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What are we going to call it? Chatbook, SLitter?


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It is good to know you are opened minded about trying new things Knowl. :)

If you turn it back on I would be happy, no make that honored to post to your wall. :matte-motes-inlove:

@ SLum Hater: It is not as bad as everyone is making it out to be, heck they haven't even really gave it a try and they are judging it. I would suggest to everyone just turn it on this weekend and give it a try, if you don't like it by Monday turn it back off not harm done. But don't go judging it before you try it. The past two days we have used it to organize "in-world" events while (ahem at work) When we could not log into the viewer.

This is adding to our SL experience not taking away from it. (Though I will add it is a distraction at our RL jobs. :smileytongue:)

I challenge everyone who wants to judge to it to try it for a week. If you don't like it come back and tell us why. But don't tell me we are afraid of what people will see us post, you post here and are not afraid don't you?

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I have an alternate angle for ya... lets ay that someone is already a member, but ehy also use things like FB or tw twiiter to keep connected to friends in SL even when they aren't actually IN SL... this is added value for them.

another use case is the obvious "can't log, just wanted to let you know", but a more sublte use case is "hey I'm running late" or "hey I got some free time" or "hey want to meet up @ <insert time>" or "hey we missed you @ <insert something>"...

it's also a bit of added flash for people that aren't SL users yet but use similar services so that they know they can get those services direct to people they meet inworld.


yes it could remove focus from inworld, but it can also make inworld more cohesive, and be attractive to people currently not using SL bringing them in, even on a limited basis... I think it balances out. but even assuming it doesn't, it still provides a connection and a reason to come back in, and possibly eliminates from inworld people that are standing around like zombies using text clients to say that they can't really do anything, so I'm thinking win =X

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Torley Linden wrote:

, this is absolutely true, precisely because I continue to believe in experiencing SL as Resis do, and many times when I have a complaint about something, I find many independent opinions which support that, which makes it easier for me to advocate to Linden teams and show why it sucks. While they may not be heard publicly, rest assured other Lindens also raise "WTF?" flags at meetings. Just because someone represents LL doesn't mean they blindly agree with everything, there's a lot of healthy debate that happens
a feature ever goes public, and there's even more debate after that. To paraphrase 
, "I fight for the Residents". Thanks for noticing!

Forgive me Torley, not generally all that critical of LL. In fact, I try to evangelize and advocate where I can at all times, in a consistent manner.

These kind of statements show that you have bigger problems in not identifying useful features at an internal level (although we know that debate is healthy among smaller teams in a work environment) and a lack of oversight when it comes to implementation and standing behind the Second Life product. Or management that fails to provide proper guidance and consistency in promoting their own products and decisions.

It also indicates a lack of strength in research of your users wants and needs, and/or a lack of strength in follow-through in implementation of company driven features/goals.

To me it also indicates that your priorities are a bit off in trying to target and appease an older demographic as opposed to finding the appeal to the future of SL, which is a potentially different from the current one which wants everything to stay the same. Those 16k per day signups are looking for certain feature sets and a consistency that you're not always portraying as a company.

Critical is fine. That not everyone agrees is fine. But for the sake of those of us who are already sold and happy with SL and who are hopeful for the future, you need to pull it together and present your product with confidence in your decisions and to move forward. I can't "sell" it properly if you don't stand behind your product as a unified whole.

Please do pull it together for your own sake as a company. Division doesn't sell anything and "fighting for Residents" is something that doesn't need to happen in the first place.



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Before I turned my Feeds and notifications off, I already had a weeks worth of stuff accumulated on my Home pages, from Friends already using this. (Specifically from one friend who loves it, and the replies others made to her stuff. None of my other friends use it, apparently).

After I turned off my Feeds and Notifications, I went back several times, and had several more clusters of posts in my Home page, and several notifications on my notifications tab updating me on a feed that I commented on, one time, to let that aforementioned friend know she was spamming all her friends.

Not one of those messages was of any value to me.

Even if that friend posted something I did care about, like info on a special event she was going to host, it would get lost in the wail of irrelevant spam, and never get read.

And when this starts getting popular, if it ever does, that home page will be completely unmanagable for anyone with more than a handful of friends.

I'm leaving mine off, thanks, and deleting what accumulates there.

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you seem  have a few conflicting goals in there...

"consistency" and "research into what [ll's] customers want or need" are fine together... but then you say " [LL's] priorities are a bit off in trying to target and appease an older demographic as opposed to finding the appeal to the future of SL, which is a potentially different from the current one which wants everything to stay the same."

and I think you may have missed the connotations of the pop culture reference.... the point being, that having a person who's job is to experience the product as it's users do, is actually one of the smartest business moves LL has ever made. it's one thing to hear a residents troubles from the residents, and it's another to have "resident" on staff that can not only bring that experience (both the good and the bad) home to the people that run and build it, and work to bring understanding to the internal team, and offer up some of the expertise in workarounds and troubleshoot of the internal team to the regular users.

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Ugg, sorry about the blanket statements, not trying to demonize us "old" users. With a feature like this, making it as optional as possible harms none of the oldbies, and I think personally is a good attempt at internal social networking, that I've heard many people ask for (for instance why should I use Twitter and Facebook, when SL should "be" a social networking innovator).

Commented elsewhere that SL needs to regain that freshness and relevence to hook in new users. We were fresh and relevent once, and I think we're picking up speed on that front again, but the majority of feedback by far from us oldbies seems to be "no more shinies" and a resistance to anything that smells like a shiny ;)

I absolutely agree, listen to seasoned and older users, but this is more ongoing maintenance, and that's only half a solution to the bigger picture. We desperately NEED new features and to try things out at a faster pace regardless of some of that resistance (including my own).

