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(Joined SL yesterday--Bloodlines) Should I not have done that?


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My liege has been SUPER NICE and very helpful. I just joined yesterday, so today (while im at my RF job) I was searching the forums. There are alot of bad things to be said about Bloodlines. I want to be a vamp, but I also don't want to have every player thinking im just going to bite them. LOL. Any suggestions for a newbie like me? Or is there anything good you can tell me about Bloodlines? Again, i'm just new and want to have a better understanding of what I am getting involved in. FYI--yes, ive already been turned.

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Vampires are popular in L, as are a lot of other role play themes.  Some vampires make a real nuisance of themselves, though, and quite a few residents are vocally anti-vampire.  Personally, I have no trouble ignoring them or telling the pushy ones to buzz off, but I hear stories of less tolerant reactions.  My guess is that you can get along fine if you can find the line between being a loyal member of Bloodlines and being a "nice" vampire for the rest of us.

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The bad reputation of Bloodlines comes from the fact that players of BL were camping at newbie locations and spamming everyone and especially newbies with bite request. As latter often don't have a clue what is happening and just click accept on any popup, there were pulled into the game without their consent - that's why those vampires are often called "spampires". This actually got better after BL introduced a safety mechanism so you can't bite people under a specific age.

Personally, I don't like BL. Main due to the aforementioned story, the fact that you actually will become part of their game if you use their Garlice Necklace to opt-out and the pyramid scheme of the game.

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Thats actually what happened to me. I did have in mind that I wanted to be a Vampire in SL, but as soon as I logged in -- someone asked if I wanted to be one, so i said yes and then they tp me. etc etc. I guess I'm just a noob, I really don't know what i want to be/do in the game. I know I dont want to sit at a portal and recruit people. That doesn't sound too f un.

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Basically just the fact that I have to go around biting people lol I mean, DUH thats what vampires do-- I guess I just imagined it a little differently. Then like what was said below -- they wait for the newbies (thats how they got me --but again --my liege is like super awesome haha) and if no body 'lets' me bite them -- then im just going to end up makig people mad. Which isnt the route im going for. :)


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Bloodlines btw is not the only vampire game in SL. There are also other vampire games that work in similar fashion like BL. Also there are other games - mainly RP - that have vampire character classes and also vampire clans that do not rely on a pyramid scheme profit model.

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I am in an vampire-clan too but as human. For me this *game* is just boring and as a vampire you have always to take care of your blood level and bite some people who are in the game too (bloodlines).

For lots of the vampires this game is like a sport: they want to raise up in their levels and get new, higher titles like *Baron of...* or *Princess off...* by collecting new souls.

If you dont like the bloodlines-game you can ignore it. nothing will happen to the rest of your sl-life. you can also wear the garlic necklace, so no vampire can bite you. you can also get your soul back with special items you can buy ingame or in the marketplace (looks like they have closed the official marketplace-shop, but you can find lots of offers from other creators).

Products at official Bloodlines-site:



Here the garlic necklace for free:



The good point for you to be in a vampire-clan from beginning on: there are maybe lots of members in the clan and so you have got many friends who can help you with all issues in sl. just ask them in group-chat. My clan is a very nice and helpful one, hope yours too :-)

Have fun and don't loose all you blood, hehe :matte-motes-evil-invert:


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Roleplay requires nothing more than an active imagination.  If you want to roleplay as a vampire, you don't need Bloodlines to do it.

Sure, play aides help, but I suppose that- were it up to me- I could do without a play aide that doubles (mostly) as a shameless money-sink (and, I'd add, isn't much as a play-aide either).

Not anti-vampire, or even anti-Bloodlines for that matter.  But I'm very pro-imagination.  Comes with years spent playing pencil and paper RPGs where all you really had was your imagination, but honestly, it's a capacity everyone has.


I'd give it a try.

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