for certain they aren't a possible source of help)

i don't think i'd be asking a person in a chipmunk suit for help quite frankly. :smileyindifferent:


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Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:


Dogboat Taurog wrote:

Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

Smoothie is saying that everyone one in SL can be helpful. People shouldn't hesitate to ask for help based on their ideas from real life.  Because people in SL are living their dreams and in a world of imagination.  So don't choose who to ask for advice by looking at their AV or profile & using your RL standards.

(Just because a SL chipmunk might have a brain the size of a single small acorn doesn't mean for certain they aren't a possible source of help)

i don't think i'd be asking a person in a chipmunk suit for help quite frankly. :smileyindifferent:


Yeah, that's what she was talking about.

but would you if you were new?

its ok posting in a forum but thats fairly pointless for new residents, they probably won't find the forums or this thread.

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When I was new, 99% of the avatars I encountered were human form.  I would like to think that, if I had a question, I would not have hesitated to ask someone who was not human form as long as I felt that they had some 'age' over me and were likely to have an answer.  I mean, there is still a human behind the avie.  We all know that, right Dog?

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Actually, furries & other non-human avatars can be very knowlegable & helpful. What's important is how long they're been in SL, not whether they chose to wear a human avatar or not.  If one wants help to look more realistically human, then they should ask helpn from someone who has the look they want.  But if you want help building or fighting in SL, some of the smartest & most helpful mentors may be furry.

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I think it boils down to "this is a great place to ask for help, and when you do, don't ignore it just because the person seems strange to you"

my experience through the years has taught me that the people that are the oddest tend to be people that are very experienced... because they can socially afford to be odd in their communities, because they've earned their place in that community in other ways (online it tends to be by experience, know how, and helpfulness)

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Dogboat Taurog wrote:

Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

Dogboat Taurog wrote:

Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

(Just because a SL chipmunk might have a brain the size of a single small acorn doesn't mean for certain they aren't a possible source of help)

i don't think i'd be asking a person in a chipmunk suit for help quite frankly. :smileyindifferent:


Yeah, that's what she was talking about.

but would you if you were new?

its ok posting in a forum but thats fairly pointless for new residents, they probably won't find the forums or this thread.

Why not?

I mean the internet's been around since the late 60s. and the public's known about it since 1995 right?

And we all know what a video game is right?

And we've all seen things like Pokemon, and Scooby Doo, and so on, right?

If you've ever played Donkey Kong - you're a furry. And that's been around since 1980 or so. And it ain't the only example by far.

So what's the freaking hangup?


Nobody's really a newbie anymore. Not unless you just got rescued from being held in captivity for the last 16 years. I mean come on - the tribes in the Amazon jungle are online now.

We've been going around this block for almost 2 decades now, you'd think people would know what houses are out there by now.


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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

Dogboat Taurog wrote:

Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

Dogboat Taurog wrote:

Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

(Just because a SL chipmunk might have a brain the size of a single small acorn doesn't mean for certain they aren't a possible source of help)

i don't think i'd be asking a person in a chipmunk suit for help quite frankly. :smileyindifferent:


Yeah, that's what she was talking about.

but would you if you were new?

its ok posting in a forum but thats fairly pointless for new residents, they probably won't find the forums or this thread.

Why not?

I mean the internet's been around since the late 60s. and the public's known about it since 1995 right?

And we all know what a video game is right?

And we've all seen things like Pokemon, and Scooby Doo, and so on, right?

If you've ever played Donkey Kong - you're a furry. And that's been around since 1980 or so. And it ain't the only example by far.

So what's the freaking hangup?

Nobody's really a newbie anymore. Not unless you just got rescued from being held in captivity for the last 16 years. I mean come on - the tribes in the Amazon jungle are online now.

We've been going around this block for almost 2 decades now, you'd think people would know what houses are out there by now.


something to do with having ones feet on the ground perhaps?

i played donkey kong, didnt make me a furry.

i played mario and im not a plumber.

this whole thing about playing animals or robots is totally absurd in my opinion, and saying a furry is better at building or fighting (as someone else here said) is equally if not more absurd.

you are all mad!!



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Dogboat Taurog wrote:

something to do with having ones feet on the ground perhaps?

i played donkey kong, didnt make me a furry.

How's that then? Why are the special case that plays an animal but isn't a furry while the rest of us are? Some kind of irrationality to you there?

And is 'feet on the ground' code for 'imagination of a cracked brick?' or just your way of trying to be cute in tossing out your usual litany of insults?


i played mario and im not a plumber.

That's really not the right analogy, but it requires you to first be capable of understanding the Donkey Kong reference to see why.


this whole thing about playing animals or robots is totally absurd in my opinion,

And you just admitted to playing one yourself in past. Furfreak!


Meanwhile on Earth, the rest of us have been around video games, cartoons, and the internet for a -LONG- time and have learned to see characters in games in all manner of forms representing all manner of themes. We're over here in the modern age. Where did you get left behind, because I could probably even get an Amish to get this whole thing.