I was actually more pointing fingers at LL to make more right decisions, based on feedback, as well as keeping that innovation going and then to act in a more mature and confident manner. To some extent LL breeds division by a lack of dedication and follow-through to their commitments and decisions. I think I was mostly knee-jerking to Torley's comment about "fighting for residents".

Do it right and you don't need to "fight" for anyone, the entire company is behind its customers. Would just like to see a more unified front and a company confident in its decisions or experimentation. It's a hard sell as it is, don't make it worse. How can I advocate something to my neighbor that LL agrees partly sucks?

Not sure if I'll use it or not, will give it a go, and if it's fun or useful I might make use of it. But I do see it as a right step toward "being" a social networking tool, and being complimentary to other social networking tools. Will it work? Not sure, and I don't fault LL if they're not sure either, I just don't want to see them on both sides of the fence about it. We throw it against the wall and see if it sticks.

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Honestly don't know how they figure out which features are best.  Everyone using SL is so different.  Entirely different.  Probably more different than you will ever find using a service. (because of the nature of the use)

I'm watching who is using it, and my hunches of who would embrace it right away are entirely off. 

If it caused a divide...probably just due to lack of communication on how to use it, how it works, and what option it defaults to.

Considering the sensitivity of why a good portion of people love SL...a default to OFF should always be the case.

I think I sort of have a grasp on what people are seeing now - but still not real sure.  Some explanation on that right upfront would have helped a ton.

As hard core Twitter user...not so sure it will add anything, except a time suck.

But....there are topics and events which I cannot continually promote on a twitter feed, all day long... that are very specific to SL....that could certainly be dropped into the feed inworld.

An instance would be today....free panties...I can't really plug those to a world wide twitter base every day, and still keep the base.  But in SL....hell yeah....everyone wants free panties.  :)  no?

Same thing on events.  You can attach a LM to those feed blurbs - or a Slurl - invaluable - and that always tripped me up on twitter, as it was many extra steps.  Plus, plugging an event on twitter for SL only...yeah it goes to a ton of people, but it really needs to get to my store group or friends instead.  And they are not using twitter.

I have some active users of the feed on my friends list. (not many yet)  I see them responding to people I've never met before...and there is a new possible contact right away.  Wasn't able to see their stuff on twitter, as the info feeds a bit differently there, and you miss it.

You can track a feed, and meet all kinds of new people. It meanders out forever, by clicking on names.  Many seem to have the feed open for now.

I was hoping that I could send event information to my store group there, without sending notices...but doesn't look like those who are on friends' list will be using it.  just yet. 

Am surprised at some of the old timers who are running with it.  :)

Probably hard to determine on something like this exactly how it's going to pan out until you flip the switch, but I think that most people just want that OFF option in place before the switch was flipped.

If they can combine this in as a group feature somehow - I think it will rev up some people's stores, events, etc.   Big Time.  Indigo Mertel had a blog post the other day with suggestions there. 

Make this function as a group-related feature....amazing opportunities there.  Pretty much what we've been begging for.



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Keli Kyrie wrote:

That is an awesome shot you always have been a good photographer.

BTW I love that you are calling the second Hippiestock
do you think we should buy Hippie a special vehicle for the occasion?

ty Keli!!! :matte-motes-bashful-cute: .... glad you liked the H2  idea and translated it into a very cool poster right away. No we don't buy a H2 for Hippie because these cars affect the carbon footprint and being honest .... Hippies (the real hippies) don't drive cars at all ....but bicycles :matte-motes-wink-tongue: *meows*

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I think, and for many reasons, SLum is a brilliant concept to bring to SL.  LL has a built in social network with a million plus subscribers; why have your user base 'log in' elsewhere to communicate with other SL'ers?   I don't have a FB or twitter account, but I now have analogous tools as part of my SL experience.  If I choose to use them, I will.  If not, I won't.  Many, many other residents wanted, and will take full advantage of these new SLtools.  

Imho, SLum is the perfect and necessary step for LL to position itself for either an IPO or a sale.   

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Had to dig for a bit, Indigo appears to be a fiend ;)

A good case for integrated groups features as social networking power. Had some of that with Avatars United, but of course it didn't tie in with in-world groups.

I understand the time thing, especially if you're already busy with other social networking or other things in general, there are only so many hours in the day, so we have to work with the tools that bubble to the top in usefulness. If you could tweet SLum (had to go with that just because it "is" catchy, no matter the dig ;)) and vice versa it might save some time.

Springboarding off of your comment about whether or not this feature could have been presented and explained in more detail and how new programs are perceived: It might be worth considering newly introduced features under the banner of a "Lab" offering akin to Google Labs. That way people can rest a bit easier knowing that this is experimental or newly released and subject to feedback and change until it reaches a certain adoption/maturity threshold.

Err ... panties as use-case? I'll take two, but only to match the pantyhose on the shower curtain rod with panties on the virtual wall. It's all about the decor, after all.

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Keli Kyrie wrote:

It is good to know you are opened minded about trying new things Knowl.

If you turn it back on I would be happy, no make that honored to post to your wall. :matte-motes-inlove:


I challenge everyone who wants to judge to it to try it for a week. If you don't like it come back and tell us why. But don't tell me we are afraid of what people will see us post, you post here and are not afraid don't you?



Very kind words, thank you. :smileyhappy: The honor would be shared, I welcome your comments.

I've been thinking of a few ways to test the system for (positive) effect and I will need more time before I activate the Feed.


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