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Smoothie Perl wrote:


So my advice for every newbie who comes here, asking help and then stands there looking avatars, pictures, profiles and
from whom it’s most appropriate to get help.....

Smoothie, I disagree.  

In RL people make decisions regarding who to listen to, based upon what they see and can learn about the other person.   It is clear in RL, that some people are going to be more knowledgeable, more experienced, and a better source of advice.   Why shouldn't people in SL also be discerning and try to determine who they think may be a better source of advice.  

It makes no sense to toss aside the discernment skills that we use in RL...just because we're in a virtual world.  In the 3.5 + years that I've been in SL, my RL ability to gauge other people, has shown to be dead-on accurate. 


Smoothie Perl wrote:


So if you asked for help, accept it and don't be selective or….. don't ask at all.

Again, I have to disagree. 

When one is offered help, to just blindly accept it, and not be selective, could result in very negative consequences.  Why should anyone blindly accept "help", without making a common sense evaluation, of that help which is offered?  

Of course, one should always extend "thanks" to those offering helping, but to automatically accept, and not be selective is counter-productive to the goal of getting help, as some of the "help" offered may not actually be helpful.


I would like to say this regarding offering help:  If you do offer help, understand that the person you offer it to, may or may not, see your offer as helpful.  When offering help...do so without the expectation of receiving "thanks".  Just offer the help, and let the person who you offer it to, decide if you're helpful...or not. 

If you offer help with the concept that it's the other person's needs that matter, not yours, then there is no need to be disgruntled if they decline the help or choose someone else's help.

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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

Dogboat Taurog wrote:

something to do with having ones feet on the ground perhaps?

i played donkey kong, didnt make me a furry.

How's that then? Why are the special case that plays an animal but isn't a furry while the rest of us are? Some kind of irrationality to you there?

And is 'feet on the ground' code for 'imagination of a cracked brick?' or just your way of trying to be cute in tossing out your usual litany of insults?


i played mario and im not a plumber.

That's really not the right analogy, but it requires you to first be capable of understanding the Donkey Kong reference to see why.


this whole thing about playing animals or robots is totally absurd in my opinion,

And you just admitted to playing one yourself in past. Furfreak!


Meanwhile on Earth, the rest of us have been around video games, cartoons, and the internet for a -LONG- time and have learned to see characters in games in all manner of forms representing all manner of themes. We're over here in the modern age. Where did you get left behind, because I could probably even get an Amish to get this whole thing.


playing Donkey Kong makes me a furry???

so mario makes me a plumber.

you dont get a choice of what you play in donkey kong or mario.

SL isnt the same, in fact the choices you get when you sign up are all human looking,

you chose the rabbit suit for reasons that are best left to yourself, i chose human as i wanted to meet other humans,

not  fleabags.:smileyindifferent:


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Venus Petrov wrote:

When I was new, 99% of the avatars I encountered were human form.  I would like to think that, if I had a question, I would not have hesitated to ask someone who was not human form as long as I felt that they had some 'age' over me and were likely to have an answer.  I mean, there is still a human behind the avie.  We all know that, right Dog?

part human part devil :smileywink:

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I have to apologize because I made a mistake by putting my draft and not the correct text I had prepared for that thread. That because I was a bit upset and very tired last night.

As a respect to those who understand what I tried to tell, I don’t think that's appropriate to change anything in my first post and there isn't a reason now either.

Some explanations,

1. Even if I born in US,  I don't consider myself as a native American, because I grew up in Europe.

I went there when I was 2 y.o.

2. I don't use a translator, I think even the better one can make things much complicated.

Also I think I did managed well without one so far.

About this thread:

Everyone can ask for help and after that it's their right to accepted or not, I don’t disagree.

But common sense tell me, that if I don't want help from a certain person I will use an excuse, even a silly one (it's acceptable for me) to avoid it.

But I will never ignore or even worst, I curse him just because a social group that he's member or a costume that's he wear.

My reference concern mainly in world and not the forum and I have to thank all for your opinions.

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Smoothie Perl wrote:


Everyone can ask for help and after that it's their right to accepted or not, I don’t disagree.

But common sense tell me, that if I don't want help from a certain person I will use an excuse, even a silly one (it's acceptable for me) to avoid it.

But I will never ignore or even worst, I curse him just because a social group that he's member or a costume that's he wear.

My reference concern mainly in world and not the forum and I have to thank all for your opinions.

This appears to be the crux of your OP.  When someone to whom I have offered help does not reply to me I will think they are afk or they do not know how to IM me (I have seen newbies at a distance type in local as if I should hear them), they are shy, or they just do not wish to reply.  I do not take these things personally.

If someone might curse me because I have offered them help, I move on.  Again, they do not know me.  They are rude but nothing that I say will change their behavior in that moment.

It sounds like you had a negative experience.  It is unfortunate but do not let it stop you from trying to help others.

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